I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 115 Don't rush, your head will explode! [4th update! 】

Chapter 115 Don't rush, your head will explode! [Fourth update! 】


Guan Ren let out a deep voice, and began to pray in his heart: "Sky Lingling, Earth Lingling, the master of Xuanling Sect will show up soon! Please save me before I am brought to Tianjian City!"


The Sword Shadow Guards who were on their way at high speed frowned when they heard this, and looked at Guan Ren who was trapped in the cage of sword intent, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Did he just yell?"

"It should be right, I heard him seem to yell."

"What are you shouting for?"

"It seems to have called [shit]?"

"...It's so disgusting, seal his mouth to me, so as not to talk nonsense halfway!"

As soon as Jianying finished speaking, a Jianying guard stood up and struck out a sword formula.

"seal up!"

The sword intent cage suddenly twisted, and a sword intent was separated, which landed in front of Guan Ren, and completely sealed his mouth!

"Well, in this way, we can go on our way with peace of mind."


In Guanren's backpack, the Xuanling Token kept emitting light, and the light flickered very quickly, as if urging something.

At the same time, in the depths of an underground cave in the Mobei region, a short old man was slowly approaching a blue lotus flower exuding a scorching breath.

The lotus flower was born in the magma, and its hair was dyed with a faint blue light.

"Haha, the old man has been guarding here for half a month, and the green lotus in the center of the earth has finally bloomed!"

The old man tugged at his small goatee, with a contented look on his face.

"With this thing, there will be one more collection in the old man's collection! After going back, you must try your best! Hahahaha..."

Muttering to himself, the old man stepped on the void, stepped directly over the magma, and stretched out his hands towards the green lotus in the center of the earth.

After waiting for so long, this item is finally here!
A layer of light white energy aura emerged from the old man's open hands, and slowly spread out, probing towards the green lotus in the center of the earth in the magma.

During the whole process, the old man was cautious.

Because the earth-centered green lotus has just formed, if you pick it rashly because you didn't control your strength, the quality of the earth-centered green lotus you get will be much worse!

This is absolutely unacceptable for those with obsessive-compulsive disorder who pursue perfection!

Slowly, slowly, don't worry, carefully control the strength, pay attention to the timing...

The old man stretched out his hands cautiously and concentratedly, and approached Qinglian in the center of the earth.


Buzz Buzz!

Suddenly, a strong energy fluctuation suddenly came from the token hanging on the old man's waist, directly disrupting his steps!
One more rapid energy fluctuation kept rising from the token, which directly disturbed the gentle energy covering the old man's hand!
Stab it!

A gust of energy gushes out, bombarding the green lotus in the center of the earth along with the old man's outstretched hands!

With a muffled sound, several petals of the green lotus in the center of the earth were blown away and fell into the magma, disappearing without a trace!

And the remaining Qinglian also became crumbling under the bombardment of energy, and it was about to fall into the magma!

"This... scumbag!"

The old man cursed loudly, his eyes widened in disbelief.

I have been waiting so hard for more than half a month for the green lotus in the center of the earth!

It's just ruined! ?
It is unforgivable!
who is it!

Who the hell ruined my good deed!
I want you to die badly!

The old man became furious instantly, turned into a powder keg that would explode at any time, grabbed the half green lotus that was already somewhat dimmed, and looked gloomyly at the mysterious spirit token that was still flickering around his waist.

Is this a distress signal?

Seeing this, the old man immediately seemed to add fuel to the fire, and the whole person exploded completely!
On a horse!
Who the hell is this bastard who dares to offend people from my Xuanling Sect! ?
"You are very good! Not only did the old man lose his beloved collection, but he also bullied my disciples of the Xuanling Sect! It seems that it is impossible not to teach you a lesson..."

The old man's eyes sank, he raised his hand, and directly tore a crack in the space in front of him, and walked in quickly.

"This is the Mobei Region, right? I want to see if the people from the Sword Dynasty want to die, or the people from the Sword Dynasty want to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, the crack in the space disappeared immediately, leaving only the sound of tumbling magma hitting the mountain wall and the scorching air waves emitted.


"Look at this kid. Ever since he was gagged, he has been stomping his feet with his eyes closed. I don't know what kind of nerves he is having?"

"Maybe it's the urgency to urinate? It's human nature, hahahaha..."

"I don't think so? He just yelled the word [shit], it can't be that he wants to..."

"Don't care about him! Let this kid hold it back! If he can't hold it back, he will be the one to lose face!"

"That's right, hahahaha..."

"Didn't you be very capable before? He stole the sword box, slaughtered the city, and destroyed our base camp!"

"In the final analysis, it's just a silver pewter spear head, which is just fancy but not useful! Once the scroll of the forbidden magic is released, what else can he do?"

"Hahaha! Look at him, stomping his feet even more vigorously! Could it be that we talked about the pain and wanted to fight us hard?"

"Look at his eyes, as if he wants to kill us!"

"Brat, enjoy your last leisure time! When you get to Tianjian City, you will know what real hell is!"

Jianying Eleven rarely opened his mouth to tease: "As for the killing intent in your eyes, I can completely understand, but... if you want to kill our brother, you are in a cage right now. Is this possible?"

"Hahahaha! I think he's thinking about farting!"

"Hahahaha! That's right!"


Hurry up!What about rescue?Why not come! ?

Could it be that Fang Hai lied to me?
Should not be!

Is it urgent enough?

How about I try to send a little more power?
In the sword cage, all of Guan Ren's attributes were suppressed to only 10%, and his control over his body was much worse.

So it is very difficult for him to mobilize the power in his body to inject the mysterious spirit token to call for help!
Therefore, he could only grin his teeth and stomp his feet, trying to squeeze out as much energy as possible to activate the help function of the Xuanling Token.

However, this scene fell into the eyes of the Thirteen Sword Shadow Guards, and it became a different style of painting.

But he doesn't care about it, he only has one thought now, that is, the boss of Xuanling Sect can show up quickly!
Otherwise, after being thrown into the dungeon of Tianjian City, once the system punishment judgment takes effect, he will be completely useless!

Please, big brother, show up quickly!

I will never be so reckless again!

Guan Ren looked anxious and prayed in his heart.

"Okay, don't rush! The old man's head is almost blown by you!"

Suddenly, a violent shout sounded in the air, causing the faces of everyone present to change drastically!

The faces of Jian Yingwei and others were shocked and surprised.

Unlike them, Guan Ren's face was full of joy and excitement!
Begging grandpa to tell grandma, it finally appeared!
(End of this chapter)

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