Chapter 394 Sixth Floor!

"What is the specific method, tell me."

Guan Ren's tone was solemn.

"Let the dragon soul, who caused the evil, take the initiative to lift the soul curse on Lan Lan."

Mo Lanxiumei frowned, and said in a deep voice: "But it is almost impossible to make Dragon Soul do this. That's why I said, this matter is more difficult than defeating Dragon Soul itself! "

"Does Dragon Soul have to do it himself?"

Guan Ren frowned and asked, "Is there no other way?"


Mo Lan nodded.

"Is that so..."

Guan Ren fell into deep thought when he heard this.

Now that he knew what happened to Lily of the valley, he would not just sit idly by, but how to let the dragon soul body take the initiative to lift the soul curse imposed on Lily of the valley was a difficult problem.

In the distance, Lily of the Valley, who was close to the inheritance pillar, had slowly stretched her hands up, waiting for the powerful dragon power to pour into her body.


A huge group of dragon-shaped energy condensed and formed on the inheritance pillar, and then roared down, rushing directly towards Lily of the Valley with her eyes closed.

Even Guan Ren, who was some distance away, could clearly feel the breath of this dragon-shaped energy.

However, at this moment, Mo Lan beside him also made a movement. The latter looked dignified, and his hands were instantly sealed. A powerful sealing force roared out, enveloping the dragon-shaped energy descending from the inheritance pillar in the distance. Among them, it finally got into Lily of the Valley's body.


After doing all this, Mo Lan staggered a little weakly, her face turned pale.

"The energy descending from the inheritance pillar is getting more and more! It seems... Dragon Soul has already noticed something abnormal. If this goes on, the inheritance energy descending from the inheritance pillar will become stronger and stronger. Next time... I alone will The power of it may no longer be able to temporarily seal it!"

Mo Lan looked ugly, and a deep worry flashed in his eyes.

She is not talking nonsense, this time the power of inheritance has almost reached her limit, if she wants to seal the power of inheritance next time, unless there is another turning point, she is now suppressed by the power of the space rules of the dragon tomb. From the looks of it, it is impossible to seal the next inheritance power!

At that time, Lily of the Valley's life and death will fall into the hands of Dragon Soul again!

This is definitely not what Mo Lan wants to see!

"Oh, sure enough...isn't it okay?"

In the distance, a gloomy look flashed across Lily of the Valley's eyes when she opened her eyes under the inheritance pillar. She clearly felt the powerful energy descending from the inheritance pillar just now, but in the end, less than one-tenth of it was absorbed by her.

"Sure enough, is my talent too bad?"

Ling Lan bit her lips tightly, her eyes showed a hint of unwillingness: "But... I don't want to hold back."

At this moment, Guan Ren and his group came over, looking at Ling Lan's somewhat lonely back, with mixed emotions in their hearts.

"Linglan, let's go."

"Sir, I..."

"It's okay, I'll help you find a way, it will definitely get better!"

Guan Ren's eyes were firm, he thought for a while and said, "You are a little emotionally unstable now, you should go to the fantasy land of the dream space to rest for a while."

With that said, Guan Ren opened the dream space and took Ling Lan into it.

"You go in and accompany her too."

Guan Ren turned his gaze to Mo Lan, and said, "Didn't you say before that your power is not enough to suppress the power of Lily of the Valley next time? How about this?"

With that said, Guan Ren flicked his fingers and directly used the blessing on Mo Lan.

However, due to the lack of favorability, the acceleration effect of the blessing was also limited. It did not reach ten times that of the Elite Rabbit Squad, and could barely reach five times the acceleration effect.

But five times is not a lot. For Mo Lan, it should be of great help.

Sure enough, after the blessing, Mo Lan fell into a deep shock.

"This, this is..."

"This is my innate ability. I call it a blessing. It can activate a person's potential and improve a person's overall strength for a period of time."

Guan Ren said, "How about it? With the addition of blessings, how sure do you think the next seal will inherit the power?"

"This... If there is no accident, with the strength bonus I have obtained now, I should be able to barely seal the inheritance power of the sixth floor, but if it is the seventh floor...even in my current state, there should be nothing I can do. "

"It would be nice to be able to stabilize the strength of the sixth floor. As for the seventh floor, I'll be fine."

Guan Ren narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

"Do you have a solution?"

"It's just a general direction, but it's hard to say whether it will be successful or not."

Guan Ren shook his head slowly, then opened the dream space and took Mo Lan in.

【Ding!Your actions have won Mo Lan's favor!Molan favorability +1000 points! 】

A system notification suddenly sounded in his ear, which made Guan Ren startled slightly.

1000 favorability points!

If this is normal, it is very difficult to do.

Under normal circumstances, it would be good to have a goodwill with an NPC of 100 points. If you want to get higher, you need to trigger various hidden events to do so.

And 1000 favorability points are enough for Guan Ren to increase the acceleration effect of the system to Mo Lan by ten times!

"I didn't expect that Mo Lan's favorability was raised to 1000 points in advance by mistake. In this way, whether it is to contain the Dragon Soul or suppress the inheritance power in Lily Lan's body, it should be much more convenient."

Guan Ren thought to himself, then turned his gaze to the gatekeeper boss in the direction of the teleportation array on the fifth floor!

If the level 69 hero-level fairy boss was placed in the past, it might have cost Guan Ren some hands and feet, but unlike in the past, Guan Ren's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, so he is naturally handy to deal with.

The technique of left and right fighting combined with the ultra-high attack frequency directly beat the gatekeeper boss without the slightest temper. The whole process only took about ten seconds. He let out a miserable scream and died.

After putting away the loot all over the floor, Guan Ren greeted Huolunzi and Dachun, who were stunned, and teleported to the sixth floor of the Dragon Tomb.

The surroundings were spinning, and when Guan Ren's vision recovered from the blur, he had already reached the sixth floor of the Dragon Tomb.

Different from the aura on the first five floors, Guan Ren could clearly sense that the aura around him had become about ten times stronger in the sixth floor space!
"It's a bit of a challenge starting from the sixth floor."

Guan Ren focused his eyes slightly, holding the atlas left by Lily of the Valley before entering the dream space in his hand, and locked on the nearest burial place to him.

Judging from the map, the icon of this burial ground exudes a faint purple light. If you guessed correctly, this should be a high-level burial ground.

(End of this chapter)

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