Chapter 160 Ling Wanrong!
A powerful breath came from the dark space behind the black iron gate, causing Guan Ren to frown.

"Sure enough, the long detention has made her lose her mind?"

A powerful sword energy suddenly shot out from the depths of the pitch-black space and hit Guan Ren.

With a cry, a wave of sword intent diffused from the sword box that Guan Ren carried behind him, disintegrating all the power in it the moment the sword energy fell.

The originally condensed sword energy collapsed in an instant.

The existence of Guichen Sword has already made Guan Ren immune to any sword attack.

Guan Ren's eyes were concentrated, and then he looked into the depths of the pitch-black space with the light of sword energy.

stomping on...

Slow and dull footsteps sounded, and a woman in ragged clothes and disheveled hair walked through the black iron gate.

"Heh uh uh uh uh ahhhhhhhhh!!"

The woman's eyes were fierce, and she opened her mouth and roared loudly, as if she was venting all kinds of dissatisfaction and anger of being imprisoned for 20 years.

A person has been imprisoned in the depths of the fourth floor of the sky prison for 20 years, and now she has completely lost her language ability.

"Aunt Ling Wanrong, I came here specially to take you home."

Guan Ren frowned, fixed his eyes on the woman with disheveled hair in the distance, and said in a deep voice.

After what happened in Oasis City, Ling Lan told some things that had been hidden from him before, including some stories about her mother Ling Wanrong.

And his ultimate purpose of coming to Heaven Prison this time is actually to bring her back to Dragon Blood City and reunite with Ling Lan's family.

It's just that 20 years of imprisonment in the sky prison has made the current Ling Wanrong almost inhuman.

Of course, all these things happened thanks to the sword master of Ren Tianjian City!
"This old thing deserves to die."

Thinking of the cause of the incident that Ling Lan told him before, Guan Ren couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Master Sword Master, you should just give up! She has suffered from the sword energy piercing her body for 20 consecutive years, and now she has completely lost her sanity as a human being!"

Jian Wuhen shouted anxiously, looking at Ling Wanrong with a look of fear in his eyes.

As for why he behaved like this, then we have to talk about a dusty past...

This story begins with the Sword Dynasty 30 years ago.

At that time, every swordsman in Tianjian City knew that there appeared in the Sword Dynasty a celestial wizard who was rare in a thousand years. This girl was named Ling Wanrong. However, his sword skills have reached perfection, although his skills are far inferior to that of Sword Master Ren at that time, but in the simple competition of sword moves, he finally won half of the latter!
At that time, almost everyone in Tianjian City believed that Ling Wanrong would be the best candidate for the next sword master!
It was just one thing that happened later that turned things into a tragedy.

The Ao family in the Mobei region has also produced a genius!
The name of this person is Ao Zhan, who was selected when he was young, and was accepted as a closed disciple by the Emperor of Swords at that time. Lightweight became a blockbuster, the chaotic battlefield fought against the Thirteen Sword Shadow Guards at that time with his own power, and after killing more than half of the opponents, he retreated with his body. So far, he has become famous in the sword dynasty and became the best candidate for the future sword king!
A genius is always lonely.

Finally, one day, Ling Wanrong and Ao Zhan met on the battlefield. As the first geniuses of their respective dynasties, the two sides fought without saying a word!

But the strength of the two is evenly matched, and every time the battle ends, both sides are exhausted and let it go.

For two years in a row, the two fought hundreds of times, but they still hadn't won.

Finally, one day, the two got tired of military life.

The two years of fighting, on the contrary, made the two feel sympathetic to each other, and secretly developed feelings for each other.

In the end, the two met together, left the battlefield, built a small courtyard in an unknown corner of Mobei Territory, and lived a happy life.

Everything was a matter of course, and in the second year, Lily of the Valley was born.

This is the happiest time that Ling Wanrong and Ao Zhan have spent in their lives.

Under the anonymity and cautious life, the family of three spent six years of happy time.

But there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Finally, one day, their whereabouts were discovered, and the sword and sword dynasties acted independently. He put him under house arrest in Tianjian City, in order to threaten the two of them, trying to get them to join the camp of the Sword Dynasty.

And the family responsible for supervising Linglan at that time was officially Jian Wuhen's family.

Afterwards, things were simple. Ling Wanrong and Ao Zhan broke with their respective dynasties, and finally risked their lives to sneak into Tianjian City to rescue the trapped Linglan.

That battle lasted for two days and one night, Jian Dynasty suffered heavy casualties, and Jian Wuhen's biological parents also unfortunately lost their lives in that battle.

The former two geniuses of the sword and sword dynasty joined forces tacitly, and their strength was so strong that they even suppressed the then sword master for a while!

During the bloody battle, Ling Lan was snatched back by the couple, and they tried to take their daughter away and leave Mobei Territory.

However, as we all know, people in the Mobei Territory have been bound by the barrier since birth, and it is difficult to break through and leave.

In the end, the family of three was blocked by the army of the Sword Dynasty at the border of Mobei.

In order for his daughter and wife to get out of danger smoothly, Ao Zhan finally burned his life force, overdrawn his power to the limit, and punched the barrier!

The enchantment that has been motionless for thousands of years has cracked a gap!
It's just that the price is Ao Zhan's full power!

But Ao Zhan has no complaints or regrets, it's just strength, he can continue to practice without it, and his family reunion and happy life together are his wishes!

Ao Zhan and his wife rushed towards the crack of the barrier with the young Ling Lan in their arms. Just when they thought that the family of three could escape the barrier and leave the Mobei Territory, the curse of the sword soul appeared on Ling Lan's body. mark!
If the seal of the curse is not removed, Linglan will not be able to leave the Mobei Territory. This... is the restriction left by the Sword God at that time!
No one is immune!

Seeing that the cracks on the barrier were about to disappear, Ling Wanrong finally exhausted the energy of the sword energy in her body and forcibly broke the curse seal of the sword soul. Although she succeeded in the end, she also suffered a strong backlash, causing the curse seal to be transferred to herself unable to leave.

At the end of the matter, Ao Zhan, who had lost his power, took the young Linglan to break through the barrier, but Ling Wanrong hesitated to transfer the curse seal of the sword soul and was trapped in the Mobei domain forever.

Although the family of three is close at hand, they are separated by the world due to the existence of the enchantment.

The wish of family reunion has been broken.

After that, Ling Wanrong was imprisoned in the deepest part of the prison by the sword master, and suffered from the sword energy piercing through her body every day.

However, Jian Wuhen, who became an orphan during the war, was taken away by the childless sword master at that time because of his good talent, and was adopted as a foster son, who was carefully cultivated.

As for Ao Zhan, he tried his best to save his life, and planned to return to Mobei to rescue his wife one day in the future, so as to realize his wish of family reunion.

But unfortunately, in order to break through the barrier before, he overdrawn his life force too much, causing his talent to plummet. Even after 20 years of hard training, his strength is still hard to return to the peak.

The desire for family reunion was ruthlessly crushed by reality.

This wish has almost become impossible.

Fortunately, Ling Lan finally met Guan Ren.

The childhood memories that Ling Lan told him back then echoed in his mind. Guan Ren looked at Ling Wanrong, who was disheveled and speechless, with a flash of sadness in his eyes.

"Aunt Ling, I'm Ling Lan's friend. I was entrusted by her to come and pick you up."

Guan Ren fixed his eyes on the delirious Ling Wanrong, and spoke softly.

"Master Sword Master! Don't you understand? Although this woman is Lan Lan's biological mother, she is already crazy now! She can't be called a human at all!"

Seeing Ling Wanrong approaching slowly, with disheveled hair, Jian Wuhen's pupils shrank slightly, and his face was anxious: "You told her this, it's just playing the piano to the cow! Let's get out of here quickly!"

 For the first update, I think it is necessary to explain this story line, so I wrote it out.

  How should I put it, the love of parents is the purest love, I hope everyone can cherish it.

  One last question, should Jian Wuhen die?
(End of this chapter)

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