I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 111 Obsidian's first kill, server-wide announcement! [Please recommend a ticket! 】

Chapter 111 Obsidian's first kill, server-wide announcement! [Please recommend a ticket! 】

"Finally unable to hold back, do you want to make a move?"

Guan Ren killed a boss with one hand, raised his hand, and took all the amethyst coins he dropped into his bag. He glanced at Jian Kunming who was on the verge of fury in the distance.

There are less than [-] Amethyst-level bosses that can still stand in the shield. They are now completely afraid of Guan Ren, who has output explosions, and they all shrink back and dare not step forward easily.

"Looks like it's almost there!"

Guan Ren's eyes sank, and he immediately began to summon vampire bats!

The Shenxi sword box combined with the system's ten-fold accelerated recovery effect allowed Guan Ren to directly have a blood blue recovery of [-] points per second, which meant that Guan Ren could recover without affecting his own energy every second. , Summon a hundred vampire bats every second to fight for him!
Since you dare not do it, don't blame me!
call!call!call! ...

Waves of vampire bats were summoned by Guan Ren, and rushed directly to the Amethyst-level boss ahead!

As for Guan Ren himself, he had already stopped attacking with his own hands, but was fully on guard against Jian Kunming who was still holding his sword and shield not far away!

Sure enough, as he expected in advance, Jian Kunming finally couldn't help but planned to do it!
Summoning a wave of vampire bats again, Guan Ren manipulated them to fly in Jian Kunming's direction!

And under the cover of vampire bats, he sneaked past!
"Hmph! That's the only way!"

Jian Kunming already had a plan in mind. On the battlefield, sometimes some sacrifices are necessary. Since it is useless to procrastinate now, it is better to crush this kid with his own hands while he still has the power to fight. , so as to avenge those dead brothers!

Jian Kunming's eyes sank, and he took away Jiandun instantly.

Now his physical strength is only about [-]% of his heyday!

However, in his opinion, [-]% of the power is more than enough to deal with Guan Ren!

"It's just a group of little bats, and they want to stop me?"

Seeing the hundreds of vampire bats rushing towards him, Jian Kunming frowned, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Raising his hand and waving his sword, countless sword qi shot out vertically and horizontally, directly tearing these vampire bats trying to rush forward into countless pieces!
However, just as Jian Kunming cleaned up the group of vampire bats in front of him and was about to stride out, an afterimage suddenly rushed out through the blood fog!
The ten-fold acceleration combined with the speed increase of the night devil's wings made Guan Ren look like a ghost in an instant, and he was close to Jian Kunming in the blink of an eye!

"Hmph, it's useless!"

Jian Kunming was no rookie either. Faced with Guan Ren's sudden attack, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he swung out the sharp sword in his hand!

"Spirit Sword Strike!"


The surrounding space seemed to freeze in an instant, and Jian Kunming arrived first, piercing the latter's chest before Guan Ren's attack landed!

"In this way, the world will be clean."

Watching Guan Ren's life disappear, Jian Kunming was about to withdraw his sword when he was taken aback suddenly.

Why is there no blood?

Looking at the clean blade without a trace of blood, Jian Kunming couldn't recover.

With a soft sound, Jian Kunming raised his head and looked in front of him, only to see a cloud of white mist rising from Guan Ren's corpse that had been pierced through his chest, and then turned into a dilapidated doll!

"Is this...a stand-in doll? Not good!"

Jian Kunming suddenly came back to his senses, but before he had time to make any movements, he felt a sudden pain in the back of his head, and his eyes were filled with stars, and he fell into a state of dizziness!
"Hey, it looks like I'm better at it!"

Guan Ren, who succeeded in a sneak attack by using the passive teleportation effect of the stand-in doll, grinned, and launched a frenzied attack on Jian Kunming who was under control!

He had no intention of underestimating Jian Kunming. After all, as a strong man who can rank in the top [-] of the Sword Dynasty in terms of comprehensive strength, it is absolutely impossible for the latter to have two brushes!

In addition, the two parties have dealt with each other a lot in the previous life, so he can say that he knows this person's character like the back of his hand!

Being able to succeed now is really commendable!

Obsidian first kill!It's finally here!

The other surviving soldiers tried to come up to make a rescue, but they were unable to do so. They were surrounded by the vampire bats summoned by Guan Ren in advance. Coupled with the continuous energy impact of the forbidden spell, their health was dropping crazily!
But it is worth mentioning that Jian Kunming's stun resistance is as high as 80%!

Even if it is a sap, it can only control him for less than 0.6 seconds!

The bone-crushing special effect is triggered, but it can only control him for 0.2 seconds!
Daredevil Hunt!

Guan Ren decisively released his skills, directly doubling his attack speed!
[Night Demon Hunting: Active skill, the Night Demon family is like a fish in water at night, attacking and moving quickly!Strengthen the night devil bloodline, increase movement speed by 50% and attack speed by 100%!Duration 60 seconds, cooling time 5 hours (30 minutes)]

In this way, Guan Ren's one-handed speed soared to [-] per second!
Even if it is only 0.2 seconds, it is enough for Guan Ren to swing the giant ax twenty times!
Coupled with the bonus of high luck value, it is not difficult at all to maintain the stunned state of the bone crushing effect!

In fact, in the final analysis, this is also a common problem of people in the Sword Dynasty!

Because of their pursuit of the ultimate sword intent, they gave up a lot of things!
And without the ability to release control, it is a very fatal point!
In fact, according to the normal situation, in addition to having extremely high resistance, the general bosses with the strength of Obsidian will also have one or two skills to release control, but the swordsmen of the Sword Dynasty are different. They pursue the ultimate sword intent and believe in the principle that speed is power. Therefore, in their opinion, such things as release skills do not bother to spend effort to master them!
The world's martial arts can only be broken quickly, this is their creed!
control skills?As long as I move fast enough, no control skills can hit me!
This is the true portrayal of the heart of every lonely and arrogant swordsman!
Unfortunately, however, they encountered monsters faster than them!

One hundred strikes per second, coupled with the super high movement speed, directly abolished the speed they were proud of!

In the end, he can only be slaughtered by others, unwilling to die!

And the same is true for Jian Kunming now!

As a level [-] hero-level obsidian boss, Jian Kunming was still unwilling to fall under Guan Ren's infinite control!


A deafening full-server announcement resounded through the sky of the entire Kyushu server, like a nuclear bomb, detonating the entire Tianlin world again!
 It will be on the shelves tomorrow at [-] noon, see you there!
  Guess, how much will it be tomorrow? (smirk)
(End of this chapter)

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