
Chapter 902

Chapter 902
Daxing three years, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month

Traveling thousands of miles away, a young censor from the capital planned to stay in Chencangyi for one night and rush to Sanguan tomorrow.Passing Sanguan is considered to have entered the boundary of Hanzhong, which is also the place where the supervisory censor went to work, Fengzhou.

The young censor was named Cao Yufeng, who was said to be a distant relative of Empress Dowager Cao.According to his book, he is only 19 years old, and he was the [-]rd in the Gyeonggi Provincial Examination last year.He had already failed the ranking, but due to the large-scale appointment of young officials by the queen mother, with the help of Dongfeng, Cao Yufeng, who had a mediocre examination result, was promoted to be a juren, and Cao Juren got the opportunity to be sent as an official from afar.

Although Cao Juren said so, everyone is more willing to believe that the relationship between "the queen mother's relatives" plays a role.

Cao Juren lived in the post station and only ordered two side dishes for dinner, but the post office gave away a roast chicken and a large plate of bacon for nothing.Jiupin Yicheng didn't expect these two dishes to curry favor with Cao Yushi, he just didn't want to offend him.

Cao Yushi was sitting in a military stagecoach, and there were only two people beside him, a white-haired old man in sixties, and a young beardless man in white with a sword. They both called Cao Yushi the young master.

"Master, it seems that someone is following us." Lao Huang lay on the window and looked out, then suddenly turned around and said, "It's two girls."

"Oh?" Su Yu was slightly taken aback: "Who would know I'm here?"

Obviously, this Cao Juren is Su Yu.He was appointed by Cao Yuzan as the special censor of Fengzhou to oversee the New Deal.But there are very few people who know Su Yu's whereabouts, only Cao Yuzan, Xian Wang, Tang Zhen and a few important members of the family.

At this time, it was announced that the King of Qin had smallpox, he was recuperating in isolation at home, thanking guests behind closed doors, and the meals were delivered through the window.It is said that Ouyang Jing and Xu Luochen came to visit, but they could only wail a few times through the door and window, and could not see each other.

In order to stabilize the military, Tang Ling'er wrote letters to Qiu Yao, Han Jian, Cao Renfeng, Li Fu and others in the past few days, saying that the condition has improved, but they still need to rest. The military has a heavy responsibility and is not allowed to leave without permission.

Before Su Yu left, he gave orders to Wu Shajin and Wei Zhong that during the tax reform period in Gyeonggi-do, Prince Wei must stay at Qin Palace [-]/[-].If the princess goes out, half of the princes and guards will accompany them, and half will stay in the mansion.

As for Ximen Wanting, Su Yu told her about the possible serious consequences of the tax reform, and told her not to show off with the so-called army of hearts all day long.If you must go out, spread the following news: "King Qin contracted smallpox and recuperated behind closed doors. The household department has returned to the Queen Mother's rule. This tax reform has nothing to do with King Qin."

It has been seven days since he left Luoyang, Su Yu came to Chencang, but he never thought that two girls would chase after him, and the accent was from Luoyang.Su Yu couldn't help being curious and nervous.Lao Huang had already stood outside the door, while Bai Zhan drew his sword and hid behind the door.



seven days ago

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, in the evening, Prince Qin's Mansion.

It was originally a quiet and peaceful evening with a strong sense of youth, and the little maids used poles to hang up the lanterns.

The slaves and maidservants in the palace each received a New Year gift from the King of Qin. The little maids were wearing red floral padded jackets and looked beaming.

Hearing the sound of gongs and drums suddenly, following the prestige, a long procession with luxuriant guards of honor, from far to near, stopped in front of the Qin Palace.

The curtain of the first luxury car in the line fluttered, and a middle-aged woman walked out. This woman was noble, arrogant and domineering. The first thing she said when she got off the car was: "Let Tang Linger come out and pick me up."

The Meng family behaved similarly to the Ximen family. They sent their daughter here without waiting for the betrothal gifts from the Geng and Qin palaces.In the words of Meng Qiao, the princess of Nanyang, the concubines of the two palaces have no good intentions, and they will delay as long as they can. If you wait for you to give the dowry, I don't know if you will have to wait until the year of the monkey.

On behalf of the family, Meng Qiao, the owner of Nanyang County, presided over the marriage of the two nieces.As the Princess of Dacheng, the sixth Miss Meng's temper is also well known.He made a drastic move and went directly to Tang Ling'er to ask for a dowry.On the same day, the dowry was transported back to Meng's house in a dowry cart.

Seeing Meng Qiao coming, Tang Ling'er went out to greet her.To say that the two of them have the same temper, they have known each other for many years and often see each other.If Tang Linger had friends, Meng Qiao was one of them.

"Why did my sister come here without saying hello?" Tang Ling'er smiled slightly.

Meng Qiao straightened her spine and turned her head slightly: "Ximen's family can send Ximen Wanting to Prince Qin's Mansion, and your family can send Tang Yuanyuan to Prince Geng's Mansion. Why can't my family not? And I want to send two at a time today."

Tang Ling'er suddenly became sad, and said in a low voice, "King Qin is ill, smallpox."

"Oh?! Ling'er is serious?"

"When did you lie to your sister?"

Meng Qiao hesitated for a moment, turned around and got into the car, and saw Meng Can in the bride's wedding dress.

Meng Qiao said to Meng Can: Why don't you go back today and wait for King Qin to recover from his illness before we have the wedding.

Hearing this, Meng Can didn't speak to Meng Qiao, but lifted the curtain of the car and said to Tang Ling'er: "Everyone has been sent here, so there is no reason to go back. Life and death go hand in hand, and they refuse to turn back."

Tang Ling'er said: King Qin is recuperating from his illness, so he can't pay homage, can't have a bridal chamber, and can't meet each other.

Meng Can said: If the concubine is introduced, she can also pass through the door. It will not be too late to meet again after King Qin recovers.

Seeing that this girl is determined, Tang Ling'er has nothing to do with her, so she obeys her.

After the wedding, Meng Can was arranged to stay in Xiaozhu's house.The Qinxiang small building on the east side and the green bamboo building on the west side are both vacant, and she is allowed to choose.She said that Qingzhu Xiaozhu was closer to the palace, so she moved in.

On the day of the wedding, keeping an empty room is not a good feeling for the girl.After the guests retreated, it was late at night, Meng Can sat up suddenly, and said to Meng Xiaomao, the dowry maid, "King Qin didn't want to see me because he was worried about infecting me. This is kindness. But I'm not afraid, I'm going to see him .”

Meng Xiaomao belongs to the kind of maid who obeys her words. Although she is energetic, she has a somewhat reckless temper.

Knowing that the old eunuch Wu Dingyan would not agree, Meng Can asked him to go to the front yard and ask for a supper.As soon as Wu Dingyan left, Meng Can took Meng Xiaomao to the west ear room of the palace.

At that time, the young eunuch Tong Yu was in charge of guarding the gate, and Tong Yu stopped him and said that he was not allowed to enter.Tong Yu never expected that Meng Xiaomao raised his hand suddenly and pushed him to the ground.Before Tong Yu could yell out, Meng Can broke into the house, went in and looked, there was no King Qin, only a little eunuch slumped leisurely in the Xiaoyao chair, it was Chang You.

"Oh, interesting."

Being cheated, Meng Can smiled instead of anger, and said with great interest, "I'm going to ask Cousin Linger what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd."

Without goingssip, the girl from the Meng family chased her all the way with her fast horse. Seven days later, she finally caught up in Cangzhou.The two girls that Lao Huang saw while lying by the window were Meng Can and Hu Hui. In fact, there was a carriage behind them, which had been left half a day away by them. In that carriage were the old slave Wu Dingyan, the young eunuch Tong Yu, Wu Da Maid Meng Kitten.

Meng Can strode into the post station, came to the counter and asked: Is there someone with the surname Cao here?

The post soldier said: "The accommodation in the post station is a secret, and there is no comment."

Meng Can pulled Lu Yin out, fell onto the counter, and pointed at Lu Yin for the postman to see.

The postman opened it and saw that it was Tang Linger, the elder of the Tang clan, who had issued the special guide, and the postman immediately became more respectful.But the postman didn't say that there was someone surnamed Cao in the post station, only that he went upstairs to inquire door by door.

The postman came to the second floor, saw Lao Huang and said, "A lady named Meng Can from Luoyang said she was looking for someone named Cao."

Lao Huang thought to himself that since she was able to catch up here and knew that "the surname is Cao", she must have been sent by the princess, so the old slave went downstairs with a smile on her face.

At this time, Lao Huang didn't know about the eighth day of the lunar new year, but he knew that Meng Can was the young master's fiancée, so as soon as he saw Meng Can, he respectfully saluted and said, "This old slave pays my respects to Young Mistress."

"Huh? Who are you?" The girl asked in a daze.

Old Huang whispered mysteriously: "The old slave is a person close to the King of Qin. His surname is Huang. You can call us Lao Huang."

With her hands behind her back, Meng Can looked Lao Huang up and down, and asked in a low voice, "But the 'Eight Great King Kong' Huang Dingtian?"

Lao Huang immediately stood up straight, with a solemn face: "How did the young mistress know?"

Meng Can smiled, her eyes were like crescent moons, and she raised her hand, which was right on the tip of her nose, pointing at Lao Huang.

The young girl's expression was very naughty, which made Lao Huang laugh.

Meng Can laughed, pinched her waist, and said triumphantly, "Grandpa told me."

Meng Can's grandfather is Meng Lun's father, Meng Danqing's third uncle, and the chief elder of the Meng family, Meng Qi.

Meng Qi and Ximen Zaipei, the older generation of powerful men, were acquainted with Emperor Wanlong, so it was not unusual for them to know Huang Dingtian's name.They also knew very well how capable Huang Dingtian and Lu Changxiao were.It's a pity to hear that Lao Lu is no longer alive, and lamented that there were times when the flying eaves King Kong couldn't fly.

Soon after Lao Huang brought Meng Can upstairs, Su Yu was puzzled for a while and couldn't help asking some questions.

After a cup of tea...

"...Tang Linger said that the journey was dangerous, and she would not be able to explain clearly if something happened, so she asked me to leave a written statement, saying that I was going to leave..."

Su Yu sat in the chair, looking at the childish girl in front of him.When she said these words, her immature little face showed a smug expression from time to time, without stage fright at all, and she even introduced her good friend Hu Hui to Su Yu.She emphasized that her "Thousand Miles and One Zhanghong" ran very fast, and if it wasn't for waiting for Hu Hui and the slow train behind her, she would have caught up long ago.The girl's voice is crisp, her speech is fast, and her thinking is quick. Listening to her is like pouring beans into a bamboo tube.

Su Yu already understood the general idea, and didn't want to listen to her anymore, so he interrupted her and said, "You chased after thousands of miles, what do you want?"

"I'm just here to look for you. I'll go wherever you go in the future." She looked up and said, "I heard from Tang Ling'er that when you were in Youzhou and Taiyuan, she would send Kong Ting and Feng Yu to you." By your side. I am here this time to help Tang Linger."

Su Yu hugged Erlang's legs and asked with interest: "What can you do for her?"

The girl put her hands in front of her body, intentionally imitating Tang Linger's appearance and tone, and said, "Don't allow other women to approach the King of Qin, and don't let the King of Qin flirt with women."

(End of this chapter)

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