
Chapter 900

Chapter 900
In the past, when buying new year's goods in Qinghuafang, it was Tang Linger's approval and Lin Wan bought them.Now Vice President Lin has a heavy task, and he is in charge of major issues. The low-tech matters such as buying new year's goods are left to Xiao Huan and Tang Fei.

The reason why it was not completely handed over to Xiao Huan was because Lin Wan took Tang Fei to buy new year's goods in the past few years.Tang Fei is familiar with the road.And Xiaohuan was serving the princess in the study at that time, and later went to serve the county master for a year, not knowing how to buy new year's goods.

"Sister Lin, should you be careful when buying new year's goods?"

"Tang Fei knows everything."


Lin Wan was too busy to lift her head, so Xiao Huan didn't disturb her much.She took a look at the list for buying new year's goods last year, copied a copy, and planned to buy according to this list, but the princess only approved her less than half of last year's money.Tang Ling'er said that the war has begun and expenditures have been reduced.

At Maozheng the next day, Xiao Huan came to the Moon Gate with a small bag on her shoulders.Ben made an appointment with Tang Fei, but he didn't see Tang Fei.So Xiao Huan went to the east wing to look for it, and saw Tang Fei was still trying on clothes.

"Tang Fei, don't dawdle, let's go."

The Seven Fairies, a group of little maids, really have their own characteristics, and they are all very eye-catching.In Su Yu's words, seeing Xiao Huan is like seeing a fragrant red apple, while seeing Tang Fei's little languorous hoof is like seeing a red rose with a strong fragrance.

"Buying New Year's goods is not reincarnation, why are you in such a hurry?" Tang Fei put down her jacket and picked up her long padded gown: "Besides, when did you not clean up the bottom of the goods? You are afraid to go shopping in a place as big as a small street." Endless?"

Xiao Huan raised the invoice in her hand: "There is an invoice for this year."

"Where did you get the list?" Tang Fei blinked.

"Copied from last year's ledger."

"Oh, hurry up and throw it away. Lin Wan used it to clear bad debts, and you used it as an imperial decree?" Tang Fei put on her clothes, walked out, took the list and looked at it, and nodded as if confirming something. head, and then returned the list to Xiao Huan, and said: "Your home is not in Qinghuafang, so you don't know some things. I still remember that many insoles were made that year, and insoles were issued during the New Year. joke."

"Haha, really?" Xiao Huan smiled innocently.

"I was probably only five years old at that time. It happened when the fourth master (Tang Kuan) was the governor."

Later, the two maids called some thugs in Tsing Yi to go to the small street together, almost inquiring about the inventory all the way, and then swept away the backlog of products caused by the planned economy like a storm.Finally had some money left over before ordering some rice cakes or something.

Then the two began to count the goods and prepare to distribute them.

It’s not a door-to-door delivery, but a good distribution, sending the notes to the alleys, and letting them take the notes to the side streets to pick them up.

Regardless of whether it is the surname Tang or the family of the Eight Great Generals, as long as they have Qinghuafang household registration, everyone will get a copy, including those who live in low-rent housing.

Although the planned economy in Qinghuafang has many disadvantages, it also has advantages. When they are poor, they starve together, and when they are rich, they enjoy happiness together. There is no comparison.

Except for Prince Qin's Mansion, Duke's Mansion, several Marquis' Mansions, Bo's Mansions, and several large factory supervisors co-organizing, there will be neither too rich nor too poor people in Qinghuafang.Su Yu has lived in Qinghuafang for three years, and he has never seen a single person in scanty clothes, let alone a starving person.

Princess Chang'an is picky as usual, but now that the Tang family is fighting again, the New Year's goods are halved.In the past, she needed to go to the elders meeting to talk about reducing festival expenses, but now, as one of the elders, she is too lazy to go to the meeting to talk about it.

The reduction of New Year's goods has caused complaints in Qinghuafang.A group of stinky women and rambunctious men who were bored with their leisure time deliberately passed by Qin Palace in twos and threes, pointing at Xiaofeng Pavilion and yelling and cursing strangely.Although they didn't dare to name them, no one couldn't tell that they were referring to Sang and Huai.

The world is like this, no matter how the general environment changes, there will always be some people who turn a deaf ear to it, they can't put in a little patience for the general environment, and they won't suffer a little bit.And the limit state of this kind of person is that if you give him/her 100 yuan for free every month, and suddenly you give him/her less than 50 yuan a month, he/she will hate you instead.They don't consider that this is a free gift, they just feel that you are giving less.

In the evening of that day, Tang Gulu's family's vicious and fat daughter-in-law passed by the door again with her thin concubine. She couldn't help feeling depressed and screamed twice.Coincidentally, just as Wang Xun was out on business and returning to the mansion, when she heard the shouting, she jumped off the horse and slapped Tang Yulu's daughter-in-law twice on the mouth, causing the woman to roll on the ground and howl.

Soon there were rumors in the market again: there was that wicked person who stole the New Year's goods and even instigated the evil slaves to beat others. Such a person should be killed by his family.

It's really not worthwhile for those who celebrate the New Year to be cursed for giving gifts.Kong Ting went to Tang Linger and said that she would take out 500 million yuan and distribute it to the [-] residents of Qinghuafang.But Tang Linger flatly refused.Tang Ling'er said, Ting'er is kind, but the audience may not appreciate you, and may even think that you are showing off your wealth, and then hate you.

Among the women in the family, Kong Ting is the one who resembles Su Yu the most.

If she couldn't send it out with good intentions, she was not in a hurry, she pretended that this had never happened, and then sat on the couch and chatted.

Suddenly she said in a soft voice: "I heard that the girl from the Meng family is about to leave the house. I don't know if the palace has sent a betrothal gift. If it hasn't been given yet, Ting'er is willing to add some."

Before Tang Ling'er could speak, Wang Xun said, "It would be nice to be able to give her a betrothal gift, how can I allow her to pick and choose?"

Kong Ting smiled and said: "Sister Wang's words are too unreasonable. Giving a dowry gift is not only for the sake of others, but also for the sake of the palace."

After being choked, Wang Xun bit his lip and reached out to pat Kong Ting on the shoulder: "I'm just talking casually, I want you to teach me? Besides, the bride price given by our princess will naturally not embarrass the palace. .”

A beauty is also a concubine, and there is not much difference in status between her and the high-status maid in the family.In other people's homes, it is very common for concubines and maidservants to go crazy.

Tang Ling'er glanced at Wang Xun: "Be careful, if you kill Kong Ting's child, King Qin will marry you to Lao Huang."

Hearing this, Wang Xun shrank his neck and stood aside, losing his temper.

Kong Ting sat on the couch and laughed secretly.


Stage horses are galloping, and battle reports are frequent.

The Eighth Division of Tang Zhenzhong Cavalry and the Second Division of Tangli Archer Cavalry were already approaching Lanzhou, but due to the large number of enemy troops, they did not dare to act rashly and continued to wait for reinforcements.

It is puzzling to say that at this time Hezhou had 1 defenders and was besieged by [-] enemy troops. The situation was even more critical, but Tang Zhen Tangli did not support Hezhou, but instead supported Lanzhou with [-] troops.

To say that Lanzhou and Hezhou are equally important, shouldn't they go to support the more critical Hezhou first?
Since Tang Zhen didn't make any explanation, it can't help but arouse everyone's discussion.

Some people said that Tang Zhen was going in the opposite direction, hoping to obtain unexpected results; After all, Qi Dongyang had done this before; some people said that Tang Zhen hoped to wipe out the main force of the enemy army, so that the siege of Hezhou would be broken by itself.and so on.

In fact, in order to fight this war, Tang Zhen intends to change his generals. Wang Caotian, who guards Hanzhong and is good at attacking, is transferred to Hezhou, and Dian Zhong, who is good at defending, is sent to Hanzhong.But Tang Zhen's plan was disrupted by Sang La's sudden attack.It is said that Wang Caotian was still on his way to Hexi at this time, but Dian Zhongzhong was trapped in Hezhou City and could not get out.

The war started, and people were panic-stricken. The Empress Dowager Cao suggested that the Xuanjia Army should transfer two more divisions. The Meng family and the Ximen family would also prepare two divisions each to gather at Tongguan and be ready to support Hexi at any time.

But the Queen Mother's proposal was quickly rejected by the two powerful families, both of whom gave "very good" reasons for not sending troops.

After the court dispersed, the Queen Mother and all the princes moved to the back hall, Cao Yuzan said in a low voice, "If two divisions can't come out, then each family can send one division, right?"

Ximen Zhensen was about to speak when Cao Yuzan interrupted him: "Hugh told me that the Eastern Route Army of the Southern Jin Dynasty was about to move. Sima Zhong (Emperor of the Southern Jin Dynasty) sent me fruit every month, and we often exchanged letters. I heard that I want to fight Hexi, but in order to support the Liang Dynasty, he can withdraw his troops for [-] miles at any time, so we can fight with peace of mind. I believe Sima Zhong will not deceive me."

Ximen Zhensen said loudly: "Soldiers are not tired of deceit, how can you trust them?"

Meng Danqing chuckled: "The Empress Dowager's worry is nothing more than the defeat of Hexi. If Tang Zhen really finds it difficult, he will transfer the Hanzhong soldiers to Hexi. Once the Hanzhong soldiers leave, my Meng family will naturally add them to Hanzhong. Isn't that Is it more convenient than transferring our troops to Tongguan?"

Cao Yuzan sighed: "Every time you have fought against the barbarians, you two have been timid. I don't know what Empress Dowager Chen said about you before, but I don't want to be angry with you like her again."

Cao Yuzhan suddenly changed his face, grabbed Fengxia and slammed it, bang bang: "I hope you are as bloody as men! Have backbone! Don't be inferior to women!"

At that time, Qin Wang Zhao Yu and Geng Wang Zhao Zhun were also in the back hall, and the little widow suddenly cursed, which was really unexpected.

This kind of words should not be said from the mouth of the Queen Mother who is listening to the government behind the curtain, but she still said it out of style.

As a result, not only did her words not anger the two princes, but they heard their laughter. Their laughter became louder and louder, and then it turned into a loud laugh, but the laughter was deep and cold.

The atmosphere was embarrassing and the problem was not resolved, Su Yu said: "Send two divisions of the Xuanjia Army to garrison Tongguan first."

In fact, they did not actually send two divisions to garrison Tongguan. What Su Yu said at the time was just to ease the embarrassing atmosphere.

The two princes walked away, Zhao Zhun turned his head slowly, glared at Cao Yuzan, and scolded softly, "What kind of fluff!"

Cao Yuzan said coldly: "Hexi cannot be defeated."

"Conscription." Su Yu stood up and walked out, whispering to himself, "It's just that the national treasury is going to be empty."

(End of this chapter)

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