I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 191 Abyss Demon Insect!

Chapter 191 Abyss Demon Insect!

"What good stuff?"

Guan Ren's heart moved when he heard the words, and he couldn't help asking.

"I'll talk about this later, you take me to save people first."

Yao Busi shook his head, and said lightly: "As for those things, let's talk about them after you get the qualification to enter the Shenlong Ancient Tomb."

"……All right."

Guan Ren shrugged his shoulders when he heard the words, since Yao Busi had already said so, then he was not in a hurry, anyway, he had secured the qualification to enter the Shenlong Ancient Tomb, so the good things in Yao Busi's hand, will be sold soon. Time can't run away.

"Come with me."

Guan Ren led the way, and brought Yao Busi to his shop first.

"Qingqing, take us to see grandma. This is the famous king of medicine in Tianlin mainland. With him here, grandma's illness will definitely be cured!"

As soon as Guan Ren entered the shop, he called Qingqing, pointed to Yao Busi beside him and introduced him.

"Medicine... King of Medicine!? Boss, you..."

Qingqing was stunned when she heard the words, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

Although Guan Ren had promised him to help grandma find a famous doctor, she was flattered to find Yao Wang directly.

This is the king of medicine!

The living legend of Tianlin Continent!
The boss invited him here?

It’s incredible!
It must have been a lot of hard work.

"Thank you...thank you, boss, for caring so much about grandma! I..."

"Don't talk about that, you are mine, so I naturally have to take care of your affairs, so hurry up and take us there, so as not to delay the best time for treatment."

Guan Ren waved his hand and said in a deep voice.

I... my people?

Qingqing's face was reddish, a little shy.

But thinking of her grandma's serious condition, she didn't dare to neglect, she hurriedly led the way, and brought Guan Ren and the two of them to the room where she and grandma lived.


Qingqing knocked on the door.

"...Who is it?"

"Grandma, it's me. There's also the store manager and the doctor he invited."

"come in."

With a creak, after getting permission, Qingqing pushed open the door, and the three of them entered the room together.

As soon as he entered the room, a strong smell of medicine came over his face, making Guan Ren frowned.

What a strong medicinal smell!
It seems that Qingqing's grandma...was seriously ill.

"You guys...quick...sit down, old man...I'm sick...I can't greet you...please forgive me..."

"Grandma, I don't need to say much. This time I brought Senior Medicine King here. With him here, I guarantee that the medicine will cure your illness and completely cure your illness!"

Guan Ren shook his head and said in a deep voice.

"... Medicine King?"

On the sickbed, the old woman with a pale face and a weak breath raised her eyes to look at Guan Ren's side, and after landing on Yao Busi's body, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"It's me!"

Yao Busi didn't want to waste time, so he said straight to the point: "I'm here to treat your illness!"

After finishing speaking, Yao Busi stepped forward and came to Grandma Qingqing's bedside, kneading the formula with her hands, a dense air permeated the latter, covering the latter.

At the same time, under Grandma Qingqing's skin, countless jet-black spots suddenly appeared. These spots quickly shuttled through her skin, gnawing at the vitality and energy in her body!

In the room, everyone who witnessed this was extremely shocked!

what is this!
"It turned out to be an abyssal monster!"

With a wave of his hand, Yao Busi dissipated the aura that enveloped Grandma Qingqing, his brows frowned, and a look of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Originally, I thought that this was just an ordinary strange disease, but in the end, I never expected that this old woman's disease was actually caused by this!
"Senior Medicine King, grandma's illness...can it be cured?"

Qingqing hurried forward and asked anxiously.

"The abyss monster has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and it is difficult to heal it!"

Yao Busi frowned, and made a faint sound.

"Woooooooo what to do? What should I do? Grandma's illness..."

Qingqing burst into tears immediately when she heard the words, and she couldn't hold back any longer, she burst into tears in an instant.

This is the king of medicine!

If even he said that, then grandma...

"Stupid...silly girl, why are you... crying, grandma's physical condition... is clearer than anyone else, and now that you can... settle down, it is a... big deal for... grandma ...Fortunately, as for me...you can accompany me through the last period of my life...I am already...very happy..."

The old woman forced a smile on her pale face, and looked dotingly at Qingqing, who was pear blossoms with rain.

"...You guys, don't cry in a hurry."

Yao Busi recovered from his contemplation, saw Qingqing who was already in tears, couldn't help shaking his head and said with a wry smile: "I just said that your grandma's illness is incurable, but it is not incurable!"

The voice fell, and there was an instant silence in the room.

"Uncle Master... you can't just say half a sentence! Everyone was almost stunned by you just now!"

Guan Ren's face darkened, and he couldn't help complaining.

"What's the rush? Didn't I just think of a way to deal with it? Who knew that this little girl would have the wrong idea?"

Yao Busi curled his lips and said.

"Master Medicine King! You...you said grandma's illness can be cured?"

Qingqing came back to her senses, her eyes were full of hope.

"There is help."

Yao Busi nodded.

"Great grandma! Your illness can finally be cured! Master Yao Wang said that there is a cure, so you must be right!"

Qingqing burst into tears immediately, and looked joyfully at her grandmother who was breathing weakly on the sick bed.

"Oh... that's not easy."

The old woman sighed and shook her head when she heard the words: "Even if there is a cure, it may be as difficult as heaven to gather the medicines for the treatment..."

"You're right about that."

Yao Busi nodded when he heard the words, and said bluntly: "Although I have a way to cure your illness, the medicinal materials for refining medicine are very rare, and it is not easy to get them together!"


"How could this be...Grandma..."

Hearing this, Qingqing was a little panicked.

Yao Busi's words would undoubtedly be a bolt from the blue, causing her mood to plummet again.

"What medicine, I can find it."

Guan Ren frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Are you sure, boy?"

A look of surprise flashed across Yao Busi's face when he heard the words, and he said to Guan Ren: "The poison of the abyss monster insect in her body is very poisonous, and now the poison has penetrated into the bone marrow. The medicinal materials needed for healing are very rare. Wading in this muddy water? The poison in her body shows that this old woman has an unusual identity and must have involved the demons. With your current strength, it is really not appropriate to have entanglements with the demons too early..."

"I have made up my mind!"

Guan Ren replied in his heart.

"Ah, okay."

Yao Busi shook his head slowly when he heard the words, and said: "Since you are so determined, I will give you the prescription, and you go to collect the medicinal materials. This old woman's body can only last for another month at most, but I can use some medicine to suppress the abyssal devil worm in her body first, and in this way, maybe I can buy some time for you to find the medicine."

"Thank you!"

"Hey, don't say thank you if you don't want to thank you. If you really want to, bring me some good wine."

"Don't worry about this, good wine is definitely indispensable!"

Guan Ren nodded in agreement when he heard the words.

"Okay, the two of you go out first, and I will help her suppress the abyssal insects in her body first."

Yao Busi said, and handed the prescription to Guan Ren.

Guan Ren picked up the prescription, looked down, and a deep shock flashed in his eyes.

These herbs... are really not that easy to get!

 The first update, please recommend, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward...

(End of this chapter)

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