I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 327 A-level wanted criminal!

Chapter 327 A-level wanted criminal!
"Well... for you, it's really just a small thing."

QQ Xiaobing rubbed his hands, lowered his head and chuckled, "I want to move Frost Dragon Castle here, you are the master of the city, you just need to nod your head."

"How do you know that I am the lord of this city?"

"It doesn't bother me."

QQ Xiaobing smiled slightly, and said proudly: "This space is yours, and this Torre Castle is yours, so if you want to move the castle in this independent space, and then put down Tianmeng City, can you do this? I really can't think of anyone else besides you!"

"You're smart."

Guan Ren shrugged.

"Then what I just mentioned..."

"Isn't your Frost Dragon Castle good? Why do you suddenly want to move to Tianmeng City?"

Guan Ren asked curiously.

"Well... Isn't it because of the hasty move that the current Frost Dragon Castle's defenses are relatively weak?"

QQ Xiaobing laughed dryly: "We have operated the area above the underground water veins for many years, and the surrounding defense facilities are very complete, but those things are not convenient to move, so..."

"I'm afraid this is not your main purpose?"

Guan Ren sneered when he heard this, and said calmly.

"Where are you, I want to move Frost Dragon Castle to the city, isn't it just to improve the safety factor of Frost Dragon Castle?"

"Don't come!"

Guan Ren curled his lips when he heard the words: "You are a typical guy who can't get up early! From my point of view, you want to enter my Tianmeng City because you have taken a fancy to my Tianmeng City's resources, right?"

"What resource?"

QQ Xiaobing looked puzzled.

"Of course it is a customer resource!"

Guan Ren twitched his lips, and said with a faint smile, "Since it is a city, the teleportation array must be indispensable. In this way, even if there is a space barrier, the transportation is still convenient, and if the teleportation array of Tianmeng City is opened for use with the outside world in the future If so, more and more people will definitely go here! At that time... you Frost Dragon Castle will definitely attract a lot of customers here! This also easily solves the source of customers you have been worrying about, don't you think? ?”

"Uh...cough cough, this, it seems to be the case! As expected of you! You can think of this! The two of you really admire! Look at my pig brain, why didn't I think of it? Sigh, tell me... "

"Don't give me this set!"

Guan Ren curled his lips and smiled, "It's fine to move in, but the tax rate must not be reduced at all!"

"Don't! We are friends after all, aren't we? So..."

"Brothers have to settle accounts! Didn't you tell me this sentence before?"


"Ok, deal!"

Guan Ren said directly: "For specific matters, you can go to Kong Yuan to handle them. I still have something to do, so I will go first!"


Seeing Guan Ren disappear in place using the teleportation scroll, QQ Xiaobing smiled wryly.

This kid really doesn't like this...

Oh, I should have thought of that earlier.

"Hello, Castle Master of Frost Dragon Castle."

Kong Yuan at the side stroked his beard, walked up to QQ Xiaobing, and said with a faint smile: "Please follow me, I will take you through the registration procedures!"

"……All right."

QQ Xiaobing nodded slowly, and left with Kong Yuan.

On the other side, Guan Ren directly used the city return scroll to return to Dragon Blood City.

"kill him!"

"Damn! Isn't this the Empire's A-level wanted criminal? Let's go together!"

"As long as you catch him, the empire will reward you a lot! Come quickly, everyone!"


The surroundings were spinning, and Guan Ren had just recovered his sight when he heard a noise coming from his ears!
Shit, I forgot about this!

Guan Ren, who came back to his senses, cursed inwardly.

He killed Lan Bing, the lord of the Ice and Snow City, and took the core, and is now wanted by the Tianxuan Empire. Before, he used the city return scroll to teleport directly to the shop, but the teleportation square is a little closer to the city lord's mansion, so In order to hurry, Guan Ren teleported here without thinking too much.

The result was good, just now, the bright blood-red wanted mark on his head had already completely betrayed himself!

【Ding!Notice!The arrest warrant is in effect!For the next two hours, the damage dealt to you by registered residents of the Profound Sky Empire will increase by 100%!And your location will be highlighted on the whole map!Markers ignore terrain occlusion! 】

"...I see through."

The corner of Guan Ren's mouth twitched, isn't this bullying me?

It doesn't matter if I expose my position in all directions, the residents of the Profound Sky Empire even have a 100% damage bonus to my attack power!
This is also... a little tricky, right?

Guan Ren shook his head slowly, raised his eyes and looked around, and saw a group of people had surrounded him, including even the teleportation array guards who respected him very much before!
Everyone in the teleportation escort team is above level [-]!

As for the captain of the guard, it is as high as level [-]!

Moreover, all members of the teleportation guard team have the strength of obsidian-level bosses, and as the captain, their strength is even comparable to fairy-level.

Moreover, they all have a 100% attack bonus state!
"Isn't this forcing me to do it?"

Guan Ren thought to himself, raised his eyes and found that players accounted for more than half of the crowds surrounding him!

These people must have come here with the mentality of fishing.

After all, it is clearly written on the wanted warrant, no matter how much it helps to catch the wanted criminal, it will be converted into corresponding points, and these points can be used for advanced props!

Such an attractive reward, almost no one can resist!

Yes, the strength of high officials is well known to everyone, but isn't this being wanted by the Tianxuan Empire?No matter how strong he is, can he still be stronger than the Profound Sky Empire?
Therefore, being able to touch it is a good thing, as long as you can take some damage, you will not lose points if you get points at that time!
Therefore, everyone was full of fighting spirit, surrounded the people, and secretly waited for the opportunity to make a move!
[A-level arrest warrant: target person [high official], level [39], occupation [Xuanling Disciple], current location [Dragon Blood City Transmission Square], coordinates [1314, 5210], description: All pairs of arrests If the behavior plays a positive role, all of them will be converted into corresponding points, and everyone can use the points to exchange for rewards at the list of merits in the main halls of various cities! (The highest can be exchanged for fairy-level props and equipment)]

Fairy level?
Guan Ren was startled, the Tianxuan Empire really thinks highly of him...

This level of rewards is enough to make all players crazy, right?
No wonder these people's eyes were red, looking at him as if they were looking at a fat sheep?
But do you really think I'm so easy to mess with?
【Ding!Profound Sky Empire Announcement: Attention all players!The Empire's A-level wanted criminal [Senior Officer] has appeared in Dragon Blood City!All passionate people, please rush to arrest them!The arresting behavior will be converted into corresponding points according to the performance, and the highest can be exchanged for fairy-level props! 】

At this moment, a system notification sound resounded through the sky in the territory of Tianxuan Empire!

 One more later.

(End of this chapter)

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