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Chapter 128 Lord of Sword Spirits Ling Xiao! [4 more!Ask for a reward!Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 128 Lord of Sword Spirits Ling Xiao! [Four more!Ask for a reward!Ask for a monthly pass! 】

After the last super ancient sword spirit was killed by Guan Ren, the last ten pieces of super sword spirit Jingchen finally got it.

For a whole day, apart from the endless fighting, Guan Ren only took a short break in the middle, so now he is exhausted enough.

"It's really hard work to get the Forbidden Sword..."

Guan Ren put away the super sword spirit crystal dust, and his whole body was exhausted and collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

After working hard all day, I just got a set of materials for summoning the Lord of Sword Spirits.

And to start the mission of the Forbidden Sword, summoning the Lord of the Sword Spirit is just the beginning.

Just getting a chance is exhausting.

The road ahead will be even more difficult.

Guan Ren seized the time to rest and adjust his state as quickly as possible.

Lying flat on the ground, Guan Ren stared at the thick clouds in the sky, slightly lost in thought.

Behind the clouds, there is actually a floating island named Tianjian Island, which is the place where the first swordsman of the Sword Dynasty buried his sword in ancient times.

There, there are thirteen swords in total.

They are the weapons used by the swordsman in different periods of his life, and the lowest quality among them has reached the ninth rank of obsidian.

Among them, the highest quality is the ultimate goal of Guan Ren's trip, a forbidden sword, whose name is returned to dust!

All things turn to dust.

This is the power of Guichen Sword.

Although in his last life, he only knew some superficial aspects of Guichen Sword, but even so, his own strength soared instantly, and he became one of the strongest!
This is the power of the Forbidden Sword!

This time, Guan Ren rested for three hours.

It wasn't until he adjusted all his states to the best that he took out the collected super sword spirit crystal dust and put them together.

【Ding!Are you calling? 】


Guan Ren's eyes darkened, and he said firmly.

Now, it's time for the third step of planning!

After Guan Ren made his choice, the sword spirit Jingchen who was placed on the ground suddenly burst out with colorful and destructive rays of light. Countless sword energies raged non-stop, drawing countless criss-cross ravines on the surrounding ground!
As expected of the Lord of Sword Spirits, it's just that a trace of sword energy accidentally leaked out during the summoning has such terrifying power!

Looks like someone is playing again.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Guan Ren's mouth.

Fortunately, he got the stand-in doll in advance, otherwise, he would have no chance of winning this battle at all.

"Who...woke me up..."

In the center of the colorful sword energy, a figure condensed into shape.

Different from other translucent sword spirits, the body of the sword spirit master is more solid, standing in the air as a whole, and seven lightsabers of different colors spread out radially behind his back, exuding a faint halo.

[lv70. Fairy-level Boss: Lord of Sword Spirits Ling Xiao (King Level): Lord of Sword Spirits in the Ancient Sword Tomb, with superb swordsmanship and unfathomable strength!Health: 720000000, Energy: 400000000, Attack: 6000000, Defense: 4000000, Skill: Unknown]

Level seventy!
Fairy Boss!

King class!

This is the Lord of Sword Spirits!

More than [-] million health points!
Up to 600 million attack power!
With such a powerful attribute, Guan Ren's life can be ended directly with just one blow!

For the master of sword spirits, Guan Ren's strength is not worth mentioning at all!
It is true that Guan Ren also admitted that even if he tried his best, he would not be an opponent of the Sword Spirit Lord.

Because his purpose is not to be an enemy at all.

All he had to do was to get one thing from the Sword Spirit Master.

Something that can help him reach Heavenly Sword Island smoothly!

"Human... Did you... summon me?"

Ling Xiao, the master of sword spirits, turned his head slightly, his blue eyes looked at Guan Ren who was a hundred meters away.

"it's me."

"You called me out, why?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, the master of sword spirits.

"The Sword Dynasty has fallen apart!"

With the experience of his previous life, Guan Ren went straight to the point this time.

"What did you say!"

Lord of Sword Spirit Ling Xiao frowned when he heard this, the aura on his body raged uncontrollably, and the surrounding ground instantly became a mess.

"Tell me, what's going on!"

The Lord of Sword Spirit Ling Xiao's tone was a little hurried, and he said in a deep voice: "Also, how long has this been going on?"

"In the battle between gods and demons in ancient times, the two sword ancestors all died of exhaustion. In the next thousand years, the sword dynasty, which lost its backbone, was completely separated due to internal conflicts, and formed two new dynasties to fight against each other!"

Guan Ren's eyes sank slightly, and he spoke out a set of rhetoric he had prepared in his mind: "The Sword Dynasty existed ten thousand years ago. Now, only the Sword Dynasty and the Sword Dynasty are left!"

"This... 1 years have passed?"

The Lord of Sword Spirit Ling Xiao's eyes were dull, and a flash of memory flashed in his eyes: "I didn't expect that the invincible master still failed to win that war in the end..."

"Young man, I wish you could do me a favor."

Ling Xiao, the master of sword spirits, suddenly turned his gaze to Guan Ren.


Guan Ren's heart skipped a beat, his eyes filled with anticipation.

"Please speak!"

"As you said, the Sword Dynasty has long ceased to exist, but to me, they are the painstaking efforts of my master's life! So... I will never allow it to wither like this!"

The Lord of Sword Spirit's eyes were firm, and he said in a deep voice: "So I need you to take me out of here, I want to go out in person and rebuild the Sword Dynasty!"

"But as a sword spirit, how do you leave here?"

"As long as I help my main body get away from Tianjian Island, I can find a way!"

Lord of Sword Spirit Ling Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly: "I will trouble you to do this!"

"Just, how can I get to Tianjian Island?"

Guan Ren followed the Lord of the Sword Spirit and said.

"Sky Sword Island, the vast void above the Ancient Sword Tomb, there is only one way for you to reach that height."

Ling Xiao, the master of sword spirits, waved his hand, and a lightsaber flew out from behind him, quickly shuttled between the sky and the earth: "This is the art of imperial swordsmanship, as long as you master it, you can reach Tianjian Island smoothly!"

"But before I pass it on to you, I have to confirm one thing."

"Confirm what?"

"I need to confirm whether you have the strength to bring back my body from Tianjian Island!"

Ling Xiao, the master of the sword spirit, said lightly: "Otherwise, wouldn't I have given you a sword control technique for nothing?"

"Then how do you test it?"

"It's very simple. In the next three days, if you can reduce my health to less than half, I will consider you a pass!"

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Guan Ren fixed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

He must get the Imperial Sword Technique!

As for the next three days, it was a desperate time!

No matter what, he would wear out more than half of the sword spirit master's health!
 The four changes are over!Ask for a reward!Ask for a monthly pass!Please subscribe!Ask for a recommendation ticket!All in all, all kinds of requests!
  The baby is resurrected with full blood!
  The future update time is tentatively set at twelve o'clock in the morning, so there will be four chapters after twelve o'clock in the evening!How about it?Are you happy?
(End of this chapter)

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