I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 112 Get out of here! [Seeking the first order! 】

Chapter 112 Get out of here! [Seeking the first order! 】

"Fuck, am I hallucinating? The official got the first kill of the Obsidian boss? Did I make a mistake?"

"Hearing hallucinations! Look at the expressions on everyone's faces. Could it be that they are hallucinating hallucinations?"

"Damn! That's an obsidian-level boss! Obsidian-level! I've been playing games since I started the server, and I practice leveling with the guild bosses every day. Now I'm at level [-]. Up to now, I've only seen gold-level bosses at most. That's all! I haven't even seen an Amethyst-level boss! But what did the announcement just say? The first kill of an Obsidian-level boss! I'll do it! Is this still a human?"

"Bullshit! It's not like you don't know, high official. From the moment he opened the server, it was as if he was hanging out. The announcements in the whole server seemed to be his special session. Almost as soon as the announcement came, all the news about him was reported! "

"Damn it, I really want to be a leg hair of a high official!"

"You're thinking about farting!"


In the entire Kyushu server area of ​​Tianlin Continent, all the players stopped their actions the moment the full server announcement sounded, and an incredible look appeared on their faces!
Obsidian-level boss first kill!

It's creepy to think about!
With the opening of the game server, the information about the mysterious Amethyst BOSS was published on the Internet by some players who encountered the BOSS by chance, and it caused a sensation at that time!
The upper limit of the health of these Amethyst-level bosses is simply unreasonable!
Any one of them has millions of health points!
Not only that, but their attack power is ridiculously strong!
It simply makes the players unable to afford any desire to kill!
Now in Tianlin, the player level of the first echelon has reached level 23, and some top bosses even equipped themselves with level [-] silver quality equipment, but even so, their upper limit of health is only [-] It's just in the early days, and it can't withstand an attack from an amethyst-level boss!
But what about high officials?

He just got the first kill of the Amethyst-level boss a few days ago, which caused a storm in the Tianlin Forum. Today, he did not expect to get the first kill of the Obsidian-level boss!

It directly froze everyone's head!
It's hard for them to imagine that the attributes of the Amethyst-level bosses are already abnormal enough, but the Obsidian-level bosses are so abnormally abnormal?

"Hey, maybe this is the strength of the number one player in Tianlin? Those of us have already been left far behind..."

"Who said it wasn't? I just heard yesterday that the GOG guild of the American Emperor server mobilized [-] elite players. It took a whole day and night to get the first kill of the Amethyst-level boss, but our Kyushu server has already Got the first obsidian kill!"

"Perhaps, this is the boss..."


Just when a group of players were feeling overwhelmed by the first obsidian-level BOSS kill by a high official, in a dark valley, a young man with a giant sword frowned, looked at the BOSS lying in front of him, Silently put away dozens of amethyst coins on the ground, shook his head and sighed: "It seems that he is still not his opponent now!"

"What, are you shaken?"

Beside the boy, a white-haired old man in linen clothes stroked his beard and said with a faint smile.

"How is this possible? Our match has just begun! Although I'm still a little behind, I believe that as long as I have enough time to explore, I will be able to surpass him one day!"

The young man wiped the sweat from his forehead, and a strong light burst out from his eyes!
"Hehe, an amethyst-level boss has made you try your best. It seems that you still have a long way to go..."

The old man teased the young man.

"Old Feng! Don't make fun of me anymore! As I said, I will definitely surpass him! I will do what I say!"

"Why are you so serious? I just said something casually, hahahaha..."

The old man laughed.


The boy in white looked helpless.


Falling Star City, in a hall.

"Lan Lan, is this the official you mentioned?"

A little girl in a blue dress looked curiously at Violet wearing a veil.

"Yes, it's him."

"Good job, you have worked hard during this time!"

The little girl smiled slightly, and praised Violet: "If Qingyu Pavilion has such an ally, it is not impossible to enter the top ten guilds by then!"

"President, what are you going to do next?"

"Well... well, wait a little longer, and I will deal with the remnants of the killing~killing the world recently. I have encountered some troubles in the hidden mission. When the time comes, I will find a way to ask him for help when the official comes back. Bar!"

The little girl pouted and said, "Oh, if it wasn't for the announcement just now, I would have almost given up on this mission!"

"what's up?"

"It's the last part of this mission! You actually asked me to deal with a level [-] obsidian boss! It's really sick! I'm so cute, how could I be the opponent?"

"Qingyu, you..."

"Call me president! Otherwise, I'll let my mother spank your ass!"

"Okay, President..."

"It's almost there!"

The little girl nodded in satisfaction, with a look of anticipation on her face: "Wow, I can't wait! When the time comes, I have to personally blow up that nasty obsidian-level boss! I'm so pissed off!"

Thinking of being killed by obsidian-level bosses one after another, sending him back to level ten, Qing Yu's teeth itch with hatred!

Damn it!How dare he attack such a cute little girl!It is unforgivable!

When that high official arrives, he must be made to clean up that ignorant villain BOSS!


A sneeze!

Strange, why am I sneezing again?
In the Mobei region, Guan Ren rubbed his nose in doubt.

Is someone missing me again?

Shaking his head and not thinking about it anymore, Guan Ren put all the spoils of this time into his backpack, disassembled all the low-quality equipment, and then did not stop, and hurried towards the endless abyss.

Just kidding, this time I destroyed the base camp of the Sword Dynasty in the chaotic battlefield, and even directly filled up the hatred value of the Sword Dynasty!But correspondingly, he was equivalent to helping the Sword Dynasty in a disguised form, so the overall favorability of the Sword Dynasty went up by 5000 points at once!Not only that, the system also rewarded him with 50000 sword dynasty battlefield merit points, which can be exchanged for various rewards at the sword dynasty base camp!
Now that the Sword Dynasty has suffered heavy losses, it is likely that they have sent powerful Sword Shadow Guards to hunt him down, so he dare not be careless!

Sword Shadow Guard, that is the most powerful group of people except for a few people from the Sword Dynasty!
There are a total of 13 Sword Shadow Guards, and their comprehensive combat power ranks among the top [-] sword dynasty powerhouses!
Picking out any one person at random will be stronger than the previous Jian Kunming!
This is really difficult for Guan Ren to deal with now, so he can only sneak away before the other party reacts!
Otherwise, once he is caught up by Jian Yingwei, he will be in danger!

Guan Ren was waving the black fire stick in his hand while running, and now he found that he couldn't do without the forbidden curse, so once he used it up, he wanted to get another one out as soon as possible, just in case he needed it !

 Available now!Without further ado, please book first!

  If everyone works hard, I will do my best!
(End of this chapter)

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