Three bodies

Chapter 18 3 Body Problems

Wang Miao had just quit the game when the phone rang. It was Da Shi calling, saying that there was something urgent and he was asked to go to the office of the serious crime team immediately.Wang Miao looked at his watch, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

When Wang Miao came to Da Shi's messy office, he saw that it had been smoked by him, causing another young policewoman in the office to keep flapping her notebook in front of her nose.Da Shi introduced that her name was Xu Bingbing, a computer expert who worked in the information security department.The third person in the office surprised Wang Miao. It was Shen Yufei's husband, Wei Cheng, with disheveled hair. He looked up at Wang Miao, as if he had forgotten that they had met before.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I don't think you're asleep. There are some things here that haven't been reported to the combat center. You probably need your staff." Da Shi said to Wang Miao, and then turned to Wei Cheng, "You tell me."

"As I said, my life is threatened." Wei Cheng said, but there was a blank expression on his face.

"Let's start from the beginning."

"Okay, let's start from the beginning, don't think I'm troublesome, I really want to talk to someone recently..." Wei Cheng said and turned to look at Xu Bingbing, "Aren't you going to make notes or something?"

"No need now, no one talked to you before?" Da Shi asked without losing the opportunity.

"No, I'm too lazy to say, I'm a lazy person."

The following is Wei Cheng's account:

I am a lazy person, since I was a child, I never washed the dishes when I lived in school, never folded the quilt, I was not interested in anything, I was too lazy to study or even play, and I just dawdled around every day.But I know that I have some talents beyond ordinary people. For example, if you draw a line and I draw a line on the line, the position must be at the golden section of 0.618.My classmates said that I am suitable to be a carpenter, but I think this is a more advanced talent, an intuition of logarithms and shapes.In fact, my math is the same as other courses. My grades are a mess. I am too lazy to deduce. I just write down the answers I have guessed during the exam. I can get [-]% to [-]% right, but I can’t get a high score this way.

When I was a sophomore in high school, a math teacher noticed me. At that time, middle school teachers were crouching tigers, hidden dragons. During the "Cultural Revolution", many talented people were exiled to teach in middle schools. He was such a person.One day after class, he left me behind and wrote more than a dozen number series on the blackboard, asking me to directly write down their summation formulas.I quickly wrote a part of it, and it was basically correct, and the rest I saw at a glance were divergent.The teacher took out a book, which was "The Detective Collection of Sherlock Holmes". He turned to an article, which seemed to be "A Study of the Scarlet Letter". To deliver the letter, just point it to Holmes. Holmes said, do you mean the retired navy sergeant?Watson wondered how Holmes deduced his identity. Holmes himself didn't know. It took him a long time to figure out the reasoning process, such as the man's hands and manner.He said that this is not surprising, and it is difficult for others to tell how he deduced "2+2=4".

The teacher closed the book and said to me: You are like this. Your derivation is too fast and instinctive, so I don’t realize it.He then asked me: How do you feel when you see a string of numbers?I'm asking about feeling.I said that any combination of numbers is a three-dimensional form for me. Of course, I can't tell what number is what shape, but it does appear as a form.What about geometric figures?The teacher asked.I said that contrary to the above, there are no graphics in the back of my head, everything is digital, just like when you look closely at the photos in the newspaper, they are all small (of course the newspaper photos are not like that now).

The teacher said you were really talented in math, but, but... He said multiple buts, walking back and forth like I was a tricky thing and didn't know how to deal with it.But you don't appreciate your talents, he said.After thinking for a long time, he seemed to give up, and said that you should go to participate in the math competition in the district next month, and I will not tutor you anymore. write it up.So I went to the competition, from the district to the Olympic mathematics competition in Budapest, all champions.After I came back, I was admitted to the mathematics department of a first-class university without examination...

Don't you bother me when I say these things?Ah, well, actually, if we want to clarify the following things, these still have to be said.That high school teacher was right, I don’t cherish myself, undergraduates, masters and Ph.Once in society, I realized that I was an out-and-out waste, who knew nothing but mathematics, and was in a half-sleep state in the complicated interpersonal relationship, getting more and more confused; later I went to teach in a university, but I couldn't get along. I can’t be serious about teaching. If I write “easy to prove” on the blackboard, the students will have to fiddle with it for a long time. Later, the last place will be eliminated, and the class will not be taught.At this point, I was tired of all this, so I took my simple luggage and went to a temple in the mountains in the south.

Oh, I'm not going to become a monk, I'm too lazy to go home, I just want to find a really quiet place to live for a while.The elder there was an old friend of my father, who was very knowledgeable, but he escaped into Buddhism in his later years. According to my father, at his level, this is the only way.The elder took me in, and I told him that I wanted to find a quiet and worry-free way to spend the rest of my life.The elder said that this place is not quiet, it is a tourist area, and there are many people offering incense; the big hermit is hidden in the city, if you want to be quiet and worry-free, you have to be free.I said that I am empty enough, fame and fortune are not even floating clouds, and those monks in your temple have more ordinary hearts than me.The elder shook his head: Emptiness is not nothingness, emptiness is a kind of existence, and you have to fill yourself with the existence of emptiness.These words were very inspiring to me. After thinking about it later, this is not a Buddhist idea at all, but rather a modern physics theory.The elder also said that he would not talk about Buddhism with me for the same reason as that middle school teacher: it is useless to a person like me.

On the first night, I couldn't sleep in the hut in the monastery. I didn't expect this paradise to be so uncomfortable. The bedding became damp in the mountain fog, and the bed was hard.So, in order to hypnotize, I tried to fill myself with "emptiness" as the elder said.The first "void" I created in my consciousness was the boundless space, in which there was nothing, not even light, empty.Soon, I felt that this empty universe could not make me feel peaceful at all. Instead, I would feel an inexplicable restlessness in it, a kind of desire for a drowning person to grab something casually.

So I created a sphere for myself in this infinite space, a small sphere with mass.But it didn't feel better, the sphere was suspended in the middle of "empty" (for infinite space, any place is the center), and nothing in that universe acted on it, and it had nothing to act on it.It hangs there, never making the slightest movement, never having the slightest change, it is really the best interpretation of death.

I created the second ball, which has the same size and mass as the original ball, and their surfaces are all mirrors of total reflection, reflecting each other's images and reflecting the only existence in the universe except itself.But the situation is not much better: if the ball has no initial movement, that is, my first push, they will soon be pulled together by their respective gravitational forces, and then the two balls will hang there motionless against each other, or a dead symbol.If there is an initial motion and they don't collide, they will rotate around each other under the influence of their own gravitational forces. No matter how you initialize, the rotation will eventually be fixed and never change, the dance of death.

I introduced a third sphere and the situation changed to my shock.As I said before, any graph is digital in the depths of my consciousness, and the previous non-sphere, one-sphere and two-sphere universes appear as one or a few equations describing it, like a few fallen leaves in late autumn.But the third sphere is the dragon with the "empty" eye, and the three-sphere universe suddenly becomes complicated. The three spheres endowed with initial motion are performing complex and seemingly never-repeating movements in space. Movement, describing equations raining down like a rainstorm, without end.I fell asleep like this, and the three balls kept dancing in the dream, an irregular and never repeated dance.But in the back of my mind, this dance is rhythmic, just repeating the infinitely long cycle, which fascinates me, and I want to describe some or all of this cycle.

The next day I kept thinking about those three balls dancing in the "air", and my thoughts had never been turned at full power like this, so that a monk asked the elder if there was something wrong with my spirit, and the elder smiled and said: "It's okay." , he found empty.Yes, I found emptiness, now I can hide in the city, even in the bustling crowd, my heart is extremely quiet.For the first time, I enjoyed the fun of mathematics. The physical principle of the three-body problem [6] is very simple, and it is actually a mathematical problem.At this time, I suddenly felt love like a libertine who had spent half his life looking for flowers and flowers.

"Don't you know Poincare[7]?" Wang Miao interrupted Wei Cheng and asked.

I didn’t know it at the time. Those who studied mathematics didn’t know that Poincaré was wrong, but I didn’t admire the master, and I didn’t want to become a master, so I didn’t know.But even if I knew Poincaré at the time, I would continue to study the three-body problem.The whole world thinks that this person proved that the three-body problem is unsolvable, but I think it may be a misunderstanding. He just proved the sensitivity of the initial conditions, and proved that the three-body system is a non-integrable system, but sensitivity does not mean complete non-integrability. Definitely, it is just that this certainty contains a greater number of different forms.The thing to do now is to find a new algorithm.At that time, I immediately thought of one thing: have you heard of "Monte Carlo method"?Oh, that is a computer program algorithm for calculating the area of ​​an irregular figure. The specific method is to use a large number of small balls to randomly hit the irregular figure in the software, and the hit place will not be repeatedly hit. In this way, a certain After the quantity, all parts of the graphics will be hit once. At this time, count the number of small balls in the graphics area to get the area of ​​the graphics. Of course, the smaller the ball, the more accurate the result.

Although this method is simple, it shows a way of thinking in mathematics that uses random brute force to fight against precise logic, a computational thinking that uses quantity to obtain quality.This is my strategy for solving the three-body problem.I study any time section of the three-body movement. On this section, there are infinite combinations of the motion vectors of each ball. I regard each combination as something similar to a living thing. The key is to determine a rule: which The operation trend of a combination is "healthy" and "favorable", which is "unfavorable" and "harmful", so that the former can gain the advantage of survival, while the latter will cause survival difficulties. In the calculation, the survival of the fittest is like this. What survived in the end was the correct prediction of the movement state of the next section of the trisomy.

"Evolutionary algorithm." Wang Miao said.

"It's right to invite you here." Da Shi nodded to Wang Miao.

Yes, I didn't hear the term until later.This algorithm is characterized by massive calculations, and the amount of calculations is extremely huge. For the three-body problem, existing computers cannot do it.At that time, I didn't even have a calculator in the temple, only an empty account book and a pencil I got from the cashier.I started to build mathematical models on paper, which was a lot of work, and I quickly used up more than a dozen empty account books, which made the monk in charge of the accounts full of resentment.But at the request of the elders, they still found me more paper and pens.I put the finished calculation draft under the pillow, and threw the discarded ones into the incense burner in the courtyard.

That evening, a young woman broke into my room suddenly. This was the first time a woman came in here. She was holding a few pieces of paper with burnt edges, which were my discarded manuscripts.

"They said this is yours, you are studying the three-body problem?" She asked eagerly, the eyes behind the big glasses seemed to be on fire.

This person shocked me. I used an unconventional mathematical method, and the derivation was very jumpy. She was able to see the research object from a few scraps of calculations, and her mathematical ability was extraordinary.At the same time, it is certain that she, like me, is very devoted to the problem of the three-body problem.I don't have a good impression of the tourists and pilgrims who come here. Those tourists don't know what they are here for, they just run around to take pictures; and those pilgrims, who generally seem to be much poorer than tourists, are in a kind of numbness state of intellectual inhibition.This girl was different, very scholarly, and later found out that she came with a group of Japanese tourists.

Before I could answer, she said again: "Your idea is too clever. We have been looking for this kind of method to transform the difficulty of the three-body problem into a huge amount of calculation. But it requires a very large computer."

"It's not enough to use all the big computers in the world." I told her honestly.

"But you must have a decent research environment. There is nothing here. I can give you the opportunity to use a supercomputer, and I can also give you a minicomputer. Tomorrow morning, we will go down the mountain together."

She was Shen Yufei, the same as now, concise and authoritarian, but more attractive than now.I am cold by nature, and I am less interested in women than the monks around me, but she is very special, her most unfeminine femininity attracts me, anyway, I am also a idler, so I immediately agreed to her.

At night, I couldn't sleep, so I walked into the monastery with my clothes on. From a distance, I saw Shen Yufei's figure in the dim temple. She was burning incense in front of the Buddha statue, and her every move was very pious.I walked over gently, and when I got outside the threshold of the temple, I heard her pray softly:
"Buddha protects my Lord from suffering."

I thought I heard it wrong, but she recited it again:
"Buddha protects my Lord from suffering."

I don't know any religion and I'm not interested, but I really can't imagine a more outlandish prayer than this, and can't help but blurt out: "What are you talking about?!"

Shen Yufei didn't pay attention to my existence at all, and still closed her eyes slightly and clasped her hands together, as if she was watching her prayer rising to the Buddha with the cigarette curling up.It was a while before she opened her eyes and turned to me.

"Go to bed and leave early tomorrow." She said without looking at me.

"Is the 'my lord' you mentioned just now in Buddhism?" I asked.



Shen Yufei left without saying a word, and I didn't have time to ask any more questions.I recited that prayer silently over and over again, and the more I recited it, the more weird it became. Then I felt an indescribable sense of terror, so I walked quickly to the elder’s residence and knocked on his door.

"What happens if someone asks the Buddha to bless another Lord?" I asked, and then explained in detail what had happened.

The elder silently looked at the book in his hand, but he obviously didn't read it, but was thinking about what I said, and then he said, "Go out for a while, let me think about it." I turned and walked out the door, knowing that this was very uncomfortable unusual.The elder is very knowledgeable, and he can answer general questions about religion, history and culture immediately without thinking.I waited outside the door for a cigarette, and the elder told me to go back.

"I feel there's only one possibility," he said grimly.

"What? What could it be? Is it possible that there is a religion whose Lord needs its followers to pray to the Lord of other religions for salvation?"

"Her master is real."

These words made me a little confused: "Then...doesn't Buddha exist?" As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I immediately felt impolite and apologized quickly.

The elder waved his hand slowly and said: "I said before that we can't talk about Buddhism. The existence of the Buddha is an existence that you can't understand; and the Lord she said exists in a way that you can understand... About I have no ability to tell you more about this, but I just advise you not to go with her. "


"I just feel that there may be something behind her that neither you nor I can imagine."

I walked out of the elder's door, walked through the monastery towards my residence, it was a full moon night, I looked up at the moon, and felt that it was a strange silver eye staring at me, the moonlight carried a gloomy chill .

The next day, I still left with Shen Yufei - I couldn't live in the temple forever - but I didn't expect that in the next few years, I would live the life of my dreams.Shen Yufei fulfilled her promise. I have a small computer and a comfortable environment. I have also gone abroad many times to use the supercomputer, which is not time-sharing, but takes up all the CPU time.She is very rich, I don't know where she got so much money.Later we got married, not much love and passion, just for the convenience of our lives, we have our own things to do.For me, the next few years can be described as a day, and the days passed in peace.In that villa, I stretched out my clothes, stretched out my hands, and opened my mouth. I only needed to focus on the research of the three-body problem.Shen Yufei never interferes with my life. There is a car of mine in the garage, and I can drive it anywhere. I’m even sure that she doesn’t care if I bring a woman home. She only cares about my research. The only content of communication is the three-body problem, and she has to understand the progress of the research every day.

"Do you know what else Shen Yufei does?" Da Shi asked.

"Isn't it the 'scientific boundary'? She is busy with that all day long, and many people come to the house every day."

"Didn't she pull you into the society?"

"Never, she didn't even talk to me about it, and I don't care, I'm just such a person, I don't want to care about more things. She also knows this well, saying that I am a lazy person without any sense of mission, It's not suitable for me, but it will interfere with my research."

"So is there any progress in the study of the three-body problem?" Wang Miao asked.

Judging from the general situation of this research field in the world at present, the progress can be said to be breakthrough.A few years ago, Richard Montgomery of the University of California, Santa Cruz and Alain Chancener of the University of Paris VII, as well as researchers from the French Institute of Metrology, used a method called the "approximation method" The algorithm found a possible stable form of the three-body motion: under appropriate initial conditions, the trajectory of the three-body will form a figure-eight shape connected end to end.Later, people were keen to find this special stable state, and they were happy to find one. So far, they have only found three or four.In fact, I have found more than 8 stable states using evolutionary algorithms, and drawing those trajectories is enough to hold a postmodern art exhibition.But this is not my goal. The real solution to the three-body problem is to establish such a mathematical model, so that when the initial motion vector of the three-body system is known at any time section, all subsequent motion states of the three-body system can be accurately predicted.This is also Shen Yufei's longing goal.

But the peaceful life ended yesterday, and I encountered trouble.

"Is this the case you want to report?" Da Shi asked.

"Yes, a man called yesterday and said he would kill me if I didn't stop my research on the three-body problem immediately."

"Who is that person?"

"do not know."

"phone number?"

"I don't know, my phone doesn't have caller ID."

"What about other relevant circumstances?"

"do not know."

Da Shi smiled and threw away his cigarette butt, "I've talked a lot before, but the last thing I want to report is this sentence and how many don't you know?"

"I don't talk about that big talk, do you understand this sentence? Besides, I wouldn't come if it was just this matter, I'm lazy. Tonight, oh, it was midnight, and I didn't I don't know if it was yesterday or today, I fell asleep, felt something cool move on my face, opened my eyes and saw Shen Yufei, it scared me to death."

"What's so terrible about seeing your wife in bed in the middle of the night?"

"She looked at me like she had never seen before, and the light from the garden outside shone on her face, and she looked like a ghost. There was something in her hand. It was a gun! She put the muzzle of the gun on the I rubbed my face and said that I must continue the research on the three-body problem, otherwise I will be killed too."

"Well, it's interesting." Da Shi lit another cigarette and nodded in satisfaction.

"What is interesting? You see, I have nowhere to go, so I came to you."

"You say exactly what she said to you."

"Here's what she said: If the three-body problem is successful, you will be the savior; if you stop now, you will be a sinner. If someone saves mankind or destroys mankind, then your possible merits and crimes will be exactly the same. Twice as much as him."

Da Shi exhaled thick smoke and stared at Wei Cheng for a while, making him a little uneasy, then dragged a notebook from the messy table and picked up a pen. "Aren't you going to take notes? Repeat what you just said."

After Wei Cheng repeated it, Wang Miao said, "This is really strange, why is it exactly doubled?"

Wei Cheng blinked and said to Da Shi: "It seems that this matter is serious? When I came, the man on duty saw me and asked me to come to you. It seems that I have already registered here."

Da Shi nodded, "One more question: Do you think your wife's gun is real?" Seeing that Wei Cheng didn't know how to answer, he added, "Does it smell like gun oil?"

"Yes, there must be a smell of oil!"

"That's good." Da Shi, who was sitting on the table, jumped down and said, "Finally, I found an opportunity. The suspicion of illegal gun possession is a barely justifiable reason for the search. The formalities will be completed tomorrow. We have to act immediately." He turned to Wang. Miao said, "It's going to be hard work. You go to the staff and go to the staff." Then he said to Xu Bingbing, who had been silent all this time, "Xiao Xu, there are only two people on duty in the special case team, which is not enough. I know that your information department is full of Golden branches and jade leaves, but today you, an expert, have to go to the field." Xu Bingbing nodded quickly, she was eager to leave this smoky place as soon as possible.

In addition to Da Shi and Xiao Xu, two criminal policemen on duty, together with Wang Miao and Wei Cheng, carried out this search mission. A group of six people took two police cars and drove through the darkest night before dawn to the place. Villa area on the edge of the city.

Xu Bingbing and Wang Miao sat in the back row. As soon as the car started, she whispered to Wang Miao, "Mr. Wang, you have a very high prestige value in "Three-Body"."

When someone mentioned "Three-Body Problem" in the real world, Wang Miao was excited, and felt that the distance between himself and the girl in police uniform was suddenly shortened.

"You play too?"

"I'm in charge of monitoring and tracking it, the drudgery one."

Wang Miao said eagerly: "Can you tell me something about it, I really want to know."

Wang Miao saw Xu Bingbing smile mysteriously through the faint light from the car window.

"We also want to know, but its server is outside the country, and the system and firewall are very strict, so it is difficult to enter. We don't know much about it now: it must be non-profit, and the level of game software is very high, and it can even be said to be high. It’s not normal, and the amount of information in it, you know, it’s even more abnormal, it’s not like a game!”

"Is there anything in here..." Wang Miao carefully considered the words, "Looks like supernatural signs?"

"We don't think that there are many people participating in this game programming, all over the world. The development method is very similar to the Linux that was popular for a while a few years ago, but this time, some kind of very advanced development tools must be used. As for those Information, the devil knows where they come from, it's really a bit... You said supernatural, but we still believe in Team Shi's famous saying, all of this must be man-made. Our tracking is still effective, very There will be results soon."

After all, the girl was still immature, and the last sentence made Wang Miao understand that she was hiding a lot from him. "Has his words become famous?" Wang Miao said, looking at Da Shi who was driving in front of him.

It was still dark when we arrived at the villa. There was a light on in one room on the upper floor of the villa, and the other windows were dark.

As soon as Wang Miao got out of the car, he immediately heard voices from upstairs, several times in succession, as if something was hitting the wall.Da Shi, who had just got out of the car, immediately became alert when he heard the sound, kicked open the half-hidden courtyard door, and rushed into the villa with an agility that was not commensurate with his burly body, followed by his three colleagues. Enter.Wang Miao and Wei Cheng followed into the villa, went up from the living room to the second floor, and walked into the room with the open door and the light on. It was also at this time that Wang Miao saw Shen Yufei playing "The Three-Body Problem" in this room—now, she was lying flat in the middle of the room, with blood still gushing from the two bullet holes in her chest, and the third bullet pierced through the center of her left eyebrow. She entered, so that her whole face was covered in blood, and not far from her, a pistol was soaked in blood.

When Wang Miao came in, Da Shi and one of his male colleagues rushed out and entered a room with the door open and the lights on. The window of that room was wide open, and Wang Miao heard a car starting outside. the sound of.A male policeman started to make a phone call. Xu Bingbing watched nervously from a distance. Like Wang Miao and the others, it was probably the first time she had seen this scene.Da Shi came back soon, and while putting the gun back into the holster on his chest, he said to the colleague on the phone:
"Black Santana, there is only one person, and the car number can't be seen clearly. Let them focus on blocking the entrance of the Fifth Ring Road. Grandma's, maybe let him slip away." Da Shi looked around, saw a few bullet holes in the wall, and scanned again. Glancing at the scattered bullet casings on the ground, he said: "The other party fired five shots and hit three shots; she fired two shots and missed." Then he squatted down and checked the body with his male colleague.Xiao Xu was still standing far away, secretly glanced at Wei Cheng who was standing next to her, and Da Shi also looked up at him.

There was a trace of shock and sadness on Wei Cheng's face, but it was only a trace. His inherent stupefaction had not been broken. Compared with Wang Miao, he was much calmer.

"You don't seem to care, that person may have come to kill you." Da Shi said to Wei Cheng.

Wei Cheng actually smiled, a miserable smile. "What can I do? Up to now, I don't know anything about her. I have advised her to live a simple life more than once, but... well, think about what the elder advised me that night."

Da Shi stood up, walked in front of Wei Cheng, took out a cigarette and lit one, "You still have something to tell us, right?"

"There are some things that I don't want to say."

"Then you have to work harder now!"

Wei Cheng thought for a while and said: "Today, oh, it was yesterday afternoon, she had an argument with a man in the living room, that is Pan Han, the famous environmentalist. They had quarreled several times before, and they used Japanese, It seems that they are afraid that I will hear it, but yesterday they ignored everything and spoke Chinese, and I heard a few words."

"You try to speak the truth."

"Okay. Pan Han said: Those of us who seem to come together on the surface are actually enemies at two extremes! Shen Yufei said: Yes, you are against human beings through the power of the Lord. Pan Han said: You understand it this way It's not completely unreasonable, we need the Lord to come to the world to punish those sins that should have been punished long ago, and you are preventing this coming, so we are at odds, if you don't stop, we will let you stop! Shen Yufei said: Let You devils have entered the organization, the commander-in-chief is really blind! Pan Han said: Speaking of the commander-in-chief, which faction is the commander-in-chief? Adventists or rescuers, can you tell? Pan Han's words made Shen Yufei silent for a while, and then The two talked less loudly and fiercely, and I never heard it again."

"The person who threatened you on the phone, whose voice does he sound like?"

"You mean like Pan Han? I don't know. The voice was so low that I couldn't hear it."

A few more police cars stopped outside with their sirens blaring, and a group of police officers wearing white gloves and cameras came up the stairs, and the villa became busy.Da Shi asked Wang Miao to go back to rest first, and Wang Miao went to the room with the minicomputer and found Wei Cheng.

"The model of the evolutionary algorithm for the three-body problem, can you give me a summary or something? I want to introduce it on... an occasion. This request is very abrupt, and if it doesn't work, forget it."

Wei Cheng took out a three-inch CD-ROM and handed it to Wang Miao, "It's all in here, all the models and additional documents. If you want to be nice to me, you can publish it under your own name, and that will really help me a lot." .”

"No, no, how is this possible?!"

Wei Cheng pointed to the CD in Wang Miao's hand and said, "Professor Wang, I actually noticed you when you came here before. You are a good person with a sense of responsibility, so I advise you to stay away from this thing. World A sudden change is about to occur, everyone is lucky to spend the rest of their lives as peacefully as possible, don’t think too much about anything else, it’s useless anyway.”

"You seem to know more things?"

"With her every day, it's impossible not to know everything."

"Then why didn't you tell the police?"

Wei Cheng smiled disdainfully, "Hey, the police are bullshit, it's useless when God comes, and now all human beings have reached the point where they don't answer every day, and don't answer every day."

Wei Cheng was standing by the east window, and the morning light was first emerging in the sky behind the tall buildings in the city. For some reason, this reminded Wang Miao of the weird dawn he saw every time he entered "Three-Body Problem".

"Actually, I'm not that detached. I haven't been able to sleep all night for the past few days. When I wake up in the morning and see the sunrise from here, I always think it's a sunset." He turned to Wang Miao and said after a long silence, "Actually, all this lies , God, or the Lord she said, is in trouble for himself."

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