I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 133 Is This Acting Like a Baby?

Chapter 133 Is This Acting Like a Baby?

You know, ten seconds of control time is enough for Guan Ren to do a lot of things!
What's more, after the master of the sword spirit transformed into a snow-white big fat sheep, his offensive and defensive attributes all became 1 point. To Guan Ren, it was useless at all.

Not only that, under the observation of the magic glasses, the master of the sword spirit who is now transformed into a big snow-white sheep has weaknesses all over his body, which can be said to be full of flaws!
Almost all of the sheep's body had fatal weaknesses marked by red circles!
Trying to find a few yellow common weaknesses among these Achilles' heels would be fatal!

Because you can't see it at all!

The Achilles' heel marked by the red light circle can cause triple damage after hitting!
In this way, Guan Ren's output ability was tripled in an instant!
While you are sick, I will kill you!
I saw Guan Ren holding a black fire stick in each hand, waving both hands non-stop, the shadow of the stick was like the wind, and greeted the snow-white big fat sheep!
500000! -500000! -500000! ...

Stick crit!

Let's kill!

Two hundred sticks per second!

He directly beat the master of the sword spirit who had transformed into a snow-white big fat sheep without any temper!
The current Guan Ren can output [-] million points of damage per second!

And the upper limit of the sword spirit master's health is only a little over [-] million points!
That is to say, there is no need to wait until the end of the ten-second transformation time, Guan Ren can rely on his own powerful output ability to directly kill the previously invincible Sword Spirit Lord!

And if this is placed before, it is simply unthinkable!

If it wasn't for the fact that [Bunny's Mysterious Carrot Shop] was refreshed at the last moment and he bought such powerful props, he probably wouldn't be able to do this no matter what!

Ten seconds of control, and regardless of level.

It's okay if it's given to ordinary people, at most it's just a big move.

But Guan Ren is different. His extreme attack frequency, combined with the triple damage bonus that ignores defense, is enough to cause devastating damage to a single target!
"Baa baa!? (What the hell is going on!?)"

"Baa baa baa? (How did I become a sheep?)"

"Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaible!? (Skills! Why haven't I used my skills!?)"

"Baa baa baa!!! (Who the hell is this kid!!!)"

The mentality of the sword spirit master who transformed into a big snow-white sheep has collapsed!

Originally, he wasn't too afraid of control skills!

Because as far as he is concerned, each of the seven lightsabers surrounding him has a skill that assists him to unlock the control!
So he didn't worry at all that he would be controlled and get into trouble at first.

But who would have thought that under an inexplicable witchcraft, he suddenly turned into a bloated white sheep, and lost all his abilities because of it!
A lightsaber that can be used to unlock?
It has long since turned into a few tufts of wool on his body, completely losing their original abilities!

So the current master of the sword spirit is suffering unspeakably in his heart!

Isn't he a lowly human being?
Where did this method come from?

Could it be that from the very beginning, he always wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

The Lord of Sword Spirit couldn't figure it out.

Moreover, the current situation has no room for him to think too much!

He doesn't want to die!

Let alone die!

How to do?
admit defeat?
But... I can't do it now!

The master of the sword spirit panicked, he found that no matter how he spoke, the only sound he made was a sheep cry of "baa baa baa"!

How to make the human kid understand, this is a big problem!

Moreover, there is not much time left for him now!
It would be a shame if he just died in such an unexplained manner!

He managed to wake up, but he couldn't just be lost like this!

do not care!
Love it!

Driven by a strong desire to survive, the master of the sword spirit who transformed into a big snow-white sheep no longer struggled, but lay down on his back, exposing his round belly, and rolled on the ground like a baby.

"Baa baa~"

"What a baa~"

This Nima...

Seeing this, Guan Ren was stunned.

Is this guy serious?Rolling and acting like a spoiled child on the ground?

Did you make a mistake!

You are the master of sword spirits!

Ancient Sword Tomb, not counting Tianjian Island, you are the boss!
How could you miss last night like this!
Oh my God!
Anyway, symbolic resistance!

I won't really kill you!
Guan Ren was also confused by the series of operations of the Sword Spirit Master.

But to be honest, this snow-white big fat sheep really has an indescribably soft and cute feeling when it acts coquettishly!
"Don't care about him! Let's hit first!"

Guan Ren came back to his senses, and the black fire stick in his hand continued to output.

Fairy-level bosses can no longer be dealt with by common sense.

They were all very shrewd. If Guan Ren stopped fighting now, and waited until the opponent's control state disappeared, they might change their face in an instant and launch a counterattack!
He didn't want to capsize in the gutter!

So, let you act coquettishly and act cute, omnipotent, I will stand still and stick like a dragon!

I will fuck you for seven seconds first, so that your health is only a layer of blood skin!
At that time, even if the master of the sword spirit wanted to counterattack, he would be completely fearless and kill him instantly before he made a move!

"Damn it! Is this human boy really going to kill me? Doesn't he want to get something valuable from me? You know, I'm a sword spirit! There won't be any items dropped by death! "

Seeing his HP plummeting, the Sword Spirit Master was burning with anxiety and his face was ashen!

Could it be that this is the end for me?
But if I die, who will fulfill the master's last wish?Who will inherit the master's will?
However, just when the sword spirit master thought he would die, Guan Ren suddenly stopped his movements, removed the surrounding dark night barrier, and stood silently aside.

"Let's leave him with 100 million HP, the current master of the sword spirit is no longer a threat to me!"

Guan Ren thought to himself, waiting for the control time of Yang Yang Bang to end.

A soft sound.

The big snow-white sheep lying on the ground was instantly surrounded by white smoke.

At the same time, the Lord of Sword Spirit finally recovered his original form!
It's just that the radiance of his body is already very dim now, as if his soul will fly away at any time.

"I... I'm not dead?"

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Lord of Sword Spirit.

"No, you're just temporarily alive."

Guan Ren stepped forward, pointed at the nose of the Lord of Sword Spirit with the black fire stick in his hand, and said flatly, "Next, I will hand over the right of life and death to you!"

"Make a choice, recognize me as master, and I will let you live! Otherwise, there is only one dead end!"

Guan Ren narrowed his eyes and looked at the Lord of the Sword Spirit, whose face suddenly changed.

"There is only one chance, whether you can grasp it or not depends on your own choice!"

 Is the comment section closed these days?Khan, I can't see everyone's reply at all.

  I watched the military parade yesterday, so I was lazy and didn't write it. I hope everyone can understand.

  Now this is Chapter 1, there is no manuscript saved, one chapter is written and one chapter is released, so the update time will not be stable, if you don’t want to wait, everyone can watch it around [-] pm.

  I should have finished four chapters by then (quiet beep)?
  In addition, thanks to Zhou Xiaozao for his support of 6666 book coins!

  Finally, ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket!
  Students who are capable, remember to give a reward and support it. It was put on the shelf at the end of last month, and the manuscript fee is not enough to pay, and it will eat dirt again! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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