I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 123 If you hesitate, you will lose?

Chapter 123 If you hesitate, you will lose?

Guan Ren ran fast all the way, and it didn't take long to reach the teleportation array area in the center of the mainland.

The whole area is empty.

In the center of the empty area, there is a raised stone platform.

Above the stone platform is a teleportation array covering an area of ​​tens of square meters, which can be used to teleport to the next layer of the abyssal continent.

Because Aimo, the leader of the Shadow Army who guarded here before, has been killed by Guan Ren in advance, so there is no soldier from the Shadow Clan near the teleportation formation. Therefore, for Guan Ren who needs time to practice quietly now, It's an excellent place.

Quickly coming to the stone platform, Guan Ren jumped onto the teleportation array, then found a random place to sit down, held his breath and concentrated, and began to refine the Tianxuan Qi stored in the Heart of Heaven's Punishment.

This time the harvest was good. Counting it all together, he got a total of nineteen yellow-colored Sky Profound Qi and one orange Sky Profound Qi.

Among them, the orange Profound Sky Qi can be used to refine the second orange Profound Sky Rune of the Heart of Punishment, and the remaining yellow Profound Sky Qi can be used in two ways.

First, the first Sky Profound Rune that can be directly used to strengthen the Heart of Heaven's Punishment.

Second, the yellow-colored Profound Sky Qi can be fused to form a higher quality Profound Sky Qi.

As for how much low-level Profound Sky Qi needs to be fused into higher-quality Profound Sky Qi, Guan Ren is not sure.

However, judging from his general experience in the game after reviving his first life, there will definitely not be too little low-level Profound Sky Qi to synthesize high-level Profound Sky Qi!
As for the current Guan Ren, he already has an orange celestial aura, so he doesn't need to combine the yellow-colored celestial qi, so this time, he plans to use the yellow-colored celestial qi to strengthen the original The yellow-colored Tianxuan rune that has been refined by him!
After all, judging from the information that the Heavenly Emperor revealed to him before, if one wants to improve one's strength through the Heavenly Profound Rune of the Heart of Punishment, in addition to the first step of refining, strengthening is also a very important part.

"Is it strengthening again?"

Guan Ren thought to himself, and couldn't help but think of the previous skill enhancement.

This is probably another bottomless pit...

And compared to skill strengthening, the strengthening of Tianxuan runes is many times more difficult!
After all, for him, the difficulty of obtaining the Qi of Profound Sky and the difficulty of obtaining skill strengthening points are simply a world of difference!
However, since the aura of the Profound Sky is so rare, the benefits obtained by strengthening the Profound Sky Rune should be very high!
According to the judgment, it should be so.

I hope it doesn't get tricked by then.

Guan Ren shook his head, continued to focus on refining the orange Profound Sky Qi with all his attention.

Let's remove the level [-] level seal on my body first!


Time passed by minute by minute, and after an unknown amount of time, Guan Ren, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes.


An orange energy breath suddenly diffused from his body.

Guan Ren's eyes were fixed.

The orange aura shrank rapidly, and finally condensed into an orange mysterious rune, which merged with the dim orange rune imprint on the Heart of Punishment.

【Ding!Successfully refining the second Tianxuan rune imprint!The level seal is temporarily lifted! 】

A strange feeling rose from Guan Ren. He looked at his attribute panel, and his level cap finally changed from the original level 19 to the current level 29!
"This is really not easy..."

Guan Ren gave a wry smile, but he still needed to remove another level seal if he wanted to enter and leave the second-level main city unimpeded.

From this point of view, he still needs to continue to work hard.

【Ding!Successfully refining the second Tianxuan rune imprint!Your attributes get a boost! 】

A powerful force instantly swept through every corner of Guan Ren's body.

【Ding!The Tianxuan Token has been upgraded successfully! 】

In the backpack space, the Tianxuan token flashed, and then calm down.

Under the double bonus of Tianxuan Rune and Tianxuan Token, Ling Guanren's attributes have been greatly improved!
Especially the fixed attribute values, among which the lucky value finally broke through [-] points, and the charisma value also reached [-] points!
As for other basic attributes, they all broke through [-] points!

The current Guan Ren's attack power has broken through to [-] points with the addition of equipment!

And his upper limit of health has successfully broken through 20 points!
Of course, this is still the basic attribute without any bonus!
If other skill bonuses are added, his attribute values ​​will be further improved!

The most intuitive point is that if Guan Ren now hits the enemy's fatal weakness in the red circle with the night demon bloodline and the critical strike bonus of burning knives and wine, he can cause about 40 points of damage with just one blow!
This kind of damage has increased by about three times compared to before!
If he was allowed to fight against Aymo again, he would be able to defeat the latter in just one second!
Of course, for Guan Ren, who only had an upper limit of 20 health points, he still couldn't take Aymo's blow head-on!
But this at least proves that even without the support of the Forbidden Curse, Guan Ren already has the strength to confront the 65-level Brave-level Obsidian BOSS head-on!
As long as you take the initiative, you can instantly decide the winner!

The second and the second are only in one thought!
As long as you hesitate, you will lose!
It's exciting to think about!

Refining the second Tianxuan rune, Guan Ren was not in a hurry to strengthen the yellow-colored Tianxuan rune, but started to take out the Xuanhuo stick and kept waving it to refresh his skills!
Time flies by like a horse.

Two hours later, thanks to Guan Ren's unremitting efforts, he finally refreshed the new forbidden spell skill!
【Ding!The skills refreshed successfully!Obtain the right to use [Forbidden Curse·Purgatory Flames]! 】

Forbidden Fire Curse!

A look of satisfaction flashed across Guan Ren's eyes.

The fire-type forbidden spell is also known for its powerful attack power!

Even from some aspects, the power of the forbidden curse of the fire system is stronger than that of the forbidden curse of the thunder system!
After finishing everything, Guan Ren chose to teleport without saying a word, and came to the floating continent where the eighth layer of the abyss is located!

The surroundings were spinning, and when Guan Ren's vision recovered, he had successfully reached the eighth floor of the abyss!
Arriving at the eighth floor, Guan Ren felt a little excited.

Because the Ancient Sword Tomb he was going to was in the depths of the eighth layer of the abyss!

And in the depths of the ancient sword mound, there is a forbidden sword!
The ultimate goal of his trip to the Mobei Territory is to get this forbidden sword!

Looking around for a week, Guan Ren identified the location, and quickly determined the direction of the ancient sword tomb.

But he didn't rush to the ancient sword mound immediately, but turned around and ran towards the border of the mainland!

But don't forget, he still has the magical skill of shadow step!
So in order to ensure that his trip to the Ancient Sword Tomb is safe, he is now going to the space turbulence on the border of the continent to store a little space energy for emergencies!

 In the transitional chapter, the good show is yet to come.

(End of this chapter)

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