Chapter 393 Killing tool?
"Okay, we have wiped out all the burial grounds on the fifth floor, and the next step is to go to the sixth floor."

Guan Ren put away his sword, followed the same process as before, and raised his hand to put the scattered dragon bones into his backpack.

The level of this burial ground belongs to the medium burial ground. Both the scale and the strength of the guardian bone dragon are much stronger than those of the elementary burial ground. Correspondingly, Guan Ren's harvest is also good.

A medium-level burial site, in addition to other equipment and props, only the harvest of keel, has a total of 400 yuan, which is three times as much as a medium-level burial site!
Of course, the quality of these keels is also divided into two levels, which are primary keels with a green appearance and medium keels with a blue appearance. Among them, a medium burial site has a large proportion of the output of green keels. All will exceed 300 yuan, while the blue keel is relatively less, with shipments of less than 100 yuan.

However, these are not what Guan Ren is most concerned about. After all, it is the burial ground. There are many in the dragon tomb space. The quantity must not be too small.

The only thing that makes him uncomfortable is not these keel bones, but the aura of the Profound Sky that he longs for in his heart!

Sweeping all the way down, Guan Ren and his team have already searched out all eleven bone burial sites on the fifth floor of the Dragon Tomb, but the blue sky mysterious aura that Guan Ren was looking forward to still did not appear!
Regardless of whether it is an elementary burial ground or a medium burial ground, the Undead Bone Dragon King who finally absorbed the celestial qi, although there is a lot of difference in strength, but the level of the celestial qi still only stays at the level of the green celestial qi. On the level of Qi!
"...Sure enough, it is far from that simple to obtain a more advanced Sky Profound Qi!"

Guan Ren frowned, thinking to himself.

He has swept away the bone burial ground in the dragon tomb space on the fifth floor, and the next step is to go to the dragon tomb space on the sixth floor!

And starting from the dragon tomb space on the sixth floor, the enemies there are not as simple as the first five floors.

The tomb guard monsters on the sixth floor are all at level 70-79, and as for the seventh floor, they will reach level 80-89!
This was an unprecedented challenge for Guan Ren.

Although his current level cap has been unlocked, but because he can't normally gain experience points from killing monsters, even five hours have passed, but his level is still at level 39.

He wanted to level up. Apart from the experience points rewarded by missions and the system, there was only one way left - to kill players.

But now Guan Ren has no urgent need to upgrade, so he is not in a hurry for the time being, otherwise, he would have pointed his finger at the two beside him, Dachun and Huolunzi, who have almost lost their fighting ability.

After all, the levels of these two are both over level [-], which happens to be good experience babies for Guan Ren.

For a few hours, while Guan Ren swept across the Boneyard, he let Huo Crazy and Dachun watch the battle from the sidelines, and the effect of doing so was also very effective.

After Guan Ren's formidable strength was revealed, Madman Huo was now completely stunned.

With such strength, he actually thought of threatening to blackmail him?
Isn't this looking for death?
In fact, when Guan Ren simply swept through several elementary burial sites, Huo Crazy wanted to run away, what [-] million gold coins, his life is more important!
But he was directly trapped by Dachun's Qingbi Jinjian Qitiansuo, during which he couldn't do this kind of operation at all, and he couldn't even go offline!

This also caused Huolunzi to have to follow Guan Ren all the time, being mentally tortured by the latter's powerful strength.

And Dachun, through Guan Ren's performance, has a lot of trust in this "boss" who came suddenly. After all, the hearts of masters are all proud. Although Dachun looks naive, the arrogance in his bones cannot be wiped away. In addition, Guan Ren's strength also made him subconsciously identify himself as a younger brother, and the gaze he looked at Guan Ren became like a raging fire, which made the latter a little overwhelmed.

"Fortunately, this love is used before the golden seven-day lock, otherwise the person who should be locked at this moment, I'm afraid it's me..."

Guan Ren wiped the sweat from his brow, and finally a group of people came to the central area of ​​the fifth floor ancient tomb space, ready to kill directly.

"and many more!"

At this time, Mo Lan, who almost never spoke along the way, suddenly stopped Guan Ren: "It's the first time Lan Lan has entered the fifth-floor dragon tomb space, so she needs to pass on her power, so let's wait."

"Alright, Lily of the Valley, you can go."

Guan Ren was stunned when he heard the words, his mind was in a mess after being entangled in the matter of Tianxuan Qi before, and now after Mo Lan spoke, he suddenly woke up, and almost forgot about Lily of the Valley's inheritance.

Every time a dragon blood warrior breaks through a layer of space, he needs to go to the inheritance pillar in the central area to receive a brand new inheritance of dragon blood power. This is very important for a dragon blood warrior!
Moreover, after each power inheritance, the power of the dragon blood warrior will be greatly improved.

"Then I'm going?"

"Go, we will watch around, don't worry, nothing will happen!"

Guan Ren gave Ling Lan a reassuring look.

After Ling Lan left, Guan Ren turned his gaze to the silent Mo Lan, and asked, "I've been walking along the way, but I've always wanted to ask you a question."

"Just ask."

Mo Lan frowned slightly, but did not reject Guan Ren.

"That's right, I heard that Ling Lan's status as the inheritor of the Dragon Blood Warrior...was chosen by Dragon Soul himself?"


"Besides, you, as Lily of the Valley's teacher, were also appointed by Dragon Soul?"


"But the relationship between you and Dragon Soul is not harmonious, it does this, doesn't it..."

Guan Ren frowned, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

"You guessed it right, she was the tool used by the Dragon Soul to cultivate and kill me from the very beginning!"

Mo Lan sighed helplessly, and said, "So... Lan Lan is a hard-working person, and that's why her strength hasn't improved much after all these years."

"Then what are your plans?"

A look of seriousness flashed across Guan Ren's eyes.

"I...I don't know either."

Mo Lan sighed: "I have suppressed the growth of her power as much as possible, and it was going well at first, but with your appearance, my suppression... has no effect. The fluctuation of emotional power makes me exert it on her body. The seal on her strength is slowly being lifted."

"What will happen if the seal is lifted?"

Guan Ren's expectations were serious, and his eyes were filled with worry.

"Once the seal is released, Lan Lan's power will skyrocket, but correspondingly, the seeds of power buried deep in her heart by the Dragon Soul will also take root... She may eventually become a murderous tool without a soul!"


Guan Ren's face changed when he heard the words, and he asked, "Then... is there any solution?"

"There is a way, but..."

Mo Lan's eyes sank slightly, and a tangle flashed in her eyes.

"tell me!"

Seeing this, Guan Ren yelled, his eyes fixed on Mo Lan, and his tone was full of doubts.

In fact, she didn't understand the matter of Linglan all the way. Now that she got the exact news from Mo Lan, he has no reason to just sit idly by!
"This... well, since you insist on knowing, then I'll tell you. It's just that this matter is far more difficult than defeating the Dragon Soul itself!"

(End of this chapter)

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