Chapter 107
Banquet Peak

On the main peak, there is a lot of fun, laughter, and different scenes:
"The chief of Xieyue Mountain is really extraordinary, leading the way!"

"Yan Zhanxuan from Misty City has made rapid progress over the years, and has been able to keep up with Yi Xingtian's footsteps..."

"The Xuan Zhenzi of Xieyue Mountain is also making rapid progress. He and Yan Zhanxuan are almost neck and neck. Speaking of the competition between the two, it is the origin of their names."

Representatives of Fei Xianshan, Bingchan School, Maoshan School and others nodded their heads, satisfied with the ranking of their disciples:
"A generation of disciples of the Southeast Alliance, Yi Xingtian is the champion, followed by Yan Zhanxuan and Huang Xuan, and our factions are not as good as the bad guys."

"Senior brother Jing, why should you be self-effacing? You are from the Feixianshan lineage, Feilaishi and Feilaisha are twins, and you are coming from behind, with great potential!"

Everyone looked at the list, whispered to each other, and praised each other.


At this time, outside the main peak of Yanyin Peak, an old Taoist priest looked worried and kept muttering.

The Qi trainee at the side listened carefully, but it was the word "stupid".

Can't help but dumbfounded.

You must know that the priority of the seats above the Banquet Peak is very particular. The so-called apprenticeship is based on the strength of the teacher, and the teacher is valuable based on the apprenticeship. Those who can be ranked above the main peak must firstly have a strong self-cultivation and a high status, and respected by others. , Second, there is an outstanding disciple, and others can take a high look at him.

And the two often complement each other. Since this old Taoist sits here, it is very likely that his cultivation is profound, and at the same time he has an outstanding disciple. Why do you scold him?

Just when he was wondering, he saw a person on the outside of the main peak, and scolded: "Kong Quanzi, what are you doing with your idiot apprentice! Is the newly promoted Tyrant Realm amazing? Nowhere to show off? Messing around with my precious apprentice, I don't even know how to be ashamed!"

The spectators divided their attention to watch, and they were very surprised when they saw the Qi trainer who was cursing.

The person who speaks is a typical example of the value of teachers and apprentices:

This person was originally an ordinary elder in Xieyue Mountain, but his status has risen sharply in the past few days. Today, it is his turn to sit on the periphery of the main peak of Yanyin Peak... More than 130 factions line up to sit on the main peak, which is also amazing up!
This person is none other than Feng Yunlong, the No. 1 teacher of Niu Zhenzi who presented the treasure the day before yesterday. He has become famous recently, and a book of "Teaching Apprentices" has been published, which can be summed up as follows:

"Evil prevails over righteousness, adapting to changing circumstances... The right way in the world is the vicissitudes of life."

The spectators thought the first two sentences were ridiculous, but the latter sentence was the essence and convincing.

Everyone thought that this elder was in a good state to say such words, and he really was a famous teacher who gave birth to a great disciple.

Scolding for some reason.

At this time, the old Taoist priest, who had a look of dismay and murmured "stupid" before, blushed, not to be outdone: "Long Quanzi, don't talk nonsense! Hit me! It's clear that your apprentice doesn't talk about martial arts, and sneaks up to grab Qi. ! As shameless as you!"

"Fart! You fart! That apprentice of yours doesn't go through the barriers to win glory for the master, but instead competes with disciples of martial arts and innate realms on the first floor to win the first victory, that is shameless!"

The red-faced old man was speechless for a moment, feeling ashamed secretly, and snorted coldly: "It's better than your precious apprentice, let's see, how many tests can your apprentice pass!"

"... Both of you should say a few words less, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and the teacher can just look at it, so there is so much control."

Everyone saw that the two elders of Xieyue Mountain looked old. Although they were both in the Overlord Realm, if they couldn't break through to the Immortal Realm, they would already be in old age.

No wonder they attach so much importance to apprentices, because of a little friction from juniors.

There are also curious Qi practitioners, because the two accused each other, they were curious to see what happened on the first floor.

Above the cloud shadow beam splitter, when the camera zoomed in, I saw two disciples of Xieyue Mountain, one behind the other in the mountain, looking for the person who had transformed into Qi in the mountain, and at the same time taunting each other.

Everyone nodded secretly: These two apprentices exhale fragrance from time to time, and they really have the style of being teachers!
Xing Zhenzi still doesn't know that he has become one of the male protagonists in the film, and he is about to die of anger, Niu Zhenzi, this bug!
If it wasn't for being in the nine realms of heaven, under the watchful eyes of everyone, and caring about the friendship and rules of the teacher's school, he would have hammered this ignorant and stinky junior brother so many times!

"Senior Brother Xing, Senior Sister Xin has already broken the five barriers at this time, why don't you follow up and show your courtesy?" The bug chirped from behind: "You are still so weak on the first floor, Senior Sister Xin will definitely look down on you from the bottom of your heart."

"You have such a high level of cultivation, if you grab the merits of the juniors to break through the level here, if you see one grabbing one by one, you will definitely be cursed behind your back in the future. ratings have weakened.”

"……To shut up!"

"Oh, senior brother wants to give me a few magic tools, will the pill tell me to shut up?"

"You think so beautifully! Hurry up and get out!"

"Hey, then I can only do the next best thing, watching the brother's moves to defeat the enemy, I must describe the heroic appearance of the brother, so that everyone can know the great achievements of the brother."

"...Niu Zhenzi, what are you talking about? A mere martial artist is like a bug in my eyes. If you can't pass even one level, wouldn't you be embarrassing us at Xieyue Mountain? You won the first victory award What's the use? How many more levels can you pass? How about helping senior brother and me to increase my confidence in breaking through the subsequent levels, wouldn't it be easier to win glory for the teacher! It can be seen that you have no view of the overall situation!"

"If you grab it, just grab it. What excuses are there to find? It's not the capital of the strong."

"Hmph, what are you capable of!"

"Really, brother, what do you think of my trick of grabbing your first victory 'Tornado Destroyer Dragon Claw Pushing Wave'?"

Speaking of this, Xing Zhenzi had chest tightness for a while, and was careless just now, and was bitten by this toad a few times!
"Hmph, it's just to deceive these people who have transformed into energy and have no mind, and sneak attack Jiangong! When you meet the guards, you will know that such cleverness is useless at all!"

"Haha, wherever the senior brother goes, I will follow wherever I go, and I swear to be the first to win."

"Come on, follow!"

Other Qi practitioners were curious, how could a martial artist win his first victory from the Overlord?

At this moment, the two people in the realm looked to the southwest at the same time, and Xingzhenzi of Tyrant Realm moved his feet like a leopard sprinting, his figure was fast and handsome.

Xing Zhenzi kept charging, and just by the collision, he wiped away the person who had been transformed into Qi from hundreds of meters away.

"Haha!" Xing Zhenzi picked it up and dropped it, very proud: "Junior Niu Zhenzi..."

But in the other direction, Niu Zhenzi also galloped, with the muscles on his back stretching the master's vestment, as if growing short wings!He ran faster and faster, and in the end it was like gliding in the air, the wind howled, and a series of air bursts sounded like thunder.

He ran wildly for hundreds of feet, and at the end, the sound of thunder shook the field. A person who had turned into qi was wiped out in smoke before he could make a move!


Many qi practitioners watching on the banquet peak were a little surprised and talked a lot:
"Awesome! The Tyrant Realm commands the vitality of the heaven and the earth, and the orders cannot be hindered during the action, so that it is unimpeded, as fast as a thunder... Is this Martial Artist Realm so fast?"

"This person is like an evil dragon rushing for hundreds of feet, tearing the vitality of the world with his body, and his running speed is only slightly slower than that of the overlord. Yinglong's transformation is probably at an extremely deep level! I don't know if it is Yinglongfeng A seat?"

"Not only is Ying Long Bian's agility, but this person is also copper-headed, iron-boned, and steel-skinned. Otherwise, such a collision would hurt others before hurting himself! Obviously, the level of Jiaolong Bian is profound!"

"Didn't you hear the sound of the dragon's chant that this person made at the last moment? It was the power of the whole body, the air piercing like a dragon, and the impact of a hundred feet. This move of the dragon's claws pushed the wave to hit the power of the innate realm, and the suppression was the same. A person who has transformed into Qi in the Xiantian Realm cannot move, and kills him with one move! This person's inner strength, the inner Qi transformed by the Chilong, is shocking even in the martial arts realm!"

"Whether Yinglong becomes galloping, Jiaolong becomes thicker-skinned, or Chilong becomes fiercer, the foundation of everything is strength! This person has two horns on his head, is thick and tall, and he must be the best among Chilong transformations."

"Hahaha, this person is Niu Zhenzi, the person who presents the first treasure, the foundation of martial arts is also so amazing, the future is boundless!"

"I heard that this person is a fish-turning-dragon cultivator from the ancient school of Xieyue Mountain. If he is not diligent, he will be a murloc all his life. Half-human, half-demon. If he is a fish-turning-dragon, he will be completely reborn. This person seems to be going to turn into a dragon!"

"It's no wonder that I was able to grab the first victory from Tyrant Realm. Although I have been preparing for a long time, I can kill it with one move. No wonder!"

On the Yanyin Peak, there are all kinds of elders who know the goods all over the place. With just one glance, they discovered the strangeness of Ding Niu, and they made an evaluation that the potential is amazing!

Everyone turned a blind eye to Xing Zhenzi running hundreds of feet to kill a person who was innately transformed into Qi, because these elders could understand what happened after just a few glances:
Fighting against a Qihua person in the Xiantian realm, there is no need for such a big move to win, and it can be crushed only by the cultivation of the realm.

The reason why this disciple of Xieyue Mountain named Xing Zhenzi is still like this is that this person can't kill him with a single move if he breaks up the Qi Hua. Yi Xingtian and others from the first echelon who broke through three levels in a row, even the second echelon couldn't match.

And in a fight with a martial artist, facing the opponent's one-hit kill, he was forced to use the same style of play.

It is more likely that the sprint and strike style of play was learned from this martial artist.

Such a comparison means that the reputation is low.

On the Banquet Peak, the red-faced old man listened silently, and then secretly scolded Xing Zhenzi for being a fool!
What are you going to do with a fighter in the realm of the overlord?If you win, you should lose face, if you lose, you will be underestimated for nothing!

If Xing Zhenzi knew that the master was thinking about him and exhaling fragrance, he would definitely yell for injustice!
It's not that he is willing to mess with Niu Zhenzi, but that Niu Zhenzi kicked his nose in the face, and in turn grabbed the first victory with him and lost it. If he hid, wouldn't he be ashamed!
However, after a few fights, Xing Zhenzi also realized that something was wrong. The cultivation level of the Qihua people on the first floor was too low, and even Niu Zhenzi could kill him with one move, and the gap could not be bridged!

Winning feathers and feathers, scale insects have strong armor, this dog moves with a sword, and relying on cultivation, the fish and dragon become hard-skinned, and back and forth is a sprint of hundreds of feet and a push of a dragon's claw. People who are stupid and don't know how to avoid hard picks, no wonder they were killed with one move.

If I want to defeat these innate-level qi-transformed people with normal means, I have to go through a few moves, but I am not so quick and sharp. In order to avoid being taken the first by this person, I can only learn his techniques.

But in this way, his ability and gap will not be revealed, and time will be wasted by this person!

It was also the first time for Xing Zhenzi to encounter such a difficult and maddening martial artist.

In Xing Zhenzi's heart, there was actually a trace of appreciation, and then he secretly scolded himself:
"Xing Zhenzi, Xing Zhenzi, why are you so cheap!"

(End of this chapter)

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