Three bodies

Chapter 19 Three Body Newton Von Neumann

The scene of the second level of "The Three-Body Problem" did not change much at the beginning. It was still a strange and cold dawn, and it was still the big pyramid, but this time, the shape of the pyramid returned to the oriental style.

Wang Miao heard a crisp sound of metal crashing, which made the silence of the cold dawn even more accentuated.He followed the sound and saw two shadows flickering at the base of the pyramid. In the gray morning light, there was a cold metal light shining between the shadows. It was two people fighting swords.After his eyes got used to the darkness, Wang Miao could roughly see the appearance of the two fighters. Judging from the shape of the pyramid, they should be in the eastern country, but they were two Europeans, dressed roughly in European sixteen and seventeen. The look of the century.The short man in the fight lowered his head and flashed a sword, and his silver-white wig fell to the ground.After a few rounds another man came running around the corner of the pyramid, trying to break the fight, but the whistling swords on both sides kept him from going forward, and he cried out:
"Stop! You two boring people! Don't you have any sense of responsibility? If world civilization has no future, your little honor is nothing!"

Neither of the two swordsmen paid any attention to him, concentrating on their fight.The tall one suddenly screamed in pain, the sword fell to the ground with a clang, and ran away clutching his arms.The other chased after a few steps and spat at the loser's back.

"Bah, you shameless man!" He bent down to pick up his wig, looked up and saw Wang Miao, pointed his sword in the direction of the fleeing man and said, "He actually said that he invented calculus!" Putting on a wig, he covered his chest with one hand and bowed to Wang Miao in European style, "Isaac Newton."

"Then the one who ran away was Leibniz?" Wang Miao asked.

"It's him, shameless man! Bah!! Actually, I don't even bother to compete with him for this honor. The discovery of the three laws of mechanics has made me a person second only to God. From the movement of planets to the division of cells, everything follows Based on these three great laws. Now with the powerful mathematical tool of calculus, based on the three laws, it is just around the corner to master the laws of the movement of the three suns.”

"It's not that simple." The person who persuaded the fight said, "Have you considered the amount of calculation? I have read the series of differential equations you listed. It seems that it is impossible to find an analytical solution, only a numerical solution, and the amount of calculation is huge. Even if mathematicians all over the world keep working, the calculations will never be finished until the end of the world. Of course, if the law of the sun’s movement cannot be grasped as soon as possible, the end of the world is not too far away.” He also bowed to Wang Miao, gestured More modern, "von Neumann[8]."

"You brought us all the way to the east, isn't it just to solve the calculation problems of these equations?" Newton said, and then turned to Wang Miao, "We are also here with Wiener [9] and that scum just now, when they encountered pirates in Madagascar In order to cover us and stop the pirates alone, Weiner sacrificed heroically."

"Do computers need to be manufactured in the East?" Wang Miao asked von Neumann in confusion.

Von Neumann and Newton looked at each other, "Computer? Computing machine?! Is there such a thing?"

"You don't know about computers? So, what are you going to use for those massive calculations?"

Von Neumann stared at Wang Miao with wide eyes, as if he didn't understand his question, "Using what? Of course using people! Is there really anything else in this world that can calculate besides people?"

"But you said that there are not enough mathematicians in the world."

"We don't use mathematicians, we use ordinary people, ordinary labor, but we need a huge number of people, at least 3000 million people! This is the human sea tactic of mathematics."

"Ordinary people? 3000 million?!" Wang Miao was amazed. "If I understand correctly, this is an era where 90.00% of the people are illiterate. Are you looking for 3000 million people who understand calculus?"

"Have you ever heard of a joke about the Sichuan army?" Von Neumann took out a thick cigar, bit the beginning and started to light, "The soldiers are practicing formation, because the level of education is extremely low, even the officers shouted one two one I don’t understand, so the officer came up with a way to ask each soldier to wear straw sandals on his left foot and cloth shoes on his right. When walking in line, he shouted: “Cao Hai Bu Hai, Cao Hai Bu Hai” (Sichuan dialect) We only need soldiers of this level. , but 3000 million."

Hearing this modern joke, Wang Miao knew that the person in front of him was not a program but a human being, and he was almost certainly Chinese.

"Such a huge army is unimaginable." Wang Miao shook his head and said.

"So we came to find Qin Shihuang." Newton pointed to the pyramid and said.

"Is he still ruling here?" Wang Miao asked after looking around, and saw that the soldiers guarding the entrance of the pyramid were indeed wearing the simple soft armor uniforms of the Qin Dynasty and holding long halberds.Wang Miao is not surprised by the historical confusion in "The Three-Body Problem".

"The whole world will be ruled by him. He has an army of more than 3000 million people and is ready to conquer Europe. Well, let's go and meet him." Von Neumann said, pointing to the entrance of the pyramid, and then Pointing to Newton again, he said, "Throw away the sword!"

Newton dropped his sword with a clang, and the three walked into the entrance. When they reached the end of the porch and were about to enter the main hall, a guard insisted that they all take off their clothes. Newton protested that we were famous scholars and had no hidden weapons!When the two sides were in a stalemate, a deep male voice came from the hall: "Is it the Westerners who discovered the three laws? Let them in." Walking into the hall, the three saw Qin Yingzheng pacing in the hall. Both the backswing and the famous long sword dragged on the ground.He turned to look at the three scholars, and Wang Miao immediately realized that they were the eyes of King Zhou and Pope Gregory.

"I know why you are here. You are Westerners. Why don't you go to Caesar? His empire has a vast territory, and he should be able to gather an army of 3000 million."

"But my lord emperor, do you know what kind of army it was? Do you know what that empire looks like now? In the magnificent city of Rome, the rivers that pass through the city are seriously polluted, and you know what caused it ?"

"Military business?"

"No, no, great emperor, it's the vomit of the Romans who overeat! Those nobles put stretchers under the table when they went to the banquet, and let the servants carry them back when they couldn't walk. The whole empire fell into the quagmire of licentiousness. Extricate yourself, even if you form an army of 3000 million, it is impossible to have the quality and physical strength to carry out such a great calculation."

"I know this," Qin Shihuang said, "but Caesar is waking up and rearming his armies. The wisdom of Westerners is also a terrible thing. You are not smarter than Easterners, but if you think the right way, for example, he can see There are three suns, you can think of those three laws, they are all very remarkable, and the Easterners can’t do it for the time being. And I still don’t have the ability to go to the West, my ship can’t do it, and the long supply line can’t be maintained. .”

"So, great emperor, your empire still needs to develop!" Von Neumann said without losing the opportunity, "If you master the laws of the sun's movement, you can make full use of every constant epoch while avoiding the consequences of chaotic epochs." The speed of development is much faster than that of the Western Ocean. Please believe us, we are scholars, as long as we can use the three laws and calculus to accurately predict the movement of the sun, we don’t care who conquers and rules the world.”

"Of course I need to predict the movement of the sun, but if you ask me to assemble an army of 3000 million, at least first demonstrate to me how this calculation works."

"Your Majesty, please give me three soldiers, and I will demonstrate for you." Von Neumann became excited.

"Three? Only three? I can easily give you three thousand." Qin Shihuang looked at von Neumann with distrust.

"Your Majesty, you just mentioned the flaws in Easterners' scientific thinking because you didn't realize that the complex universe is actually made up of the simplest units. I only want three, Your Majesty."

Qin Shihuang summoned three soldiers with a wave of his hand. They were all young, and like other soldiers in Qin State, they acted like machines that obeyed orders.

"I don't know your names," von Neumann patted the shoulders of the first two soldiers, "You two are in charge of signal input, let's call them 'In 1' and 'In 2'," he pointed to the last A soldier said, "You are in charge of signal output, let's call it 'Out'." He reached out to move the three soldiers, "In this way, stand in a triangle, Out is the top, and In 1 and In 2 are the bottom."

"Hmph, why don't you let them attack in a wedge formation?" Qin Shihuang looked at von Neumann contemptuously.

Newton took out six small flags from somewhere, three white and three black. Von Neumann took them and distributed them to three soldiers, each with one white and one black, and said: "White represents 0, black represents 1. OK, Now listen to me, come out, you turn around and look at enter 1 and enter 2, if they both raise black flags, you raise black flags, otherwise you raise white flags, there are three situations in this case: enter 1 white, enter 2 Black; input 1 is black, input 2 is white; input 1 and input 2 are both white."

"I think you should change the color, the white flag represents surrender." Qin Shihuang said.

Excited, von Neumann ignored the emperor and shouted an order to the three soldiers: "Start running now! Enter 1 and enter 2, each of you raise the flag as you like, okay, raise it! Okay, raise it again! Raise it!"

Entry 1 and entry 2 raised the flag three times at the same time, the first time was black and black, the second time was white and black, and the third time was black and white.Both responded correctly, raising black once and white twice.

"Very well, working correctly, Your Majesty, your soldiers are smart!"

"An idiot can do this, can you tell me what they are doing?" Qin Shihuang asked in confusion.

"These three people form a part of a computing system, which is a kind of gate part called 'AND gate'." Von Neumann paused for a while after speaking, so that the emperor could understand.

Qin Shihuang said blankly: "I'm depressed enough, okay, go on."

Von Neumann turned to the three soldiers in the triangle: "We're building the next part. You, out, you raise the black flag whenever you see one of entry 1 and entry 2 holding a black flag, and in this case There are three combinations - black black, white black, black and white, and one remaining case - white, you raise the white flag. Got it? Good boy, you are so smart, you are the key to the correct operation of the door parts, work hard , the emperor will reward you! Let’s start to run: lift! OK, lift it again! Lift it again! Great, it works normally, Your Majesty, this door part is called the OR gate.”

Then, von Neumann constructed the NAND gate, the NOR gate, the XOR gate, the NOR gate and the three-state gate with three soldiers, and finally constructed the simplest NOT gate with only two soldiers. It is to raise a flag of the opposite color to that of the entry.

Von Neumann bowed to the Emperor and said: "Now, Your Majesty, all the door parts have been demonstrated, is it not easy? Any three soldiers can master it after an hour of training."

"Don't they need to learn more?" Qin Shihuang asked.

"No, we build 1000 million of these gate parts, and then combine these parts into a system, which can perform the calculations we need and solve the differential equations that predict the movement of the sun. This system, we put it It's called... well, it's called..."

"Computer." Wang Miao said.

"Ah—good!" Von Neumann raised a finger at Wang Miao. "Computer, that's a good name. The whole system is actually a huge machine, the most complicated machine in history!"

Game time sped up and three months passed.

Qin Shihuang, Newton, von Neumann, and Wang Miao stood on the platform at the top of the pyramid. This platform is very similar to the one when Wang Miao and Mozi met. There are a large number of astronomical observation instruments, some of which are modern European equipment. .Below them, the magnificent phalanx of 3000 million Qin troops spread out on the ground, a square six kilometers on a side.Under the rising sun, the phalanx seemed to be solidified and remained motionless, like a giant carpet composed of 3000 million terracotta warriors and horses. But when the flying birds strayed into the sky above the giant carpet, they immediately felt the heavy murderous aura below. The group suddenly became chaotic, scattered or circled in panic and confusion.Wang Miao calculated in her heart that if all human beings stood in such a square formation, the area would only be the size of Pudong, Shanghai. Compared with the strength it displayed, this square formation showed the fragility of civilization even more.

"Your Majesty, your army is truly unparalleled in the world. You have completed such complicated training in such a short period of time." Von Neumann praised Qin Shihuang.

"Although it is complicated overall, what each soldier has to do is very simple. Compared with the previous training for smashing the Macedonian phalanx, this is nothing." Qin Shihuang said while pressing the hilt of the long sword.

"God bless, there are two such long epochs in a row." Newton said.

"Even in the Chaotic Era, our army will continue to train. In the future, they will also complete your calculations in the Chaotic Era." Qin Shihuang proudly glanced at the phalanx and said.

"Then, Your Majesty, please issue your great order!" Von Neumann said in a trembling voice.

Qin Shihuang nodded, and a guard ran over, took the emperor's sword hilt and took a few steps back, drew out the long bronze sword that the emperor himself could not draw out, then knelt down and presented the sword to the emperor, Qin Shihuang faced the sky He raised his long sword and shouted loudly:
"Become a computer queue!"

The four big bronze tripods at the four corners of the pyramid burst into flames at the same time, and the soldiers standing on the sloped wall facing the phalanx of the pyramid passed on the emperor's order with a grand chorus:

"Into the computer queue—"

On the ground below, the uniform color of the phalanx began to be disturbed, and a complex and fine circuit structure emerged, gradually filling the entire phalanx. After 10 minutes, a 36-square-kilometer computer motherboard appeared on the ground.

Von Neumann pointed to the huge human column circuit below and began to introduce: "Your Majesty, we named this computer 'Qin No. 1.0'. Please see, there, the central part, is the CPU, which is the core computing element of the computer. It is composed of your five most elite legions. Compared with this picture, you can see the adder, register, and stack memory inside; the neat peripheral part is the memory. When we built this part, we found that there was not enough manpower. Fortunately, each part of this part The operation of the unit is the simplest, and each soldier is trained to hold flags of various colors. After combining them, one person can complete the operation of the first [-] people at the same time, which makes the memory capacity reach that of running the 'Qin [-]' operating system. The minimum requirements; look at the channel that runs through the entire array, and the light cavalry on standby on the channel, that is the BUS, the system bus, responsible for transmitting information between the entire system."

"The bus structure is a great invention. The new plug-in can be composed of a maximum of ten legions, and can be quickly connected to the bus to run, which makes the hardware expansion and upgrade of 'Qin No. 300' very convenient; look at the farthest one On the one hand, you may need to use a telescope to see it clearly. It is external storage. We used the name given by Copernicus and called it "hard disk". It is composed of [-] million people with a high level of education. Confucianism was right to keep them. Each of them has a notebook and a pen in their hands, responsible for recording calculation results. Of course, their biggest workload is still as virtual memory, storing intermediate calculation results. The bottleneck is with them. Here, closest to us, is the display array, which shows the main status parameters of the computer's operation."

Von Neumann and Newton brought a large paper roll as tall as a person, and unfolded it in front of Qin Shihuang. When the paper roll reached the end, Wang Miao's scalp became tense, but the dagger he imagined did not appear. There was only a large sheet of paper filled with symbols, tiny and densely packed, looking as dizzying as the array of computers below.

"Your Majesty, this is the 'Qin 1.0' version of the operating system we developed, and the computing software will run on it. Look, Your Majesty—" Von Neumann pointed to the computer below, "This array is hardware, and What is written on this piece of paper is software, hardware and software, just like the relationship between a piano and a musical score.” As he spoke, he and Newton unfolded another piece of paper of the same size, “Your Majesty, this is the numerical method to solve the set of differentials. The software of the equation inputs the motion vectors of the three suns at a certain time section obtained from astronomical observations, and its operation can predict the operating state of the sun at any time in the future. Our calculation this time will be used for the next two years. run to make complete forecasts, with each set of forecasts separated by 120 hours."

Qin Shihuang nodded, "Then let's start."

Von Neumann raised his hands above his head and solemnly shouted: "By the order of the emperor, the computer starts! The system checks itself!"

In the middle of the pyramid, a row of flag bearers issued instructions with semaphore. For a moment, the giant main board composed of 3000 million people on the ground below seemed to be liquefied, filled with fine sparkling waves, which were tens of millions of small flags waving.In the display array near the bottom of the pyramid, a progress bar consisting of countless green flags is extending, marking the progress of the self-inspection. After 10 minutes, the progress bar came to an end.

"Self-test complete! Bootloader running! Operating system loaded!!"

Below, the hussars on the system bus running through the computers moved quickly, and the bus immediately turned into a turbulent river, which was divided into countless small tributaries along the way, seeping into each module array.Soon, the ripples of the black and white flags turned into raging waves, stirring on the entire motherboard.The central CPU area is the most violent, like a piece of burning gunpowder.Suddenly, as if the gunpowder was burned out, the disturbance in the CPU area gradually calmed down, and finally it was completely still; with it as the center, the stillness spread rapidly in all directions, like a rapidly frozen sea, and finally the entire motherboard was mostly still , only some sporadic infinite loops flickering lifelessly at a constant rhythm, and a flickering red appeared in the display array.

"System locked!" shouted a signal officer.The cause of the failure was quickly found out, and it was a gate circuit in the CPU status register that was operating incorrectly.

"Reboot the system!" Von Neumann ordered confidently.

"Slow!" Newton waved his hand to stop the signal officer, turned around and said to Qin Shihuang with a sinister face, "Your Majesty, for the stable operation of the system, some maintenance measures should be taken for components with a high failure rate."

Qin Shihuang leaned on his long sword and said: "Replace the wrong part, and cut off all the soldiers that make up that part! In the future, the failure will be handled in the same way."

Von Neumann gave Newton a disgusted look, watching a group of cavalry with drawn swords rush into the motherboard, "repair" the faulty component, and reissue the hot start command.The start-up was very smooth, and after 10 minutes, the von Neumann-structure human column computer of Three-Body World entered the running state under the "Qin 1.0" operating system.

"Start the solar orbit calculation software 'Three-Body1.0'!" Newton shouted hoarsely, "Start the calculation master! Load the difference module! Load the finite element module! Load the spectral method module... Load the initial condition parameters! Calculation starts! !"

The main board was shimmering, and the various symbols on the display array were flashing one after another, and the computer started a long calculation.

"It's really interesting." Qin Shihuang pointed to the magnificent computer and said, "Everyone's simple behavior can produce such a complex thing! Europeans scold me for dictatorship and tyranny, which stifles the creativity of society. In fact, under strict discipline, A large number of people can produce great wisdom when combined as a whole."

"Great Emperor Shihuang, this is the mechanical operation of a machine, not wisdom. These ordinary and humble people are all zeros. Only when you add ones like you at the top, can their whole be meaningful." Newton flattered said with a smile.

"Disgusting philosophy." Von Neumann glanced at Newton and said, "If when the time comes, the results calculated according to your theory and mathematical model do not match the predictions, you and I will not even be zero."

"Yes, you are really nothing at that time!" Qin Shihuang said, and walked away.

Time flies, the human computer has been running for one year and four months. Excluding the debugging time of the program, the actual calculation time is about one year and two months. Stored the interrupted scene data, all successfully resumed the operation from the breakpoint.When Qin Shihuang and European scholars climbed to the top of the pyramid again, the first phase of calculations had been completed, and this batch of result data accurately described the orbital conditions of the sun in the next two years.

It was a cold dawn, and the countless torches shining on the huge motherboard all night had been extinguished. After the computer was completed, "Qin 1.0" entered standby mode, and the rough waves on the surface of the motherboard turned into calm microwaves.

Von Neumann and Newton presented the long scroll recording the running results to Qin Shihuang. Newton said: "The great first emperor, the calculation was completed three days ago. The reason why I dedicate the result to you today is because according to the calculation As a result, this long cold night is coming to an end, and we will usher in the first sunrise of a long epoch. This epoch will last for a year. Judging from the parameters of the sun’s orbit, the climate is pleasant. Please let your Resurrect the kingdom from dehydration."

"My country has never been dehydrated since the calculation began!" Qin Shihuang grabbed the scroll and said angrily, "I have exhausted all my reserves to keep the computer running. Countless people died of starvation, exhaustion, freezing and heat." Qin Shihuang pointed to the distance with a scroll of paper, and in the morning light, dozens of white lines could be seen radiating from the edges of the main board in all directions on the ground, disappearing. In the far reaches of the sky, that's the road across the country that delivers supplies to Motherboard.

"Your Majesty, you will find that it is worthwhile. After mastering the laws of the sun's movement, Qin will develop rapidly and will soon be many times stronger than before the calculation began." Von Neumann said.

"According to calculations, the sun is about to rise, Your Majesty, enjoy your glory!"

As if in response to Newton's words, a red sun rose above the horizon, covering the pyramids and the human-row computer in a golden light.A tidal wave of cheers erupted from the motherboard.

At this time, a person came running in a hurry, maybe he ran too fast, and when he knelt down, he fell to the ground panting. This was the Minister of Astronomy of Qin State.

"My lord, it's not good, the calculation is wrong! The catastrophe is coming!!" He cried.

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Before Qin Shihuang could answer, Newton kicked the Minister of Astronomy, "Didn't you see that the sun rose exactly according to the calculated time?"

"But..." The minister half straightened up, pointing at the sun with one hand, "How many suns are those?!"

All the people looked at the rising sun, all inexplicable. "Minister, you are an orthodox Western-educated doctor studying in Cambridge. You are not so stupid that you can't count. Of course the sun is one, and the temperature is suitable." Von Neumann said.

"No, it's three!!" The minister sobbed, "The other two are behind this one!"

People looked at the sun again, feeling very dazed by the minister's words.

"Observations from the Imperial Observatory show that there is now a rare 'three-day tandem', where the three suns are connected in a straight line and orbit our planet at the same angular velocity! In this way, our planet and the three suns, the four are always In a straight line! Our world is always at the top of the line!"

"Are you sure your observations are correct?" Newton grabbed the minister's collar and asked.

"Of course! The observations were made by Western astronomers from the Imperial Observatory, including Kepler and Herschel, who used the world's largest telescope imported from Europe!"

Newton let go of the Minister of Astronomy and straightened up. Wang Miao found that his face was pale, but his expression was ecstatic. He folded his hands on his chest and said to Qin Shihuang: "The greatest and most respected emperor, this is an auspicious omen among auspicious omens." Ah! Now, three suns revolve around our planet, and your empire is the center of the universe! This is God's reward for our efforts! When I go and look up the calculations in detail, I will confirm it!" said After that, while everyone was still in a daze, he slipped away; later, someone reported that Sir Newton had stolen a fast horse and disappeared.

After a tense silence, Wang Miao suddenly said, "Your Majesty, please draw your sword."

"What are you doing?" Qin Shihuang asked puzzledly, but still gestured to the sword-drawing soldier next to him, and the soldier immediately drew out the long sword for the emperor.

Wang Miao said, "Wave it."

Qin Shihuang took the sword and swiped it a few times, with a look of surprise on his face, "Hey, why is it so light?!"

"The game's V suit can't simulate the feeling of weightlessness, otherwise we will feel a lot lighter."

"Look below! Look at that horse, that man!" Someone exclaimed. Everyone looked down and saw a cavalry marching at the foot of the pyramid. All the horses seemed to be floating on the ground, flying far away. They only touched the ground once; they saw a few running people, they could jump more than ten meters with one step, but the fall of each jump was very slow.On the pyramid, a guard tried to jump and easily jumped to a height of more than three meters.

"What's going on?!" Qin Shihuang watched in horror as the person who had just jumped into the air slowly fell down.

"My lord, the three suns are in a straight line facing our planet, and their gravitational forces are superimposed here in the same direction..." The Minister of Astronomy explained, and at the same time he found that his feet were already in the air, and the others followed suit in different ways. Leaning at an angle, with both feet off the ground and floating, they fumbled awkwardly like a group of drowning men who couldn't swim, trying to stabilize themselves, but colliding every now and then.At this time, the ground they had just drifted off cracked like a spider web, and the cracks expanded rapidly. Amid the pervasive mortar and the loud noise of the earth breaking, the pyramid below cracked into countless huge stones that made it up.Through the gaps between the slowly floating boulders, Wang Miao saw the hall being deformed. The big tripod where Fuxi was boiled and the stake stake he was tied to were floating in the center of the hall.

The sun rose to the sky, and everything floating: people, boulders, astronomical instruments, and the bronze cauldron began to rise slowly and quickly accelerated.Wang Miao accidentally glanced at the Renlie computer on the plain, and saw a nightmarish scene: 3000 million people making up the motherboard were floating off the ground and rising rapidly, like a large group of ants being sucked up by a vacuum cleaner.On the ground they flew away from, there was a clear imprint of the motherboard circuit. That large piece of intricate patterns that can only be seen from a high altitude will become a relic that will confuse the next Trisolaran civilization in the distant future. .Wang Miao looked up, and the sky was covered by a mottled and weird cloud, which was made of dust, stones, human body and other sundries, and the sun was shining behind the cloud.In the distance, Wang Miao saw the continuous transparent mountains rising slowly. The mountains were crystal clear, changing shapes in the glistening, it was the ocean being sucked into space!
Everything on the surface of Trisolaris is drawn toward the sun.

Wang Miao looked around and saw von Neumann and Qin Shihuang. Von Neumann said something loudly to Qin Shihuang while floating, but there was no sound, only a small line of subtitles appeared: "...I thought of it , Use electrical components! Use electrical components to make gate circuits and form a computer! That way the speed of the computer will be many times faster! The volume will also be much smaller, and it may be put down in a small building...Your Majesty, are you listening to me? ?”

Qin Shihuang slashed at von Neumann with a long sword, and the latter jumped on a boulder floating nearby to escape. The long sword slashed on the boulder, and a spark burst out and broke in two.Immediately afterwards, this boulder collided with another, sandwiching Qin Shihuang in the middle, and the broken stones and flesh and blood flew everywhere, which was horrible, but Wang Miao did not hear the loud noise of the collision, and the surroundings were already dead silent. no longer exists.The human body floating in the air boiled its blood in the vacuum, spit out its internal organs, and turned into a group of strange-shaped things surrounded by ice crystal clouds formed from body fluids.Due to the disappearance of the atmosphere, the sky has become pitch black, everything sucked into space from the Trisolaran world reflects sunlight, forming a brilliant nebula in space, and this nebula forms a huge vortex, flowing towards the final destination - the sun.

At this moment, Wang Miao noticed that the shape of the sun was changing, and he immediately understood that he was actually seeing two other suns, both of which had a small part protruding from the back of the first sun. A bright eye in the universe.Against the backdrop of the formation of three suns, the subtitles appear:
Civilization No. 184 was destroyed in the gravitational superposition of "Three-day Lianzhu", and the civilization evolved to the scientific revolution and industrial revolution.

In this civilization, Newton established the classical mechanics system in the low-speed state. At the same time, due to the invention of calculus and von Neumann structure computer, he laid the foundation for quantitative mathematical analysis of the three-body motion.

After a long time, life and civilization will restart, beginning the unpredictable evolution of the Trisolaran world again.

Welcome to log in again.

Just after Wang Miao quit the game, a strange call came, a male voice with a very magnetic voice: "Hello, first of all, thank you for leaving your real phone number, I am the system administrator of the "Three-Body" game. "

Wang Miao was excited and nervous for a while.

"May I ask your age, education, work department and position, which you did not fill in when you registered." The administrator said.

"Are these related to the game?"

"When you play to this level, you must provide this information. If you refuse, "Three-Body Problem" will be permanently closed to you."

Wang Miao answered the administrator's questions truthfully.

"Very good, Professor Wang, you meet the conditions for continuing to enter "Three-Body"."

"Thank you, can I ask a few questions?" Wang Miao said eagerly.

"No, but there will be a "Three-Body" netizen gathering tomorrow night, you are welcome to attend." The administrator gave Wang Miao an address.

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