I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 113 Sword Shadow 1! [Seeking the first order! 】

Chapter 113 Sword Shadow Eleven! [Seeking the first order! 】

Forbidden spells, whoever uses them will know!

So Guan Ren can't miss any chance to refresh his skills!

He wants to refresh a forbidden spell as soon as possible!
This will reassure him a little bit!
How do you say that?

With the forbidden curse in hand, I have it in the world!
What's more, this is an instant forbidden curse!
If it was before, Guan Ren might still need to take drugs constantly in order to maintain the energy consumption of the forbidden spell, but now with Shenxi Sword Box's [-] mana recovery support per second, there is no need for him to worry about the consumption of the forbidden spell. The problem of too much blue!
In this way, he can completely free his hands, and while maintaining the release of the forbidden spell, he can also fight at the same time, which is simply amazing!
Eat me!
Eat me!
Eat me!

As Guan Ren was on his way, he kept waving the stick in his hand, trying to cast out the forbidden spell as soon as possible.

But for things like forbidden spells, if you want to refresh them, the probability is very touching.

Even if Guan Ren now has a super high luck value, it still takes a lot of effort to refresh the forbidden spell among countless skills in the mainland all day long!

Take the previous few times as an example, it took at least an hour or more to refresh the forbidden spell. If you are unlucky, it is not impossible for half a day!

So in the final analysis, this is still a matter of face.

"I hope that before reaching the entrance of the endless abyss, a forbidden spell can be refreshed smoothly!"

Guan Ren thought to himself, after all, compared to the Mobei Territory, although the monsters in the depths of the endless abyss are similar in level to the former, the strength of the monsters has been raised by at least one level!
Take the lowest-level monsters in the endless abyss as an example. Although their level is only level [-], their strength evaluations are all above the elite level!
Among them, there are no fewer brave monsters!

So in terms of the strength of the monsters alone, the difficulty of the endless abyss is already a level higher than that of the sword dynasty in the Mobei domain!
If we consider the environmental factors or monster characteristics comprehensively, the difficulty of the endless abyss will be further increased!
Therefore, before entering the endless abyss, it is very necessary to refresh a forbidden spell skill for life-saving and escape!
Guan Ren galloped all the way, and half an hour flew by in the blink of an eye.

【Ding!You have refreshed the skill - Forbidden Curse·World Extinguishing Thunder! 】

Just when Guan Ren was feeling a little sore, a system prompt sounded in his ear, which lifted his spirits!

This should be the shortest time to refresh the forbidden spell, right?
Just half an hour and it's done!

It can be said that it saved him a lot of trouble!

And the most important thing is that this time he even refreshed the World-Mie Tianlei again!

Although this forbidden spell only lasts for ten seconds, its attack power is much higher than that used by Guan Ren before.

The water is full of nine days, strong in its attack range.

Landslides and ground cracks are strong in its ability to destroy terrain.

But Mieshi Tianlei is simple and rude, strong in its terrifying attack power and additional paralysis control effect!

"Great! With Mieshi Tianlei at your side, this trip to the abyss is even more confident!"

Guan Ren was delighted.

However, just when he put away the black fire stick and was about to go at full speed, a powerful coercion suddenly came from a distance!
At the same time, a strong stabbing pain suddenly rose in his chest, which made him frown uncontrollably!
What exactly is going on?

【Ding!Jian Wuchen has released the energy of the sword soul curse seal in your body!All your attributes drop by 50%!Duration 10 minutes! 】

Jian Wuchen?
he is around?

Guan Ren raised his brows, and suddenly became a little furious!

Because he killed Jian Wuchen at the beginning, he activated the latter's soul-protecting sword to protect the heart. Then he was entangled by the remaining energy of the spirit sword, and finally condensed into this shit sword soul curse seal, This made his position completely exposed to the Sword Dynasty's vision!
This is great, do you dare to come up to die again?

Although it was said that 50% of the attributes were forcibly weakened due to the activation of the curse seal, even so, the current Guan Ren still has the confidence to successfully defeat the opponent!
"If Jian Wuchen can be defeated, the sword soul curse seal on his body will eventually dissipate due to the death of the caster! In this way, without the shackles of the curse seal, I can use the city return scroll to leave Mobei at any time This is a damn place!"

Guan Ren's gaze sank, and he thought to himself.

For him, this can be said to be an excellent opportunity to get rid of the curse of the sword soul!

That being the case, let's kill him first and then go on our way!

Thinking of this, Guan Ren stopped and looked into the distance!

It happened to be a good time to use Jian Wuchen to try out these skills that were just plundered from Jian Kunming and others, whether they are useful or not!

All kinds of sword skills are available!
Among them, the most powerful ones are the Infinity Sword Shield and Spirit Sword Strike that Jian Kunming used before!
[Endless Sword and Shield: You can maintain the shield capacity by constantly consuming health and energy to resist any damage!There is no cooldown time, and no operations can be performed during the release of the shield! 】

[Spiritual Sword Strike: Concentrate the sword energy, consume all energy, forcefully lock on the target, and send out a Spiritual Sword Strike, causing 500% mixed damage (magic + physical damage) to the target!Cooling time: 30 minutes (3 minutes)]

Apart from these skills, most of the other skills are some common sword skills of some sword dynasties, and each has its own strengths.

All in all, the current Guanren has become a mobile Sword Dynasty skill library, with endless attack methods!

For him, the next thing to do is to kill Jian Wuchen and enter the endless abyss at the fastest speed!

"Something's wrong!"

As time passed, Guan Ren, who was sitting on the sidelines, suddenly frowned, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Because just now, the sense of oppression that was originally just coming from the front suddenly spread out and surrounded him in different directions!

"There are reinforcements?"

A bad feeling rose in Guan Ren's heart.

Is it...

A thought made Guan Ren's face change instantly, and he turned around and ran away!
Although it's a bit wrong in terms of time, but if Jian Wuchen really brought Jian Yingwei as a helper, then if he stays here foolishly, he is undoubtedly seeking his own death!

"Don't run away! You are completely surrounded by us!"

At this moment, the space behind Guan Ren suddenly trembled, and a man in black sword suit suddenly appeared, blocking his retreat!
[lv. 70 Obsidian-level boss: Sword Shadow Eleven (King Level): Sword Shadow Guard No. 11, with particularly outstanding agility.Health value: 72000000, energy value: 30000000, attack power: 1200000, defense power: 1000000, skill: unknown]

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(End of this chapter)

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