Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 185 Six Years Prince

Chapter 185 Six Years Prince

On Chilong Peak, Wu Duofeng was being greeted by all the juniors.

A group of Qi practitioners who looked old and aged surrounded this middle-aged Wu Duofeng, surrounded by stars and calling the ancestors.

This is also the norm in the monastic world.

Wu Duofeng met the juniors, asked about the current situation, or gave some pointers. The juniors were grateful and happy.

When it was Fengyunlong's turn to meet, Wu Duofeng seemed careless:
"Oh, it's Long Quanzi who's here, come up and talk."

The old chrysanthemum bloomed on Fengyunlong's face: "The ancestor called, he must have some advice."

"Advice?" Wu Duofeng chuckled, "Long Quanzi, I heard that you have recently taken in an amazing apprentice who is extremely talented in alchemy. Breaking through from the Martial Arts Realm to the Xiantian Realm, and practicing the rare ancient fish-turning-dragon technique, when the dragon swallowed the sky fire and returned after breaking through the realm, it’s an extraordinary’s really good.”

A disciple of the Xiantian realm would not be able to enter the eyes of the elders of the immortals, but he knew all about Ding Niu's past, which shows that Wu Duofeng has indeed put in a lot of effort.

Feng Yunlong knew that he had come prepared, but he still had a smile on his face: "The disciple is lucky, lucky."

"You don't need to be too modest. When you were young, you were the best among your peers. I also saw it. As the saying goes, a famous teacher produces a high-quality student. When it comes to the way of teaching disciples, I am not as good as you."

Fengyunlong said in fear and fear, "Old Ancestor, I don't dare to do this!"

"I heard that Niu Zhenzi ordered the ghosts and gods, and he dared not refuse to obey. He actually controlled a county in Hanlao County. He has achieved such achievements at a young age. He is the No. 1 in the millennium of Xieyue Mountain, with a bright future."

" villain is just a small official of Marquis Yu in the imperial court of the world, and he only supervises the geomantic omen of the place. The rumors are exaggerated." Feng Yunlong licked his face: "Old Ancestor, kill me, kill my villain."

"Really." Wu Duofeng nodded: "No matter what, young people must remember to guard against arrogance and impetuosity. Don't be arrogant and self-satisfied just because of some achievements. As a master, you must also mention something more, and you must not let him go Fork in the road."

"...disciple understands."

"Okay, back off."

Wu Duofeng knocked a few words, Fengyunlong receded in disgrace, turned his head back to the residence, immediately changed into a happy look, and ran to the alchemy room to write a flying talisman for Ding Niu:
"My apprentice Ding Niu, see the words like faces. Recently, everything is fine for the teacher, and the water dragon peak is also safe and sound. You can rest assured... I am very relieved that the teacher knows your recent handwriting. You let it go, for the teacher and for you Waving the flag and shouting... There is no reason for the master to stand behind the back of the competition among the disciples. Today, as a teacher, he was beaten by the ancestor Wu Duofeng in public. It is really suspicious. , there must be a serious situation in the competition for teaching, so Patriarch Wu is a little impatient."

"As a teacher, I guess that Yi Xingtian may have made some gains in the battle of besieging the immortals, and there is an opportunity to break through, but Wu Duofeng came forward and wanted to use him as a teacher to warn you for him, or he was afraid that your recent events would affect Yi Xing Sky Breakthrough... Well, Wu Duofeng is so sensitive, Huang Xuan, Xinzhenzi and Xingzhenzi may not be without gains, and they may even have a chance to break through. It is related to the position of the head teacher, so Wu Duofeng is anxious..."

"... Disciple, a beauty is a disaster, be careful Mako..."

A large handwritten letter was eloquently written.

Ding Niu received a message from Master Fengyunlong in the ancient battlefield, read it carefully, and immediately wrote back a letter, asking him to rest assured.

Feng Yunlong guessed that it was very possible.

Xin Zhenzi and his party kept secret about the details of the siege of Ai Shenjun. Perhaps only Xing Zhenzi, the unlucky guy, just went to be beaten, suffered serious injuries and experienced unspeakable humiliation. The other three should have gained something.

Except for Xinzhenzi, the other two didn't even want to stay in Hanlao County for a moment, and left in a hurry, very urgent.

It is quite doubtful that Xinzhenko used the reason of healing to double cultivate with him.

But men, aren't they just deceived by women?

Ding Niu doesn't care about these, if the master's guess is right, Xinzhenzi and others will only be more anxious than him.

He is just a poor man who was deceived and dazzled by love. He has tried his best to spread rumors. Now the masters behind Yi Xingtian have come forward to shake the mountain. If those people want him to stand up and continue to talk to Yi Xingtian In the arena, should we show something?
Ding Niu practiced martial arts, trained soldiers, made alchemy, and made money with peace of mind.

Recently, through the matchmaking of Sifang Taoist, he has established a relationship with Feiqian merchants in Laoguo and several surrounding areas. Guarantee, then subject to some profits.

The money here is not big. Recently, good news came from Chitongzi. His Shanhe Geography Pill has received a large number of orders. Single big business.

Judging from the growing fortune around him, he is going to make a fortune recently.

On the side of the Dao Bingyuan, the Dao soldiers practice daily and enter the Huangliangtu network at night to be reincarnations.

The system of ghosts and gods is getting more and more perfect, and the network of various places is getting more and more perfect. In time, Hanlao County will be connected into one piece, like an iron bucket, and it will be as difficult as going to heaven for outsiders to intervene.

Ding Niu's career is booming, and the foundation is getting deeper and deeper.

Ding Niu has a base and is not in a hurry.

Even if Yi Xingtian or other true descendants were promoted to the Immortal Realm and became the acting head, so what?

Few people now know that Huang Qiu has become a golden immortal, and among these true biography, probably no one knows.

With Huang Qiu's determination to sweep across the mainland of China and establish a Taoist kingdom on earth, it is impossible for the sky to hand over the cave sky in the sky in the short term, and he is afraid that he will be the head teacher for a long time.

Acting head?
Haven't you heard of the 60-year-old prince?
I'm afraid the crown prince has not yet ascended the throne, he has already become a vassal all the way, and when the crown prince wants to ascend the throne, he may be asked to support him.

Of course, it would be more justifiable for him to become the acting head, so naturally he still had to try his best to fight for it.

And the premise of everything is cultivation, without cultivation, there will be no lifespan, without lifespan, all grand plans will disappear in smoke.

Practice, or practice.

To advance from martial artist realm to congenital realm, one has to go through the calamity of life and death, and crossing the calamity of life and death means going from acquired to congenital, and can initially control the vitality of heaven and earth.

At the stage of the Xiantian Realm, manipulating the vitality of the heavens and the earth and refining it into qi is a process of continuous grabbing and conquest until it reaches a certain scale. The Overlord Realm is a kung fu of water grinding and hard work.

The more you accumulate, the stronger your foundation will be for becoming the Overlord in the future.

The larger the "territory", the stronger the strength.

It can be said that in the Xiantian realm, any qi can be cultivated, and there are three thousand ways, and everything in the world can be qi.

Theoretically, the more qi you cultivate and store in your natal chart, the better, but considering the way of balance in the human fairyland, the way of balance is actually particular about what kind of qi you practice.

Otherwise, one would be too greedy to chew, and no matter how much qi, if it affects the balance, one would have to give it up, wasting time and energy in vain.

For the Overlord Realm to conquer the world, the more the better, but for the Human Immortal Realm to rule the world, harmony and stability is the best.

After all, only the sky and the earth can balance the three thousand grand avenues.

Ding Niu has no greed, except for the true biography of Huangliang Xianmen, he practiced the four characters of wine, sex, wealth, and energy, just for fun, which is in line with his consistent concept of immortality in the game world, and he does not change his original intention.

In the initial stage, these four qi are literally: fine wine, beauty, wealth, fame and temperament.

Among the four qi, he has already refined the qi of wealth and qi of fame, into the shape of a cornucopia, into a shape of a call to arms, and he has already begun to be miraculous.

Sex Qi can only be condensed if surrounded by beauties, good luck, and a big harem, but he can't do it right now.

Jiu Qi, Ding Niu is preparing to brew new wine, if it is recognized by the majority of drinking friends and revered as the God of Dionysus, it is a way out.

Ding Niu is making steady progress towards his goal.

But at this time, far above a dense forest in the Xuan Kingdom, a cloud of yellow clouds was constantly swallowing and absorbing, and finally hid in a person's body, which was the God of Worry.

Wrapped in a black robe, Death Wind Shenjun walked out of the wind in the mountain, and observed for a moment:

"My God, your condition doesn't look good."

The Lord of Wusai knew that he couldn't hide it from him: "I have been intercepted four avenues to become the supreme powerhouse. My foundation is unbalanced, the avenue is hopeless, and it is extremely dangerous."

Shifeng Shenjun said coldly: "You are in such a state that you are no longer suitable for activities here. You go back to Yamatai to cultivate, and Yakumo-sama will help you restore your foundation."

"Ha, on the contrary, I want to maintain this state, remember this state, the dangerous is often beautiful, isn't it?" Wusai Shenjun has some morbidity, and his smile penetrates: "One of the avenues has been activated. "

"Yes, which one?"

The God of Sorrow sensed it, and said: "I have been in the fairyland for 300 years, but I still can't take that step, I can't get close to the apex, I can't go up and down. I want to become the supreme powerhouse who stands out from the crowd and reach the highest point in my life." The brilliance of the peak, so I ask Yakumo-sama for advice."

"From Yakumo-sama, I got several avenues, one of which is the sub-men's way: experience unspeakable pain and extreme humiliation, inspire infinite strength and determination, break through and then stand... This way, even I didn't dare to try it lightly, and what I didn't expect was that it was originally inspired."

The Lord Wu Ai praised sincerely: "The disciples of Xieyue Mountain are impressive."


"Although he is a thief, he is also worthy of respect. For this respectable opponent, I would like to kill him when he reaches the most glorious moment, so that he will always be frozen in the most glorious moment."

Death Wind Shenjun raised his eyebrows: "If you go to Zhao country again, you will almost die. If you go here, I may not be able to save you again."

Wusai Shenjun walked towards the southeast, and his intention to go was decided:
"It doesn't matter, if I can't advance an inch, I will wither at this time."

(End of this chapter)

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