Chapter 168 A Sword!
Dragon Blood City, teleportation array.

Under the leadership of Lan Tian Baiyun, the elite players of Wolves in the World teleported over. Immediately, Lan Tian Baiyun used the killing token and bound the name of the high official!
In this way, within [-] hours of the killing token taking effect, the opponent cannot choose to go offline or use the teleportation scroll to leave the battle!

"Is the manpower arrangement in Xiangyang Town properly?"

Lan Tian Baiyun looked at a gang member beside him and asked aloud.

"Report to the president, the arrangements have been made! Our people have guarded the resurrection altar in Xiangyang Town, and have cleaned up the surrounding area. Now as long as the high official dies there and resurrects there, we can put him on the spot as soon as possible." Fa-rectification!"

"Well, that's good. Our goal is to kill him a hundred times and reveal the guild leader's token on him. As long as we succeed, our ultimate goal will be accomplished!"

Lan Tian Baiyun nodded in satisfaction and said: "As for the success, we just need to arrange people to guard his resurrection in Xiangyang Town 24 hours a day. In this way, he will never get out of Xinshou Village alive again in this life!"

"President Yingming!"

"Don't flatter me, cheer me up, this time we must ensure the success of the plan! Don't let other guilds find out and take advantage of the loopholes!"

The blue sky and white clouds said in a deep voice.


"Now the high official is at the city lord's mansion, let's go there and send him back to Xiangyang Town!"

With the binding of the killing token, he can clearly see the specific location of the official on the map when he is in the same scene as the official. In this way, combined with the Tianji disk in Qitian's hand, it is guaranteed that the The opponent has nothing to hide!

Today, he is determined to kill the high officials a hundred times, and then snatch the leader's orders from him!
Of course, in order to prevent other guilds from doing bad things halfway, he has already spent a lot of money to buy a batch of powerful props. If they dare to come, I guarantee that they will not be able to eat them!
"Hmph, the number one celebrity in Tianlin mainland? It's just a piece of shit!"

The cold light in the eyes of the blue sky and white clouds flashed away: "With such full preparations this time, I will make you slump and never recover!"

With a sneer in his heart, he has to say that his plan can be implemented smoothly, and he also needs to thank him for the update of the system!

Not only is the setting that the new guild leader gets killed more than 24 times in [-] hours to drop the guild leader token!

The most important thing is that with the sale of a new batch of loggers, the system specially modified a system setting so that players who join the game in the future will not fall behind too much in terms of level!
Before the update, once the player’s level exceeds level ten, they cannot return to Novice Village. Even if they fall below level ten, they can only return to Novice Village where they were born. Players can easily upgrade, and now advanced players can go to any novice village to help these newcomers fight monsters and upgrade, and improve their upgrade efficiency.

And this brand new setting is the core of the Blue Sky White Cloud Project!
With this setting, he can send people to ambush at the resurrection altar in Xiangyang Town in advance, waiting for the high officials to be resurrected and kill them again!

Let him stay in Novice Village forever, and never come out again!

"Haha, I'm such a fucking genius!"

Thinking of his own plan, Lan Tian Baiyun couldn't help but praise himself.

Although he is not as good as those top players in terms of hard power, he has his own unique side in terms of game understanding!
It wasn't long before the game update was completed, and he only figured out the current hunting plan from the few words in the game update announcement. This is definitely a rare existence in the entire Tianlin!
"Hmph, if you want to blame, you can only blame your own bad luck!"

Lan Tian Baiyun sneered in his heart, striding towards the direction of the City Lord's Mansion!

On the window of the second floor of the restaurant next to the teleportation plaza in the center, an assassin wrapped in black looked at the wolf-walking crowd who suddenly appeared in the teleportation formation, put down the wine glass in his hand, and looked at the pale Wen Wen in front of him. Wannv nodded, got up and jumped down from the window while hiding her figure, and followed behind the wolf walking all over the world.

The gentle woman leaned against the window, watching the dark figure slowly disappearing into the distance.


In order not to disturb the reunited family of three, Guan Ren did not stop at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, but walked all the way forward, and after walking a few hundred meters, he quietly waited for the arrival of the wolf-walker!

This time, he intends to go on a killing spree!
Before, the stagnant energy in the chest had not had a chance to be released, but now the people who roam the world have met their own bad luck, so it can only be said that they are unlucky!

In less than 3 minutes, a group of heavily armed men and horses came in a mighty distance!

The special effects of the equipment are wide open. There are more than 2000 of these people, and each of them has reached level [-] or above. Everyone has at least one silver light shining on their bodies. Among them, the two people walking in the front are covered with golden light, which can be seen These two were wearing gold equipment!
This kind of assembly is considered top-notch in Tianlin now!
You know, this is a team of 2000 people!
However, in Guan Ren's eyes, such combat power is not worth mentioning at all!
So what about level [-]?

What about silver and gold equipment?
In his hands, he can't do one trick at all!
"Look at who this is? Isn't this the most popular celebrity in our entire Tianlin Continent! Why is he wearing a novice outfit from head to toe now?"

With a big wave of the blue sky and white clouds, he ordered his subordinates to surround Guan Ren in an instant, and a sneer flashed in his eyes when he looked at Guan Ren.

"You are Qi Tian?"

However, Guan Ren didn't care about the blue sky and white clouds at all, but looked at the muscular man beside him carrying a big stick.

"it's me!"

"Your bloody talent is strong, very strong!"

"Hmph, it's natural!"

A smug flash of pride flashed in Qi Tian's eyes when he heard the words, and he said lightly: "But you should save some effort! Even if you please me, you will definitely die today!"

A look of astonishment flashed across Guan Ren's eyes when he heard this.


"Stop talking nonsense! Fuck me! Kill him!"

The blue sky and white clouds who were ignored were a little annoyed. With a wave of his hand, he ordered the besieged and killed officials!
Give an order, and a group of people shouted and rushed towards Guan Ren!

Everyone's eyes were shining with intense excitement!
This is Tianlin's number one celebrity!

It will die at our hands today!
As soon as the guild leader takes the order, the Tianlin No. [-] gang will be ours too!

A group of people sharpened their knives and rushed forward!

Guan Ren looked at these fools who were eager to send death, experience, and attribute equipment and props, his eyes sank, he raised his hand to hold the handle of the Guichen sword inserted in the Shenxi sword box behind his back, a cold light flashed in his eyes passed away.


His eyes sank, and the Guichen sword was unsheathed instantly.

Everything returns to dust!
Using Qi to control the sword, the Guichen Sword in Guan Ren's hand drew a full moon sword Qi beside him!
The sword god groaned softly, the black-red sword energy wrapped in an endless breath of destruction, instantly piercing through everyone in the wolf world!
【Ding!Using the Guichen Sword, the body suffered backlash, and the agility attribute was -8! 】

The sword is drawn, the sword is retracted, the action is a matter of course, and it is completed in the blink of an eye!
At the same time, a series of system prompts started to ring in his ears!

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Get 3500 experience points! 】

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Gain 4 points of strength attribute! 】

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Get equipped with Mithril Leggings! 】

【Ding!The plunder was successful!get……】


【Ding!The plunder was successful!Obtained the talent "Spirit of Blood"! 】

 The third watch is over!Please recommend!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward!mwah!
(End of this chapter)

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