I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 338 1 against 3!Bombing!

Chapter 338 One Against Three!Bombing!
Wouldn't it be great if he could find a way to make the gun master become his subordinate?
This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
In fact, the Kung Fu Rabbit Clan is an extremely mysterious race on this continent. Even Guan Ren, who has resurrected his life, only knows about the existence of the Backpack Master. As for the Elite Rabbit Squad, he has never heard of it!

Now being bumped into by him by accident, there is no reason to let them go easily!

What's more, Guan Ren now has the technique of blood soul to use!

If the negotiation fails, he will use force directly!
Guan Ren sneered in his heart, and raised his hand to take out the "Blood Soul Art" from the bloody lord Jabbar in his backpack, and chose it for study!
【Ding!Learning the Art of Blood Soul requires 50 points of mental attributes!Do you want to study? 】

50 points?

This is a full five times the learning of mechanical skills!

But now he has enough mental attributes and enough willfulness, so after a short hesitation, he directly chose to study.

【Ding!Choose success!Mental attribute reduced by 50 points! 】

After Guan Ren chose to learn "Blood Soul Art", it directly turned into a blood-red energy ray, which penetrated into the center of Guan Ren's eyebrows!
One picture after another, the knowledge related to the Blood Soul Art was quickly imprinted in the depths of his soul.

In just ten seconds, all the content of the Blood Soul Art has been absorbed by Guan Ren!
400 million spiritual attributes, this is no joke!

If it was in the past, it would take him at least half a day to digest it, but now with its super high spiritual attributes, it only takes ten seconds to fully absorb it!

Of course, this is just absorbing the knowledge content of the Blood Soul Art, and his practical experience is still zero, so there is still a long way to go if he wants to master the Blood Soul Art to the point of mastery and handiness!
However, three of the skills were directly developed by Guan Ren and appeared in the skill column because he had watched the Blood Lord Kareem Abdul-Jabbar use them in the dark!
These three skills are Blood Soul Puppet Technique, Blood Soul Transfer Technique and Blood Soul Shadow Escape Technique!

[Blood Soul Puppet Art: Refining the enemy's blood essence, making it an obedient puppet!The stronger the spiritual attribute itself, the stronger the refined blood soul puppet will be! 】

[Blood Soul Transfer Technique: The powerful teleportation technique of the blood soul lineage, which can perform ultra-long-distance position transfer with the blood locked by the spirit!The transfer range is determined by the development level of the blood soul technique and the level of spiritual attributes! 】

【Blood Soul Shadow Escape Technique: It is divided into Blood Escape Technique and Soul Shadow Technique. It is a super skill used to save life. It has huge side effects when used alone!Using the blood soul technique requires a lot of blood soul crystals, and using the soul shadow technique will consume a lot of mental attributes! 】

These are the first three skills of the Blood Soul Art that Guan Ren has unlocked. One is used for manipulation, one is used for movement, and the other seems to be used for escape.

However, although these skills are obtained directly, if you want to use them proficiently, you still need to practice more to master them.

The first two skills were fine, but the last one, the Blood Soul Shadow Escape Technique, was troublesome. This skill consumed a lot and couldn't withstand his random practice, so it had to be put on hold for now.

It would be nice to have a practice field similar to other games, so that you don't have to worry about the side effects of these skills.

Guan Ren came back to his senses, looked at the gun master who kept moving his eyeballs left and right, his gaze sank.

"I suggest that you carefully consider my suggestion."

Guan Ren said lightly, and slowly raised his right hand from the dead body, and a blood-red energy wrapped his palm in an instant: "Otherwise, I will directly refine you into a blood soul puppet, and then... you can even the most basic will be lost!"


"Quack quack!"

Just when Guan Ren threatened, the other three Kung Fu Rabbit masters finally came to kill them, shouting words that Guan Ren could not understand, all of them looked stern and merciless!
"Good come!"

Seeing this, Guan Ren frowned, and then left three soul clones to continue entertaining the gun master in the frozen state, while he rushed out directly, one against three!

Without the threat of long-range sniping from the gun master, and now that his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, as long as he is careful enough, it is not too difficult to face the three kung fu rabbit masters alone!
What's more, the current him can summon the fourth soul clone!

Another soul clone was summoned, and then Guan Ren directly activated the phantom arm function that came with the enhanced left and right fighting technique, and there were two phantom arms shining with blue light on the back shoulders again!
Four hands per person, plus a soul clone, is eight hands!
Holding a weapon in each hand, Guan Ren bombarded the three Kung Fu rabbit masters like crazy!
Holding a staff in one hand, he kept releasing fireballs at them one after another!
After being strengthened by the Jinhong Guanri sniper bomb, both the power and the range of the fireball technique have been greatly improved. In addition to the shortened cooldown time and the cooldown of the acceleration system, the current Guanren can do one hundred per second. The fireball technique directly blasted the entire central area of ​​Dragon Blood City, half of the sky lit up!

Straightforward and tough, Guan Ren didn't have any thoughts of backing down. For these kung fu rabbit masters who have come up with endless tricks, if they play tactics with them, it is equivalent to giving them a chance to breathe in disguise!

If this is the case, God knows what tricks they will slowly play!

The attack methods and props of these guys are not a joke. Many of them are things that Guan Ren has never heard of. It is powerless to defend against them. Therefore, for him, the best way to deal with these kung fu rabbits is to Straightforward!
Anyway, now he is strong enough to be worthy of these guys!

As for returning blood?

He is now holding the mysterious envelope, poking it incessantly, and the purple flame explodes a hundred times a second, directly covering him and the soul clone next to him, and explodes a hundred times a second. The recovery amount can reach [-] million points!

And a mysterious envelope and a staff just occupied Guan Ren's two hands!

Now he and the avatar are added together, but there are a total of eight hands!

So Guan Ren struck while the iron was hot, and the remaining six held weapons in their hands, and slammed the Mechanism Kung Fu Rabbit Master head and face, making them unable to react at all!
"Haha, wouldn't it be great if we could take all this elite rabbit team under our command?"

Guan Ren's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately made up his mind!

Although the elite rabbit team and the backpack master are only four people, these guys are all talents!

(End of this chapter)

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