I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 119 The Gatekeeper Boss Arrived Ahead of Time! [Please subscribe!Ask for a reward! 】

Chapter 119 The Gatekeeper Boss Arrived Ahead of Time! [Please subscribe!Ask for a reward! 】

This is a ten-member team, and the strongest among them is only an elite amethyst-level boss. For Guan Ren, it is not difficult to eliminate them.

However, just to be on the safe side, Guan Ren still turned on the stealth state, approached the captain of the patrol team, took out the black fire stick, and knocked hard on the latter's forehead!
There was a muffled sound, and the stun effect of Sap took effect.

However, due to resistance, the duration of the stun state is only two seconds, but this is enough for Guan Ren!

With the help of magic glasses, Guan Ren can hit the enemy's red Achilles' heel with almost every blow!

That is, an attack that ignores defense with triple damage!

In the dark environment, the added cost of the night devil blood has already increased Guan Ren's attack power by 50%. Now the triple damage is combined with the attack frequency of hundreds of times per second. Hit damage is enough to make Guan Ren's damage output reach nearly 500 million!
And this amethyst-level boss's upper limit of health is only 900 million, and two seconds is enough for Guan Ren to kill him!
Because the incident happened suddenly, before the other members of the patrol team could react, their captain had already been beaten to death by Guan Ren.

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Agility attribute +15! 】

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Strength attribute +15! 】

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Get Shadow Dagger × 1! 】

Three system prompts sounded in succession.

Is this gone?

Guan Ren was taken aback, what about skill plundering?

Didn't work out?

Guan Ren frowned. He didn't care about other plundering gains!
The only thing he wants now is the skills of the Shadow Clan!
To be precise, it is the skill of Shadow Step!
Because in the world of Tianlin, there are not many movement skills, and the short-distance movement skills that can move close to instant movement like shadow step are even rarer!

Sure enough, the rarer and more powerful a skill is, the less likely it is to successfully plunder it?

Guan Ren sighed, looked around, and looked at the other nine people around. At this time, the members of the patrol team, because of the death of the captain, glared at Guan Ren one by one, and rushed up together after glancing at each other!
The members of the Shadow Patrol Squad with only [-] points of attack power can't pose any threat to the current Guan Ren at all!
Relying on his super-high movement speed, Guan Ren easily dodged the first wave of attacks, and then swung the Xuanhuo stick, stunned the person closest to him, opened his bow left and right, and the attacks poured down like a storm in the blink of an eye!

In just one breath, the member of the patrol team fell to the ground.

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Agility attribute +5! 】

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Strength attribute +6! 】

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Get Shadow Leather Armor x 1! 】


Hearing the system prompt ringing in his ear, Guan Ren couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Damn, he didn't plunder successfully!
The success rate is too touching, right?
Guan Ren remembers that for boss-level enemies, the system's plundering success rate will be greatly increased!

And the members of these shadow patrols are all elite gold bosses at level [-]!
I didn't expect that even a single skill didn't come out!

Guan Ren was so angry that he defeated the remaining members of the patrol team one by one in disbelief, but the results were the same. Except for a few attributes and one or two pieces of equipment, there was no skill looting at all!
Not only did Shadow Step not succeed in plundering, but none of the other skills could succeed!
This is too unreasonable, right?
Ten bosses, but none of the skills have been released?

How can people play with this?
Is it possible that I have to slaughter all the Shadow Clan on the floating continent where the seventh layer of the abyss is located before I can use my skills?

If this was the case, he didn't even know that he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to complete it!

Even if you want to use forbidden spells to brush, the coverage of a forbidden spell is limited. If you want to clear this floating continent, you need at least [-] forbidden spells to do it!
Considering that Guan Ren can refresh a forbidden spell skill every three hours, if he wants to clear this area, he needs to spend at least two and a half days without sleep and rest to spawn monsters!
"Go ahead and try again. If you still don't have any skills, you can only put them aside and come back later when you have enough time!"

Guan Ren sighed.

Although this skill is what he urgently needs, it is still not enough compared to the Forbidden Sword and the subsequent plan, so he can only make a choice.

Relying on the stealth effect of the kamikaze night suit, Guan Ren sneaked all the way to the center of the mainland. Whenever he encountered members of the Shadow Clan on the way, he would stop and kill them, trying to plunder their skills.

However, what is distressing is that along the way, Guan Ren killed at least twenty waves of the Shadow Clan, but apart from equipment and attribute points and some skill enhancement points, none of the skills were successfully plundered at all!

How could this be the Shadow Clan?

Just call it the iron cock family!
It's nothing!

Isn't it just a skill?

Dare to make one?
None of them come out, is it still interesting to play?

This has become not a question of whether he can plunder the skills at all, he is really that kind of... that kind of...

Just when Guan Ren was furious because he didn't plunder the skills, a coercion suddenly came from the dark sky in the distance, and then Guan Ren only felt a blur in front of him, and a group of more than a thousand people The shadow army crossed space and suddenly appeared in front of Guan Ren!
"Human, you hurt my people for no reason, it seems that you are tired of life!"

The leader of the shadow army was a cold-faced man over three meters tall with a pair of black wings on his back. At this moment, he was staring at Guan Ren coldly, his eyes full of murderous intent.

[lv65. Obsidian-level boss: Shadow Army Commander Aimo (brave level): The leader of the Shadow Clan army, known for his speed.Health value: 40000000, energy value: 24000000, attack power: 450000, defense power: 250000, skill: unknown]

It turned out to be him!

A flash of surprise flashed in Guan Ren's eyes. Aimo, the leader of the Shadow Army, was supposed to be the boss guarding the teleportation formation of the Seventh Floor Abyss Continent. He didn't expect that he would personally lead the team to find him!
This is a level 65 hero-level obsidian boss. Judging from all aspects of his attributes, he is already infinitely close to Jian Kunming, who was the former headquarters of the Sword Dynasty.

However, Guan Ren was able to defeat Jian Kunming at that time because the latter had consumed a lot of strength in advance to protect his subordinates from the attack of the forbidden curse, and finally lost to him, but Ai Mo in front of him was different. Mo, but he retains all his strength, and judging from Guan Ren's understanding of Aimo in his previous life, this is not a character who would easily put himself in danger in order to protect his subordinates!

So this battle is not easy to fight...

 The first update!Although the first order did not meet the standard, I am in a good mood these days, so until the end of the National Day holiday, four chapters are guaranteed to be updated every day!Two chapters at noon and two chapters at night!
  In addition, thank you for your support, because there are too many people, so I won’t list them, I just sent a thank you letter privately.

  Finally, let me say that the fourth watch is really not easy for the handicapped party, so please give us more support!Reward monthly tickets or something, come as many as you can!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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