Chapter 137

Ding Niu was thinking about how to go to Jinxi Town to start a business, and someone came to see him outside the Water Dragon Hall.

The person who came was the boy who was eaten. This boy in black robe knew that he was going to Jinxi Town, so he recommended himself:
"Ding Niu, here I come. When are you leaving for Jinxi Town?"

"20 years with you?"

"That's natural, I keep my word."

"it is good."

Not long after, another person yelled outside: "Ding Niu~~~! I'm coming! Hold on, I'm coming in~~"


Ding Niu knew who it was when he heard it. This bastard seemed to be imitating him?

The plump boy rushed in excitedly: "Ding Niu, when are you going to Jinxi Town?"

The Xueshan boy saw the eaten boy wearing a black robe and a caged robe closely behind Ding Niu, and asked strangely, "Who is this kid?"

"..." The boy who was eaten had a bad look in his eyes: "Who are you kid?"

"Hi, I'm your uncle Ding Shuang."

"Hehe... A gentleman loves to eat, do you owe it?"

"What?" The Xueshan Boy suffered from his ignorance, so he asked, "Love? Who are you talking about?"

The boy who was eaten was at a loss: "What?"

Two people talk to each other, what are they talking about!
Ding Niu sighed, "Ding Shuang, why are you here?"

Ask about the events in the sky that day, the situation of the oblique moon peak in the sky.

"A lot of starlight soldiers and warriors have died, and now the situation is not good. The head teacher thinks that I eat...too much, so he drives me down." Ding Shuang gave him a look that you understand, and said: "I have nowhere to go. Go, I can only come to join you."

"...Come on." Ding Niu knew that Huang Qiu was doing all the acting, so he put down these servants, so that the outside world would know that the situation inside was not good.

These two boys wanted to go to Jinxi Town with them, which was exactly what Ding Niu wanted.

It was enough trouble for a Huang Qiu to notice him, if he continued to attract attention, he might be plotted against.

He decided to go for some.

It happened to push the two boys to come out, and he hid behind the scenes,

Besides, the two boys are capable, and taking them to Jinxi Town is also a help.

Xieyueshan must trust Xieyueshan to be able to get the position of guarding the gate. The most wonderful thing is that he is not a disciple of Xieyueshan, so Ding Niu has his own mind.

Xueshan boy... is the normal communication link between Ding Niu and Huang Qiu. With him passing messages back and forth, the frequent communication between two people whose apparent status gap is too large will not arouse suspicion.

At most, he thinks that Ding Niu is a follower of power, relying on knowing the boy under the head teacher's seat, he flatters the head teacher back and forth.

Ding Niu ordered the two of them: "I'll go out later, and you two will be here to help me greet the people who come to the door..."

"I'm the best at this." Xueshan boy patted his chest and promised.

Ding Niu knew that he was the reception boy under the head teacher some time ago, and he was very interested when he heard the words:

"How are you good at it?"

"If it's an outer disciple, don't talk to him. If it's an inner disciple, just say a few perfunctory words. If it's a true disciple or an elder, you can be more kind..."

"..." Ding Niu vomited blood: "I have to treat you decently here!"

The Xueshan boy complained: "Ding Niu, you are too ignorant!"

Ding Niu carefully explained not to neglect the guests who came to the door, and then went out.

In the next few days, Ding Niu went to the alchemy hall of Chilong Peak several times, and first exchanged the alchemy recipe with the contribution of his teacher.

Alchemy to obtain money is his best method at the moment.

When I went to the alchemy hall, I walked around, and now people greeted me everywhere I went, which meant that no one in the world knew the king, Ding Niu thought of the situation that no one cared about him before, and felt emotional for a while.

When you become famous, you start to miss the ones who are not famous.

I searched for some prescriptions, and then went to the brothers and uncles who were familiar with each other to ask for some support.

In the last two days since he took up the post of food supervisor, Ding Niu went to Jiaolong Peak to find Uncle Huang Cangtong.

The uncle didn't look good when he saw him, and he spoke sarcastically, Ding Niu resigned himself to it, and refused to leave after dawdling for a long time.

Huang Cangtong guessed what he wanted to do, he was going to Jinxi Town, and invited Huang Qitong to be his helper.

Elope!Son of a bitch!
Huang Cangtong said viciously: "You still don't leave, do you still want me to treat you to dinner?"

Huang Qi, who was frowning at the side, let out a snort.

Huang Cangtong glared angrily, this one turned his elbow outward!
Huang Qi hurriedly acted like a baby, and talked about something: "Ding Niu has been nominated for the true biography, but he is so awesome that he often visits his brothers and sisters at meal times, staring at them so uncomfortable, I have to treat him to dinner." willing to go."

"So much so that he has a deep-rooted misunderstanding. He has nominated the real biography, so it seems that someone else should invite him to dinner."

"I didn't expect him to bring this bad habit to our Jiaolong Peak..."


But what Huang Cangtong thought was: What does it mean to be awesome?
In the end, Ding Niu had a hard meal, and after a family banquet, he said: "This time, this disciple is going to Jinxi Town on business, and he won't return to Xieyue Mountain for a long time, so he came here to say goodbye."

"Oh, is that so?" Huang Cangtong was a little surprised.

"Wait for the disciple to become a true disciple."

Huang Cangtong waited for a long time, and the two stared at each other: "How about waiting for you to become a true master?"

Ding Niu said cheekily, "Uncle Master understands."


Ding Niu bid farewell: "Disciple Dingfeng is coming back, senior sister, please advise father-in-law."

Huang Qi grabbed the irascible Huang Cangtong, and watched him leave amidst his father's weak teeth and claws.

Until this person disappeared, Huang Cangtong sighed deeply like a tiger with no strength: "Qi'er, you..."

"I am willing."

"……what do you think?"

"I refused to marry Chunfeng back then, but I was misled by Qiufeng for no reason." Huang Qi said firmly: "My daughter doesn't want to be a Taoist fish."


Jinxi Town.

In March of Yangchun, everything grows, and it is the season of animal breeding. There is vitality and romance everywhere, and the animals will naturally not let it go.

The fish in the water were playing and fighting for food. In a place where the current in Zhao Hanjiang was stable, a guppy floated up and down. Under the round belly, balls rolled out of the lower abdomen and under the tail.

Each fish egg is like a round grape, and it only takes another week for these fish eggs to grow into lovely guppies.

Suddenly, the water flowed suddenly, and a person came down from the bottom of the Zhao Hanjiang River, stirring up the river water. This guppy and its eggs were all attracted by a vortex and pulled into it.

Ding Niu soaked in Zhao Hanhe, with a black hole in his chest, swallowing the water of the cold river wildly.

In the map of Huangliang, a waterfall rushes down, converging into streams and rivers, nourishing the land.

Since Huang Liangtu returned to chaos, his incarnation in the picture learned to be Pangu. After the creation of the world, the world was divided for the first time. Turn into the four poles and five mountains of the earth, blood into magma, muscles into fields.

At this point, it is waiting for the evolution of creatures.

Ding Niu thought it was too slow to ripen every day, so he collected the essence of the sun and moon and poured it into the Huangliang map.

The water level of the storage dam in Zhao Hanjiang Liangjiaao was sucked down by two meters. At this time, there were gradually big rivers in Huangliangtu.

But the speed of evolution is very slow, and the first batch of innate spirits have not yet been born, so Ding Niu's plan cannot be advanced.

The plug-in has not been in place for a long time, which makes Ding Niu a little upset.

After finishing today's irrigation, Ding Niu went to inspect the field again, and then returned to Liang's concave courtyard.

In the courtyard, the eaten boy and the Xueshan boy were wrestling together, a demon and an elf, since the last time they ate each other, neither of them could do anything to the other.

Ding Niu ignored these two goods, and listened to the porter's report:
"The little prince came to see you."

Ding Niu nodded, the eight kings and grandsons are running here recently.

It has been half a month since they came to Jinxi Town, except for the first day when the eight princes came to visit and took some time to receive them.

This year the task is heavy.

After Ding Niu arrived in Liangjia'ao, he found that the growth of pearl rice was not good. Apart from the reason of gathering spirits, another reason was the problem of manpower and experience.

The former town guard mansion who was in charge of Liangjiaao's cultivation of spiritual fields was taken away by Huang Tianhua, and seven or eight people died in that attack. The country has recruited a group of reliable old farmers and old professors to come to farm, but they are newcomers. These old farmers have never tended the Lingtian Linggu, and the situation is frequent, and they are all in a hurry.

By the time Ding Niu came, the Eighth Kingsun who guarded Jinxi Town had already been exhausted. If they failed to meet the sect's targets, their family's status in Hanlao County would be unstable.

Hearing the arrival of Ding Niu, it seems that the backbone has come.

Just as he was thinking, Ba Wansun's voice was already outside, very polite:
"Is senior brother Niu Zhenzi here?"

"Please come in."

Now that Ding Niu nominated the true biography, this Xungui, a relative of Emperor Zhao Guo, and a disciple of the outer sect of Xieyue Mountain, couldn't help but feel a little short of breath when he saw Ding Niu.

At the beginning, I still wanted to recruit him, but now I no longer have such an idea.

When the Eighth Prince saw Ding Niu, he respected Ding Niu first, without the aura of a landlord back then.

People in the royal family are the most sensitive to the change of status.

Ding Niu didn't care about him either.

Those who are willing to make friends with him and treat each other as equals should be friends, those who are willing to make him superior, and those who are inferior also follow him, and those who are willing to look down on him, let him roll the ball...

After all, the Eighth Prince and Ding Niu still have a twilight relationship. After entering, he said some polite words, and the Eighth Prince became a little anxious:
"Niu Zhenzi, I heard that pearl rice is falling down again. I don't know why?"

"I've seen it, it's too dense."

"Hey, back then when I boasted about going to Haikou, I was going to collect more Pearl Dao rice this year, so I could give back to my master's cultivation. I was really greedy. So did those old farmers, why couldn't they see it?" The eighth prince couldn't help complaining.

"Linggu is different from Fangu. It needs more space, and those old farmers only have experience in growing Fangu." Ding Niu patiently explained, and there is one more thing that he didn't say. No wonder this batch of seedlings are malnourished and lodging is serious.

In the past few days, he has strengthened the transportation of the spirit gathering array, so he must give these pearl rice a big boost.

Bawansun said a few words, explaining the purpose of coming: "Today, another casual practitioner came to my mansion, and said that he had also planted spiritual plants and spiritual valleys, and he has a way to cure lodging."

"I want to invite Senior Brother Ding to try his skills."

No wonder the Eighth Prince is anxious. He guards Jinxi Town. If the quantity of pearl rice produced this year does not meet the standard, he will be extremely responsible.

Ding Niu supervising food is also closely related.

Ding Niu is a skilled worker who grew up growing pearl rice, and he has a plan in mind, but seeing that he is so concerned, he still said: "Alright, go to the town guard's mansion and see him first, and see how good he is."

(End of this chapter)

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