I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 126 This is an iron cock! [2 more! 】

Chapter 126 This is an iron cock! [Second update! 】

Must not be destroyed!
Guan Ren kept praying in his heart, because to him, this meant how long it would take to complete the second step of the plan!

If the sword spirit crystal dust dropped by these sword spirits could not resist the terrifying damage of the forbidden spell and was destroyed, he could only honestly deal with these junior sword spirits one by one!

It is definitely impossible to fight without sleep, so if Guan Ren wants to collect enough sword spirit crystal dust, unless he can use the forbidden spell, otherwise, he will need to spend nearly half a month to complete this second task. step plan!
Must be done!

Guan Ren was extremely nervous, but there was nothing he could do!

Under the mighty power of the purgatory flames, the three primary ancient sword spirits only survived for a second before they were directly burned to ashes by the fire and scattered with the wind!
As for the sword spirit crystal dust they dropped, it was the same, under Guan Ren's desperate eyes, they were reduced to ashes in the sea of ​​flames!

Guan Ren was dumbfounded.

Originally, in his opinion, collecting the sword spirit crystal dust with the forbidden spell method is definitely the most efficient. With a forbidden spell every three hours, he only needs to pull all the elementary ancient sword spirits far enough away. Then use the curse to kill them.

One wave is guaranteed to start with a minimum of 50 sword spirit crystal dust, so after more than a dozen waves, he can get enough sword spirit crystal dust needed to summon the master of sword spirit as he wished!
However, the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

The ruthless reality completely crushed Guan Ren's fantasies!
A curse is a curse!

How can his destructive ability be resisted by ordinary junior sword spirit Jingchen?
Isn't this a joke?
So Guan Ren is in a tragedy.

Fortunately, he didn't bring a group of sword spirits to test, otherwise, he would not be able to get even a piece of sword spirit crystal dust in the next three hours!
"Oh, this is not easy..."

Guan Ren gave a wry smile, feeling a little pained.

The test failed this time, but a forbidden spell skill was wasted!

Forget it, let's just brush up the materials honestly!

Guan Ren sighed, collected his mood, and returned to the Ancient Sword Tomb, and started a long journey of brushing and brushing!

These elementary sword spirits, except for the sword spirit crystal dust, did not drop anything.

Originally, Guan Ren could get some attribute points by relying on the system's looting function, but who would have thought that Guan Ren would get [-] sword spirits in one go, but he didn't give him any attributes!

It was really wrong to say that it was a sledgehammer before!
How can this be an ordinary chicken?

This is totally an iron cock!
There are no rewards, and more than ten days in a row, the boring period, just thinking about it is a headache!

If he still wants to go offline to rest and adjust his status halfway, his material collection speed will be further reduced!
Because in the ancient sword mound, it is not so casual to want to go offline. Every time you go offline, you need to consume a certain amount of sword spirit crystal dust!

And the speed of consumption is calculated according to the percentage of the sword spirit crystal dust on the player!

That is to say, the more you get to the late stage of material collection, the loss every time you go offline is huge!
This setting is really too bad!
Guan Ren still clearly remembered his last life. In order to save time, he directly prepared bread and water by his bedside. Every time he went offline to eat, it was like a competition. He almost choked to death several times!
Alas, it was so difficult at that time!

But for the ultimate forbidden sword, he can only endure it!

In order to increase the efficiency of spawning monsters, Guan Ren gave up melee combat, and instead held a crossbow with both hands, pulling a group of elementary ancient sword spirits to output non-stop.

Shaodaozijiu never leaves his mouth, and has always maintained a super high crit bonus!
One hundred arrows per second, every second, Guan Ren can successfully kill two to three junior sword spirits, and the drops of these sword spirits are just as Guan Ren predicted before, each will drop about ten copies Sword Spirit Crystal Dust.

Compared with melee brushing materials, the collection speed of long-range attack materials has been significantly improved. According to this speed, about [-] copies of Sword Spirit Crystal Dust can be collected in an hour.

However, although the collection efficiency has improved, the operational requirements for Guanren have also increased a lot. After all, if it is a battle, it is relatively easy to hit the enemy's weak point with every hit, but the long-range attack is different, because the big In most cases, Guan Ren and the enemy are moving at high speed, and it is not easy to hit the weak points. In addition, Guan Ren has more targets, so it is difficult to cover everything. In this way, if you want to ensure the efficiency of killing monsters Therefore, Guan Ren had to concentrate more on fighting. After this calculation, his mental exhaustion would be terribly frightening!
However, there is always a trade-off. Being able to obtain more materials in the shortest possible time is more important to him now.

As for poor spirits?

Just take a break while the sword spirit refreshes.

He must increase the speed of collecting materials, because only in this way can he reduce the number of times he goes offline for supplies.

Because the percentage of material consumption is too much for people!

I brush!

I brush!

I swipe!

Guan Ren was so red-eyed that he slaughtered for two hours in one go, and the number of sword spirit crystal dust on his body also exceeded 20 copies!

With his current mental state, it is estimated that he will not be able to maintain such a monster spawning efficiency after killing for half an hour.

Guan Ren gritted his teeth and persisted. For him, this was only the second step of the whole plan. If he started to lose the chain at this time, then how could he get the Forbidden Sword?
You must know that the level of [Forbidden] is the highest level in the entire Tianlin world!

It is difficult to obtain the Forbidden Sword!
For these, Guan Ren has already done sufficient psychological construction before entering the Ancient Sword Tomb, no matter in the previous life or in this life!
In any case, he only has one chance!
So no matter what, he will never give up!

What's more, he had already obtained the Forbidden Sword in his previous life, and in this life, he has no reason to fail!
Half an hour passed quickly, and Guan Ren had almost reached his limit. Now he had to stop and rest for a while to recover his exhausted spirit before continuing to fight.

Glancing at the only primary ancient sword spirit left in front of him, Guan Ren was just about to kill it when an image suddenly flashed in his mind, stopping his finger on the trigger.

Qi Wantian can use the collection technique to directly snatch the backpacks from other people, so if he uses it on these sword spirits, can he also collect the sword spirit crystal dust in their bodies?
Thinking of this, Guan Ren looked eagerly at the junior sword spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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