I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 349: The boy in the hat!

Chapter 349: The boy in the hat!

On the current level list, except for the players who deliberately hid the information and did not disclose it, the highest level among them is only level 47.

In the Shenlong Ancient Tomb, the level of monsters on the first floor is 20-29, and so on, until the last seventh floor, all the monsters are above level [-]!And the blood essence of the dragon is in the deepest place on the seventh floor of the ancient tomb of the dragon!

"what are you thinking about?"

On the side, Ling Lan tilted her head to look at Guan Ren who looked a little excited, and asked curiously.

"It's nothing. I've been waiting for a day. It's been a long time. I'm just a little excited."

Guan Ren said with a smile.


Ling Lan nodded slowly, then seemed to think of something, and asked aloud: "Should we clean up the others before we go into the Shenlong Ancient Tomb?"

"No, they can go in if they want, as long as it doesn't affect us."


Ling Lan nodded lightly, and said: "By the way, before Senior Yao Wang left, let me bring you a word."

"Uncle Master asked you to bring me a message? What did he say?"

"He asked you to collect more dragon bones and rare materials, and he also asked you to pay attention to the secrets hidden in the ancient tomb of the dragon."

"Secret? Is there really any secret hidden in the ancient tomb of the dragon?"

Guan Ren asked with a frown.

If it was only the Emperor of Heaven who said that, Guan Ren would just laugh it off, but now that even Yao Busi said that, he has to take it seriously!

You know, the strength of these two people is not covered!
Since two people mentioned the secret at the same time, there should be a high probability that the secret really exists!
"I don't know, I have entered the Dragon Tomb since I was 13 years old, and it is already the eighth time, but I have only been to the fifth floor of the Dragon Tomb at most before, and I have not been to the deeper places. "

Ling Lan frowned and said, "But since Senior Yao Wang specifically asked me to bring you a message, I think this matter should be true, right?"

"Ling Lan, I have something to tell you in advance."

Guan Ren frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "I entered the Shenlong Ancient Tomb this time to go to the deepest part of the seventh floor and get the blood of the Dragon God there! So there are many dangers, so..."

"So it is!"

Ling Lan nodded suddenly when she heard the words, and said: "But as far as I know, the strength of the enemies on the seventh floor of the Dragon Tomb is all above level [-]. With your current strength..."

"Don't worry, I've made sufficient preparations these days, so nothing will happen!"

Guan Ren said in a deep voice, "What do you think, come with me?"

"This... Actually, I also want to go with you, but I'm a clumsy person, and I'm afraid it will hold you back. I don't want similar things that happened in Mobei Territory to happen again."

Ling Lan's face was a little gloomy when she heard this. The last time she was worried about Guan Ren, she disregarded the latter's dissuasion and made arbitrarily advocating to go to support him, but in the end it dragged down Guan Ren. Although Guan Ren didn't blame him afterwards, but Deep down in her heart, she still blamed herself very much.

"It's different this time. I've made a lot of preparations. When the time comes, you just have to follow my orders and everything will be fine!"

Guan Ren smiled slightly and said, "Besides, you are a dragon blood warrior, so the blood of the dragon god should be very important for your strength improvement?"

"You... really want to take me with you?"

Lily of the valley asked in disbelief.

"Of course I do!"

Guan Ren smiled and said, "There is a whole bottle of Dragon God blood in the depths of Shenlong Ancient Tomb, and I won't be able to use it by myself at that time. I will give you the rest. It will definitely be of great benefit to your strength improvement at that time!"

Today is different from the past, Guan Ren now has a dream space on his body, Gensokyo can accommodate up to ten people, even if there is any sudden danger, Guan Ren only needs to let Linglan hide in it, there will be no danger at all !
As for himself, he has a lot of powerful props on him, even if there are any special circumstances, at most it will be a little twists and turns in the process, and the result of getting the blood of the Dragon God will not change in the end.

"That's great! I really want to see what the deepest part of the Dragon Tomb looks like! It's just... how do you know that there is a bottle of Dragon God's blood in the depths of the seventh floor? Even if I have already entered the seventh floor of the Dragon Tomb time, but I didn’t get any relevant news at all?”

"Ahem, well, he told me before. Didn't he ask you to bring me a message because he forgot to explain something?"

Guan Ren coughed twice and touched his nose in embarrassment.

"So that's how it is...Senior Yao Wang is really hiding something!"

"That goes without saying, he is my uncle, can he not be amazing?"

Guan Ren put on an unquestionable look, patted his chest and said.

A sneeze!

On a floating island in the sea of ​​clouds, Yaobusi, who was eating fruit in an orchard, sneezed suddenly, and sprayed all the fruit just brought by an old man wearing a bamboo hat in front of him. thick snot.

"Damn! You don't think about medicine! This is a fairy fruit cultivated by Lao Tzu! You are doing it on purpose!"

The old man in the bamboo hat directly lifted the hat, revealing a milky face like a boy.

"This, this, brother, I definitely didn't do it on purpose! I understand your temper, why would I use this method to mess with your mentality?"

Seeing that the young man in front of him was about to get angry, Yao Busi immediately stood up from the stone pier and explained anxiously.

"You fart! Who are you? The No. [-] Medicine King of the Tianxuan Empire! And with your strength, the virus has long been invincible! How could you catch a cold and sneeze? You kid is doing it on purpose!"

The young man raised his eyebrows, anger flashed in his eyes, and he said, "You'd better admit your mistake to me, otherwise, the fruit wine I make in the future...you won't even want to drink it!"

"Don't, don't, don't! Brother, you've been wronged! I really didn't mean it!"

Yao Busi had a frowning face, he could beat him and scold him, but when he thought of not being able to drink that delicious fruit wine, he felt a dull pain in his heart, and the pain was unbearable.

"Then tell me, what happened to the sneeze just now?"

The young man said coldly.

"This... this... that's right! It must be that kid!"

Yao Busi's tone was hesitant, and suddenly his eyes lit up, as if he had caught a life-saving straw, and shouted: "It's that kid Guan Ren! He was talking about me behind my back, that's why I sneezed! Otherwise, with my Realm, why do you suddenly have an itchy nose?"

"Do you think I'll believe you?"

The young man sneered, and said lightly: "If throwing the blame on others is your last resort, then I'm sorry to tell you that you won't even be able to drink a sip of fruit wine in the future!"

"No, no, no! What I said is absolutely true! You know Zhang Banxian from Daoxuan City? I used to sneeze for no reason a while ago, so I asked him to calculate it before I came here! Even if you don't believe me, You should also believe in his ability, right?"

"Is this true?"

"It's absolutely true! In order for him to calculate this fortune for me, he spent me a bottle of good wine!"

Yao Busi looked pained.

"Since this is the case, I will trust you for the time being! But who is this official benevolence you are talking about? It can actually affect you? It is really puzzling..."

"Oh, I was so busy drinking just now, I almost forgot to do business!"

Yao Busi's expression changed, he raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and said after panting, "That's right, this Guan Ren...he is the second senior brother's new apprentice some time ago!"

"What!? What you said is true? Senior Brother Fang Hai... He actually accepted an apprentice?"

The young man's face changed when he heard this, he was surprised.

"That's not the point! The point is, this kid got the wishing tree seed some time ago, and... it only takes 100 years for it to germinate!"

As soon as the words fell, the fruit plate in the young man's hand fell to the ground, and the fairy fruits fell to the ground, covered with dust.

"No! This is absolutely impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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