Chapter 124 Follow-up One
too suddenly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen just let go of Orochimaru for a moment, but he didn't expect that it would lead to so many things later.

Jilai also met the Hyuga clan who returned to Konoha when he was chasing Orochimaru, and then Orochimaru crushed a purple snake scale, and then Hyuga directly rebelled in the future, killing a Hyuga clan and severely wounding two branch guards, Hinata Seiya and Anbe's Kakashi.

Let the psychic beast eat the toad Bunta summoned by Jiraiya, and cut off one of Jiraiya's arms. If Namikaze Minato did not arrive in time, then Jiraiya would probably die directly.

After hearing this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's first reaction was that it was impossible.

How could Hyuga Mirai be so powerful? He was able to be promoted to Jonin because of his medical ninjutsu.

But whether it was the surviving guards of Hinata's family, or the members of Anbu and Namikaze Minato, the three of them said the same thing, until the facts were all in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, he had no choice but to believe it. It was really Hinata Miku who did it alone.

"What should we do with this matter, Hiriza!"

Zhuanzhu Xiaoharu, Mitomon Yan and Danzo came together, and then there may be the patriarch of the Hyuga clan to pay homage to him, the Hokage.

This matter is not big or small.

Two ninjas defected, and although there was a fierce fight in the middle, only one psychic beast from the Hyuga clan and Jiraiya was clearly dead. Although the others were seriously injured, they were accepted after being sent to Konoha Hospital. good treatment.

It's just that the current Konoha Hospital lacks a ninja who is closest to a medical master.
Moreover, maybe his medical level is comparable to Tsunade's. After all, except for the large-scale treatment with special psychic beasts like slugs; , or how important the injury was, these two people have never been difficult.

So, why did Hyuga Miku defect?
Sarutobi Hiruzen thought about it for a long time, but never figured out this question; moreover, how did Hinata Mirai get his strength, if he relied on Orochimaru, then Sarutobi Hiruzen would not believe it.

Jiraiya, who has used the sage mode, has surpassed Orochimaru in strength, and he is the only one among Konoha who knows.

"Let's issue a seal order on this matter in advance, and no one in the know is allowed to discuss this matter, and list Hinata Mirai and Orochimaru as S-rank rebellious ninja."

Password?How could this kind of thing be hidden, he was still as naive as ever, after Danzo heard what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, he couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

Although Orochimaru and Hinata Mirai's defection caused Konoha to lose two extremely important ninjas; but to see Sarutobi having a headache, Danzo's heart is really joyful.

"Oshemaru's defection. And Hyuga Mirai." Turning to the bed, Koharu hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "How should the Hyuga clan respond? According to the news reported by Anbu, Hinata Mirai has lifted the caged bird, and the single wheel, Hinata The Zong family will not let Hinata Mirai go."

The reason why the Hyuga clan has been passed down for so long is that the bird in the cage is of great help.

The invention of this curse-seal technique did play a very important role in protecting Baiyan in the early days. For those who were watching Baiyan, whether they took advantage of the living or dead members of the branch family, they would destroy Baiyan at the moment of digging out their eyes.

As for abducting branch members and letting them leave their blood outside, the impact on the Hyuga clan is not too great; Baiyan needs pure Hyuga blood to awaken. If clan members and foreigners are allowed to intermarry, then after two or three generations, Baiyan's blood will gradually Degenerate, until completely become an ordinary person, can no longer awaken the white eyes.

Generally speaking, during the period when the bird in the cage first appeared, it was indeed able to protect the clansmen to a large extent, and the clansmen who engraved the bird in the cage were relieved to perform tasks outside.

But I don't know when, the bird in the cage began to deteriorate; it was obviously to protect the family secrets that there was a spell to destroy the brains of the tribe through the seal, and it gradually became a deterrent to torture the tribe.

The clan of equals began to have clans and branch clans, and Huitian also became a secret art of the clan. Through the evolution of time, two classes appeared in the Hyuga clan.

Until today, has there finally been a bird that has broken the shackles of the cage?

Mito Menyan also said: "Besides, Orochimaru is a candidate for the Fourth Hokage, Hiraku, this matter can't be hidden at all; among other things, at least all the ninjas and Konoha's johnin should know about it. I will."

In addition to Orochimaru, Hinata Mirai's reputation in Konoha is not low. If these two people are to be listed as S-rank rebels, then they must explain the situation and give a reasonable explanation.

In the just-concluded Ninja World War, Orochimaru and Hinata Mirai both contributed a lot. One repelled the invaders from the Kawa no Nation and the Tang Nin Kingdom, and the other went to three battlefields and treated countless wounded.

At this time, if you Sarutobi Hiruzen listed these two as S-rank rebellious ninjas and didn't explain the situation, then those angry ninjas might surround the Hokage Building.

Sometimes, it is really hard to say something like personality charm, and the achievements of Orochimaru and Hinata Mirai are not like Hatake Sakumo, which belong to the secret and top-secret mission. All over the leaves.

"I see, I will hold a Jonin meeting as Hokage and explain this incident clearly to everyone."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with an ugly face, but he also understood that the Hokage candidate suddenly became a rebellious ninja, and he had to give an explanation to each ninja and jonin, and regarding the future of Hyuga, the Hyuga clan would not let it go.

"Please treat them quickly."

After the members of the Anbu sent Kakashi and the two guards to Konoha Hospital, they said to the left-behind medical ninja

"I understand that it was a serious injury. The arm and part of the shoulder were broken, and three ribs were shattered. Fortunately, there was no internal injury and immediate surgery was needed."

"I'll inform the others."

The injuries of the three wounded were not serious, as if they had been punched hard by Tsunade-sama.

Afterwards, the medical ninja who left called four people, among them was Aoki Jōnin.

After just checking, Aoki Jonobu found how serious the injuries of these three people were. If no surgery is performed, it is likely to affect their future ninja careers.

"It's all up to today"

Aoki sighed and said, in Konoha Hospital, there are not many medical ninjas who can treat such serious injuries, only a few medical ninjas have experience in this field and are sure of healing, others are not close.

And just now, Jilai, who was seriously injured, was also sent over, and there were already two medical ninjas undergoing surgery.

Aoki tilted his head and asked: "Hasn't Mr. Future come back yet?"

But before the medical ninja beside Aoki answered, Anbu, who was standing by, couldn't help but said: "This traitor can't come back, my teammates and these two members of the Hyuga clan were injured by Hyuga Miku. "

The medical ninja present at the scene was stunned at first when they heard what Anbu said, but an angry expression immediately appeared after reacting.

"What did you say!?"

"Why do you say that Mirai-kun is a traitor? He was called back to work by the Hyuga clan. You can talk nonsense if you know anything."

"Can Anbu slander medical ninjas at will!"

All the medical ninjas present looked at Anbu with angry eyes. They were all members who had experienced the battlefields of the Kingdom of Kawa and the Country of Grass. For Hinata Mirai, their admiration from the beginning gradually evolved into worship.

Although Mirai Hinata is not very old, after getting along with him, anyone will subconsciously ignore his age; his mature style of dealing with others and his almost perfect handling methods make people feel impeccable.

Hinata Mirai has the highest reputation in Konoha Hospital, and many experienced the most difficult period in the country of grass, when there was almost no material assistance, it was only with the help of Hinata Mirai that they survived.

Now this Anbu slanders Mirai Hinata as treason, how can those who have been helped by Mirai Hinata endure it.

"Anbu is amazing, don't come to us if you are capable and injured!"

Seeing that his medical ninjas became more and more excited, Anbu's people had already put their hands on the handles behind their backs, and Aoki quickly stopped shouting: "Okay, let's save people first!"

After stopping the people around him, Aoki finally breathed a sigh of relief, but then he said to Anbu who said that Hinata Miku was a traitor: "I hope you don't slander people at will, otherwise even if you are a medical ninja, it's not good. messed with."

That Anbu didn't retaliate. He didn't expect his words to provoke the excitement of so many medical ninjas. You must know that he was ready to draw his sword just now to defend himself.

In the ward of Konoha Hospital, a black-haired girl lay quietly on the hospital bed, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if she was experiencing a terrible nightmare. If the gauze wrapped around her body was ignored, the girl would rest on the bed by the window The scene will be a beautiful picture.


The girl woke up suddenly, and the scene in front of her eyes instantly switched from a dream to reality. The white wall at the entrance of her eyes and the person standing by the bed all proved that what she had just seen was a false dream.

"You're awake, Kiyoya." The old man beside the bed said slowly after seeing Hinata Kiyoya wake up

"Grandfather, you are here"

Hinata Seiya said hello in a depressed mood, and then looked at the white wall quietly without saying a word.

Hyuga Soya didn't speak either, the two just sat quietly in the room.
After a while, Hyuga Kiyoya couldn't help but asked, "Grandfather, don't you have anything to ask me?"

Hinata Somi replied in an old voice: "There is no need, you will naturally say what you want to tell me; Qingya, since the moment I taught you the bird in the cage, you are a qualified heir in my eyes. The decision is up to you to consider.”

"Thank you, grandfather!"

"Since you're awake, I'll go back first." After Hyuga Somi said this, he walked slowly outside, stopped again when he reached the door of the room, and opened his mouth to receive: "The You don’t have to worry about the pressure, just do what you want, but Seiya, the first generation of Hokage-sama was able to calm the troubled times, not relying on the concept of love and peace.”


After the door closed, only Hinata Kiyoya was left in the room.

".Grandfather, I will not give up."

After saying this, Hinata Kiyoya noticed the diagnosis report on the cabinet by the window, she picked it up after examining it, and found that it was her own.


After reading it, Hinata Seiya let out a breath slowly, and put the diagnosis report aside.

About her injury, only a short sentence.

There were many abrasions all over the body, and the wound medicine was changed every day, and he could recover as before within five days.

 The second update, the update is late, sorry, there will be more later, it may be a little later, if it is too late, brothers, go to bed first

(End of this chapter)

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