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Chapter 134 Inheritance of Swordsmanship!

Chapter 134 Inheritance of Swordsmanship!
Surrender, or die?
The Lord of Sword Spirit frowned.

He hesitated.

If he had doubts about Guan Ren's strength before, the current master of sword spirits has fully recognized Guan Ren's strength.

And now he doesn't seem to have a choice, if he doesn't choose to surrender, what awaits him will inevitably be death.

It's not that he didn't think of a dying counterattack and killed Guan Ren.

But now he has only one breath left, and there is no chance at all.

He could indeed kill the human kid in front of him with one blow, but... since the other party dared to spare his life, it meant that he must be fully prepared!
Risking his life like this was definitely not his choice.

Moreover, there is no need to do so!

The reason why he is hesitant to surrender now is not because of Guan Ren's strength, but because he is worried about one thing.

"Don't worry, if you are willing to recognize me as the master, I will help you fulfill your previous wish, let the Sword Dynasty reunite into one, and help them rebuild their glory!"

Guan Ren said aloud, "The time has come, tell me your choice."

"I choose to surrender."

The master of the sword spirit knelt on one knee, and the seven lightsabers floating behind him emitted gentle light, instantly covering Guan Ren's body.

Since Guan Ren had already said that he would help him complete the task of merging the Sword Dynasty, he no longer hesitated and chose to surrender and recognize the Lord.

Because right now, deep in his heart, the only thing he can't let go of is the last wish of his former master.

The entanglement in his heart was eliminated, and the master of the sword spirit resolutely recognized the master.

Because in his opinion, the current Guan Ren may not be at the level of a top powerhouse, but he has unlimited potential!

If it can grow up, it will definitely become a strong person on the Megatron side!
And if he remembers correctly, his former master, at Guan Ren's age, was not as strong as the latter!
So the future is absolutely limitless!

Following him, the Lord of Sword Spirits is definitely worth it!

【Ding!Ling Xiao, the lord of the sword spirit, has successfully recognized the lord! 】

【Ding!Congratulations on successfully subduing Lingxiao Sword and Sword Spirit! 】

Hearing the system notification sound in his ears, the corners of Guan Ren's mouth twitched.

Subduing the sword spirit is equivalent to subduing the sword.

Next, as long as he goes to Tianjian Island to get the Lingxiao Sword, he can successfully use this fairy-quality sword!

And as the master of the sword spirit completed his identification, the description above his head also changed.

The title of [Master of Sword Spirit] that originally belonged to him has disappeared, leaving only the word [Ling Xiao].

It seems that with the success of identifying the master, Ling Xiao's task of guarding the ancient sword tomb has been completely declared over.

From now on, there will be no sword spirit master in the entire Ancient Sword Tomb!


Ling Xiao knelt down on one knee and saluted Guan Ren.

"Get up, after today, you need to help more."

Guan Ren smiled slightly, and leaned over to help Ling Xiao who was half kneeling on the ground up.

Looking at Ling Xiao's attributes, Guan Ren's eyes showed a look that was so true.

In the world of Heaven's Edge, except for creatures summoned by skills or scrolls, any creatures that have a master-servant relationship with the player are lower than the player himself.

No matter how strong and how high their level is before they recognize their master, their level will be forcibly suppressed to the same level as the master's level after recognizing their master, and correspondingly, their strength will also be greatly weakened!
Take the current Ling Xiao as an example. Before that, his level was as high as level 70, his life value was hundreds of millions, and his attack power was as high as several million!

But what about now?
His level is only level 19. Although he is still at the fairy level, his attributes must have fallen below the bottom. All attributes are only 1% of the peak period!

The current Ling Xiao's health limit is only 720 million, and his attack power is only [-] points. Compared with the sword spirit master who almost made Guan Ren helpless before, it is simply a world of difference!
But even so, such an attribute panel is much higher than Guan Ren's!

"By the way, now hurry up and hand over the Sword Control Technique to me."

Guan Ren said: "With this, I can go to Tianjian Island and take your body out."

"Yes, Master."

Ling Xiao nodded when he heard the words, clasped his hands together, and then kept changing, kneading thousands of different sword tactics. Finally, his eyes were fixed, his index and middle fingers were brought together, and a ray of sword energy that was so subtle that it was almost imperceptible gathered and formed.

"This is the inheritance memory of Yujianshu. It is some experience and knowledge of my previous master when he was young. Because he was always fighting by his side at that time, I was lucky to keep it."

Ling Xiao said in a deep voice: "But this is not the most perfect swordsmanship, it's just the state of swordsmanship that my previous master comprehended at that time!"

"It doesn't matter, for me now, it is good enough to be able to obtain this level of inheritance of sword control!"

As Guan Ren said, he stretched out his hand to take the blue-gray sword energy like a tiny flame, smiled slightly, and placed it between his eyebrows.

A powerful flow of information poured into Guan Ren's mind along the center of his brows, instantly filling his mental space!
"The heart is moved by the mind, the sword is from the spirit, the mind is connected, and the sword is in harmony!"

A formula resounded in Guan Ren's mind, and it was deeply engraved in his heart like a brand!
Immediately afterwards, countless figures began to use different sword-controlling techniques in his mental space, and as time went by, after completing the sword-controlling technique, these figures all turned into green The gray sword energy finally fused together to form a blue-gray long sword, condensed in Guan Ren's spiritual space!
At the same time, all kinds of experience and knowledge about Yujianshu, like an endless wave, impacted Guan Ren's spirit!
Guan Ren gritted his teeth and persisted, tensing his nerves, trying his best to absorb these experiences and insights!
This is the only memory of Yu Jianshu's inheritance. If he missed too much information because of his slack, it would be a great pity!
Time flew by like a flash, and a day passed in the blink of an eye, and Guan Ren was still standing firm as a rock, with his eyes closed, motionless!
For a whole day, Guan Ren has absorbed all the experience and knowledge in the inheritance memory!

Now, his understanding of the art of controlling the sword has reached a level far exceeding that of his previous life!

"So that's how it is! As expected of a powerful existence known as the sword god at that time! His insights into the art of controlling the sword are so profound!"

Guan Ren slowly opened his eyes, and a deep surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although he was the number one swordsman in the Mobei Region in his last life, at least half of the credit for this is due to the powerful power of the Forbidden Sword!
And his own understanding of swords is indeed a little worse!
However, the inheritance of the memory of the art of controlling the sword in this life has completely made up for this shortcoming of his previous life!

With this hard-won memory inheritance, his strength has become much stronger invisibly!

 The second update!Ask for a ticket!Ask for a reward!

(End of this chapter)

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