Chapter 269
"Brother Xing, this envoy from the upper realm looks good-looking, why don't we treat each other with courtesy?"

"...You are a bad dean, you really think of yourself as a cultural person!" The man called Brother Xing exudes a breath of salty air, a person in a fairyland.

Yanshou Xingjun narrowed his eyes. This person had a sad face, and seemed to be carrying endless humiliation on his body, but there was an unyielding meaning in his temperament that he did not regret despite the nine humiliations. He must be a strong man who rose from the ordeal .

Both beings in the fairyland, the longevity star knows that his own strength may not be as good as the other party's.

There is no limit to cultivation in the upper realm, and there is no upper limit to the realm of cultivation, but the lower realm is different, because of the suppression of the realm of nothingness, the closer the cultivation base of the sheep in the lower realm is to the golden fairyland, the more severe the suppression will be, and those who can cultivate to the human fairyland , are already extremely talented, and if they are placed in the upper realm, they are definitely golden fairy seeds, and they have a chance to obtain the god position.

If he can cultivate to the human fairyland, he can only cultivate to the human fairyland, and the other party can only cultivate to the human fairyland because he can only cultivate to the human fairyland.

But so what?

Let's practice again, the upper limit has been fixed, who told you to be born in the lower realm!

Lord Yanshou Xing has a sense of superiority, and he is calm in the face of siege:
"Why, do you still dare to do it? The barbarians in the lower realm dare to challenge the power of the heavens?"

Before he finished speaking, Lord Yanshou Xing unexpectedly burst out laughing.

I'm afraid these sheep from the lower realm don't know what heaven is at all, and they naturally can't understand what they say.

Lord Yanshou Xing consciously made a joke, and if he went back to the upper realm and talked about it with his colleagues, it would definitely make people laugh.

Seeing that although these sheep from the lower realm could not understand, they could still feel his ridicule, and they really got angry.

Lord Yanshou Xing is still not afraid, although he was used by the Cave Golden Immortal once, it was just that he underestimated these villains from the lower realm at first.

This time, he will not be careless, this time in the lower realm, he has to be ordered to obtain some authority in the realm of nothingness, which is enough for him to move freely in the lower realm, and even Jinxian can fight a few tricks.

No matter how bad it is, you can escape back to the upper realm. The lower realm is full of poor mountains and rivers, and there is really nothing to stay...

He still has a clone in his mind, and the other party has already made a move!
The breath around him was like biting through the gall, and the unbearable pain attacked his consciousness.

When ten big men forced them over, the aura changed again, Lord Yanshou Xing felt a deep humiliation aura, which made him shudder.

It was finally difficult for this envoy to maintain a calm attitude, and he shot with all his strength:
"Five elements..."

In the sky, something seemed to be cut off suddenly, and the connection with the realm of nothingness was suddenly lost.

As soon as the longevity star Jun Wei lost his mind, his consciousness was invaded by sorrow and immersed in endless suffering.

Lord Yanshouxing immediately curled up, unable to resist, because he had never suffered hardships in the upper world, never suffered real crimes, and his ability to resist suffering was almost zero.

He was so uncomfortable, crying bitterly!

" this the envoy of God?"

Somewhat puzzled, somewhat disappointed, somewhat fortunate, and somewhat ambitious: "If the upper world is full of pustules like this, why don't you worry about your father's wish not being fulfilled?"

Xing Zhenzi motioned to capture Lord Yanshou Xingjun, seal his cultivation base, then looked to the southwest, and motioned to a figure standing on the water.

That person is their big brother, Tian Zhenzi.

It was only Tian Zhenzi's way of cutting the sky that helped him.

Now his senior brother's aura is getting deeper and deeper.

Tian Zhenzi nodded slightly in response, and then disappeared.

Xing Zhenzi showed a little sorrow, secretly praising in his heart that this is the mainstay of the sect!

This time, Huang Qiu came out to attack Wuyun Immortal, and four of them came from the contemporary true biography:
Tian Zhenzi, Xuan Zhenzi, Niu Zhenzi and herself.

On Yunzong Island, the Immortal Mansion was rebuilt and turned back against the source. It was Xuan Zhenzi who took the initiative to restore the pierced Wuyun Immortal's hiding place with the technique of reversing the five elements.

Wu Yunxian fled, and was chased by Huang Qiu later, unable to take care of herself.

And next, they and their party will wait here to wipe out the dark clouds who came.

Xing Zhenzi looked at Niu Zhenzi again, and the sorrow on his face was covered again, even more intense.

This product!
The guy spoke again:
"Brother Xing's Gu Xinglei supernatural power is compassion for things and others, and the realm of compassion for oneself and others is really the pinnacle. If you go further into the realm of heaven and earth, the small self and the big world, it will be even better."

"...Do you understand very well!"

The guy paused because of this:
"After going through so many things, we meet again in a foreign land, is my brother still so hostile to me?"


"Take a step to speak."


The two stepped aside.

"How much do you know about Master Master? Brother?" That bastard smiled strangely: "I should call you the second generation of stars."

"What do you mean?" Xing Zhenzi already had a premonition that he would speak rudely, but he was still willing to listen. Since he has survived endless humiliation and emerged from the cocoon to become a fairyland, his heart is like a rock, and he can still hear a few words.

Besides, he was really curious about Niu Zhenzi's comments about his father.

"When will senior brother compete with your broken mind? Apart from crushing on senior sister, polishing your extreme skills, and being hostile to me, what else do you need to do?" The guy smiled hatefully:

"The elders of the sect and the people of the Dao Kingdom regard you as the crown prince, but because of my background, most of them will never respect me."


"Who are you and me who was born in Paradise and who was carefully nurtured and brought up by your father and elders, Senior Brother Xing? Who is the person who has received systematic qi training education since childhood and is ready to lead the sect? Who will inherit a powerful human kingdom?"

"Why did you lead the team to deal with the envoy this time? Just now you took down the envoy with one move, did you see the eyes of those Qi trainers who followed? They all praised."

"Why is your supernatural power extremely restrained by the people in the upper realm? It's only because most of them are pampered, and you are also the same. Why did you have to suffer such humiliation and torture to achieve something?"

"Your Jinxian father, can't you count even these?"

"Could it be that a Xinzheng can go against the will of the master teacher? Is it difficult for him to let her fall into your arms?"


"Don't blame your senior sister Xin for having an affair with me. She is just a pawn arranged by your golden fairy father for your success, and why am I not?"


"Why you have always been okay is because when one day you ascend to the throne of Taoist emperor, those who support you will also say "it's okay"."


"Master Zhang loves you so much and thinks highly of you, but he regards me as the humerus of the Dao Kingdom. If he knows that you treat me like this, he will be so sad."


"Take that envoy to me, and I'll deal with it." The guy patted him on the shoulder, turned his head and ordered to the Qi practitioners:
"If you don't want to offend the close friends of the Prince of Dao, then do as I say."


Seeing him lavishly instructing his own people, the sadness on Xing Zhenzi's face was almost dripping water.

Tian Zhenzi in the distance accidentally intercepted a conversation between them, thinking to himself that Niu Zhenzi had said something similar to him that day on Xieyue Mountain, saying that he was the most respected disciple of Master Zhang.

It turned out that he said so when he met everyone.

The more Tian Zhenzi thought about it, the happier he became, the corners of his mouth curled up uncontrollably, this birdman!

Xuan Zhenzi gradually restored the frequency of the vibration through the changes in the nearby water vapor fluctuations, and also "saw" this not-so-secret conversation, and snorted.

Niu Zhenzi met him that day and had a conversation with him, the general idea was similar, but the protagonist in it who was respected by the master was himself.

Among the brothers and sisters, there are bad people.

Ding Niu caught Lord Yanshou Xing, seeing that this person is also an old acquaintance, let me ask first:
"The envoy is looking for Huangliangdongtian?"

"..." Longshouxing Junfang stripped away from the pain and humiliation, and fell on the ground to feel better. Looking at the kind-hearted young man in front of him, he was the one who proposed to treat each other with courtesy, and he nodded slightly.

"I can help." He heard the man say, "But the envoy must do me a favor."

"...What is it?" Lord Yanshou Xing was shocked.

"The envoy went to my college as a guest for a few days, and told the students what the upper world is like."

"...Is that all?"

"Of course, I don't need more." The man smiled gently at him: "A few days ago, there was a strange god who came down, and he talked about the upper world with hatred, hatred, and filth, but there was some jealousy in his words, and I felt that it was one-sided. I don’t know what the upper world looks like in the eyes of the envoys, is it rich, beautiful, and beautiful?”

"Of course!" Yanshou Xingjun tried to stand up straight: "Ability God, hehe..."

He looked at Ding Niu again, with a little scrutiny in his eyes. This... person from the lower realm has an attitude of being close to the heavens, and his status is not low among this group of people, so he can fight for it:
It would be much more convenient to have hands and feet that can handle activities in this lower realm.

"What's next?"

"Eliminate some people who are against us."

Lord Yanshouxing is good at observing words and expressions, and it can be seen that the qi trainer named Niu Zhenzi on the opposite side is already a little absent-minded, obviously not interested in the next thing.

He was rather interested.

When I was in the upper realm, I greeted and saw off at Dongtian Mansion every day. The days were stable and comfortable, but they were always a bit dull. I heard that some pastimes in the lower realm ranch can boost my spirits.

For example, the fight between the sheep of the lower realm.

But he was destined to be disappointed.

The next thing he saw was a one-sided conspiracy. From time to time, Qi practitioners came to visit the cave here, so they opened the restriction and let them in, and then they were jointly released by those Qi practitioners with Makoto in their titles, and then Waiting for the next one.

After knocking down more than a dozen of them in a row, the anomaly was discovered here. Later, there was a loud fight outside the cave, which could be heard clearly even inside the cave. It's a pity that Lord Yanshou Xing was also a prisoner, so he couldn't see it.

He noticed that the man named Niu Zhenzi had never participated in the battle, and it was no wonder that this man seemed to have a mastery level of cultivation, so it was difficult to intervene in such a battle.

However, this person is a good hand in interrogation. With his hands, he asked what he wanted in minutes. Mr. Yanshou Xing heard the word "Penglai Xiandao" many times, but he did not avoid people.

About three days later, they left Yunzong Island one after another, took the prisoners and left, Yanshou Xingjun followed Niu Zhenzi all the way to the inland, until the so-called Hanlao County.

Mr. Yanshou Xing finally remembered who this Niu Zhenzi was!

He is a person who governs a county with a system in the lower realm, and his master, Shangdongtian Shaojun, has also paid attention to his name!
This time in the lower realm, Dongtian Shaojun specially instructed them to go deep into Hanlao County and get in touch with the master of Hanlao County if they have the opportunity. They thought they were some kind of peerless figure with three heads and six arms, but it turned out to be this person!
(End of this chapter)

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