I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 120 is finally out! [Please subscribe!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward! 】

Chapter 120 is finally out! [Please subscribe!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward! 】

In fact, originally according to Guan Ren's plan, he planned to sneak through the teleportation array directly through Kamikaze Night Walking Clothes, so as not to fight the guard boss directly, but who would have thought that people are not as good as God, and this guy actually came to the door in person up!

And forget it, he brought a thousand younger brothers over!

The weakest of these younger brothers are all level [-] gold level bosses!

There are more than one hundred Amethyst-level bosses left!

There are even five obsidian-level bosses at level [-]!
Such a lineup is enough to be called luxurious!

It's just that the skill cooldown of the kamikaze night walker on Guan Ren's body has not yet been completed, so there is no way to get rid of these troubles!

I have no choice but to use the forbidden spell first!

Guan Ren frowned, he didn't talk nonsense, he didn't give the other party time to react, he just waved his hand and swung his stick!

Eat me!
【Ding!The Forbidden Curse·World Exterminating Thunder was released successfully! 】


A ball of lightning slowly floated up, and then completely ruptured.

A thunderous sound rang out.

Between the heaven and the earth, a terrifying and powerful coercion suddenly rises!

Immediately afterwards, a purple thundercloud condensed in the sky, finally completely enveloping the surrounding area!
"What is this?"

Feeling the terrifying and suffocating breath of thunder and lightning around him, Aymo frowned, feeling a little bad in his heart.

The people of the Shadow Clan live in the space formed by space cracks and rarely communicate with the outside world, so they know little about these magical skills in the human world.

Therefore, facing the gradual formation of the World-Destroying Thunder, Ai Mo was at a loss at all.

Because of such things as forbidden curses, he has lived for so long and has never seen them before.

But his feelings will not lie, this purple thundercloud must not be simple!
This human boy is not easy!

"Everyone pay attention to defense! This Thundercloud is not easy!"

With an order, all the soldiers of the Shadow Clan looked upright, took off the shields on their backs one after another, and raised them up!

Now that Aymo has given the order, they can't neglect it!

"Shield lightning protection? Awesome..."

Guan Ren was directly shocked by the actions of the shadow army in front of him.

Don't these people know that this is a forbidden spell?
If this is the case, his chances of winning are really great!
After all, the terrifying attack power of [Forbidden Curse·World Extinguishing Thunder] is no joke!

Compared with the power of the forbidden curses of the earth and water, the forbidden spells of the thunder system are more than a little bit stronger!
Rumble——! ! !
Finally, the sky and the earth were silent for a moment, suddenly thunder roared, and countless bowl-thin purple lightnings fell from the sky, madly falling on the shadow army below!

Endless purple lightning, dazzling!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

Countless screams came and went, and under the purple thunderclouds, corpses were scattered all over the field in an instant, as if it had become a Shura field in an instant!
3000000! -3000000! -3000000! ...

A series of damage figures floated from the shadow army!

This is the terrifying damage power of the Mieshi Tianlei!
300 million injuries per second!
Although the entire forbidden spell lasted only ten seconds, if all of them were added up, that would be a total damage of 3000 million!

So when the Mieshi Tianlei came out, all the soldiers of the Shadow Army who were still foolishly holding up their shields to defend were all dead!
Even if it is an amethyst-level boss, it will only take a second or two more.

In the end, within the range covered by the entire thundercloud, there were only six people left!
They are Aimo, the leader of the Shadow Army, and five obsidian-level powerhouses in the Shadow Army!
However, although they survived under the baptism of Mieshi Tianlei with their extraordinary defense methods, they also suffered a lot of trauma!

Except for Aimo, who is the captain of the army, who still has more than 2000 million health points, the health points of the other five people have all dropped below 1000 million points!

And under the function of the magical glasses, the few people who seemed to have no weaknesses in their bodies are now full of flaws!
【Ding!The target enemy within the range enters a paralyzed state, which lasts for 10 seconds! 】

【Ding!Due to the enemy's resistance, the duration of the paralyzed state is affected! 】

Thunder attribute skills, apart from their powerful attack ability, are also worth mentioning, undoubtedly their control effect!

[Paralysis: a control effect, in this state, unable to move, unable to use skills to attack]

After the end of the World-Mie Tianlei, the remaining six members of the Youying Clan have all entered a paralyzed state!
However, due to the resistance, the paralysis that could last for ten seconds only lasts for one second on Aymo!

In other words, his resistance to control effects has reached 90%!

As for the other five people, they were relatively inferior, being paralyzed for a full three seconds!

This is a rare opportunity!

Guan Ren's eyes sank, he rushed forward with a stride, bullied himself up, and came to the paralyzed Aimo, with a black fire stick in one hand and a giant ax in the other, he frantically greeted the red fatal weakness circle marked by the magic glasses up!

While you are sick, I will kill you!
"Human, you..."

"Shut up you!"

Guan Ren serves you with a sap, making you completely quiet!

After pouring a sip of burning knife wine into his stomach, Guan Ren immediately gained a super critical strike bonus!

Death hunt!

After the skill was released, Guan Ren's whole body was immediately wrapped in a mass of jet-black energy. At the same time, his attack speed increased by 100%!

Originally, he could only make one hundred attacks per second, but now it has soared to two hundred!

Coupled with the attribute improvement gained from killing and looting along the way, the current Guan Ren's attack power has once again increased compared to before! -
150000! -150000! -150000! -150000! ...

With a critical strike damage of 15 in one blow, combined with an attack frequency of [-] times per second, Guan Ren turned into an output machine!
The super high critical strike rate allowed him to burst out a total output of nearly 3000 million in just one second!


An unbelievable look flashed in the eyes of Aimo, the commander of the Shadow Army. He wanted to say something, but found that his throat could not make a sound at all, his vision gradually blurred, and he finally lost consciousness and fell to the ground with his head depressed. sound.

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Get the skill Shadow Step! 】

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Get the skill Shadow Fury! 】

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Get the skill Shadow Strike! 】

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Get the skill to lift the shield! 】

【Ding! ...]


Following the death of Aimo, the leader of the Shadow Army, a series of system prompts sounded again in Guan Ren's ears!

It's just different from the stereotyped attribute plundering prompts before, this time, Guan Ren finally heard the system prompt of successful skill plundering!

"Fuck, it's finally out!"

The depression in Guan Ren's heart was swept away immediately, and he felt refreshed from head to heel.

As long as he uses the Shadow Step, even if he uses up the World-Mie Tianlei this time, it will definitely be enough!

After all, [Shadow Step] is the skill he has dreamed of!

Forcibly suppressing the urge to open the skill bar to check the skills, Guan Ren turned around and rushed towards the other obsidian-level shadow soldiers who were dying.

It's okay to look at the skills later, but if these guys don't get rid of them as soon as possible, once they recover, it will be difficult to deal with!
 The second update!After six o'clock in the evening, there will be two more chapters!Now double the monthly pass activity, one monthly pass has the effect of two, so remember to vote a lot!

  And your subscriptions and rewards!

  Love you Moe!
  ha ha ha ha……

(End of this chapter)

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