
Chapter 901

Chapter 901
As the year approached, Su Yu went to sit at King Xian's house, and inevitably talked about the battle in Hexi.

King Xian said that if Zhao Qiang did not fight well, Su Yu would lead troops to support him.But Su Yu said that he had other plans.After hearing Su Yu's plan, King Xian nodded and decided to change Zhang Yunlong.

Of course, it is not time to send troops yet, and the old prince said very optimistically that the possibility of needing support in the First World War in Hexi is very small.

King Qin went to see King Xian, and no one knew what plan he said.Even Daxizi and Erxizi, the two old eunuchs closest to King Xian, don't know about it, so it's a mystery.

They guarded the door, only vaguely hearing the word "plan".But these two simple words actually reached Cao Yuzan's ears.


The money and food prepared by the imperial court for the Hexi War were enough for one year.But Su Yu felt that this was not enough, he should be prepared for a protracted war, and also prevent other enemies from coming, and deal with two wars at the same time.So Su Yu decided to get some money to supplement the treasury.

But the Liang Dynasty, which was riddled with holes, could squeeze money from it?
Judging from the situation of the war, it has not yet reached the point of forced extraction, so a relatively soft method must be considered.After much deliberation, Su Yu devised a new policy of "spending future money".Encouraging the common people to hand over surplus food and surplus money is called the new policy of fundraising.After the war, tax cuts were doubled for donor families.

Although the plan is good, it must be effective, but Su Yu knows very well that the court's good methods will change when they reach the prefectures and counties.Because there were many opportunities for corruption during this period, corrupt officials racked their brains to make money, and finally turned some good ideas of the court into bad ones, making it appear that the court is a bunch of idiots who don't know the suffering of the people.

Never pin one thing on the morality of a group of people. On the contrary, you should first think about the worst part of human nature.If you still feel that this method can be implemented, then this method is a feasible method.Otherwise, it is whimsical, just talking on paper.

Some people say that we must use strict laws and perfect systems to sanction and supervise corrupt officials.Just imagine, if this method really worked, why would there still be corrupt officials when Emperor Hongwu killed so many corrupt officials back then, and even stripped off their butts and hung them at the gate of the county government office?
Su Yu wanted to say to Cao Yuzan: young people are so righteous and passionate, they should send young censors to supervise and implement a new fund-raising policy.If it can be done well, it will not only solve the problem of money and food, but also increase the country's reputation.Kill two birds with one stone.But if corruption prevails and local officials persecute the people, it may cause public resentment or even riots.If the promise cannot be fulfilled during the tax exemption in the future, the imperial court will lose the support of the people.

Su Yu was designing the New Deal, Cao Yuhan was not idle, and she started blackmailing again.But this time she didn't blackmail the three major chaebols, but planned to attack the middle-class wealthy households in Gyeonggi-do.Gyeonggi-do business tax reform is about to start.

"In order to open up the Hexi Corridor, Cao Yuzan is going all out." Su Yu smiled wryly, sorted out the plan, and stood up: "After opening the Hexi Corridor, Liang Chao should really cultivate for a while."

Su Yu took the plan with him, instead of looking for Cao Yuzan, he went to Tang Ling'er first, Su Yu wanted to know about the situation in Hanzhong area.

The area in Hanzhong originally belonged to the Shannan West Road, and most of it was controlled by the Shu Han.

At this time, the Tang family only owned Liangzhou, Xingzhou, Yangzhou, Fengzhou, and Lizhou.

There are several famous places in Liangzhou, such as Dingjun Mountain, Niutou Mountain, and Zhongliang Mountain.The capital, Nanzheng, was Hanzhong City during the Han Dynasty.For the sake of military deployment, the Tang family later assigned Wuzhou, the southernmost point of Longyou Road, to the Hanzhong Defense Zone. There are now six states here.

In order to guard the transfer of Chuanlong, the Tang family will deploy five divisions here.Although the Tang family received half of the tax revenue from the five states, it was still a money-losing business.

It is worth mentioning that the Chang'an Road in the Liang Dynasty was very large, including the Gyeonggi Province and the entire Longyou Road in the Tang Dynasty.But the problem is that the Hexi Corridor has been cut off, and the land of the Tang family is surrounded by enemies on three sides, so they are desperately poor.

"I think there is something wrong with the tax in Hanzhong." Su Yu showed Tang Linger the tax book submitted by the household department: "This is the tax for the whole year of Hanzhong last year. You can check it with your family's account to see if there is any problem. "

Tang Ling'er raised her eyebrows: "You are really a good person, but the Tang family was found in the account check? Do you think the Tang family is greedy for the court's money?"

Su Yu smiled bitterly: "I'm worried that the Tang family and the court will be deceived."

"You mean Brother Seven is pocketing his own money? How do you know?"

Her seventh elder brother, Tang Yu, was the Marquis of Hanzhong and only governed the five prefectures, but the imperial court still appointed him as the Jiedushi of Shannan West Road.

Because the five prefectures gave everyone the impression that they were always poor, in order to take care of the Tang family, the imperial court turned a blind eye and did not set up supervisors and patrol envoys for the Hanzhong area.Of course, it is also because this place is not enough to be called Tao.

Usually Tang Yu led two divisions (Kong Chuming No.12 Division, Zhang Buyuan No.14 Division) and some Taoist soldiers to guard Nanzheng, while Wang Caotian led the Tenth Division to guard Wuzhou.

It is worth mentioning that the third brigade school of the Tenth Division is Su Yu's friend Lin Chongyang.

Speaking of which, Lin Chongyang felt very ashamed.He was a captain at the age of 19 and a brigade school at the age of 21. At that time, he thought he was pretty good, but after seeing the speed of Su Yu's promotion, he never mentioned it again.

While blessing Su Yu's promotion, he felt ashamed because of the huge gap between himself and the regent.He said that every time Su Yu's identity changed, his jaw dropped in shock.

It was also because of Lin Chongyang's existence that Su Yu knew some inside stories about the Hanzhong area.Lin Chongyang discovered that there are huge loopholes in Hanzhong's taxation.The five prefectures were really poor in the past, but later Tang Yu came here and led the military and civilians to carry out construction, and the food production far exceeded the reported figures.

At first, Lin Chongyang thought that the Tang family had collected the food. As a general of the Tang family, he had to keep it a secret for the Tang family.But later he discovered that this was not the case.

The reason why he was able to discover the problem was judged when he talked with his sister Lin Wan.At that time, there was a bumper harvest of grain in the Hanzhong area, and a lot of grain was stored in the military warehouses, but there was a shortage of grain in Qinghuafang.

Soon after, the food mysteriously disappeared, but neither Chang'an nor Luoyang received any food.If the food was sold, the Tang family did not see the money on their books.Therefore, Lin Chongyang speculated that Tang Yu colluded with the Shu Han chaebol to buy food from the Shu Han from the trail guarded by the No. 12 division, and filled his own pockets.

Su Yu nodded: "Tang Yu has guarded Hanzhong for many years, and his authority is much greater than that of ordinary Jiedushi. It can be said that his rights are equivalent to those of Jiedushi in the late Tang Dynasty. The three powers of military, government and finance are completely controlled by him. In the hands of one person, but over the years, none of the state governors, Sima, and Changshi has sued him, do you think this is normal?"

Tang Ling'er sighed: "Actually, my brother has wanted to touch him for a long time."

It seems that there is no need for Tang Linger to check the accounts. The Tang family already knew about Tang Yu's problems.But for some reason, he never moved.Later, I heard from Tang Linger that Tang Yu was a staunch supporter of Tang Zhen.It can be said that even if he is really greedy, Tang Zhen can tolerate it.It's just that he is getting more and more excessive, and Tang Zhen doesn't want to bear it anymore.

"Even if he is moved, he will not be completely defeated." Tang Ling'er pushed back the account of the household department to Su Yu: "After taking his military power, he will be given the position of an elder. And it must be after the end of the Hexi war. He strikes."

Su Yu thought to himself that the position of elder in the Tang family might not be enough.


In the afternoon, Su Yu received a secret letter, burned the secret letter, entered the imperial city, and went to the apse to meet the queen mother.

Cao Yuzan has been quite excited recently, and she came here very soon, much faster than usual. Seeing her panting slightly, it felt like she was trotting all the way here.

Su Yu handed the proposal to Cao Xiaobao, and Cao Xiaobao handed it to her, and she opened it to read.

"Are you going to Hanzhong?" She put down the plan: "The King Xian agreed? Then your family also agreed?"

Su Yu nodded: "These things don't bother the Queen Mother."

"Then why did you come to see me?"

"Acting." Su Yu looked more relaxed: "If you want to implement the New Deal, you can't rely solely on the officials below. You should send a censor to each state. Only when it is fully implemented can we achieve the effect of killing two birds with one stone. Otherwise, it will be the cause of chaos." road."

Cao Yuzan nodded and said, "How do you want to act?"

Su Yu smiled: "This king is going to disguise himself as a censor. Go and explore the way first."

Cao Yuzan laughed suddenly: "I'm planning to reform Gyeonggi Province's tax, but you want to go to Hanzhong? What's your idea?"

Commercial tax reform, the military controls the situation, and the household department is responsible for specific affairs.At this time, Su Yu chose to leave, and the household department returned to Cao Yuzan's hands.Then the pressure of tax reform, and the benefits of tax reform, are all on her.

The reason why Su Yu chose to leave was because the tax reform was too ruthless and there were too many sinners.The calamity caused in Hedong has just been settled, and now it is going to be done in Gyeonggi Province and Luoyang City. At that time, all the spearheads will be pointed at Su Yu, and I don't know how many enemies will be attracted.

Those people may attack Su Yu, and they will also attack Su Yu's family. Su Yu is really fed up.And Cao Yuzan lives deep in the palace, her situation is much safer than Su Yu's.

Su Yu stopped laughing: "Didn't we talk about the tax reform of Gyeonggi Province a long time ago. This time it is impossible to deal with it as hard as other provinces. You can just collect tens of billions. There is no need to charge these gangs The rich go to hell."

Cao Yuzan didn't say a word, probably she was calculating the benefits.

Su Yu smiled: "If I stay in Luoyang, there must be a lot of people who will come to intercede with me. You know me well, I'm very soft-hearted. I can't be ashamed to refuse, which is not good for tax reform. And I went to Hanzhong this time mainly to target Tang Yu. Removing Shuoshu will benefit both the Tang family and the court." Su Yu slowed down his speech: "Tang Zhen wants to move Tang Yu not because of money, but because he wants to completely Control Tang Yu's two divisions."

Cao Yuzan sighed, and returned to her usual lazy look: "Tell me, which state do you want to be a censor?"

(End of this chapter)

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