Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 138 Spring rain is as expensive as oil

Chapter 138 Spring rain is as expensive as oil

The two rode out of Liangjiaao on a dragon horse, and after many inspections, even if Ding Niu was the food supervisor, he would inevitably be interrogated.

This is as it should be.

Now the situation is tense, Liangjia'ao is surrounded by heavy soldiers, there are many exposed and hidden ones, there is also a patrol team led by Uncle Xie Yueshan, patrolling the surrounding area every day.

Soon, the two came to Jinxi Town's town guard's mansion, and in the living room, they met the casual practitioner who unveiled the list of heroes.

Seeing the two people coming in, the casual practitioner stood up and saluted:

"I have seen Lord Guardian... Who is this one?"

"Niu Zhenzi." Ding Niu asked him to sit down: "I don't know Mr. Gao's name?"

"I am a Taoist from the lower four directions. I have traveled to various countries, and I have also worked as part-time workers in some fairy mountains to take care of spiritual plants. Today, I heard that the town guard government is looking for a way to deal with the falling of the spiritual valley. I am here to recommend myself."

Ding Niu cut straight to the point: "What method do you have to cure lodging?"

The Sifang Taoist smiled and said: "I know a method, but I learned it from traveling in the four directions. In the northeast of Zhao State, far away from the ocean, there is an overseas country. Leihuoji can quickly accumulate fertilizer in the soil, and all spiritual plants fertilized by Leihuoji will thrive."

Do you fertilize?It's also a way.

"Leihuo ground veins, Leihuoji?" Ding Niu asked: "Leaving aside the effect of Leihuoji, Leihuoji is far away from the ocean, and it can't quench the near thirst...Since the master mentioned this method, there must be something finalized."

Taoist Sifang said with a smile: "Since I mentioned this method, I naturally have a follow-up plan. I have some Lei Huo accumulated in my body, which can be provided to the tutelary mansion for the first trial results. If it works, I want to make a deal with the tutelary mansion."

The Eighth King Sun was delighted: "If it is really possible to cure lodging, then everything can be negotiated."

Ding Niu has no objection either. According to Taoist Sifang, Lei Huoji can not only cure lodging, but also increase fat. If pearl rice increases production due to this, it will also be beneficial to him.

Ding Niu asked: "If it is effective, what kind of transaction do you want to make?"

"It's very simple. It's not easy to collect Leihuoji, and it's a long way to transport it to Zhao country. I'm willing to do these hard work, just hope to get some pearl rice in the end." Taoist Sifang said with a smile: "I want to try the effect of pearl rice, Is it as in the legend?"

"Oh, it's feasible." The Eighth Prince said, "But Mister has to wait until after the autumn harvest."

"It's natural, it's inferior."

Seeing that Ding Niu had no objection, the Eight Kingsun knew that he agreed: "Since that's the case, sir, you might as well give it a try."

Taoist Sifang nodded, took out a few large bags of dark-colored Leihuoji from some kind of Qiankun bag, and told the usage and dosage:
"Sprinkle it as a fertilizer, and within a month, it will definitely have an effect, and if it is used continuously in the future, the soil will be rich and the grain will be beautiful."

"January? Is it too long?" Bawansun couldn't help being impatient. He was worried that Linggu Miao's lodging would affect the subsequent growth and grain formation, but other things were not urgent.

"If the little prince wants a quick solution, I actually have it."


"Awakening of Insects is the beginning of thunder. After the thunderstorm, the seeds sprout and grow wildly. If you plant melons, you will reap melons. If you sow beans, you will reap beans. The thunderstorm produces crops. With thunderstorms, the crops such as grain seedlings grow like crazy. Autumn is sure. Good harvest."

The Eighth Kingsun nodded. These sayings were often brought up by experienced farmers who were recruited, and they were not new.

Taoists from all over the world clapped their palms and smiled: "This is the appearance of thunder and fire. It moves in the light. It is as grand as thunder and as rich as electric fire. Planting spiritual grains and spiritual plants must respond to the weather. We Qi practitioners are no different from ordinary farmers who can only look at it." Eat in the sky, does the little prince know about the Spring Thunder Festival?"

The eight kings and grandsons hurriedly asked, "What is the Spring Thunder Festival?"

"Kyushu is angry and relies on wind and thunder. In the middle of Mengchun, the sting insects start to move when they hear the thunder. Everything is like this. The spiritual valley falls because of the lack of vitality. For example, if you build a spring thunder dojo and hold a spring thunder festival, Follow the example of Chunlei to awaken the vigorous power of Linggu, and the symptoms of lodging will be cured without treatment, and follow-up with Leihuo to accumulate and increase the strength of the soil, and get twice the result with half the effort!"

The Eight Kings Sun is more concerned about when the Spring Thunder Festival can cure the lodging.

"It will be effective in less than three days. This is an emergency treatment. In the future, you have to use thunder and fire accumulation to increase your fertility. It is a long-term solution. Because the thunder and fire accumulation is originally corresponding to the power of thunder and fire, it is stimulated by spring thunder and absorbed by the spirit valley. It appeared alive."

Ding Niu was listening, and his heart moved. The sun, moon, mountains, rivers and earth in the Yellow Liang map are all ready. They are nourished by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth every day, and they are also diverted to absorb wind.

The Taoist's statement gave him some inspiration to trigger the vitality.

He listened more carefully.

The Eight Kings Sun Xi said: "Three days? This is the best! I don't know how to do the Spring Thunder Festival, what do we need?
"Pindao came to unveil the list today, so he has made all the preparations. As long as the little prince gives an order, he can immediately recruit people to go to Liangjiaao to hold the Spring Thunder Daoist Hall."

Bawansun shook his head: "The dojo can be held, but it can't be in Liangjiaao."

"Oh, it doesn't matter." The Taoist Sifang smiled: "The Spring Thunder Festival is held, and Jinxi Town will be blessed, and it's not just Liangjia'ao."

If that's the case, it's fine.

Discuss details overnight.

On the second day, the eight kings and grandsons first arranged for the Sifang Taoist to be resettled, and then asked Ding Niu.

"How do you feel, brother?"

"Whether the method is feasible or not, you will know once you try it." Ding Niu smiled: "This person is patient, so let's wait, ha ha."

"However, this person has a Qiankun bag and the like, so it seems that he is not a simple casual cultivator."

The Eighth Kingsun nodded. Magical treasures such as Qiankun bags are always rare. Even the financial resources of their county guard's mansion and their status as disciples of Xieyue Mountain are only one, so they can't hold many things.

Since this person has treasures such as Qiankun bag, it can be seen that he has some energy.

The Eighth Kingsun nodded, he naturally had to investigate this person to avoid accidents.

Seeing that he has paid attention, Ding Niu didn't say any more.

On the surface, his food supervisor is an idle job, and when he is airborne, he is accompanied by two boys. When he goes to a local area, he actually depends on whether the local staff will give him face.

Others say that he has been valued by Master Master and Elder Wang Wuji, and has been taken care of by the Nanhai Sect Master Uncle. The True Inheritance assessment is just a formality, and he will come down to be gilded and go back to become a True Inheritance disciple.

This is of course slander, Ding Niu knows how important he is, he is too busy these days.

Ding Niu and Ba Wangsun were discussing a few words, Ba Wangsun let go of his worries, and smiled at Ding Niu: "Niu Zhenzi, when the lodging disease of Linggu is resolved, my father would like to invite you to Hanlao County to discuss something. .”

"What is it?"

Eight Princes smiled mysteriously: "Brother will know when the time comes."

The next day, on a mountain outside Liangjiaao, the construction of Chunlei Dojo began.

Within two days, a group of priests and priests were summoned by the Sifang Taoists and rushed to Jinxi Town. After careful investigation, they only entered with the permission of the Eighth Prince.

On that day, the sky cleared up, and Ding Niu and Ba Wangsun went to the dojo to have a big feast and watch the Spring Thunder Festival.

The Sifang Taoists are solemnly dressed, presiding over the ceremony with a sound like a bell, advancing and retreating gracefully.

Ding Niu purposely watched with Niu's tears and qi, distinguishing yin and yang, and dividing vitality. After a while, he suddenly saw some unusual qi around the ashram.

Others didn't notice it, but the eaten boy with his hands in the black robe sneered, and Ding Niu knew he had noticed it too.

Ding Niu asked secretly, and the eaten boy looked at the weather and said:

"Your eyesight is really good. This is the peeping of ghosts and gods. The movement here surprised someone, but judging from the movement, at most it is a wild god with low mana..."

Ding Niu was thoughtful: "Today, when a Taoist priest runs a dojo, there are ghosts and gods nearby peeking at him. It must be a little magical...Go and find out what the source of the peeping is, and what is his intention."

"Alright, if it's evil, I'll find a chance to eat him!"

The boy who was eaten moved away, turning into the wind.

The Xueshan boy held his belly and laughed from behind.Ding Niu asked again: "Ah Shuang, look at the weather in the surrounding world, what's unusual?"

This boy was born with a congenital spirit and has a keen sense. Ding Niu asked him for his opinion.

"I didn't see anything unusual..."

At this time, the Spring Thunder Festival was halfway through, and it was all beautiful and complicated rituals, which dazzled the people watching the sacrifice below, and couldn't help applauding.

In the eyes of Ding Niu, it's a bit boring, and the eight kings and grandsons are also impatient:
"This Sifang Taoist pretends to be a ghost, isn't it just a bluff?"

Just as he was speaking, everyone heard a shock in their ears.

Boom, boom, boom!Boom!

The vibration gradually formed a rhythm, just like the thunder in the sky. Under such a vibration, Ding Niu could see clearly with the qi of the cow's tears.

"It's raining!"


In the sky, lightning broke through the sky, and immediately after that, drizzle fell.

Spring rain is as expensive as oil.

This rain is actually spiritual rain.

Although there is only a little bit of aura, it is enough to surprise the hearts of those who know how to do it!
It is not uncommon for Qi practitioners to control the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and to control the clouds and rain. It is also feasible to use some energy to control water and clouds to cause localized precipitation and snowfall.

However, there is spiritual energy in the rain that falls, how can this be done?
Ding Niu and Ba Wangsun looked at each other, "Where did this Sifang Taoist come from?"

"I don't know very well at the moment, I only know that this person is quite famous in the old country."

"With this magical technique, you can go anywhere, not to mention pearl rice, even precious spiritual grains can be exchanged. What is the purpose of this person coming to Jinxi Town?"

Doubts arose in both of them.

Bawangsun and Ding Niu looked at the meticulous Sifang Taoist in the arena, and knew that this person was just pretending in front of the stage, and that the real rain of spirits was the sound of drums behind the ashram.

Ding Niu and Ba Wangsun stood up, walked back unceremoniously, Xueshan boy followed closely, and Sifang Taoist handed over the ceremony to another person to preside over it, and had already stepped down and waited.

Taoist Sifang knew that when the spirit rain came, the two would come immediately:

"Little prince, Daoist Niu, if you want to know where the spiritual rain comes from, please go here."

"Sir, make some mysteries, it's so tempting."

"Haha, it's not that I'm being tricky, but this technique of praying for spiritual rain is extremely it is!"

(End of this chapter)

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