I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 190 Not Many, 1 Altogether 3 Herbs

Chapter 190 Not many, a total of three herbs

"Haha! Good! Hahahaha..."

Yao Busi laughed loudly when he heard the words, feeling extremely happy in his heart, at the same time, he glanced at Zhang Banxian who had become lifeless from the corner of the eye, and a flash of complacency flashed in his heart.

Fight with me?You kid is still a little tender!
Although for Yao Busi, it is indeed a bit of a drop in price to exchange the elixir for Shaodaozi wine, but now he has no choice at all. Can the elixir be exchanged for wine?

If this is spread, it will definitely become a big stain on his medicine refining career!

But he can't use this ordinary elixir by himself, and he can't exchange it for wine openly, so now it seems that it is the most appropriate to exchange wine with his little nephew!
After all, for this kid, the pill of fairy quality is enough to shock the world. He is too happy, so why would he dislike the question of the grade of the pill?
In fact, according to the usual rules, these failed pills would be destroyed by him directly, but now they can be exchanged for a pot of top-quality Shaodaozi wine to drink, which is simply a big profit for him!

Affected by the blast furnace just now, the quality of this bottle of Jiuzhuan Huihun Pill has been greatly affected, but fortunately, the medicine was not rescued in time, which prevented these pills from being completely abolished, but even so, this bottle of thirty Out of the nine soul-returning pills, only ten were rescued, and their quality didn't even reach the first rank of fairy spirits, but just barely reached the ordinary fairy pills of fairy quality!
"Well, I'll give you this bottle of Nine Turns Returning Soul Pill, quickly bring a jug of wine over here!"

As Yao Busi said, he took out a bottle of elixir from his bosom, and acted impatiently.

"It's not in a hurry. Let's talk about changing the wine after you help me save the person first."

Guan Ren shook his head slowly, he was not stupid, what if Yao Busi didn't want to go with him to save people after getting a pot of burning knives?
This is not what he wants to see!

"You kid..."

Yao Busi was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't know what to do.

He originally planned to ask Guan Ren for another jug ​​of wine after exchanging a jug of wine, but once the wine is in his hands, he will decide everything at that time!

save people?Can.

It's just that I didn't say when to go!
What can you do to me?
At that time, with fine wine in hand, he will not be restrained at all, so he will not panic at all.

It's just that Guan Ren seemed to see through his mind at a glance, and directly rejected his request.

"This kid, he wasn't fooled by the fairy-quality elixir, what a mistake..."

Yao Busi sighed in his heart, but the strategy failed, and he wanted to get the burning knife again, so he had to save people first.

"Okay, then it's up to you, let's set out to save people now!"

Yao Busi said anxiously.

"Thank you, uncle!"

Guan Ren smiled when he heard the words, and bowed to Yao Busi.

"I am coming too!"

Zhang Banxian said hastily.

Guan Ren has good wine, so he naturally wants to fight until the last moment, so following Guan Ren is his only thought now.


Guan Ren's heart trembled violently when he heard the words, and he flatly refused.

What are you kidding?This time he was going to Dragon Blood City, and he hid the Tianji Pan in the warehouse of Dragon Blood City. If Zhang Banxian went to Dragon Blood City, wouldn't all this be revealed?


Zhang Banxian was taken aback by Guan Ren's tone.

"There is no reason, good wine... I have plenty! If you want to drink from me in exchange for wine, you'd better stay here obediently, otherwise, you won't even want to drink a drop of my wine in the future!"

Guan Ren's heart was almost in his throat. Damn... If Zhang Banxian really followed, it would be difficult!

"What nonsense are you talking to him? Look at me!"

Yao Busi frowned when he heard the words, raised his hand, and a pill flew out and landed on Zhang Banxian's head!

With a low drink, the elixir instantly emitted a blue light, instantly covering Zhang Banxian and freezing his figure!

"With the Immobilization Pill, this old boy has to stay here for a day and a night, and I will go outside to set up a barrier, so don't worry, with his strength, he will definitely not be able to get out!"

Yao Busi smiled lightly, still wanting to snatch it from me?See if I don't take care of you!

"This...thank you."

Guan Ren was overwhelmed by Yao Busi's operation. He was still worried that Zhang Banxian would quietly follow him, and he was having a headache on how to solve this matter. Now it seems that Yao Busi directly helped him a lot. There is no need to worry about the discovery of Tianjipan by Zhang Banxian.

However, this incident can be regarded as a wake-up call for him.

It is not safe to place the secret plate in Dragon Blood City!

"It seems that we have to move it to a place quickly! Otherwise, there will be trouble in the future!"

Guan Ren thought to himself, and left the courtyard with Yao Busi.

Before leaving, Yao Busi took out an enchantment pill and covered the entire courtyard, making Zhang Banxian lose any chance!

"Haha, let's see what you fight with me!"

Yao Busi laughed loudly, and walked away behind Guan Ren. During the process, he did not forget to take out a elixir and crushed it. The white light flashed away, and then a miraculous scene appeared. Yao Busi suddenly transformed, her whole body was radiant and beautiful, and her whole person became extremely white and clean!

"Damn, this pill is really convenient..."

Seeing this, Guanren couldn't help but secretly startled. With this pill, why would he need to wash in the future?

One a day, life is boundless.

It has to be said that Yao Busi is the King of Medicine really deserves his name!
For him, there is probably nothing that a pill can't solve, right?
If so, there are two!
The two hurried on their way, and soon came to Dragon Blood City through the teleportation array.

"Hmm... Dragon Blood City?"

After the transmission was over, Yao Busi frowned, with a slightly surprised tone.

"What? Is there anything wrong?"

Guan Ren asked with some doubts when he heard the words.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking... It seems that there are a few herbs here that I need. I wonder if I can ask you to help me get them? Of course, the reward will not be small!"

Yao Busi said in a low voice.

"You're always joking, what medicinal materials do you need, you can get them yourself, can anyone stop you?"

"No, no, I can't get the medicinal materials I need because of some restrictions, so... I still have to trouble you."

Yao Busi shook his head with a wry smile when he heard the words, looked at Guan Ren for a while, and said aloud, "Have you... heard of the Shenlong Ancient Tomb?"


Guan Ren turned pale with shock when he heard the words, and asked in disbelief, "The medicinal materials you mentioned are not in the ancient tomb of Shenlong, are they?"

"That's right, after a while, it will be the opening time of the Shenlong Ancient Tomb. At that time, I hope you can go in and help me bring back some medicinal materials."

"What medicine?"

An ominous premonition rose in Guan Ren's heart.

"Not many, there are three herbs in total."

Yao Busi said indifferently: "They are thousand-year-old keel, thousand-year-old dragon tendon and thousand-year-old dragon horn. Of course, if you can get one with a better year, it will be great!"

"...Uncle, what are you kidding?"

The corners of Guan Ren's mouth twitched slightly. These three herbs were all unique to the thousand-year-old dragon!

In other words, if Guan Ren wants to obtain these things, he may have to fight against those thousand-year-old dragons!
Although they are just bones, their dragon souls are still there, so they are definitely not easy to deal with!
If it's just one or two thousand-year-old dragon souls, it's fine. With Guan Ren's current strength, he should be able to deal with them.

But this is the Dragon Tomb!

A group of dragons were buried together!

It simply moves the whole body with one hair!

Want to go heads-up?It doesn't exist at all!
So this matter is almost impossible for Guan Ren!
"It's just a thousand-year-old dragon soul, you still can't deal with it?"

Yao Busi frowned upon hearing this, and looked at Guan Ren with some puzzlement.


Guan Ren felt that his words were stuck in his throat and could not come out.

"Well, I'll give you some good things. With these things, you should be able to go smoothly."

 The second change, let’s do this today, and add another change tomorrow.

  Ask for a ticket!Crab everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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