I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 363 This is... What's the situation?

Chapter 363 This is... What's the situation?
Guan Ren looked around in surprise, only to see that the huge purple invincibility barrier still existed!

He remembered clearly that when he attacked these invincible barriers, he had received feedback from the system. Unless the invincible Lobster King died or operated it himself, otherwise, the invincible barriers would not disappear.

But in this situation, the invincible barrier has not disappeared, which can only explain one situation - the invincible lobster king has not died!

"Is this too fake? Isn't this dead?"

Guan Ren murmured in shock.

Under normal circumstances, once the invincible state is broken, the invincible boss itself will die directly with the disappearance of the invincible state!
But this invincible lobster king is obviously not like this!
"...Is there a follow-up?"

Guan Ren was secretly speechless. If this was the case, the Invincible Lobster King should also be very weak, right?
It's okay, okay, now that the invincible body is broken, if you want to deal with it, it shouldn't be too difficult.

clack clack...

Just as Guan Ren was thinking wildly, the huge purple invincible barrier that originally enveloped the surrounding space suddenly made a crisp sound, and then countless cracks were densely covered, and finally scattered into countless pieces!

"This... It seems that I was thinking too much. Sure enough, once the invincible boss is broken, the invincible golden body will also die."

Seeing the enchantment scattered into countless fragments, Guan Ren breathed a sigh of relief. Although he thought that after the invincible state was broken, the invincible Lobster King would be weakened and his strength would plummet, but there is no certainty. Getting more disgusting?
Then how does he fight?
Take the invincible Lobster King just now as an example. Although he is invincible, he is relatively slow and easy to dodge because of his huge size and excessive range of motion.

If after the invincible state is broken, the game does not play cards according to the routine, not only increasing the strength of the boss, but also making him faster, this is not good news for Guan Ren!

"Fortunately, once the enchantment is broken, you don't have to worry about other things."

Guan Ren comforted himself in his heart, and at the same time, the system prompt finally came belatedly and rang from his ears.

【Ding!The invincible lobster king was defeated! 】

Huh?Only one system prompt?
This should be the first kill of the invincible boss, right?
Logically speaking, shouldn't there be some other rewards and system announcements?

Why is there no movement at all?

Guan Ren frowned slightly, feeling a little puzzled.

Also puzzled and shocked, there were Along and Ahu in the distance and the man in white shirt who had opened his eyes!
"What the hell is going on here!?"

"No...I don't know."

Aaron and Ahu looked at each other in blank dismay, their hearts skipping a beat.

The enchantment suddenly shattered, and thinking of the scream of the invincible Lobster King just now, could it be...

As the purple invincible barrier shattered into countless pieces, the effect of the nightfall was completely eliminated, the surrounding darkness faded away, and the distant scenes finally appeared.

The invincible lobster king like a hill has disappeared.

Looking around, I saw a figure standing in mid-air in the distance!

It was the idiot adventurer from another world they thought at first!
"He... actually defeated the Invincible Lobster King!? How is this possible!"

The man in the white shirt had an unbelievable expression on his face, but the figure of the invincible Lobster King in the distance had indeed disappeared, so he couldn't help but believe it!
how is this possible……

How can it be?

How can it be!

A mere adventurer from another world came to this world in less than a month. How did he possess such powerful strength?

This unscientific!


A mouthful of blood was spat out retrogradely. The white shirted man's face was pale, and his whole body kept shaking. The appearance of Guan Ren disrupted his plan, made him unsteady when he just broke through the realm, and his breath became sluggish for a while.


Aaron and Ahu were shocked when they saw this, they stepped forward to support the man in white shirt who was tottering, their faces were full of worry.

"It's okay, I'm fine..."

The man in the white shirt took a deep breath, stood up slowly, stared at the distant figure with gloomy eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Even if he doesn't die, I can still design him! It's just... if his strength is real If you are strong enough to defeat the invincible Lobster King, doing so... is too risky!"

The opportunity is fleeting!
If it is designed according to the previous plan, the two parties will inevitably become enemies!
If this adventurer from another world is weak, they don’t have to worry about it at all, but now it’s different. This adventurer from another world has shown super combat power. If the original plan is still followed, although the final result can still win To get the title of inheritor, but it will also offend a strong person!
"Damn, how should I choose?"

The white shirt man's eyes flickered frequently, and his heart was full of hesitation.

His instinct told himself to give up the plan, to give up this easy-to-get inheritor seat, but another voice in his heart kept telling him, don't give up!

Because of this opportunity, if he misses it, he may never be a successor in his life!
After waiting for so long, can I just watch the opportunity disappear before my eyes?

How can this be reconciled?

The man in the white shirt clenched his fists tightly, and his body kept wrestling, his face extremely gloomy.

"Big brother..."

Aaron and Ahu were a little flustered, it was the first time they had seen the man in white shirt like this!
Brush brush brush brush!

However, when the white shirted man was extremely entangled in his heart and Guan Ren in the distance was full of doubts, the purple invincible enchantment fragments that had been scattered into countless fragments suddenly shot up into the sky and flew towards the central area. Every piece of enchantment fragment exudes a terrifying breath of death!

"Is this the backhand of the invincible Lobster King? Do you want to use the final barrier to pull me back?"

Guan Ren frowned, and now his body was frozen by the powerful aura emitted by countless enchantment fragments, and he was unable to perform any movements.

"If I hadn't taken the Nine Turns Returning Soul Pill in advance, I might not be able to take it anymore, but the effect of the medicine can support my resurrection 29 times, so I don't panic at all!"

Although he was immobilized, Guan Ren didn't panic at all. Unless these enchantment fragments could kill him thirty times in a row, otherwise, he wouldn't have any problems!

However, the display is often different from the imagination. Just when Guan Ren thought that these enchantment fragments were for killing him, a powerful energy burst suddenly erupted in front of him, and his body flew out in an instant!
"what's going on?"

Guan Ren's eyes turned to the direction of the energy breath that knocked him back, and he was suddenly stunned, with a flash of disbelief in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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