I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 383 Elementary Burial Ground

Chapter 383 Elementary Burial Ground
Running wildly all the way, under the guidance of Linglan, Guan Ren soon came to the burial place on the fourth floor of the Dragon Tomb.

The Boneyard, as the name suggests, is actually a place where the bones of dead dragons are buried.

In the dragon tomb, there are more than three burial places in each floor of the dragon tomb, where different types of dragon bones are buried.

And starting from the burial ground on the fourth floor, dragon bones, a very rare material, will be produced.

Guan Ren went to the Bone Burial Ground for a very simple purpose, he wanted to sweep up and collect all these keel bones!
This is actually a huge project, but with the support of Guanren's 2000 million spiritual attributes and combined with the mysterious spirit collection technique, the difficulty of execution has been greatly reduced.

But since it is the Dragon Tomb, the Boneyard is naturally a very important place. After all, the existence of the Dragon Tomb itself is this.

Therefore, in the Burial Ground, the defense force can also be said to be the strongest place in the dragon tomb space on each floor.

High returns mean high risks.

But Guan Ren is the top iron, so he doesn't care about his risks. Since he came to the Dragon Tomb once, he naturally wanted to collect all the good things that could be looted.

"Khan, it turned out to be an elementary-scale burial place...it made me happy for nothing."

Looking at the green light shining on the huge dragon-shaped stele at the entrance of the Burial Ground, Guan Ren's eyes flashed with disappointment.

According to the size of the Boneyard, it is divided into four levels: Elementary, Medium, Advanced, and Super.

Among them, the elementary scale is the smallest, and the keels that can be obtained in it are naturally the least.

The way for ordinary people to distinguish the scale of the Boneyard is to look at the huge dragon-shaped stele at the entrance of the Boneyard.

Green, blue, gold, and purple represent the four burial ground scale levels of elementary, medium, advanced, and super, and the dragon-shaped stele in front of Guan Ren is shining with green light, so it is an elementary school. A burial ground of scale.

"Oh, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry! But this is a four-story dragon tomb, and the Boneyard only has elementary and medium-scale ones. If you want to go to a higher-level Boneyard, you have to go to a higher level."

Lily of the valley comforted her.

"So it is."

Guan Ren nodded slowly when he heard the words. In his previous life, because of his limited strength, the number of bone burial sites he searched was limited, so he didn't know the reason for the distribution.

But with Ling Lan's explanation, he now understands.

"Then it seems to be speeding up. There are only a dozen hours left for the effect of the nine-turn soul-returning pill. Dealing with the Dragon Soul in an hour, this way, the Nine-turn Returning Soul Pill that I took before will not be wasted, haha, I am really clever."

Guan Ren thought about it, and said with a smile.

"What? You said...you took the Nine-Return Soul Pill?"

At this time, Mo Lan, who had been silent all the time, suddenly frowned slightly, and asked in surprise, her eyes were full of shock.


Guan Ren replied without hesitation: "Before, I swallowed three nine-turn soul-returning pills in one go."


Hearing this, Mo Lan couldn't help the blood dripping from her heart, turned to the Soul Pill, what a powerful elixir, this guy actually swallowed three pills in one go, is it a fool?

As far as she knew, after swallowing the Nine Turns Returning Soul Pill, the medicinal effect is limited in time!
After twelve hours, the effect of the medicine will dissipate automatically in the body without leaving any traces!

"Don't panic, I have plenty of these things."

Guan Ren shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently: "No, I'll give you one, take it now, it will be useful when you deal with the Dragon Soul."

As he said that, Guan Ren threw a nine-turn soul-returning pill that exuded a dense aura directly at Mo Lan.

"This...you really just sent me off like this!?"

Mo Lan reached out to catch the elixir thrown in the air, and a complex look flashed in her eyes.

"Of course. After all, we are now on the same boat. The purpose is to deal with the dragon soul, but the purpose is different. I am to enter the reverse space dragon tomb, and you... are to retrieve the soul of your friend."

Guan Ren said with a slight smile: "If it weren't for your realm being suppressed and you can only stay at the fairy level, this pill would not be effective. After all, the nine-turn soul-returning pills in my hand can only be used for those who are at the god level. People who are lower can use it, if it is higher, it can only be used to recover from injuries.”

"...Is it a nine-turn soul-returning pill of fairy quality?"

Mo Lan murmured inwardly when she heard this.

Compared with the god-level nine-turn soul-returning pill, the fairy-level one is indeed much worse, but even so, this thing is comparable to a god-level pill when used in the dragon tomb space.

After all, in the Dragon Tomb space, except for the supernatural Dragon Soul, the realm of other people can only stay at the peak of the fairy level. Like Sydney, who forcibly broke through the shackles of the realm, she is still unconscious.

"Thank you."

Surprisingly, Mo Lan didn't argue with Guan Ren, but thanked him softly.

"...You're welcome, it's all about defeating Dragon Soul."

Guan Ren was a little caught off guard by Mo Lan's sudden change in attitude. After leaving a word, he hurried into the burial ground in front of him.

Ling Lan wanted to follow, but was held back by Mo Lan.

"Let him go alone."

Mo Lan looked at Guan Ren's back, and said in a deep voice: "After all, our identity is the inheritor of dragon's blood. It is the greatest concession to be able to sit idly by and ignore the matter of sweeping up the Boneyard. If we go up to help , I am afraid that it will be suppressed by the power of the dragon tomb's space rules."

"But the little officer..."

"Didn't you say you believed in his strength before? Why are you worried now?"


"Don't worry, along the way, his strong teacher has seen him."

Mo Lan said lightly: "Judging from his current combat power, he has no opponents in the fourth floor of the Dragon Tomb and the fifth floor of the Dragon Tomb! After all, he is the one who killed the invincible Lobster King. You Have some faith in him!"

"……All right."

Ling Lan pursed her lips. In fact, she was worried that Guan Ren was only a small side. The main reason why she wanted to follow in was because she wanted to play too!

She had never done such a thing as "sweeping the grave", and it was exciting to think about it.

But since Mo Lan's performance was stopped, she couldn't say much, so she could only stare and wait outside the entrance of the Boneyard, silently waiting.

The torment in my heart was really unbearable.

"By the way, Lan Lan, do you like him?"

"Ah! Teacher, what nonsense are you talking about! I..."

Looking far into the depths of the Boneyard, Lily of the Land was blushed by the sudden question, and her speech became awkward.

"You have to work hard. If you want to keep someone, you need to catch up with him..."

Mo Lan sighed, a memory flashed in her eyes.

 First more.

  It's going to be liver again, everyone vote hard!
  Fewer and fewer, cut happy!
(End of this chapter)

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