Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 109 He's Really Weird Today

Chapter 109 He's Really Weird Today

Ding Niu took the two of them aside with each other:
"In the past, sometimes I suffered from it, and sometimes you suffered from it. If you suffer from it, you will suffer from it. Isn't it just a family, how can you count it clearly? The most important thing is to look forward to the future. In the next [-] days, we will get along day and night and overcome difficulties together. do you know?"

"...Hmph! What a disadvantage you have suffered!"

Ding Niu sighed: "What happened today is a clear proof that I, Ding, have suffered! You are all people I care about, but you are also in such a dilemma... This tells me that if I suffer, I will grow forever." Wisdom, you must be an irresponsible person in the future to be chic."

"……you dare!"

Ding Niu said in a low voice, "Qiqi... Miaozhen, can you give me some encouragement and support so that I can also feel that it is a correct decision for me to be a good person?"

"... Ding Niu..."

Yu Daoist answered first: "...all listen to Master."

Huang Qi's nose softened, and he snorted, "Then... I'll spare you this time."

Ding Niu said happily: "Things are developing in a good direction, and this should be what we are looking forward to together."


Yang Zhenzi and the others were watching the show from behind, seeing him say a few words, somehow comforting the two of them, he immediately exclaimed that he couldn't stand it.

Wang Wenjing of the True Talisman Sect suddenly said: "It's a pity! It's a pity!"

"What do you mean, Brother Wang?"

"In the past, I admired senior brother Niu Zhenzi's accomplishments in Chunyang, but now it seems that things are different from people. I don't want to find Chunyang in him in the future. Isn't it a pity? Hey, my Chunyang Talisman suffered a great setback !"


"I want to go one step ahead and break through the pass, otherwise my way of pure yang talisman will be polluted by the breath of Niu Zhenzi and the two senior sisters and junior sisters, and my success will fall short! Wait for me to complete the pure yang talisman in the future. Ask Niu Zhenzi about the fusion of yin and yang, and how he managed to make things right with his rhetoric!"

"...Let's go together! Break the first level as soon as possible! Standing with these three people, I don't know how to deal with myself!"

"I could not agree more!"

Everyone felt a little overwhelmed, and it was hard to disagree.

Yang Zhenzi hurriedly said:

"Just now we went to observe before the pass, and only eight senior brothers passed by at a time. Except for the senior brothers in the Overlord Realm who lived easily, there were also a few who were at the peak of the Xiantian Realm. "

"Ugly is ugly, but it doesn't look like a serious problem. Let's study and study, and we can pass this test."

Zhou Zizheng said: "Our Minshan school's true energy and spiritual power just happen to have some restraint against the evil fire, and have the ability to prevent it... I don't care, I'm afraid that my three ineffective juniors will not have enough skill to get through it."

Zhou Zizheng was talking about the three masters of Minshan Mountain. Although the true qi of the Minshan School can restrain the evil fire of the pill furnace to a certain extent, these few are still at the middle level of martial arts real qi. The gap is a bit big. I want to pass the test , must be assisted by panacea and magic tools.

It's all here, even if it breaks a level, it's good.

Yang Zhenzi said: "If the skill is not enough, others can't do anything, but this time the challenge of the Nine Paths of the Heavenly Gate is intended to exercise and temper, even if it is only on the first floor, and fight with those people who have transformed themselves every day. Days can also benefit a lot.”

"It makes sense."

The three masters of Minshan stared anxiously: "Senior brother! You left the three of us here alone to watch Senior Brother's too cruel!"

Zhou Zizheng could only sympathize with them, but he was helpless: "The three of you follow senior brother Niu Zhenzi, learn more! You have similar cultivation levels back then, why is it that less than a year has passed, and he is already at the peak of the martial arts realm, but you two are still at the peak of martial arts? Little progress! Why was there such a big gap!"

A few lessons, at this time Ding Niu turned around with the two girls, Yang Zhenzi and others immediately raced against time and stepped up their research.

"The Fudan Furnace of Daoist Liao lies in the reversal of the position of the gossip and the reversal of yin and yang, so he uses a character of transformation, but no matter how he reverses it, the change of the direction of the gossip is always regular. I think Xing Zhenzi's experience also proves this. a little."

"That's right. We are good at alchemy. Eight trigrams go against Yin and Yang. In fact, there are rules to follow. Wind, thunder, lightning and rain... Let's practice it before we make a fuss about it."

"Then there are a few senior brothers."

Ding Niu leaned forward: "Everyone, I heard you talking about the evil fire. When I came here, I won a few first victories. I have a magic water pill in my hand. It should be effective for breaking the level?"

"...Let's keep it, Junior Brother." The crowd had a deep meaning: "It's not about the few but the unevenness. If there is only one, things will be a little difficult."


"Come on, let's continue talking..."

Ding Niu said again: "I still have two magic weapons here..."

"Keep it and keep it."


Lang Zhenzi yelled: "What? Qian and Kun reversed? Is it too radical?"

"If it is not reversed, how can the word 'hua' appear!"

Ding Niu said again: "...Actually, I also understand some gossip changes in Dan Dao, the so-called shifting of Qian and Kun..."

"Keep it and keep it..."


Feng Zhenzi shouted, "How about Gen and Kan swapping?"

"are you crazy!"

... Everyone talked about their own ideas, and after a while, they also discussed a plan.

Yang Zhenzi took the lead: "Everyone, I have the highest skill here, and my alchemy attainments... are among the best. I will do my part and let me take the lead!"

"Okay, I respectfully present the head of the six masters of Yangdan!"

"I wish the head of the six masters of Yangdan a triumphant return!"

Yang Zhenzi laughed: "I'm going!"

A group of people went to break the level and watched Yang Zhenzi walk on the way to break the level.

At this time, there are also several people in front of them who are on the way to break through the barrier, and Yang Zhenzi does not stop. The people who break through the barrier enter the Ruhua Pill Room one after another, and the Huadan Room changes from one to two, and from two to three... No matter how many people there are, they can Cope with it.

Amidst everyone's anticipation, some of the alchemy chambers collapsed, revealing people, and some collapsed and turned into light, sending the challenger out of the human world in their palms, which was a failure of the challenge.

One after another, more and more disciples passed the level and failed the challenge, and in the expectation of Ding Niu and others, Yang Zhenzi appeared from the collapsed alchemy room, looking distressed but in good spirits.


"The head of the six masters of raising alchemy is really amazing!"

"Haha, our design is indeed right, it's our turn next!"

One by one, Feng Zhenzi, Lang Zhenzi...Zhou Zizheng, Wang Wenjing, and Zhan Tianhong suddenly became more confident, and bid farewell to Ding Niu and others:
"Junior brother, the method is feasible... then we will go through the checkpoint first, and the next checkpoint is waiting for you!"

"Niu Zhenzi, you have the highest cultivation level among the rest of the people. My three juniors, please entrust to don't need to force yourself through the level, you can also train on the first floor."

"Let's go first."


Ding Niu nodded and watched the brothers pass the test one by one.

The three masters of Minshan stretched their heads and stared at the elixir transformation room, with longing expressions on their faces.

"Are you envious?"

"Naturally I'm envious. To be able to pass that level, at least one must have cultivated in the Xiantian realm, right?"

It is rare for the three heroes of Minshan, who are rough and bold, to sigh and feel a little sad:

"The martial arts realm is still poor. Today, I came to Xieyue Mountain to participate in the Nine Daoes of the Heavenly Gate. I know that there are countless heroes in the world. In the past, I used to hang out in Zhao Guochao, rule the roost in the world, and everyone flattered me. I became a little arrogant."

"Brother... Do you think we can pass the test?
Ding Niu looked at the sky: "Look for a place to stay is too chaotic, so I won't join in the fun here."

Ding Niu walked out first, Huang Qi followed closely, Yu Taoist said nothing, followed behind, the three masters of Minshan couldn't figure it out, they could only follow suit.

At the point where the first level was broken, many disciples also began to disperse gradually. At first, everyone’s footsteps were relatively steady. It is normal for some people to rush, but as more people left, there were countless sounds of breaking through the air. When he got up, he actually moved his body.

Hearing such movements, the three masters of Minshan were puzzled: "Why, everyone is suddenly so anxious?"

"After watching so many senior brothers pass the level, I generally understand what kind of cultivation base can pass. If the cultivation base is too reluctant, if you want to pass the level, you must seize the opportunity to hone your cultivation base and try to improve your cultivation base in a short time. One floor. Now there are many challenged disciples on the first floor, but there are few people who can transform into Qi, and it is only one who can grab one. Naturally, everyone strives bravely to be the first."

Huang Qi looked at Ding Niu: "The strange thing is you, you have always been eager to hone your martial arts, why are you not in a hurry today?"

Ding Niu didn't know how to answer, should he tell her that she only needs to look at it, which would be more efficient?
He projected these martial arts extensions and the fighting methods of the challenged disciples into the Huangliang map, so that this martial art can be recorded, enriching the types of martial arts in the Huangliang map, and can be deduced and deciphered later.

Not only that, but the appearance, body shape, and martial arts methods of each challenged disciple are also recorded together. When you see this person in the future, you will know what kind of moves this person is used to and what martial arts he is good at. With a record, you can also perform deduction , Crack.

This kind of thing is called big data.

These things and concepts are difficult to describe to the people in front of you, and there are also reasons that are hard to tell.

Because of big data, I like to cook.

Ding Niu thought for a while and said, "I'm already in the sky, so don't worry too much."

Huang Qi stared at him: "Very proud?"

"It's just emotion."

Seeing the two people bickering so familiarly and naturally, Yu Taoist fell behind half an inch, hesitated to speak, deeply felt that she had betrayed her master, and she also made up her mind:

During these days, this junior sister Huang must not be allowed to get too close to Niu Zhenzi...Master.

Walking all the way out, looking for a place to stay, Huang Qi discovered that Ding Niu was indeed not very keen on finding people who had transformed themselves into actual battles, but he was very interested in fighting against people who transformed into spirits.

"He's so weird today..."

"What's wrong? Watching other people's battles and gaining experience, Master is very prudent."

"Huh? How does Senior Sister Yu know what he usually looks like, and how can you know better than me?"

"Junior Sister Huang, although I don't know much about it, I also know that any of Master's decisions are justified."


The three heroes of Minshan had slowly moved away for a certain distance, while Ding Niu looked a little dazed looking at the battle in the distance.

Good job!

(End of this chapter)

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