I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 328 This is Mutual Benefit and Win-Win!

Chapter 328 This is Mutual Benefit and Win-Win!
【Ding!Profound Sky Empire Announcement: Attention all players!The Empire's A-level wanted criminal [Senior Officer] has appeared in Dragon Blood City!All passionate people, please rush to arrest them!The arresting behavior will be converted into corresponding points according to the performance, and the highest can be exchanged for fairy-level props! 】


The system announcement rang three times.


The corner of Guan Ren's mouth twitched slightly.

Wouldn't this be too much for me?
A system announcement came directly!
And three times in a row!

Well now, everyone probably knows his current location. Next, more and more people will be teleported to Dragon Blood City!

It's a bastard to have cheap but not make money!
For most players, this can be said to be a rare and good opportunity to redeem top-notch rewards!

Even if you won't get too many points in the end, as long as you can exchange for some equipment and props that are helpful for combat leveling, it's great.

After all, not everyone is a benevolent official. Simply slashing a few monsters can explode a lot of equipment and improve a lot of attributes.

For ordinary players, the incident of arresting Guan Ren is more like an activity mission with a lot of rewards!

After all, as long as you participate, you can get points rewards. Points are such things that you can accumulate more. As long as you work hard enough and stay for a long time, you can still save a lot.

Although you can't get fairy-quality props or equipment, you can get a piece of gold-level equipment, which is quite tempting for ordinary players!

Therefore, as soon as the arrest warrant came out, everyone wanted to get a share of the action.

As for Guan Ren himself?

It doesn't matter to him, he will never let himself be arrested, after all, it will be more than two hours before the opening time of Shenlong Ancient Tomb, if he misses it, he will have to wait another year!
But now he can't afford to wait!

After all, because of his rebirth, the pace of both the game world and the real world is constantly accelerating. If this continues, even if he intentionally wants to delay, in the end, the battlefield of gods and demons may be opened in advance!
So now is not the time for him to relax!
As for the A-level arrest warrant for him, he himself was not too worried.

He had heard of such things as wanted orders in his last life. A-level wanted orders are generally aimed at fairy-level combat power, and the highest rewards are often at the fairy-level level, so under normal circumstances, he would generally choose to make a move At most, no one would exceed the fairy level. To Guan Ren, an opponent at the fairy level was actually not too dangerous.

As long as the opponent is not a god-level combat power, he is completely confident that he will not be arrested!

Whether you can fight is another matter, at least you can run!

But this A-level wanted man reminded him a little bit.

"I seem to... can slowly release the water, and use this method to allow more ordinary players to accumulate points and exchange them for more rewards to improve their own strength?"

Guan Ren's eyes lit up, and he suddenly had a brand new plan in mind.

Now, he no longer intends to "prove his innocence", isn't it just a wanted warrant?Do whatever you want!
Anyway, he now has the miniature teleportation array that he got from Momoda and directly sent to the Archmage Ollie. It will be very convenient for him to go to Tianxuan City to do business in the future. As for the rest of the wanted, it can help These ordinary players have more points, so that they can improve their strength at a faster speed!

In this way, even if the virtual synchronization comes ahead of time, they will have a better improvement!
All in all, it is a little bit to be able to improve, not to mention... this may not be a bad thing for Guan Ren!
Now he has been thinking about a mysterious item in his heart!

It would be great if we could get a little more by virtue of this A-level arrest warrant!

This arrest warrant, something that most people fear and fear, has become a "mutually beneficial and win-win" activity task with other players when it comes to Guan Ren!

"I can't even wait..."

The corner of Guan Ren's mouth twitched slightly. He is now in a wanted state. If he kills the player, the growth rate of the kill value will increase several times!
And this is absolutely good news for him!
bring it on!Come on a little more!Let me swipe enough at once!

The corner of Guan Ren's mouth curled slightly, and then he opened the system interface and temporarily turned off the plundering function.

This time, he only needs to improve the strength of ordinary players, not to block them, so it is best to turn off the looting function, otherwise if he kills him once, he will lose equipment, skills and talents.

"Everything is ready, just waiting for you to do it!"

Guan Ren waited quietly, and the surrounding teleportation squares were flickering with light. Almost every second, hundreds of players would teleport to them!

That's right, if there are not enough people, wouldn't it be a waste of work this time?

Guan Ren smiled inwardly, looked at the teleportation guards approaching slowly, and said with a hook of his mouth, "What's the matter, are you going to attack me now? Don't wait any longer?"

"Hmph, madmen, don't be arrogant! I'll make your life worse than death later!"

The captain of the guard looked gloomy and said coldly.

"...You can turn your face faster than you can turn a book. If I remember correctly, you were very courteous to me a few days ago, and you kept yelling 'Master' one by one, right?"

The corner of Guan Ren's mouth twitched, his brows raised slightly, and he let out a faint smile.


The guard captain's chest was clogged when he heard this, and his anger kept rolling.

Guan Ren's words hit the sore spot and made him extremely angry.

"What are you? Am I wrong?"

The corner of Guan Ren's mouth curled up, and he continued to be provocative: "Should I hear it again? I haven't heard enough yet."

Squinting his eyes slightly, Guan Ren put on a beating expression. He knew that other players came here with the mentality of trying to fish, and it was unlikely that they would take the initiative to make a move. But if these high-level NPCs It would be different if they took the lead. As long as there are NPCs in front of them as human shields, the courage of these players will inevitably increase instantly, and they can't wait to come up and blow him up directly.

No way, it's human nature.

"court death!"

Sure enough, under repeated provocations by Guan Ren, the captain of the guard finally couldn't stand it any longer, and ignored the order from his superiors to wait and see what happened, and directly ordered to act!

"The guards obey the order! The first formation, array raid!"


The teleportation escort team, except for the captain, has a total of 20 people. All of these people have the strength of level [-] obsidian. After the captain of the guard gave an order, they immediately looked up and quickly lined up. They poked the spear on the ground. A powerful aura soared into the sky and fell on Guan Ren's shoulders!
"Just so much patience?"

Guan Ren frowned, and shook his head slowly, a little disappointed.

The soaring spiritual attributes made him now completely unafraid of the coercion unleashed by these obsidian-level bosses.

"Do you want to play with guns? I can do it too! And...there are so many tricks I can do!"

(End of this chapter)

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