I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 159 The 4th Floor of the Sky Prison, Mother of the Lily of the Valley?

Chapter 159 The fourth floor of the prison, the mother of lily of the valley?
The system notification sound that resounded throughout the world echoed in every corner of Tianlin Continent, making everyone excited again!
Another high official!
It is him again!
From the opening of the server to the present, it took about an hour in total, but he has already brought two powerful shocks to the hearts of players in the entire Kyushu server!

Two full server announcements!

Every time is more exciting!
The first full server announcement, the game was only updated for about 1 minute, and the official got the first baby pet in the world!

In the second full server announcement, the officials directly established the first gang in Tianlin!
If it is said that the first full-server announcement only caused some ordinary players to discuss it, this second full-server announcement directly made all the guild bosses in the entire Kyushu area tense up!
Only an hour after the server was opened, the first gang has been preempted by a person who has never heard of it in the virtual game circle before.

This news is a blow to the head of all the bigwigs in the Hundred Great Guilds of Kyushu!
"This high official... how did he do it?"

"It seems that I have underestimated this person before, I didn't expect that the first gang was preempted by him!"

"Hey, interesting. Get ready, let's go to Dragon Blood City, I want to see if this number one Internet celebrity in Tianlin is superhuman."


The major guilds held an emergency meeting almost at the same time to discuss matters related to the formation of the No. [-] Tianlin gang by the high officials.


"This guy actually established a gang!?"

Beside the teleportation array, the blue sky and white clouds who were ready to go frowned.

"President, what shall we do next?"

Qi Tian's eyes sank, and he looked at the blue sky and white clouds.

"If you don't do one, you will never stop!"

Lan Tian Baiyun looked coldly, and said: "He must have no time to recruit people now, so as long as we follow the original plan, we can still make him completely abolished! Not only that, we also have a chance to win this first gang!"

"Take it?"

Qi Tian was startled when he heard the words, and asked in doubt.

"That's right, I read it carefully when I checked the updated content before. If the gang leader who has just established a gang is killed more than 24 times within [-] hours, he will drop the gang leader's token. When he gets the gang leader's token, he will The first gang established is our wolf-walking world!"

"Is it still possible?"

Qi Tian was a little excited when he heard the words. Originally, he was besieging and killing Guanren, and he was only angry for the sake of the gang, but now it was different. With the temptation of the gang leader's order, he felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and his fighting spirit was high!

The elites of other guilds were also full of energy when they heard the words, and they were gearing up one by one, wishing to beat up Guan Ren immediately and execute the Fa on the spot!

As soon as the words of the blue sky and white clouds came out, the nature of the entire siege against Guan Ren changed instantly.

Now they are not just trying to make a name for the Wolf Walking World simply for the sake of venting their anger, but more importantly, they have killed high officials more than a hundred times and obtained the leader's order from him, making them the No. The gang is firmly in your own hands!

"You stay here, I will prepare some gold coins, we are going to make a big wave!"

Lan Tian Baiyun couldn't hold back his excitement, and immediately turned and left, preparing to exchange a large amount of gold coins to buy some powerful props to ensure that this plan is foolproof!
For him, this is an excellent opportunity to make Wolf Walk famous all over the world!

Dragon Blood City, Luoxue Mercenary Group.

Several girls gathered in the mercenary tavern and looked at each other with inexplicable sadness in their eyes.

Although their mercenary group had secured the No. [-] throne in Dragon Blood City with the help of Guan Ren before, their relationship with Guan Ren had become very cold because of the incident in the villa.

"Hey, I didn't expect that he would already set up his own gang in just a short time."

Lin Ruoxue felt a little emotional: "Perhaps if we had been more tolerant to him at that time, he wouldn't have left angrily, right?"

The girls remained silent, each filled with shame.

The few of them, when Guan Ren needed help and support the most, chose to distance themselves.

"He is alone, without us oil bottles, he should be living very comfortably now, right?"

Several girls thought in unison.


When the entire Kyushu District was arguing endlessly about Guan Ren, Guan Ren, the protagonist, had already arrived in Tianjian City.

"Jian Wuhen, can you remove the curse mark on me now?"

"Sword... Sword Master, you are joking, it is not a matter of course to lift the curse seal for you..."

Jian Wuhen smiled awkwardly, and led the way in front: "The curse seal of the sword soul cannot be lifted by me alone. It needs the power of the core of the prison to completely clear it."

"Is it the sky prison? Exactly, I'm going to go there, let's go there now."

Guan Ren nodded when he heard the words, strode forward without saying a word, and walked towards the sky prison in Tianjian City according to the memory of his previous life.

"This... how does he know the location of the sky prison and how to enter it so well?"

Waiting for Guan Ren to enter the sky prison space, Jian Wuhen who was following behind him couldn't recover for a long time.

"Don't be stupid, come here and help lift the seal."

Guan Ren urged, if it weren't for him being the sword master now, he couldn't kill the people of Tianjian City randomly, otherwise it wouldn't be easy to lift the curse of the sword soul?Just kill Jian Wuhen directly, when the time comes, the sword soul curse seal will naturally dissipate automatically due to the death of the caster.

"Master Sword Master, don't worry, I'm here to help you lift the curse seal!"

Jian Wuhen didn't dare to be negligent, he had offended Guan Ren before, and now he was afraid that Guan Ren would put him in small shoes, so for his future livelihood, he immediately ran up and began to remove the sword soul curse mark from Guan Ren.

In 5 minutes, the curse seal of the sword soul was finally completely lifted.

"Now you can finally leave Mobei Territory at any time."

Guan Ren glanced at the missing sword soul curse mark in the status bar, and then he was relieved.

"Wuhen, let me ask you something."

"Sword Master, please tell me."

"Ling Lan's mother, is she imprisoned in the prison now?"


"You go to the front and lead the way."

"Master Sword Master, this..."

"Don't talk nonsense, let you lead the way and lead the way!"

Guan Ren frowned and shouted in a deep voice.

Jian Wuhen's words were swallowed back.

Jian Wuhen stopped all the way down to the sky prison space at the bottom, pointed to a black iron gate at the end of the pitch-black space, and said, "Lan Lan's mother was locked up there."

"Come on, come with me and let her out."

Guan Ren stepped forward, but was suddenly grabbed by Jian Wuhen beside him.

"Absolutely not! The one locked up there is no longer a person, but a monster!"


Guan Ren shook his head with a sneer when he heard the words, and suddenly asked: "Do you know why the Sword Dynasty is going down?"


Jian Wuhen was taken aback suddenly, for some reason Guan Ren suddenly asked him this question.

"It's because you are too pedantic!"

With a vigorous shake of his hand, Guan Ren broke free from Jian Wuhen and strode forward to the thick black iron gate at the end of the fourth floor of the prison. He took out the sword master's token and pressed it against the groove beside the gate.

A sword glow instantly lit up the surrounding pitch-black space.


The thick black iron gate slowly opened, and a powerful breath rushed towards us!

 The second update!I'm too tired today, let's do this first.

  A total of two chapters are owed, so tomorrow is five more.

(End of this chapter)

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