I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 382 Hurry for half an hour, fight for 3 seconds

Chapter 382 Hurry for half an hour, fight for three seconds

"Fuck me, what is the origin of this shirtless brother?"

"I don't know. Anyway, he is a very good person. In order to allow everyone to enter the second floor and get better rewards, he even squatted here alone to deal with the guard boss for everyone!"

"Hey, there aren't many good people like Brother Pingtou now, no, I have to make a short video and post it on the game forum to promote this little brother!"

"Count me in! When the link to the post is sent out, everyone will like you!"


Although the average level of the players has reached level 29, the level 29 Amethyst level bosses are difficult for some people to deal with. Among the people in the tomb, there are also many players who registered and logged in to the game after the [-]th to [-]th level. For these people, without the "kind help" of this flat-headed young man, it is almost impossible to enter the second floor. impossible.

Therefore, the title of "Pingtou Brother" quickly established a tall image among the low-level players in the Dragon Tomb.

Because in everyone's opinion, high-level players who are willing to consider low-level players in this way are really rare, not to mention Brother Pingtou who stays like this for an hour, and has been helping everyone kill the guard boss at the entrance of the second floor.

"Thank you Pingtou brother!"

"thank you!"

"Thank you so much! Brother Pingtou!"

Many players passing by greeted the flat-headed youth warmly, and offered their sincere thanks without hesitation.


The flat-headed youth punched the newly revived Flame Lizard King to death with a single punch, and stared dumbfounded at the players who smiled at him and nodded their thanks, and fell into a stupor.

Didn't the teacher say that many people have human faces and animal hearts?
Why are these people, their smiles are so warm?

And, so sincere.

They are really thanking me.

Compared with those eyes of disgust and "caring for the mentally retarded", it's a world of difference!
He likes this feeling.

warm feeling.

"Hehe, you're welcome, hehe..."

The short-haired young man scratched his head and smiled innocently, nodding vigorously to everyone who thanked him.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to be thanked by so many people after entertaining the big lizard. It seems that what the teacher said is correct. If you don't correct your mistakes, you are a heinous crime! They thanked me, it must be because of what I did that they got them." approval!"

The short-haired young man murmured, and at the same time, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes: "It seems that I have to treat this big lizard well!"

Watching the backs of the other players leave, a smile appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth.

"Thank you."

At this moment, a man with broken hair in a brown shirt walked past the young man with a languid tone, with a slight smile on his lips.

"Huh? So strong!"

The short-haired young man stared at the back of the man who was going away, and thought to himself.

He could feel the faint aura emanating from the man in brown clothes who just passed by, which made one feel chilling!
It seems... like a ferocious beast that is frantically suppressing itself, once it releases its nature, it will inevitably bleed like a river!
"Could it be...is this the human face and animal heart that the teacher said?"

A look of doubt flashed in the eyes of the young man with flat hair, and he fell into deep thought.

One minute passed, and under the power of the rules, the Flame Lizard King was reborn again!


Ah da~!

Thirty times of actual combat in an hour, the current flat-headed youth can perfectly grasp the opportunity to punch out the flame lizard king at the moment of his rebirth, and blow him away again!

Once again, a piece of equipment and props shining with various colors fell on the ground. Some players who were guarding the side opened their eyes and rushed up quickly, trying to collect as much loot as possible into their backpacks, and then swaggered towards the teleportation Go in the direction of the formation and go to the second floor of the Dragon Tomb.

The Flaming Lizard King felt so miserable, he didn't want to be reborn now.

It's so hard!

I obviously want to apologize, but... But this guy won't give me a chance to speak!
I'm going crazy ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! !

But he is helpless, after all, the power of rules is so strong that he can't control them at all!

With the sword energy flying horizontally, a huge snake-shaped monster fell heavily to the ground, and Guan Ren felt a little helpless on his face.

When you talk about these guys, can't you be more generous and let yourself go directly?
You have to fly to the flame and experience the feeling of death.

Even if there is the power of rules to help rebirth and resurrection, it is not used in this way, right?
You know, the painful experience of death is real!

"Could it be that these level guard bosses are a bunch of jitters? Sigh... I'm too difficult."

Guan Ren shook his head with a wry smile, glanced at the trophies, picked a few to put away, and entered the teleportation entrance first.

"Lan Lan, are you sure he is an adventurer from another world?"

Looking at Guan Ren's back from a distance, Mo Lan frowned slightly, and turned her eyes to Lily of the Valley.

"That's right, he was in Dragon Blood City when he changed jobs, and I took him there myself! But..."

"But what?"

"At that time, he didn't seem to be able to change his profession successfully. In the end, the seniors of Xuanlingmen took him away."

"What are you talking about! Xuanlingmen? Could it be..."

"That's right, it's the hidden sect."

Ling Lan nodded and said: "At that time, there happened to be a senior from the Xuanling Sect who was looking for father to discuss matters, and happened to see Xiaoguan, so he took him away."

"... This kid is really lucky."

A look of shock flashed in Mo Lan's eyes, and she said in a deep voice, "Do you know what the people from Xuanlingmen discussed with your father?"

"...I don't know, my father didn't tell me."

Ling Lan replied without thinking: "Teacher, do you have any questions?"

"Oh, I don't know..."

Mo Lan's eyes were solemn, and she sighed, "Just do you know that the last time the Xuanling Gate appeared in front of the world...was it just the eve of the Great War between Gods and Demons ten thousand years ago? So, I'm worried... soon there will Something terrible happened! After all, the transcendent existence of the Xuanling Sect usually doesn't care about world affairs, and their appearance means that the sky is about to change."

"Could it be that the demon army will make a comeback?"

"I don't know, it could be worse."

"Then what do we do?"

"The mission of our dragon blood warriors is to guard the human race! So no matter what happens at that time, we will never back down!"

A look of determination flashed in Mo Lan's eyes.

"Hey, don't be dumbfounded, come here! This guy should be refreshed and revived in 1 minute, I don't want to confront this guy again! These gatekeeper bosses are really a group of iron fools, and they have no reason It doesn't make sense!"

Guan Ren had no choice but to shout and wave to Ling Lan and the two in the distance.

"However, the first three floors are finally over. When we get to the next floor, we can finally go to the Boneyard! Haha, I was not strong enough in the last life, and I didn't have enough addiction. This time it's different. I have to feel good enough to do it." OK!"

A flash of eagerness flashed in Guan Ren's eyes. Seeing the two of Ling Lan approaching from a distance, he turned and stepped into the teleportation array.

The one-hour speedrunner is currently on the third floor, which is already very fast.

Although the guarding bosses are all in seconds, in this dragon tomb, the more you go down, the wider the space, so most of the time is spent by them on the road.

This is also impossible.

However, this kind of game experience of half an hour of driving and three seconds of fighting is really not good.

The foreplay has been done for so long, but it is over before it even started. Who would like this feeling?
【Ding!Your team has reached the fourth floor of the Dragon Tomb! 】

A system prompt came from the ear, and at the same time, Guan Ren and Ling Lan arrived at the fourth floor of the Dragon Tomb.

"Ling Lan, look at the direction of the Burial Ground, we'll go there!"

"Well, the closest burial place to us is in the southwest. If we go at full speed, it will pass in about a quarter of an hour."

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

Guan Ren looked excited and said: "You don't know, the sword in my hand is already hungry and thirsty!"

 Fourth update!Call it a day!sprinkle flowers~
  Everyone remember to vote for it! ~
  Friends who have a small amount of money give a reward and support it~
(End of this chapter)

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