Chapter 124 First Step!
【Ding!Energy storage succeeded!Space energy +8! 】

【Ding!Energy storage succeeded!Space energy +8! 】

【Ding!Energy storage succeeded!Space energy +8! 】


Sitting cross-legged at the border of the continent, Guan Ren patiently absorbed the turbulent energy in the surrounding space.

Because it is currently on the eighth floor of the abyss, the energy of space turbulence is relatively strong, so the space energy obtained by each energy storage has 8 points!
In addition, Guan Ren has a systematic ten-fold acceleration bonus, so every second that passes, he can successfully store 80 points of space energy for Shadow Step!
According to this energy absorption speed, he can absorb nearly 30 points of space energy in an hour.

And the upper limit of space energy storage for the tenth-level shadow step is 100 million points, which means that if Guan Ren wants to fully store the energy, it will take more than three hours!

"Oh, this is really hard work..."

Guan Ren smiled wryly. It is not an easy matter to absorb energy from the turbulent flow of space. As the person concerned, Guan Ren must use his body to withstand the impact of turbulent space energy on him at all times!
Although there is only 10% of the pain experience in Tianlin World, the experience that lasts for more than three hours is like cutting the skin, and no one can bear it!

Only Guan Ren, who was cruel enough to himself, went straight from the beginning to the end, and didn't give up until he had fully stored the space energy of the Shadow Step.

"It can't be done, it can't be done, the master will collapse directly..."

Guan Ren collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, panting heavily.

With the current state of mind, if you go directly to the Ancient Sword Tomb, you will definitely be looking for a dead end!
So just to be on the safe side, Guan Ren chose to go offline directly.

There is only one chance for this matter, and it must not be sloppy.

So he must adjust his state to the best.

Because the Ancient Sword Tomb belongs to a special space, once you enter it, you can't log out at will.

Moreover, the whole process of obtaining the Forbidden Sword is very difficult and may take several days, so before that, he also needs to go offline and explain to Guan Xiaoyun.

After going offline, Guan Ren first pulled Guan Xiaoyun over. After Daoming that he might not be able to go offline on time due to special tasks these days, he spent a lot of effort to stop him from worrying about him in the next few days. physical condition.

In the end, Guan Ren had a full meal and slept in the room for a long time. He didn't return to the game until he adjusted his mental state to the best level!
"Everything that needs to be prepared is ready! The next step is to enter the Ancient Sword Tomb!"

Guan Ren used the kamikaze night clothes to hide his figure, and quickly rushed towards the ancient sword tomb in the deep space of the eighth floor of the abyss!

Because there are monsters in the eighth layer of space, and in order to avoid unnecessary battles, the powerful stealth effect of the kamikaze night suit has indeed provided Guan Ren with a lot of help!
At full speed, an hour passed quickly.

And as the official benevolence deepened, the atmosphere in the surrounding space became more and more violent!

"What a strong sword energy!"

Even if he lived a new life, when he approached the ancient sword mound again, Guan Ren still couldn't help but let out a heartfelt exclamation from the bottom of his heart!

It is indeed the sword mound of the sword dynasty in ancient times!
Looking around, under the night vision ability of the night demon bloodline, Guan Ren could clearly see a giant sword forged from a mountain in the distance stuck upside down on the ground. On the sword body were engraved with three powerful Big characters - Ancient Sword Tomb!

Endless sword energy raged from these three words, tearing apart everything within a radius of nearly [-] meters!
This area has already formed a field formed by endless sword energy. In this area of ​​sword energy, there is nothing but the giant sword that has been standing majestically between the sky and the earth!

However, for Guan Ren, if he wanted to enter the Ancient Sword Tomb, the first step was to get close to the giant sword that was shaped like a mountain and stood between the sky and the earth!
In the last life, Guan Ren spent a full week in order to take this first step.

Because these sword qi are ridiculously strong in terms of attack strength and coverage!

If you go up rashly, you will only die!

However, Guan Ren in this life is well prepared, so this first step is not a big problem for him.

How many kilometers of sword energy coverage?

Sorry, I have a ten-level shadow step, which can span a space of up to [-] meters!

Sword Qi damage explosion?

Sorry, I have a double doll to protect me from the fatal blow!

With the cooperation of these two points, the field of sword energy, which was originally incomprehensible to officials, became extremely simple in an instant!
Guan Ren approached the field of sword energy, and directly used the shadow step on the edge, and jumped towards the giant sword where the ancient sword mound was located.

【Ding!The space jump is successful!Consume 8000 points of space energy! 】

The surrounding scenery changed suddenly, and Guan Ren only felt a little distracted. He had already crossed a space of nearly [-] meters, appeared in midair, and got close to the three characters [Ancient Sword Tomb] carved on the rock of Jujian Mountain!

right here!

Guan Ren's eyes were fixed, and he raised his hand, trying to touch the words on the sword.

Brush brush!
Countless sword qi flew out from between the strokes of the three characters [Ancient Sword Tomb], locked onto Guan Ren's position instantly, gathered a little bit from different directions, and blasted towards Guan Ren!
[Ding, you have been locked by the sword energy of the ancient sword mound and cannot move! 】

A system notification sounded in his ear, but Guan Ren didn't change his face, allowing the vertical and horizontal sword energy to tear his body into pieces instantly, and still stretched out his palm without hesitation, and pressed it on the sword body!

The stand-in puppet took effect, instantly blocked Guan Ren's fatal blow, and was immediately torn to pieces by countless sword qi!

And Guan Ren also successfully used teleportation to avoid the residual power of the sword, and his palm smoothly touched the big characters on the sword.


The corner of Guan Ren's mouth twitched.

At the same time, a strong suction came from Guan Ren's arm.

At the position where Guan Ren's palm was in contact with the blade of the giant sword, a pitch-black space vortex suddenly appeared, pulling him directly into it!
The whole process happens in an instant.

The moment the stand-in puppet was torn apart by the sword energy, Guan Ren's figure also completely disappeared in this world!
The first pass, finally passed.

Guan Ren breathed a sigh of relief, let the space vortex wrap him, and entered the space where the ancient sword tomb was.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Now that the first step has been successfully taken, as long as there are no accidents, if you fight steadily, the probability of getting the Forbidden Sword will soar!
【Ding!You have entered the special scene "Ancient Sword Tomb"! 】

【Notice!Ancient Sword Tomb belongs to a special space!In this space, unless you reach a special place, you cannot go offline! 】

【Notice!Death in the Ancient Sword Tomb will cause the basic attributes to drop by 50%! 】

【Notice!The upper limit of each opening of the Ancient Sword Tomb is [-] days!Everyone has only one chance to enter the Ancient Sword Tomb! 】

"Sure enough, it's still a familiar taste, and it's still a familiar recipe!"

There is only one chance to visit the Ancient Sword Tomb!
If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!
 Wonderful coming soon!Everyone remember to vote for it!Today is four more, and the other two chapters are at six in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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