Chapter 184

At the back of Xieyue Mountain, Wu Duofeng, the Supreme Elder, was furious:

"A true biography preparation, dare to touch the head of the Ci sect! Who gave it the courage!"

This person is Master Yi Xingtian.

Recently, the words "Yi Xingtian is good at men's sex" have been widely circulated on Xieyue Mountain, and there has been a lot of excitement.

As Master Yi Xingtian, he and his disciples are both honored and harmed. Such rumors seem to slap him in the face. No wonder Wu Duofeng was about to go mad with anger.

Especially in the eyes of Wu Duofeng, this person is like an ant.

And the one standing next to him is the contemporary chief of Xieyue Mountain: Yixing Tianzhenzi.

Facing Master's anger, he was very calm.

"Master, this statement is not considered slander."

"...God, what are you?"

"Since I have done this, I expected such consequences. Master Master has always been kind to me, and Junior Brother Xing is the son of Master Master. I couldn't just ignore death that day."

Wu Duofeng said coldly, "Hmph, Huang Xuan may not have received the great favor of the head teacher? He is wise and protects himself, and you are the only one who is willing to stand out."

Yi Xingtian shows his heart in peace:

"I am the chief, and I will do my part."

Hearing this, Wu Duofeng felt both helpless and relieved.

Immediately, he was still angry: "You are not wrong for doing this, but what is Niu Zhenzi! How dare you make a fuss about this and publicize it?"

"His heart can be punished!"

Yi Xingtian said indifferently: "Xieyue Mountain is full of talents. There are countless juniors who have challenged me over the years, and Junior Niu Zhenzi is just one of them."

He felt a little regretful: "Junior Niu Zhenzi's method and style of rising will be a strong challenger. I stand at the peak, and I hope that such opponents will continue to come. However, Niu Zhenzi was born too late and went up the mountain too late."

"My cultivation has already reached the peak of the Tyrant Realm, and recently I finally got a glimpse of the mysteries of the Human Wonderland. In less than a year, the battle for the position of head teacher will soon be settled."

"It's a pity that I beat him with my age, but I couldn't make him feel the gap that he couldn't catch up with."


When Wu Duofeng heard this, he was very pleasantly surprised, if Yi Xingtian became a human being, he would immediately become the acting head, the crown prince of the human dynasty!
If there is no major mistake, its status cannot be shaken.

At that time, the transfer of power began slowly, and when the time was ripe, Li Cheng became the head teacher.

No amount of gossip can match such a general trend!
Wu Duofeng hurriedly asked: "Tian'er, could it be that you had some insights from the battle a few days ago?"

"That's right, in that day's battle, I couldn't resist the intrusion of the alien yang qi from the God of Sadness, and the imbalance of yin and yang in my body shook the foundation."

"The realm of immortality is really mysterious."

"However, God Lord Wusai is also uncomfortable. Under the siege of us, he finally showed his flaws. I intercepted his opportunity to become enlightened with Jietian Dao, and denied myself. I have glimpsed the opportunity of breakthrough."

Wu Duofeng praised: "What a chestnut out of the fire!"

Wu Duofeng beamed with joy, and then sneered:
"It's no wonder that the recent turmoil is aimed at you! Also, as long as you are not a fairy, they will not give up... From this point of view, the rumors are intensifying, and there may be someone behind Niu Zhenzi."

Yi Xingtian said in a deep voice: "I had a feeling that day, Xuan Zhenzi and Xin Zhenzi are not bad, I believe they have their own gains, especially Xuan Zhenzi, I can feel a mysterious and mysterious aura in him, he suddenly You turned into a female body, not only because of the attack of the foreign yang energy, but actually to hide it and make me paralyzed."

"But you can't hide it from me."

Yi Xingtian pondered: "As for Xinzhenzi, even I can't see through her... It's really weird that she suddenly committed herself to Niu Zhenzi, and it can't be ruled out that it has something to do with her harvest."

"Huang Xuansu is forbearing, if he doesn't make a move, it's fine. If he makes a move, it must be a real chapter, so there's no need to mention him." Wu Duofeng paid close attention to Yi Xingtian's main opponents, and when he talked about Xinzhenzi, he immediately said:

"Xin Zhenzi, this girl is young, she has always had thoughts and means, she is extremely talented, and she is good at dancing. She is close to the son of the teacher, but keeps a certain distance."

"I'm afraid this woman looks down on Huang Qiu's son, but she uses him to chase after the fairy. This woman has a very high mind, and she is willing to commit herself to Niu Zhenzi and abandon Xing is indeed strange."

"This Niu Zhenzi has suddenly emerged. Recently, I came back from my travels and replaced Elder Longsha to guard the back mountain. I heard a lot of rumors about him from other people. I thought he was just a good disciple. Unexpectedly, I can be related to you core true biography .”

Wu Duofeng's eyes flickered: "This person is just a disciple of an ordinary elder. How long has it been since he went up the mountain? How can he stir up the situation in such a short time? I think he has a deep secret."

Yi Xingtian said: "I also started to pay attention to him during the birthday banquet. After the birthday banquet, this person seemed to be favored by the master master. It is said that he passed down a true teaching of true meaning, one finger can kill immortals. Although I have not I have seen it before, but I heard it from a few elders who have personally experienced it, and everything is true."

Wu Duofeng couldn't help being astonished, but he is just a fairyland!

Killing an immortal with one finger, even if it kills an opponent who has just entered the fairyland and whose realm is unstable, it is still shocking!

"Can kill immortals? With the cave in the sky, it is not surprising that Huang Qiu can kill immortals, but Huang Qiu can kill immortals with his true intentions, it is really appalling! Huang Qiu holds the Slanting Moon Mountain in the sky, I don't know what shocking supernatural power he has realized !"

"Back when I became a fairy late, I missed the position of head teacher, I missed the opportunity to control the Xieyue Mountain in the sky, and I don't know what peerless opportunity I missed. Every time I think about it, I feel extremely regretful."

"Tian'er, the regret of being a teacher, I don't want to experience it again on you!"

"The disciple will not let the master down."

"Okay, you've been concentrating on cultivation recently, breaking through to the Immortal Realm is the right path." Wu Duofeng's eyes grew cold, "I'm afraid there will be a follow-up to the turmoil against you, and I will handle it as my teacher."


"Don't worry, as a teacher, you have your own measure."

Yi Xingtian didn't say any more.

Wu Duofeng thought in his heart: Tian'er, you are about to become the acting head, I am very happy, I will not make enemies for you, but if someone jumps up and down to challenge your majesty, you need to make an example of them and establish your prestige, so that you can convince everyone!
There are some things that cannot be merciful!

Wu Duofeng's heart moved, he flew out of the back mountain, and came to the real dragon peak, the gate of the real dragon hall opened, and he said:

"Uncle Wu, please come in."

Wu Duofeng flicked his sleeves and stepped into the True Dragon Hall, and soon saw Huang Qiu.

Every time I saw this contemporary head teacher, I was looking at the map of stars above the main hall. It seemed that this person was deducing the secrets every moment.

Although they are both in the fairyland, the aura of this contemporary head teacher is already inscrutable in Wu Duofeng's eyes and cannot be guessed.

He could tell by feeling that this person's cultivation base was much higher than his, and he was probably only one step away from the Golden Immortal.

Everyone said that this person was the most promising person in Xieyue Mountain's millennium to break through the human fairyland, reach the Golden Immortal, and catch up with Huang Longxian, the founder of the sect.

In Wu Duofeng's heart, it would be a lie to say that he is not envious, but he also has dissatisfaction.

If he had become the head teacher back then and held the Inclined Moon Peak in the sky, he might not have had such an opportunity, right?

In terms of talent, any Qi trainer who can become a human immortal is not bad.

In Wu Duofeng's heart, he was even more determined, he had already lost the position of head teacher, and this must never happen to his disciple Yi Xingtian again—this was also his chance to contact the Xieyue Peak in the sky.

"Why did Elder Wu come here?"

"Teacher!" Wu Duofeng cut straight to the point, with a stern tone, "I just returned to Xieyue Mountain, and I heard several elders talk about Hanlao County. Regarding Hanlao County, there has never been a single disciple controlling a county in thousands of years. precedent!"

"This is undoubtedly an act of dividing the territory! If things go on like this, everyone will follow suit. The country will not be the country, and the teaching will not be taught!"

"My opinion is to recall Niu Zhenzi, so that he won't run for a long time and get out of tune! It's not beautiful to have a conflict with the sect at that time!"

"Elder Wu's words are reasonable." Huang Qiu remained calm, "What's the plan and arrangement for recalling Niu Zhenzi?"

Wu Duofeng had already prepared: "In view of this person's performance, he is worthy of the position of the true biography. After returning, the true biography will be established. Didn't Wuji's nephew ask him to walk on the Xieyue Mountain and contact various factions? Such an arrangement is very good! This person has been released for a few years to do the walking, and this person will definitely become a pillar of Xieyue Mountain."

"Elder Wu's words are reasonable, but calling him back in a hurry is too attention-grabbing, and he is suspected of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge for this disciple who has made great contributions, which will arouse a lot of discussion among the people. After the one-year period expires, this person will If you want to go back to the mountain to reassess your job, it will take a year, and it will not cause a big mess." Huang Qiu said lightly, "Let's leave it as it is."


Seeing that he didn't show face, Elder Wu became more and more sure that Huang Qiu was behind Niu Zhenzi. Now that Niu Zhenzi jumped out to fight Yi Xingtian, Huang Qiu definitely knew it well.

Since he supports Niu Zhenzi, could it be said that he doesn't want Yi Xingtian to become the acting head?
Could it be that he supports Huang Xuan?Or other true biography?

It is absolutely impossible for Niu Zhenzi, but it is just a questioning stone pushed ahead, no matter how amazing this person is, his cultivation is not in place: an innate realm, he has not yet qualified to compete for the position of head teacher!
When Wu Duofeng looked around, he probably knew something in his mind. He didn't want to argue with Huang Qiu, but retreated to advance:

"Since the head teacher has made a decision, I won't say more, but Niu Zhenzi doesn't know the depth, spreads rumors, and slanders his fellow disciples. He may be bewitched by others, and the head teacher can't ignore this matter."

Huang Qiu couldn't completely refute his face and opinion: "I'll definitely check it out."

"It should be like this. To know Yi Xingtian, he is also a disciple in charge."

"Of course."

Seeing the complaint, Wu Duofeng resigned and left, he didn't go back directly to the back mountain, but went to the other peaks.

The elders from all the peaks came to visit this ancestor one by one.

Although Wu Duofeng was only summoned to meet and reminisce about the past, and did not say much about other things, everyone knew that this person was supporting his disciple Yi Xingtian. It can be seen that the rumors of the past few days have angered this Supreme Elder, so they came forward to warn .

On the Chilong Peak, all the elders lined up to pay respects to this old-fashioned immortal. Fengyunlong among the crowd was already frowning.

But Feng Yunlong's heart is actually mostly happy:

Apprentice, apprentice, you are really up-to-date, you can fight the chief true biography, and even provoke the old one!If the teacher is also a fairyland, he can support you!

(End of this chapter)

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