I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 381 The teacher's chapter must be strictly enforced

Chapter 381 The teacher's words must be strictly followed

Just ten seconds after the red-robed man teleported away, the front of the teleportation array flickered, and then a burst of flame gathered, and then a brand new flame lizard king appeared in front of the entrance of the second floor!

This is the rule of the Shenlong Tomb. After the gatekeeper boss is killed, it will be regenerated with the help of the Shenlong Tomb one minute later.

In this way, it is possible to avoid the situation where other people fish in troubled waters as much as possible.

However, the equipment and props shining with various colors of light on the ground did not refresh and disappear because of the rebirth of the Flaming Lizard King. Instead, they still lay quietly on the ground with light flowing.


Not long after, a young man with a flat cut, sunglasses, and a black suit appeared before the entrance on the second floor.

This outfit looks out of place in the Tianlin world. Those who don't know it may think that he has directly traveled from the real world.

"Human, you don't have a customs clearance certificate in your hand, so... you are not allowed to pass through here."

The Flaming Lizard King, who hadn't finished a complete sentence before, finally spoke the first line in the opening.

"Wow, the big lizard can actually talk!"

The crew-haired youth was obviously taken aback by the Flame Lizard King, and he reached out to pick up his sunglasses, revealing his big black round eyes under the sunglasses.

His thick black eyebrows are short, and together with his dull eyes and thick lips, he gives a dull feeling.

"Presumptuous! I have dragon blood in my body! It's a lizard dragon king! Not some lowly lizard!"

The Flaming Lizard King yelled, obviously angry.

What it can't bear the most is that others call him a big lizard. After all, in his opinion, he is a dragon!

Although the dragon blood in his body was passed down from eighteen generations of his ancestors, it has been diluted almost, but even so, he is still proud of the thin dragon blood in his body!
"Uh...it really is a lizard."

The flat-headed youth put on an expression that really did.

"Fart! I am the Lizard Dragon King! Dragon King! Do you know what that means!"

"But you are obviously a lizard!"

"Damn! Very good, whether you hand in the customs clearance certificate or not today, this king will never let you pass here! How dare you insult this king!"

The Flaming Lizard King had already made up his mind, no matter what, he wanted to kill this young man with the flat head, just to vent the anger in his heart.

Anyway, it's not a noble dragon blood warrior, just kill it casually!
"Boring, there are lizards in the dragon tomb..."

The flat-headed youth put down his sunglasses, ignored the angry Flame Lizard King, and walked towards the teleportation array.

"Grass, you actually ignored this king! This is an unforgivable crime!"

The flame lizard king saw the young man with the flat head silently passing by him, and the anger in his heart broke out completely, and he sprayed a raging fire directly at the young man with the flat head.

The huge fireball fell, directly smashing a shallow pit on the ground.


With a crisp sound, the sunglasses worn by the flat-headed youth were shattered by the huge impact.

At the same time, the black suit on the upper body of the flat-headed youth was also burnt clean.

"Haha, it's just a stupid boy of the human race! Using my ultimate flame to blast you to death is really an overkill!"

The Flaming Lizard King looked at the raging fire, laughed loudly, and the depression in his heart was swept away.

Insulting the king?This is the end!

"Hey, I didn't mess with you?"

At this moment, a dull voice suddenly sounded from the raging fire, and then, a shirtless young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes came out slowly from the fire, staring closely at the flame lizard king.

However, the difference from going in before is that the naked upper body of the flat-headed man actually shone with a golden luster. At first glance, he thought it was a golden man.

"You...you're not dead!"

"Please answer my question seriously."

The flat-headed youth stared at the Flame Lizard King seriously, and said in a deep voice, "Why did you smash my glasses and my shirt with this small fire?"

"Little...Little Huo...? I..."

Hearing the words, the Flame Lizard King almost lost his breath. The aura exuded by the flat-headed youth made him feel as if he was facing an abyss.

So strong!

Damn, this time I kicked the iron plate!

"Please answer my question seriously."

The flat-headed young man stared at the Flaming Lizard King with a serious face.

"It...isn't it because...you insulted me...that I was a lizard?"

The Flaming Lizard King hesitated, and said, "I've said it all, I have dragon blood flowing in my body! I'm not a lizard!"


Hearing this, the young man with a flat head suddenly relaxed his tense aura, took two steps back, bowed deeply to the Flame Lizard King, and apologized sincerely: "I'm sorry, I didn't think about this, so please calm down. "

Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good things is great.

This is what the teacher told him before he left.

He has always kept it in mind and dare not neglect.


The Flame Lizard King was completely confused by the performance of the flat-headed youth. This kid...is not mentally ill?
Why are you so stupid?
"please forgive me!"

The crew-haired youth bowed deeply, and shouted in a low voice.

"Okay, okay, I will reluctantly forgive you!"

The Flaming Lizard King curled his lips and said.

Judging from the aura of the flat-headed youth, he was obviously stronger than himself, yet he actually asked himself to forgive him?
"Thank you!"

The flat-headed youth straightened his arched waist.

"You're welcome."

The Flame Lizard King said lightly: "Your strength is qualified, go over, I won't stop you."

However, the flat-headed youth was still staring at the Flaming Lizard King, and had no intention of leaving for the second floor at all.

"I said, your strength is qualified, you can go to the next floor, why don't you go?"

"You have to apologize to me!"

The flat-headed young man said in a low voice: "Just now I accidentally offended you. I was wrong. I have apologized and obtained your forgiveness. But you smashed my favorite sunglasses and clothes, so you have to apologize to me too. Forgiveness is the only way to do it! The teacher said that if you know your mistakes, you can correct them, and there is nothing good about it.”

"I'm stupid, is your kid out of his mind? Is it over?"

The Flame Lizard King looked at the serious-faced young man with a flat head, and once again his heart was filled with anger.

I can see that this human boy is really the legendary two hundred and five!
No, this is two hundred and five more than two hundred and five!
"Please apologize!"

The young man with a flat head frowned and said in a deep voice.


The Flaming Lizard King roared angrily upon hearing this, and let out a loud cry.

I am protected by the power of the Dragon Tomb rules, even if I die, I can be resurrected infinitely, what can you do to me?
Let me apologize?There are no doors!
"Teacher, he said something before he left."

The flat-headed youth said lightly, clenched his fists tightly, and the destructive golden light flashed.

With a punch, a huge golden tiger rushed out, directly blasting the flame lizard king's body into pieces.


For a boxer, this is already equivalent to the method of swordsmanship among swordsmen!
All kinds of shining props were scattered all over the floor, but the young man with flat hair didn't look sideways. He looked ahead and said calmly, "If you know your mistakes, don't correct them. The crime is heinous, and you need to be treated well."

"This is what the teacher told me. Since you don't obey, then I can only treat you well."

The crew-cut youth did not leave, but continued to stand in the entrance area.

He wanted to wait for the Flaming Lizard King to come back to life, and entertain him well until he knew his mistakes and could correct them.

 The third one!

  Ask for a reward!Ask for a ticket!
  Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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