Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 108 Brother Hoshimako's Poor Review

Chapter 108 Brother Hoshimako's Poor Review

The two bumped into each other at the foot of the mountain, and wiped out all the people who had transformed into qi in the vicinity. The challenged disciples around saw the two of them as if they were seeing a plague god, and avoided them early.

Xing Zhenzi has no sense of accomplishment at all, he just feels more and more bored, this person is the most annoying person he has ever seen in his life.

Noticing that on the sky list, Xin Zhenzi had stopped at the fourth level for a long time, Xing Zhenzi secretly said:
Junior Sister Xin must have encountered difficulties, and needs my help!

If Junior Sister Xin knew that I was still jostling with this Niu Zhenzi here, she would definitely accuse me of bullying again!

Niu Zhenzi, Niu Zhenzi, it's not that I can't handle you, it's because I let you go for the sake of Junior Sister Xin!
I won't mess with you anymore, out of sight is out of mind.

Xing Zhenzi suddenly felt windy at his feet: "Niu Zhenzi, if you have the ability to follow the barrier, come to the second and third floors!"

"You're only a gangster!" Seeing that he didn't come after him, Xing Zhenzi sneered, and felt a lot relieved.

Although Niu Zhenzi couldn't beat him, but more or less, he still snatched some first victories in front of his eyes, which made him very upset.

Thinking that he was about to get rid of this person, Xing suddenly ran all the way to the gatekeeper on the first floor, and felt that his steps were much more relaxed.

The Qi of the first gate guarding the gate is called Blast Furnace and Refining God Pill.

This person is well-known in the cold country area, and he is a very famous casual cultivator. Going to Xieyue Mountain, Han Chan School, Maoshan School and other state religions is also a VIP reception.

The Taoist who set fire not only has a high level of cultivation, but also possesses a lot of strange qi, and also has a furnace for transforming pills as big as a room. When he is walking outside, he uses this furnace for transforming pills to fight against the enemy. .

This alchemy stove can also be used as a house when sleeping in the wild, living in it to rest, guarding against wolves, tigers and leopards, and sometimes making some evil Xiao Xiao.

Now guarding the first pass, this person's martial arts Tuoying is also hiding in the alchemy furnace, waiting for the challenger quietly.

If you go in, there are eight positions: Qian, Kun, Gen, Dui, Kan, Li, Xun, and Zhen, and the Qihua people will set fire, smoke and poisonous sand according to these eight positions... He was thrown down.

The Qihua people of Budo Tuoying are not as powerful as the deity, and lack the essence. This place is only the peak of the Xiantian realm, and it is also a chance for the trial disciples of the first level of martial arts and Xiantian realm to break through.

With cultivation at the peak of the Xiantian Realm, without the charm of a real person, many disciples of the Xiantian Realm have no chance of winning against each other.

But still extremely difficult.

Taoist Arsonist's Martial Dao Tuoying guarded the first stage. With the convenience of the location, he was like a giant tiger blocking the way. First, he blocked all the challengers of the Martial Arts and Xiantian realms outside, one for one, and two for one pair.

Even if a Qi trainer in the Overlord Realm broke in, it would be difficult to please him if he took the initiative.

Just because the most difficult part of this level is that the person who transforms Qi hides in the alchemy furnace, uses the change of location to attack, and changes the position as he goes, instead of confronting people head-on, but uses the alchemy furnace to refine and attack. After being refined for a long time, even the masters of the Tyrant Realm can't resist it.

If you want to break into the alchemy furnace in the general Tyrant Realm, you have to carefully weigh it.

Yi Xingtian, who was the first to break through the level, first of all did not take the usual path, condensed his palms with the cultivation base of the peak of the Overlord Realm, directly crushed the pill furnace room with his divine power cultivation base, and pushed the level flatly.

Yan Zhanxuan of the second Misty City, a labyrinth of sword energy cut the Huadanfang to pieces, and the person who had transformed into Qi was nowhere to be found.
The third son of Xuanzhen, Huang Xuan, is a domineering sword with a hundred feet of sword energy, which divides the alchemy room and the person who transforms Qi into two halves.

Afterwards, the flying stones and sands caused the huge flying stones and sand to smash and destroy the alchemy chamber.

Ji Yunhe of the Bingchan School summoned Yunhe Glacier, and Mao Shan sent Gu Gong Lu to invite the Patriarch to come...

This is the method of the first echelon and the second echelon, directly destroying the alchemy room and the people who have transformed Qi with their realm and cultivation base.

All are domineering means of crushing, flattening the checkpoint, and not entering the danger.

The disciples who break through the level further down do not have such strength. They can only enter the alchemy furnace honestly, get rid of the dangers, and find the person who has turned into energy to defeat them before they can pass the level.

Xing Zhenzi has just entered the Tyrant Realm, and his cultivation base is still a little bit worse. He also can't use the thunderbolt method, and needs to enter the alchemy room to break through.

Although he was very sure, but in order to avoid capsizing in the gutter, he first went to collect some pills and magic tools as his arm.

Xing Zhenzi robbed the first floor of Tianmen Nine Dao and got some pills, including a Shenshui pill, which is very safe.

Use Shenshui pills to protect the whole body for a short time, so as not to be burnt to death by the fire of the alchemy furnace, buy time, and take the opportunity to find the place of the person who has turned into qi in the alchemy room, and go forward to destroy it!

In this way, it is very safe.

Xing Zhenzi came to the pass with a Shenshui pill in his mouth, many disciples of innate realm had gathered here, hesitating outside the pass.

Xing Zhenzi snickered, even he dared not be sloppy in passing through the Overlord Realm, no wonder those in the Innate Realm were hesitant.

I want to watch others pass the test first, learn some experience, and increase my chances of winning!

It's a pity that if the cultivation base is not enough, copying the experience of the Tyrant Realm is tantamount to copying for nothing!

Instead of watching here, it is better to get some pills and magic tools to help, and some skills and targeted preparations are needed, so that it is possible to barely pass the level.

"No one dares to enter, let me break it! Let!"

Xing Zhenzi was full of style and walked up.

There are too many people gathered here, the disciples of Xieyue Mountain and the disciples of Outer Mountain have filled up the area where the pass is broken, and there is a sea of ​​people, leaving only one in the center for the pass breakers to walk around.

Xing Zhenzi lined up the crowd, walked up the pass-breaking road while all eyes were on him, and when he reached the front, he raised his leg and entered the Guanzhong Huadan Furnace.

After a while, the alchemy furnace collapsed, and Xing Zhenzi fell down, looking unharmed and relaxed.

"Haha!" Xing Zhenzi felt very refreshed. Seeing this crowded crowd, everyone looked at him, and suddenly his heart moved. He didn't directly enter the second pass, but in the place before the pass, using his finger as a sword, struggling on the stone wall Short note:
"Yu Naixing Makoto, break through this hurdle here, and leave a few tips for those who are destined! If you are in the innate realm, you only need to do this... If you are in the martial arts realm, it is not impossible, as long as you are in this way..."

The moment the book was completed, Xing Zhenzi took another look and was very satisfied.

This piece of experience shows his great skills, nine truths and one falsehood.

The disciples of the Xiantian realm pass the test according to his thinking, and they are sure to pass the test. If someone passes the test because of this, he must be grateful for him, and spread word of mouth that he is correct. ... If that idiot Niu Zhenzi believed this piece of experience, he would have to smoke from his head when he practiced it!
Thinking of the beauty, Xing Zhenzi suddenly laughed!
Looking around at the people who were vying to see his experience, Xing Zhenzi laughed again, walked around, and disappeared in the first level, leaving only a back view:
"I'm going too!"

Before the checkpoint, the alchemy furnace reappeared after a while.

Xing Zhenzi's name climbed rapidly on the list on the Tiantian Xieyue Mountain. At this time, the number of disciples who broke through and entered the second floor is actually still small.

Seeing that he really broke through the pass and left a piece of experience, he asked the disciples before the pass to watch:

"I heard that Xing Zhenzi is the number one follower of Senior Sister Xin Zhenzi. He is annoying to others with his nostrils turned upside down. Why are you so kind today?"

"I'm afraid it's for the sake of making a good name! Senior sister Xinzhenzi has always disliked his high-ranking behavior of outer and inner disciples. Senior brother Xingzhenzi is looking for a change. It seems that he has been under a lot of pressure recently."

"Haha, I didn't expect the true disciples to be like this."

Another person said: "Since brother Xingzhenzi left his experience, who would like to try it?"

Many qi practitioners present, many of them are disciples from outer mountains, are ready to move: "The true disciples of Xieyue Mountain must be of extremely high level..."

Suddenly a voice said: "Brother Xingzhenzi has a bad reputation, everyone, don't take this risk..."

"That's right, let's do our own research first!"


If Xing Zhenzi knew that these people were so suspicious of him, he would vomit blood when he heard these words:

Today he is very kind-hearted!
At this time, Ding Niu has also found the checkpoint, looking for Yang Zhenzi and others.

There are too many people gathered here.

After searching back and forth a few times, I heard someone shouting: "Come here from Yangdanyuan! Come on, come here from Yangdanyuan!"

It is exactly the collective signal mentioned earlier.

Ding Niu recognized the voices of the three heroes of Minshan, and hurried over to join them.

"Senior Brother Ding is here too!"

One person took him to find other people first, and the other two continued to shake him.

Ding Niu followed,

At this time, his friends had already gathered seven or seven eighty-eight, and when they saw him, they said, "Niu Zhenzi, you are late!"

Ding Niu briefly talked about how he met Xing Zhenzi. At this moment, Yang Zhenzi, Feng Zhenzi and others also came back, and what he said was exactly what Xing Zhenzi left behind after breaking through the level.

"Brother Lang, Xing Zhenzi left his experience. Since those people are willing to try, it's good to ask them to try it. Why are you sneaking up below to coax..."

"Xing Zhenzi relied on his high cultivation, and the Tianmen Xianbao made things difficult for our junior brother. How can we be afraid of him!"

"That's right, when I take a dose of Sangong Wan, tell him to try it out!"

"...nonsense!" Yang Zhenzi reprimanded as he walked, "Although senior brother Xing Zhenzi met after a night—an old one, he is still our senior brother. Don't say these words again in the future. it is good……"

Several people went forward, and when they saw Ding Niu, Zhou Zizheng, Wang Wenjing and others, they stopped arranging Xing Zhenzi and said hello.

Not long after, the Yu Daoist from the Nanhai faction also came over. Seeing Ding Niu, he shyly and timidly stood in front of Ding Niu to salute, and timidly called out: "Master...father."

The people who were talking loudly suddenly fell silent collectively, as if they were being strangled by the neck.

Everyone looked at Ding Niu with inexplicable expressions, Ding Niu said:
"This one is Daoist Yu, count me... as an apprentice, this time at my... Madam's request, he should be taken care of, but he and you are also of the same generation, let's... let's discuss it separately!"

Everyone felt a little uncomfortable. The relationship between Niu Zhenzi and Yu Daoist was complicated, which made everyone face it, and they didn't know what to do.

"...Sister Yu."

"Ms. Fish."


"I have seen you brothers."

Everyone said hello casually, and decided to deal with it coldly. Unexpectedly, a person came running quickly, and a gust of fragrant wind came from far and near, and said with a smile:
"This is Junior Sister Yu. I feel pity for how tall she is. No wonder Junior Brother misses her."


"... Senior Sister Qi is here?" Ding Niu almost yawned and coughed: "That's all in the past."

When everyone saw Huang Qi from Jiaolong Peak approaching unexpectedly, they all unanimously took a step back quietly.

Huang Qi smiled sweetly, and treated Ding Niu affectionately: "Junior Brother, since you have come to practice, you and I will be like before, how about working together to break through?"

Ding Niu replied affirmatively: "Of course it is."

Yu Taoist's heart jumped, and Ding Niu unconsciously leaned closer, reminding: "Master, Master must be watching at this time..."

"Haha, ma'am cheer me on, I will live up to my expectations."

Huang Qi frowned: "Uncle Sailor is concerned about his husband Jackie Chan, but it's a pity that he can't be by Niu Zhenzi's side at this time."

Yu Taoist summoned up his courage: "Master told me to take care of Master, it's as if Master is here in person."

Huang Qi smiled and said: "It's a pity that Junior Sister Yu and Senior Brother Niu Zhenzi don't have any skills or tacit understanding. I don't know how to intervene in the cooperation between me and Senior Brother?"

Yu Taoist was not to be outdone: "Actually, Master and I also know each other well, and we have fought against each other in Qingyang Lake..."

Yu Daoist said, but suddenly stopped, his face flushed.

Seeing this, Huang Qi snorted angrily, "You! did you fight?"

"..." Yu Taoist bowed his head and blushed, Nuonuo was speechless.


At this time and place, there was an aura of keeping strangers away.

(End of this chapter)

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