I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 135 Am I expecting too much?

Chapter 135 Am I expecting too much?

The art of controlling the sword is divided into three levels.

They are respectively controlling the sword with strength, controlling the sword with energy and controlling the sword with heart.

The skill of controlling the sword that Guan Ren mastered in his previous life belongs to the category of controlling the sword with strength.

At that time, although he could fly with the Yujian, he needed to store enough energy in the flying sword in advance, and then activate the energy in the flying sword when he wanted to fly with the Yujian, so as to achieve the purpose of flying and shuttling .

However, his shortcomings are also very obvious.

It takes a lot of time and energy to store energy, and the energy storage of a flying sword is very limited, so if you want to fly a long-distance flying sword, you need to prepare a lot of flying swords and store energy, which will cause a lot of resources. waste.

In addition, this kind of Yujian with strength is very poor in flying flexibility, and it is difficult to show good maneuverability in air-to-air combat.

Just imagine, in a fast-paced air battle, the enemy suddenly launches a sneak attack, but you feel powerless when you cannot dodge flexibly.

You must know that when a master fights with a move, the outcome is often only between one and a half moves. Therefore, the method of using strength to control the sword is quite effective if it is used on the road, but if it is used for fighting, the effect is terrible!

However, the skill of controlling the sword that Guan Ren mastered is different now. This time, the inheritance memory he accepted is about the method of controlling the sword with qi!
Controlling the sword with Qi is the second level of the art of controlling the sword.

Unlike Yujian with strength, he doesn't need to recharge the flying sword in advance. He only needs to use the sword energy in his body to wrap it when using the flying sword, so that he can move unimpeded.

Compared with Yujian with strength, Yujian with Qi is more maneuverable, with faster flying speed and higher flying altitude!
All in all, mastering the method of controlling the sword with qi can be regarded as mastering the real art of flying with the sword!

Using strength to control the sword is just an entry-level level!

Compared with the Qi Yujian that Guan Ren currently masters, it's like heaven and earth!
Of course, the art of controlling the sword is not simply the technique of flying with the sword, it covers a lot of methods of fighting with the sword and defending with the sword, so it is a great improvement for Guan Ren's battle!

The most intuitive point is that Guan Ren can use Qi to control the sword and perform remote output!

Moreover, the attack of Yujianshu can still enjoy the bonus of the official benevolence system!
Ten times faster!Ten times the attack speed!
In this way, he can free his hands and carry out multi-directional cross-strikes on the enemy at the same time, making the battle more handy!

Most importantly, the inherited memory comes from the Sword God when he was young!
The name of the sword god was very famous in the Tianlin Continent in ancient times, and his strength is enough to rank among the top powerhouses in the Tianlin Continent!
Although it is only his understanding and experience of the art of controlling the sword when he was young, it is still a treasure to Guan Ren!

This was the only word that came to Guan Ren's mind after spending a day digesting these inheritance memories.

However, digestion is the digestion. Guan Ren still needs to spend a lot of effort if he wants to transform all these inherited memories into his own strength!

It is absolutely non-existent to want to achieve it overnight!

In his previous life, he had always been obsessed with powerful sword moves, but now it seems that he has fallen behind.

In the memory of the sword god's inheritance, the most core point is "there is no trick to win and there is a trick"!
Any sword formula that sticks to fixed moves has obvious disadvantages!
And only by making moves as you like, and making moves as you go, can you reach a higher level!
Of course, this is also the end of memory inheritance, the direction that the Sword God pursued in his youth!
However, these are still too far away for the current Guan Ren, and he can't become a fat man with one bite, so if he wants to improve his understanding of the art of controlling the sword, he needs to work hard step by step, and finally achieve results.


Guan Ren breathed a sigh of relief, slowly came back to his senses, and looked at Ling Xiao who had been waiting for a long time.

"How about Master? How much of the inherited memory of the sword control technique have you absorbed?"

A curious look appeared in Ling Xiao's eyes, because this is the inheritance of the sword god, it is almost impossible to digest and absorb it all!
Moreover, these inherited memories have been separated by tens of thousands of years, and they can only last for a short day. In Ling Xiao's view, even those talented kendo geniuses ten thousand years ago can digest [-] to [-]% in such a short period of time. , is already jaw-dropping enough to be called an evildoer!

Therefore, he was very curious, after ten thousand years of kendo gradually declining, what kind of level could his new master achieve?
Judging from the talent he showed before, even if he has not received the traditional kendo inheritance, he should have digested at least [-]% of the inheritance memory, right?
In fact, this is already scary!

"you guess?"

Guan Ren was in a good mood and couldn't help but get nervous.

"One... ten percent?"

Ling Xiao asked tentatively, his face full of anticipation.

Being able to digest [-]% at least proves that his new master's talent and potential are already comparable to those kendo geniuses who received orthodox inheritance training ten thousand years ago!

"No, guess again."

Guan Ren shook his head.

"This...could it be...you...you absorbed [-]...[-]%!?"

Ling Xiao turned pale with shock. If this is the case, his little master has a bright future!
"No, guess again!"


Ling Xiao's eyes were wide open, his heart was beating violently, and he asked cautiously, "Thirty...three percent?"

Depend on!
Thirty percent!
Today, ten thousand years later, without accepting any orthodox kendo inheritance, he can still absorb [-]% of the memory of the sword god's inheritance?

Could it be the reincarnation of the Sword God?
"Oh, forget it, don't guess, if you continue to guess like this, you will definitely not be able to guess."

Guan Ren frowned, shook his head and sighed, feeling a little helpless.

Damn it, I am also your master after all!

Can't you have a little confidence in your master?
This has been guessed three times in a row, and only [-]% of it is guessed!
Am I so underappreciated?
Is this what you want in your heart from your new master?
Guan Ren, who didn't know why, shrugged helplessly, and spread his hands, expressing that he felt a little uncomfortable.


Looking at Guan Ren who shook his head and sighed, Ling Xiao's excited heart seemed to be suddenly poured down by a basin of cold water, and a bad thought arose in his heart!

From the beginning, I have been guessing higher, is it because my expectations are too high?
Or, to put it another way, his level...

"Master, you can't be... even [-]% of the inherited memory..."

Ling Xiao asked a little tremblingly.

If that's the case, wouldn't he make the master feel ashamed if he guessed higher and higher before?
He won't be angry, will he?
Ling Xiao carefully observed his words and expressions, and after seeing Guan Ren's dark and somewhat purple face, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar!

Sure enough, I was under too much pressure!
This time it is difficult to handle, the master is angry!
what should I do?
 I can't see the content of the comment area, it's uncomfortable...

  I went to play Borderlands 3 yesterday, my friend's account, I couldn't help it, I played for several hours at a stretch, so I only updated two chapters.

  So today, after deep reflection, I decided to finish the update before playing the game!
  It's the fourth watch that we agreed to, I can't do any more pigeons!

  In addition, thank you [Guangyu Boy] for the big reward!thank you boss!I'm going to code!

  Finally, I beg you all to vote more!Both monthly and recommendation tickets are required!I will update it well!Crab everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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