I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 362 Hey, didn't expect that?

Chapter 362 Hey, didn't expect that?
What the hell is the use of teleporting seven gourd shrimps in front of me?

Stop me from hitting you on the head?

But you stopped my person, what about my clone?

Don't care?


The corner of Guan Ren's mouth twitched slightly as he looked at the seven lobster guards who had lined up in front of him and burst into a powerful momentum.


Put away the facial piercer, transfer it directly to one of the clones located at the pincer node through the backpack sharing function of the clones, and command the two clones to launch a frenzied attack on the weakness of the other side.

As for Guan Ren himself, he took on the responsibility of holding back the shrimp guards and preventing them from affecting the work of the two avatars.

Regarding Guan Ren's on-the-spot reaction, no matter it was the seven shrimp guards or the invincible lobster king, they were all dumbfounded.

Two seconds seems to be an unprecedentedly long time.

There was a lot of embarrassment in the air.

"Human, I'm going to kill you!!!"

Suddenly, the invincible Lobster King suddenly spit out words, and the powerful killing intent instantly locked on Guan Ren!

【Ding!Being attacked by the invincible Lobster King's killing intent!HP -95%! 】

In an instant, Guan Ren's health bottomed out in an instant, leaving only blood skin!
"Damn, this guy can actually speak human language. Could it be that the yelling before was for the sake of being handsome?"

Guan Ren never forgot to complain when he was about to die. In the end, under the combo attack of "Gourd and Seven Shrimp", his health was instantly cleared to zero, and he was instantly killed.

"Hahahahaha! Human kid, let you pretend! The last laugh is still this king! Hahahahaha..."

The invincible Lobster King laughed wildly, and the huge energy impact directly shattered the dark night enchantment formed by Guan Ren's avatar!
"Did you hear that! It's the laughter of the Invincible Lobster King, that kid has been killed!"

Outside the barrier, Aaron kept wiping the sweat off his forehead, panting heavily, but there was indeed a happy smile on his face.

The new way of killing has finally been achieved!

"As expected, next, we should plan the next step..."

The man in the white shirt smiled slightly when he heard the words, and now he was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, feeling the brand-new power after the realm breakthrough, without raising his eyes to look into the distance at all.

Because in his mind, the death of the adventurer from another world in the arena was already a foregone conclusion.

Now that he is dead, it doesn't cause him any accidents.

Everything is under control!
However, at this moment, the soul clones that had dissipated due to the death of the main body did not disintegrate because of this. Instead, they seemed to be okay, their hands kept moving, and they completed their last task in less than two seconds!

【Ding![-] weak point combo goals achieved!Invincible Lobster King's invincible state is invalid! 】

【Ding!Resurrection state activated!You are fully revived!Remaining time in the soul-resurrection state: 19 hours, 33 minutes, 46 seconds, remaining number of soul-resurrection times: 30 times]

"Haha, it's done!"

Guan Ren, who was killed, was revived in full condition in the state of the Nine Turns Returning Soul Pill, seeing the fine energy cracks appearing on the huge mountain-like monster in front of him, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Hehe, didn't expect that? Grandpa will be resurrected!"

Resurrection state once revive effect, in exchange for breaking the invincible state of the BOSS, it is blood money!
The superimposed number of resurrections of these nine-turn soul-returning pills was originally prepared to resist the demon king, who knew that the latter would slap his ass and leave directly. If so, once the duration of the medicine's effect expires, the nine-turn soul-returning pill that I took before is equivalent to a waste, but now it is very suitable for dealing with invincible bosses.

Keeping it is also keeping it. The resurrection effect deceived the Invincible Lobster King, and Guan Ren was very satisfied.

This resurrection is really in place!
Originally, according to the idea of ​​the Invincible Lobster King, as long as Guan Ren's main body is dropped at the last moment, his clone will automatically disappear due to the death of the main body, thus making the combo invalid, and ultimately unable to break its own invincible state.

However, the Invincible Lobster King never expected that Guan Ren would take the Nine-Return Soul Pill in advance, and there were still three of them!

Let alone one instant kill, even if the Invincible Lobster King killed Guan Ren thirty times in an instant, he would still be resurrected unscathed, and complete the [-] combo target, breaking the former's invincibility!
"Fuck! You kid... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

The sudden reversal of things caught the Invincible Lobster King by surprise.

Just as he was about to curse, the sudden pain in his body made him scream out!

It has been invincible for 1 years, and now it is suffering pain for the first time, which naturally makes its life worse than death!
Why!Why did this kid come back to life!
I... I am not reconciled! ! !

A mere human being actually broke my invincible golden body!

The Invincible Lobster King was full of grief and dissatisfaction, and the power of resentment was growing in his heart.

I was supposed to be invincible!
I am invincible! !

unrivaled! ! !
boom--! ! !
The huge body of the invincible Lobster King suddenly exploded, turning everything around him into ashes!
If it weren't for the invincible barrier blocking it, the entire Garbage Bay would have vanished into nothingness in an instant!
Under the huge energy impact, Guan Ren and the three soul clones were all torn into pieces because they were inevitable!
【Ding!Resurrection state activated!You are fully revived!Remaining time in the soul-resurrection state: 19 hours, 33 minutes, 46 seconds, remaining number of soul-resurrection times: 29 times]

The soul was condensed, and Guan Ren was resurrected again under the effect of the Nine Turns Returning Soul Pill!
"Grass, this time it hurts Dad to death!"

The feeling of the body being torn into countless pieces by powerful energy, even if the pain was reduced to only one-tenth, for Guan Ren, it was still so painful that his teeth chattered non-stop.

This kind of pain is about to catch up with the feeling of the destructive power that the body suffered when refining the Returning Dust Sword in Tianjian Island!
Damn it, this Invincible Lobster King really doesn't stop, he's about to die in the end, and he even made such a move!
It's really lingering...

Although the Nine Turns Returning Soul Pill can revive people, the pain cannot be erased, so even though Guan Ren was resurrected with the help of the returning soul state, the pain of every inch of the cell is still vivid.

"Shrimp King is amazing, you really made me miserable."

Facing the thick smoke, he gave a thumbs up, and the corners of Guan Ren's mouth twitched in pain.

"However, I have clearly defeated the Invincible Lobster King, why is there no movement at all when the system prompts?"

Guan Ren frowned and waited for ten seconds, but the system notification sound he was looking forward to still didn't sound.

Could it be a bug?

A ray of doubt flashed in Guan Ren's eyes, and he looked up and looked around.

"This...what's the situation!? The invincible enchantment... is still there!?"

(End of this chapter)

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