I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 337 Hey, give me another shot, is it cool?

Chapter 337 Hey, Give Me Another Shot?
Yang Yang Bang's ten-second curse time has passed. In the dusty ruins, Guan Ren who was shot slowly got up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and rubbed his throbbing chest.

Damn, this shot is really powerful!

Guan Ren sighed in his heart, and at the same time, a system notification sounded in his ear.

【Ding!You were hit by a golden sniper bullet!Enter the Golden Rainbow Sun state!Receive 1000 million real damage per second!The duration is 600 seconds! 】

【Ding!You were hit by a golden sniper bullet!All attributes are permanently reduced by 50%!All talents and skills are weakened! 】

【Ding!Affected by the immune absorption ability of the gold system, the energy of the golden rainbow sniper bullets is absorbed! 】

【Ding!Get a new status [Golden Rainbow Sun*]!The upper limit of life value increases by 10 points per second!The duration is 600 seconds!All attributes increased by 50%!All talents and skills are strengthened! 】

"Hahaha...it's so exciting!"

Guan Ren laughed loudly, his body actually climbed up, and in a blink of an eye, he was blown away by the surrounding dust!
"Crackling! Chirping, clucking!"

All members of the elite rabbit team were shocked!
Everyone didn't expect that Guan Ren, who seemed certain to die to everyone, not only walked out of the ruins alive and kicking, but also his aura increased instead of diminishing, becoming even stronger!

Looking at the bewildered Kungfu Rabbit masters, the corner of Guan Ren's mouth twitched slightly, feeling nothing but comfort in his heart.

The bonus given to him by the Jinhong Guanri sniper bullet is really too strong!
1000 million points of real damage per second, although it cannot be fully converted into the upper limit of health under the transformation of the gold system's immune absorption ability, but it can also convert 1% of the damage into the upper limit of health, and 10 points of health per second The effect of increasing the upper limit lasts for a full 10 minutes!

In this way, the upper limit of life value alone is enough to increase his upper limit of life to 4000 million points!

The upper limit of hundreds of millions of life points, such a level, has reached the level of the fairy boss!

The original shortcoming of lack of blood can be temporarily erased from Guan Ren's head.

Of course, this is just one of the benefits brought to him by the Jinhong Sunshine sniper bullet!
The current him, under the influence of the golden rainbow penetrating the sun, all attributes have increased by 50%!

Note that this is all attributes!
All attributes include not only the five basic attributes of strength, physique, agility, intelligence, and spirit, but also the luck and charm attributes that are classified as fixed attributes!
The 50% increase in all attributes not only allowed his spiritual attributes to directly break through to 1400 million points, but also increased his other four basic attributes by a bit!
Now he has nearly 80 points in strength and physique, and his agility and intelligence attributes have also increased to 50 points!

In addition, among his fixed attributes, the charm value has also been successfully increased to 100 points, and the luck value is even more exaggerated, directly increased to 200 points!
The current Guan Ren, even if he doesn't activate the system, doesn't use any skills and talents, his attributes alone are already comparable to a fairy-level boss!

As for adding system abilities, talents and skills, his strength will become even more terrifying!
Especially Jin Hong Guanri's state is under the immune absorption ability of the gold system, and all his talents and skills have been strengthened!
Note that this is the strengthening of all talents and skills!

Of course, this enhancement only involves the skills and talents possessed by Guan Ren himself, and the skills or system capabilities that come with the equipment are not included.

But even so, Guan Ren's strength has been greatly increased now!

Take his soul avatar as an example, just ten seconds ago, his soul avatar could only summon three, but now, he can already summon an additional avatar!
Now Guan Ren, as if all skills and talents have used a strengthening scroll, they have all been strengthened visible to the naked eye!
In terms of skill damage, the damage of all skills has been doubled, and the control effect has also been strengthened!

And the most worth mentioning is the strengthening of Guan Ren's natural ability!
In fact, in terms of talents, many talents like soul avatars cannot be directly strengthened with props. For example, Guan Ren's left and right fighting, bloody and other talents cannot be strengthened with talent scrolls!

Logically speaking, these talents cannot be strengthened!
However, it is different now!
By mistake, Guan Ren was attacked by Jinhong Sun sniper bullets, and also happened to possess the ability of gold-type immune absorption!
In this way, all these impossibilities became possible!
Guan Ren's fighting left and right has been strengthened!
The current left and right fighting can actually allow him to transform into two additional energy arms for equipment attacks!
In other words, the current Guan Ren can have four hands if he wants to!
Originally, his ultimate attack speed could be used [-] times a second, but now... he can do [-] times!
This directly doubled his peak output!
As far as his strength is concerned, it is definitely an improvement that cannot be ignored!
As for other talents, they have also been greatly improved!
With fresh blood, the upper limit of health has been increased from 100% to 200%. In this way, after the end of the golden rainbow guanri state, Guan Ren's upper limit of health will become even more terrifying!
Other talents and skills have also been greatly improved. All in all, the current Guan Ren, under the blow of the Jinhong Guanri sniper bullet, has greatly improved his combat effectiveness!

Compared with him ten seconds ago, his current strength has improved several times!
Guan Ren took a step forward and immediately cast the phantom step, appearing directly behind the exhausted gun master on the high platform in the distance. Before the latter could react, he kicked him to the ground, and then directly One blow of the ice spike controlled the latter, and then summoned three soul clones to use the ice spike on the gun master in turn, keeping it in a frozen state!
"Hello, gun master! I really want to make a request, why don't you give me another shot to make me feel better?"

Guan Ren smiled and looked at the gun master who was lying on his back and frozen into an ice sculpture, and said with a smile, "How about we discuss something? From now on, you can hang out with me. If you agree, just move your eyeballs up and down. Otherwise, your other teammates...may lose their lives!"

A sniper bullet for the death of flames and a sniper bullet for the golden rainbow piercing the sun. Guan Ren is actually very curious, what other useful bullets does this gun master have? If they can be used by him, then his strength will also increase It's a little more convenient.

After all, one shot can increase more than 400 million spiritual attributes. If he is asked to go to the monster spawning space to brush attributes, it will take a whole day!

(End of this chapter)

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