I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 348 Full Server Announcement!

Chapter 348 Full Server Announcement!

"I put some life-saving props in this backpack. If you really encounter any danger at that time, don't be stingy, life-saving is the most important thing!"

Guan Ren confessed, took out the Tianmeng token, opened a transmission channel, and let everyone leave the shop.

After everyone left, Guan Ren closed the transmission channel with his own hands and breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, he can go to Shenlong Ancient Tomb without any worries.

After leaving the shop, Guan Ren hurried to the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.


"You boy, do you finally know what's coming?"

In the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion, Ao Zhan glared at Guan Ren angrily, and said cursingly: "You have been in the limelight recently! Now the high-level officials of the Tianxuan Empire directly ordered me to help you! Can you stop?" Come on, save me a little worry?"

"Brother Zhan, you'd better keep your bad temper in check. In my opinion, Xiaoguan must have his own reasons for doing so."

On the side, a gentle woman smiled softly.

"Aunt Ling, are you ready? Congratulations!"

"It's all thanks to you! If it weren't for your action, I'm afraid I'm still locked in the depths of the dungeon in Tianjian City!"

Ling Wanrong smiled and said: "You don't know, Brother Zhan's evaluation of you in private is quite high!"

"Rong'er! Talk less!"

Old Ao Zhan blushed and coughed.

"Look, he's shy."

Ling Wanrong covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"My lord, is what Auntie said true?"


Hearing this, Ao Zhan roared, frowned and said, "I won't say anything else, the dispute between you and the Tianxuan Empire has nothing to do with me! But there is one thing! This trip to the Shenlong Tomb is full of dangers! Don't act recklessly! If you dare to drag Lan Lan into danger together, be careful that I will let you go around!"

"Father! What are you talking about! How could something happen to me!"

A silver bell-like sound came from the loft in the distance, and then a clear blue shadow flew over and slowly landed on the ground.

"You and I are naturally relieved! But this kid... I am worried!"

Ao Zhan frowned, and said in a muffled voice: "Girl, don't be led astray by this kid! You have to keep in mind where you can go and where you can't go! Do you hear me?"

"Father! People know! Don't worry about it!"

Ling Lan frowned and smiled wryly.

"Worrying about it? My good daughter, you can take care of yourself! This kid...he is a time bomb!"

Ao Zhan looked sad.

"Okay Brother Zhan, we should believe them. In my opinion, Xiaoguan is not a time bomb! He is a person who can keep creating miracles!"

"Hmph, you mother and daughter think highly of him! That's all!"

Ao Zhan frowned, glanced at Guan Ren, and said in a deep voice, "My request is very simple. No matter how noisy you are in the Dragon Tomb, come back alive! Did you hear me?"

"Don't worry about this, I have made a lot of preparations during this time."

Guan Ren smiled and nodded.

"Okay! I won't say too much. It's too hypocritical. There is still half an hour before the opening of the Dragon Tomb. Let's go to the entrance of the Dragon Tomb first!"

Ao Zhan said a word, took out the dragon blood token from his body, kept making seals with his hands, and finally raised his hand, a drop of blood dripped on the token with his fingers.


The radiance of the token soared, flying high into the sky, the pole star in the sky was bright, and the starlight fell, colliding with the radiance of the token soaring into the sky!
boom! ! !
With a loud noise, the entire Dragon Blood City shook violently, and then, a phantom gate fell from the sky and landed at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

The gate is majestic and solemn, surrounded by a lavender halo. There are nine dragon patterns of different shapes on the door, but there are no eyeballs before the dragon pattern, which is very strange.

[Full server announcement: The ancient tomb of the dragon has been opened in Dragon Blood City!The depths of the ancient tomb are full of dangers, and it is said that there are hidden secrets and power inheritance left by the dragon clan thousands of years ago!The gate of the ancient tomb disappeared in two hours, adventurers who want to find out, please go there as soon as possible! 】

[Full server announcement: The ancient tomb of the dragon has been opened in Dragon Blood City!The depths of the ancient tomb are full of dangers, and it is said that there are hidden secrets and power inheritance left by the dragon clan thousands of years ago!The gate of the ancient tomb disappeared in two hours, adventurers who want to find out, please go there as soon as possible! 】

[Full server announcement: The ancient tomb of the dragon has been opened in Dragon Blood City!The depths of the ancient tomb are full of dangers, and it is said that there are hidden secrets and power inheritance left by the dragon clan thousands of years ago!The gate of the ancient tomb disappeared in two hours, adventurers who want to find out, please go there as soon as possible! 】

The system announcement rang three times in total, and all players on the Kyushu server could hear it clearly.

"Damn! It's Dragon Blood City again! Didn't you just hear that the high official was there too? Now there's another ancient tomb of the dragon? Isn't this too coincidental?"

"Pass my order, all guild elites gather quickly! Let's go to Dragon Blood City!"

"It turned out to be the tomb of the dragon! Anyone who has played the game knows that as long as the word dragon is hooked, it must be something amazing! How could such a grand event be without me!"

"Let's march into the Shenlong Ancient Tomb together!"


All the players in the Kyushu area of ​​the Tianlin World were excited, and the most excited ones were naturally the players in the Tianxuan Empire.

In the Kyushu District, there are three major empires in total, namely the Tianxuan Empire, the Yuanwu Empire and the Ancient Dao Empire.

Among them, the Tianxuan Empire is located in the northern region, the Yuanwu Empire is located in the west, and the Gudao Empire is located in the south.

The three empires are separated by hundreds of thousands of mountains that stretch for millions of miles, and the communication between them is very inconvenient.

Of course, the three empires also have ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays that can be used, but because the teleportation distance is extremely long, the cost of using it once is extremely high!

In addition, if you want to cross the teleportation, you need to have an exit certificate!
And if you want to apply for an exit certificate, you must go to the main hall of the first-level main city to apply for it!

At this stage, it is not easy to enter the first-level main city!

So this time the Shenlong Ancient Tomb is opened, except for most players in Tianxuan City who can go there, other players belonging to the Yuanwu Empire and the Ancient Dao Empire have very little chance.

Of course, this is not absolute, if you happen to have the teleportation scroll of Dragon Blood City, it is another matter.

"It's finally about to start..."

Guan Ren clenched his fists and thought to himself.

The Shenlong Ancient Tomb was originally a large hidden dungeon.

As long as it is turned on, there will inevitably be a full server announcement.

In his last life, he only fished in troubled waters after someone else triggered this hidden dungeon. In the end, he got lucky and got a drop of Dragon God's essence blood, and finally succeeded in refining it, and later became the title of the number one swordsman in Mobei Territory.

And in this life, he just moved the opening time of Shenlong Ancient Tomb forward by one year!
To put it bluntly, he doesn't mind other players flooding into the Shenlong Tomb together.

Because his original intention is actually to improve the strength of the players as much as possible. If they can benefit from entering the ancient tomb of the dragon, it is naturally the best.

As for the plan to influence Guan Ren?

That doesn't exist at all!

The Shenlong Ancient Tomb has a total of seven floors!
With the current player's strength, being able to rush to the third floor is already a high profile!
(End of this chapter)

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