I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 114 Desperate? [3rd update! 】

Chapter 114 Desperate? [Third update! 】

Depend on!
Indeed they are!
Sword Shadow Guard!
Guan Ren cursed secretly in his heart, looking at Jianying Eleven who blocked his retreat, he wanted to die!

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be greedy!
In order to get rid of the curse of the sword soul once and for all, unexpectedly, he pushed himself into the fire pit instead!

"If you surrender, I can make you suffer less."

Jianying Eleven said lightly, the fierce sword energy has locked Guan Ren's position!
Surrender ass!
If he surrendered, he wouldn't be escorted directly to Heavenly Sword City?

If this kind of thing really happened, counting his previous crimes of stealing the sword box and slaughtering the city, and destroying the Chaos Battlefield Sword Dynasty stronghold, it would be enough to lock him up in the dungeon of Tianjian City for more than a month or two!

Not only that, but he will also be subjected to various tortures during the period!
This is an unacceptable punishment for any player!
What's more, Guan Ren still has the main task of resuscitating the ancient town, and the current task time limit is only one month. If they are brought to Tianjian City, this task will be completely useless!
Not only that, but in terms of time, the day when my sister broke out with a strange disease was one month before the game server was launched. If he couldn't raise enough money because he was trapped in Tianjian City, he might go crazy right away!

In his last life, he had already lost his relatives!
In this life, he said nothing to allow such a thing to happen!

Therefore, no matter how hard he tried, he would not choose to surrender!

Because once he surrenders and is caught in Tianjian City, all his previous efforts will be in vain!


Without further ado, Guan Ren rushed at full speed, raised his hand and hit Jianying Eleven with a sap!

However, under Guan Ren's surprise attack, he failed!

In the midst of the flash, Jian Ying Shi raised his brows, raised his sword in front of him, and directly blocked Guan Ren's Xuanhuo stick!
【Ding!Sap release failed! 】

The system notification sound from next to his ear made Guan Ren frowned.

The Sword Shadow Guard was already powerful, and the Sword Shadow Eleven was the fastest among the Sword Shadow Guards, so in this way, Guan Ren's tried and tested fast-paced sneak attack directly failed!
"The speed is good, but compared to me, it's still a bit worse!"

Sword Shadow Eleven made a sound indifferently, then raised his hand and swiped out with a sword. A fierce sword energy instantly tore through the air, and a piercing sonic boom was emitted, carrying a powerful sword intent to lock on Guan Ren's position!

【Ding!You have been locked by Jianying Eleven Sword Intent and cannot move for 0.5 seconds! 】

Although only a short 0.5 seconds!
But at such a close distance and both sides are good at speed, it is especially deadly!

【Ding!The stand-in puppet effect is triggered! 】

Guan Ren teleported to a hundred meters away, put on the wings of the night demon, and fled quickly in the direction away from Sword Shadow Eleven!
"Want to run? Dream!"

Jianying Eleven sneered, and squeezed the sword art, a spirit sword suddenly shot out from his body, and finally became bigger, horizontal in the air!

Jian Ying Eleven leaped and landed on the golden spirit sword!

The shadow of the sword is like the wind!

In the blink of an eye, it flew out, flying a distance of several hundred meters!

"Fuck, you can't run away at all!"

Feeling the approaching aura behind him, Guan Ren felt anxious!
It's too late for him to regret it now, who made him self-righteous and greedy just now?

This man is so annoying!
It doesn't matter if it's fast!
Also use imperial swordsmanship!
Damn!Isn't this a trick that should be used by fairy-level bosses?

Why did Sword Shadow Eleven use it?
"Forget it! Forbidden spells are waiting for you!"

Seeing that there was nowhere to escape, Guan Ren's eyes sank, he turned around and swung down the Xuanhuo stick!

World Destroyer Thunder!

In fact, in the face of the Sword Shadow Guards, ordinary forbidden spells can no longer kill them, but after all, they are also forbidden spells. If they don't defend themselves, it is enough to make them drink a pot!

And once Jianying Eleven stopped to defend, he would have enough time to escape and leave here!
【Ding!You are currently in an anti-magic formation and cannot release any magic attacks! 】


Startled, Guan Ren looked around and found a faint purple mist in the air!
When did this happen?

"Hmph, since we Sword Shadow Guards have chosen to make a move, we will naturally make sufficient preparations. The taste of this forbidden magic scroll should be very good, right?"

Jianying Eleven shook the scroll that had lost its light in his hand, and the corner of his mouth hooked: "Surrender, you have nowhere to go!"

I saw Jianying Eleven holding the sword in both hands, standing in front of him, his eyes sinking slightly, and a bright sword light rose from the sword body!

At the same time, around him, more than a dozen rays of light flickered!
brush brush...

One after another silhouettes appeared around, each of these people was dressed in black sword suits, with a silver mask on their faces.

Sword and Shadow Guards, all assemble!

"Hey, Eleven, why don't you send us here earlier? It's really not right to waste a magic scroll now!"

A sword shadow guard with the number six engraved on the mask said with some dissatisfaction.

"I just did it just in case!"

Jianying Eleven frowned slightly, and retorted.

"Okay, stop arguing! Let's talk about the matter first!"

The Sword Shadow Guard with the number one engraved on the mask said lightly: "Let's do it!"

As soon as the words fell, all the sword shadow guards looked straight and focused their eyes. A powerful sword intent condensed and formed, directly forming a cage, trapping Guan Ren in the center!

"Okay, the matter is settled, let's follow Wuchen back and return to life!"

"Wait! I have a few words to ask him!"

Suddenly, Jian Wuchen, who was hiding behind the sword shadow guard, suddenly spoke up, and came to Guan Ren who was trapped in the cage of sword intent, his eyes sank: "Where is Lan Lan? Where is she now?"


Guan Ren sneered and ignored Jian Wuchen.

"You kid is courting death!"

With a wave of sword energy, Guan Ren's body was covered with wounds as deep as three fingers!

"Even if you don't say it now! I will have thousands of ways for you to say it then!"

Jian Wuchen snorted coldly and waved his hand: "Take it away!"

Guan Ren didn't resist, and let them take him away, but it didn't mean that he had given up completely, on the contrary, at this moment, he was secretly struggling to control the Xuanling Token in his backpack !
When Fang Hai handed over this token to him, he had told him that if he was in a life-or-death crisis, he could activate the token and summon the nearest Xuanlingmen powerhouse to come to support him!
So now the only thing he can count on is this Profound Spirit Token!
【Ding!The Xuanling Token has been successfully activated!Is there an emergency signal? 】

 The third update!All kinds of requests!

(End of this chapter)

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