I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 127 Invincible collection flow! [3 more! 】

Chapter 127 Invincible collection flow! [Third watch! 】

Give it a try, what if it works?
Anyway, we have already reached this stage, so it won't waste much time to try it.

Guan Ren thought in his heart, feeling inexplicably looking forward to it.

After all, the skills of Xuanling Sect can always surprise people, and he has never used it since he obtained the Xuanling Gathering Technique, so he does not know the specific characteristics of this skill.

However, Qi Wantian used the mysterious spirit collection technique to collect all the backpacks of Jianying Thirteen Guards and others, which is still unforgettable for him!

This skill even made him think that it was more powerful than the looting function of his own system!

Moreover, the introduction to the Mysterious Spirit Gathering Technique is also clearly written. If you practice it to the extreme, you can collect all things in the world. It is very compelling, so it is not impossible to be able to directly collect materials that will drop after he dies from monsters. possible!
As soon as he thought of it, Guan Ren's eyes sank, and he rushed forward with a stride, defrauding an attack from the sword spirit!
Shadow Walk!
With a jump in space, Guan Ren appeared next to Sword Spirit in an instant, and his hands were instantly wrapped in a pale white light.

Profound Spirit Collection Technique!
With his palm out, Guan Ren's hand directly touched the body of the junior sword spirit.

【Ding!Collection succeeded!Congratulations on obtaining the elementary sword spirit crystal dust × 5! 】

Ha ha!It's really possible!
Hearing the system notification sound in his ears, Guan Ren almost laughed like crazy.

This damn, really intends to plant flowers so that the flowers will not bloom, but unintentionally plant willows and willows to make shade!
Originally, I just came here with the mentality of giving it a try, but I didn't expect it to actually work!
"Since that's the case, don't blame me, poor little sword spirit!"

The corner of Guan Ren's mouth twitched, and he replaced the Xuanhuo stick in his hand, and greeted the junior sword spirit who hadn't reacted yet!

【Ding!The sap was used successfully!The enemy is stunned for three seconds! 】

Listening to the three-second dizziness, Guan Ren felt extremely happy.

After all, it has been so long, and almost all the enemies he fought against had stun resistance, so he was unable to exert full control effect on the enemies. However, the junior sword spirit in front of him obviously did not have stun resistance, so Guan Ren directly caught him. Cheap!
You must know that there is no cooldown time for the use of the mysterious spirit collection technique, that is to say, as long as Guan Ren's hand speed is fast enough, he can continuously release skills to collect!
And what is the most indispensable thing for Guan Ren?
It's hand speed!
Fifty times per second with one hand, and if you put both hands together, it adds up to a hundred times!

A hundred mysterious spirit harvesting techniques per second, even thinking about it feels exciting!

And Guan Ren went down with a sap and directly controlled the junior sword spirit for three seconds. He could use this time to perform a full [-] times of mysterious spirit collection!

【Ding!Collection succeeded!Congratulations on obtaining the elementary sword spirit crystal dust × 1! 】

【Ding!Collection succeeded!Congratulations on obtaining the elementary sword spirit crystal dust × 2! 】

【Ding!Collection succeeded!Congratulations on obtaining the elementary sword spirit crystal dust × 4! 】

【Ding! ...]


A series of system prompts kept ringing in Guan Ren's ears, but Guan Ren didn't care at all. He couldn't stop, as if he had eaten Xuan Mai. Probe on the stunned junior sword spirit!

However, the whole process didn't last until the dizziness ended. It took only a second for the junior sword spirit's body to collapse and disappear under Guan Ren's frantic collection!

I rely on!Why is it gone?

I haven't fucked up yet!
Guan Ren looked at the junior sword spirit who suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes with a confused face, and couldn't help but curse secretly.

But after he calmed down, he gradually realized one thing.

This sword spirit crystal dust should be the core source of power for the sword spirit. Once it is completely collected, the primary sword spirit that has lost its energy support will naturally dissipate on the spot.

Forget it, it's gone if it's gone!

Guan Ren shrugged and looked at his backpack.

In one second, there were three hundred more junior sword spirit Jingchen!

This efficiency is fully ten times that of the previous crossbow flow!
"Well, it seems that there will be a better way to collect these sword spirit crystal dust in the future!"

Before he had time to rest, Guan Ren took out fifty copies of the junior sword spirit Jingchen and summoned them.

Now that he has discovered the magical effect of the mysterious spirit collection technique, he doesn't need to brush endlessly against the low-level sword spirits. Wouldn't it be better to start directly from higher-level sword spirits?
In this way, he can save more time!

The corner of Guan Ren's mouth curled up, looking at the summoned middle-level ancient sword spirit, he did the same thing, and used the mysterious spirit collection technique on him!

【Ding!Mental attributes are too low!Collection failed! 】

Guan Ren was taken aback by the system prompt in his ear. The mental attribute is too low, so there is no way to collect it, right?
If this is the case, he has indeed heard Qi Wantian say before that the power of the Xuanling Gathering Technique is linked to the individual's spiritual attributes.

Now that the system has been prompted like this, it seems that he has no way to summon the master of the sword spirit at a faster speed by brushing up the level of the sword spirit!

But even so, the speed will not be too slow if you only brush the primary sword spirit!
If the previous method of brushing materials with crossbow arrows was too exhausting, there is absolutely no problem with Guan Ren's newly developed collection flow!
Get [-] pieces of junior sword spirit crystal dust in one second, and you don't have to face a group of sword spirits chasing at the same time, and at the same time, you can operate face to face, and you don't need to spend extra energy to target the target's weakness!

The only thing he needs to do is to seize the opportunity to control the target, and then drive straight away!
A hundred times a second!

Directly blow the elementary sword spirit to the point of death!
After careful calculation, it only took less than a day for Guan Ren to collect all the materials needed to summon the Lord of Sword Spirits!
This is definitely great news for Guan Ren who wants to complete the second step of the plan as soon as possible!
"Okay, it's almost time to rest, let's get started!"

After resting for about half an hour, Guan Ren's mental state had recovered to seven or seven or eighty-eight. Without further ado, he came to an ancient sword and drew out a junior ancient sword spirit!


In the same way, Guan Ren kept greeting the junior sword spirit with countless afterimages in his hands!

【Ding!Collection succeeded!Congratulations on obtaining the elementary sword spirit crystal dust × 3! 】

【Ding!Collection succeeded!Congratulations on obtaining the elementary sword spirit crystal dust × 2! 】

【Ding!Collection succeeded!Congratulations on obtaining the elementary sword spirit crystal dust × 3! 】


The system prompts in his ears kept ringing, like the melodious gospel, which made Guan Ren feel refreshed from the head to the soles of his feet!
One by one, Guan Ren dealt with one primary sword spirit at a time from the beginning, and in the end, he was able to control five sword spirits at the same time and collect them at the same time. Material efficiency!
According to this speed, it only takes about three hours to collect all the materials smoothly!

The corners of Guan Ren's mouth curled up slowly, and he was in an extremely comfortable mood!

He finally didn't have to spend several days in a mentally tormenting state of spawning monsters!

Time flies by, and under Guan Ren's insistence, he collected all the junior sword spirit crystal dust he needed in one go!

If that's the case, you can finally start summoning!

After dividing more than 600 million copies of Sword Spirit Jingchen into one hundred groups, Guan Ren began to call in groups.

His next task is much simpler, as long as he summons all the way, he can finally summon the master of sword spirit.

And this process took Guan Ren a whole day.

(End of this chapter)

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