I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 169 What a timely gift! [Thanks to Zhou Xiaozao for the reward of 5 book coins! 】

Chapter 169 What a timely gift! [Thanks to Zhou Xiaozao for the reward of 5 book coins! 】

The system prompts sounded endlessly, and the elite wolves swarmed up all over the world. Under Guan Ren's sword, all of them died without a whole body, and were twisted into pieces by the black and red sword energy of destruction!

Although the game only sets one-tenth of the pain, but even so, when these horrible injuries fell on these people, they still made their faces distorted and pale in pain!
pain!It really hurts!

You know, this is the whole body being torn into pieces!

Even if it is only one tenth of the pain, it is enough to make people unable to change their energy for a long time!
"Let them die like this, it would be too polite to them!"

Guan Ren frowned, looked at the corpses that had not yet turned into white light and disappeared, raised his hand, and a gray light spread from his palm instantly, covering all the corpses!

Profound Spirit Collection Technique!
Qi Wantian once said that if the spiritual attribute is overwhelmed, you can directly collect backpacks from other people!

More than 2000 people were dispatched in the Wolf Walk, so there must be some good things on them!

【Ding!Collection succeeded!Get Premium Backpack × 2019! 】

【Ding!Collection succeeded!Get Super Backpack × 2! 】

The system prompt sounded in the ear, and the backpacks on the corpses of the wolf walkers suddenly disappeared, and they entered Guan Ren's Kung Fu Rabbit backpack!
Two super backpacks?

This should be the backpack of Blue Sky, White Cloud and Qi Tian, ​​right?
Guan Ren was slightly taken aback, and thought to himself.

A return to dust sword energy directly killed more than 2000 people. I am afraid that there is no one with such strength.

The system notification sound in his ears continued to remind him. At the same time, Guan Ren's attributes and experience points continued to increase, and the empty space in his backpack was gradually filled up.

"Hey, it seems that I have to turn off the system prompts first. It's too unfriendly to my ears to keep bombing like this!"

Guan Ren frowned slightly, and was about to open the system interface to close the system prompt, but a sudden system prompt made him stand there in a daze!
【Ding!The plunder was successful!Obtain special props [Tianji Disk]! 】

"I... am not hallucinating, am I?"

A trace of astonishment flashed in Guan Ren's eyes.

Tianji disk?
Heavenly secret disk!

Fuck, it's a secret disk!
This thing is the lifeblood of Zhang Banxian in Daoxuan City!
Just like that, he was blown out by himself?
Did you make a mistake!
Qi Tian oh Qi Tian, ​​you boy is going to be in big trouble!

Guan Ren mourned for Qi Tian's future fate for a few seconds.

Such a thing as the secret plate is simply a tracking artifact!
Whether it's tracking people or tracking objects, it's always been good!

"From today onwards, this Tianji disk will belong to me!"

Thinking of this, Guan Ren couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Originally, he was worried that the level seal of his Heart of Punishment would be unlocked in the foreseeable future, but now with the help of Tianji Disk, it's completely different!
At that time, as long as he uses the Tianji Disk to lock the position of the Profound Sky Qi, he will no longer have to aimlessly try his luck in the huge Tianlin Continent!
You must know that the Tianxuan Token given to him by the Heavenly Emperor before can only detect the position of the Tianxuan Qi within a radius of a hundred miles. If you want to rely on him to slowly collect the Tianxuan Qi, wait until he unlocks all the seals. It's the Year of the Monkey!
But it's different with the Tianji Disk, as long as he enters the Profound Sky Qi he wants to search for, as long as it exists between the sky and the earth in the Tianlin Continent, it will definitely be displayed on the map!
This is the strength of the Tianji Disk!

"Oh, I really don't know what to say... Logically speaking, I should really say thank you to these wolves who roam the world!"

Guan Ren gave a wry smile, and thought to himself, "If you hadn't targeted me, I wouldn't have gotten the Tianji Disk so easily!"

As for Qi Tian making a small report to Zhang Banxian and asking the latter to come and make trouble for him?

He himself is not worried at all!
With the Kung Fu Rabbit backpack, as long as he puts the secret disk into the backpack, no matter how he dies, the props in the backpack will never fall out!
So even if Zhang Banxian came in person, he could only stare at him, there was nothing he could do about it!
Want to take back the Tianji disk from me?

Okay, let's talk about it after I have collected all the Qi of the Profound Sky!

"Hey, these silver and gold quality equipment are just not good enough. They looked so shiny, but they couldn't even hold a sword and they were all broken..."

Guan Ren looked around for a week, seeing the pile of equipment that had fallen all over the ground, and the light was already dim, and he sighed with some disgust.

To him, although these equipments are not worth mentioning, if they are sold in stores, there should still be a big market!

It's just that, now that all these equipment are abolished, there is no way to sell them.

"It's a pity to throw it away, after all, these are thousands of pieces of silver-level equipment..."

Guan Ren frowned slightly, and finally had a plan. A gray light emerged from his hand, and then instantly enveloped the damaged equipment on the ground.

"Mysterious spirit disintegration technique!"

The equipment all over the place flashed with light, and in an instant, it turned into a lot of materials.

"Mysterious Spirit Gathering Technique!"

Afterwards, Guan Ren waved his hand again and put the materials into his backpack. In this way, it could be regarded as recycling.

【Ding!Do you want to use equipment design drawings in batches? 】


【Ding!Congratulations to the players for mastering 741 new designs! 】

It was just the use of the Mysterious Spirit Disintegration Technique, and there are now more than 700 equipment design formulas in Guan Ren's forging column.

At first glance, this number is indeed quite bluffing. In fact, the maximum design drawings of these equipments are no more than [-] levels.

However, if it is used to gain forging experience, it is enough!
[Forging experience] is actually a hidden attribute, the system will not show it to the player intuitively, but the higher the forging experience, the higher the success rate of forging items!
Guan Ren plans to forge wine iron ore in the future, so he needs to accumulate a lot of forging experience, and these equipment materials that are less than [-] levels are cheap and easy to obtain, so it is the best choice for gaining forging experience!
Not only that, but with more and more players reaching level [-], these level [-] equipment should be selling well!

But one thing to be happy about is that Guan Ren snatched the talent from Qi Tian for the first time, which made Guan Ren a little dumbfounded. He didn't know whether to say he was lucky or Qi Tian Bad luck.

After all, talent is different from skills, it is rarer than skills, especially the best talent, which is the rarest of the rare!
So according to common sense, it is very difficult to plunder successfully!
Originally, Guan Ren planned to find some time to spend time hunting Qi Tian, ​​but now it seems that he has saved a lot of trouble!

[Spiritual Vigor: Passive Qi and Blood talent, defense power increased by 50%, upper limit of life value increased by 100%, upper limit of energy value increased by 100%]

Percentage increase in defense and blood essence limit, this is already the best talent!
This kind of talent, the more powerful it is in the later stage!
"I have to say, this group of people is really a timely help!"

Guan Ren couldn't help but feel happy. Wolf's attack on him this time not only allowed him to get a super talent and powerful props, but also directly raised his level to the current level of 29!
The death looting experience of more than [-] level [-] players is really awesome!

 Since there are big bosses rewarding the popularity, I will publish an extra chapter today, and today is the fourth update!

(End of this chapter)

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