Chapter 125 Follow-up 8

"Go check!"

Hinata Hyuzu and the four clan elders directly ordered that they want to investigate everything about Hinata's future, from birth to the present, all the information they can find.

The cracking of the bird in the cage will shake the foundation of the entire Hyuga clan; you must know that in the Hyuga clan, there are not a few branch families who are dissatisfied with the bird in the cage. Although the bird in the cage can protect Baiyan, it lacks a one-degree perspective and the inheritance of secrets such as returning to the sky. It will gradually magnify the dissatisfaction with the separation.

Moreover, Hinata Mirai's strength has skyrocketed strangely. He was originally judged to have insufficient soft fist talent, but suddenly he has the strength to kill Jiraiya, one of the Sannin. .

But how old was Hinata Miku at that time?

He joined the ninja school at the age of five, and became the guard of Hinata Seiya one year later. In this case, how did Hinata Mirai hide his strength and talent?

Within the Hyuga Clan, someone raised this question and pointed the question to Hyuga Kiyoya.

But when Hyuga Kiyoya was involved, Hyuga Munemi immediately roared angrily like a lion so angry that he was desperate to fight to the death, even Hyuga Hyuzu didn't give him much face.

Finally, after deliberation, it was decided to exclude Hyuga Kiyoya from this incident, and Hyuga Soya returned to his old and old appearance. For this, Hyuga Soya also paid a lot of price, after all, Hyuga Mirai is Hyuga Kiyoya's guard.

But even if Hinata Kiyoya is not interrogated, they still unanimously decided not to let go of Hinata Mirai; even if Hinata Mirai is now as powerful as Hokage, they cannot let the ninja who have been passed down for nearly a thousand years bow their heads.

After Yuhihong heard the news about Hinata Mirai's defection on the street, she absolutely didn't believe it at first, but this time Hinata Mirai had been away for too long, and she wanted to go to the Hyuga Clan to find out if Mirai-kun had returned.

When going to the Hyuga Clan, Kurenai Yuhi felt a little uneasy, as if something bad was about to happen.

The closer you get to the Hyuga Clan, the more Yuhihong feels that the atmosphere here is unusual; the Hyuga Clan doesn't prohibit outsiders from coming here, as long as you don't get close to the clan in the core area, at most someone will ask who to look for, and then help guide the way .

But now, the further you go, the more Hinata ninjas are wearing forehead protectors.


In front of Hyuga Mirai's house, several guards of the Hyuga clan stopped Yuhihong.

Yu Hihong quickly revealed her identity: "I am a friend of Mr. Future, and this time I am here to ask Mr. Future if he has come back."

The two branch guards looked at each other, and then said to Xi Hihong indifferently: "That traitor will not come back again, you don't need to look for him in the future."

"What did you say?" After hearing the words, Xi Hihong was immediately angry, but before she could speak, a voice came from upstairs.

"Let her come up."

Yuhihong looked up and found that Hinata Kiyoya was standing in front of Hinata Mirai's room door, and then several ninjas of the Hinata clan came out from inside.

"It should be over."

"It's all been recorded, Master Kiyoya." The guard ninja of the branch family saluted and said

Hinata Seiya replied: "Then please, if you have any news, please let me know."

The ninja from the Hinata branch immediately saluted and replied: "I understand, Master Kiyoya." After speaking, these people left here, preparing to sort out all the information related to Hinata Mirai.

After receiving Hinata Kiyoya's order, Yuhihong also walked up the stairs. Usually when she came here, she wanted to climb the wall and jump up, but today, every step made her walk extremely difficult.

Kurenai Yuhi is not an idiot, judging from the attitude of Kiyoya Hinata and the Hinata clan, the rumors she heard today may not be false.
"Where's the future king?"

"Let's go, defected to Konoha with Orochimaru."

"How could it be?" Xi Rihong supported the wall with her hands. After she heard the news, she suddenly felt empty in her heart. She didn't know what to say, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Hong, don't think about him anymore. The Hyuga Mirai you know hasn't existed since the beginning; from now on, don't chase him any more."

Hinata Seiya said calmly to Yuhihong, and then she remembered every word Hinata Mirai said to her when she left, and silently thought in her heart, "This should be what you want to say to me!" '

Afterwards, Hyuga Kiyoya left here, and after she had been away for a long time, Yuhihong came back to her senses. Seeing that Hinata Mirai's room was not locked, she went in and sat for a few minutes before returning home silently.

The spread of the incident is like a flame that has been poured with oil, and it spreads all at once.

When most people hear the news, their first reaction is to not believe it.

Orochimaru's personality charm is not small. There are many subordinates who follow him. After hearing the news of Orochimaru's rebellion, they immediately fought with the ninja who spread the news. , but even so, he was taken away by the Uchiha Guard who rushed over.

And because there were more fights in Mirai Hinata, many people who took their lives from the battlefield and were saved by Mirai Hinata as ninjas did not like to hear the news that Mirai Hinata was slanderous.

In just two days, because of the spread of these news, the Uchiha Security Team detained more than [-] ninjas, including one special ninja; because they couldn't be persuaded at the time, the security team dispatched a small team to arrest the brawlers. The two sides pulled back, but the special Jōnin who defended Hyuga Mirai was brought back to the guard, while the other was sent to Konoha Hospital.

In the security team, Uchiha's people also felt very troublesome. In less than three days, so many people were arrested. If it continues, the confinement room of their security team will be full.

And this time it wasn't civilians who were caught, all of them were ninjas.

Uchiha is proud, but not stupid; capturing a bunch of civilians and catching a bunch of ninjas, they can still tell which is more important, if things continue like this, then Konoha will be the first to be injured They are Uchiha.

"Captain, you can't stay like this anymore, why don't you tell the Third Hokage about it."

"That's right, it's really impossible to give all the people to Anbu, and what's the point of handing them over to our security team."

A group of guards surrounded Fugaku Uchiha and said that catching ninjas and catching civilians are completely two different things. The most obvious difference is that catching ninjas is very laborious. If the opponent resists, it would be a bit shameful for the guards to fail.

Uchiha Fugaku also thought about it with a sullen face. Although it is the duty of the security team to maintain the order of Konoha, this incident is completely beyond the scope of Uchiha's management.

"Okay, I'll go see Hokage later and push this matter to Anbu."

Another squad leader of the security team asked, "Patriarch, what about those people in the confinement room?"

"After signing the guarantee, let's let it all go." Uchiha Fugaku said in a deep voice: "The only way to calm this matter down is to wait for the specific news announced by Konoha's senior management."

After the order was finished, Uchiha Fugaku was ready to meet the high-level Konoha.

But as soon as he left the gate of the guard, an Anbu ninja came to him and said, "Clan Chief Uchiha, Lord Hokage will hold a Jōnin meeting in two hours."

two hours later?It seems that there is no need to find Sandai Hokage alone, Uchiha Fugaku nodded to Anbu and said, "I see."

After getting the answer, Anbu immediately used the instant body technique to leave.

After a while, it was soon time for the Jonin meeting.

The patriarchs of each ninja clan are all at the Jnin level, plus some commoner Jnin, as well as the ministers of various departments.

Among them, Kimura of the medical department had the most ugly face, because through various channels, she had already learned the specific news in advance, that is, Hinata Mirai had really defected.

She couldn't imagine such a thing at all, and she didn't want to believe it.

Kimura likes to treat and save people very much. Her family was injured in the war. Because of the lack of medical personnel, she lost her only family. It is for this reason that Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, proposed to establish a medical system Afterwards, Kimura was the first to come over.

Although Tsunade later withdrew from the establishment of Konoha's medical system for various reasons, Kimura did not give up, but put more energy into it; she hoped that everyone in Konoha would not die due to lack of treatment, and that Been working hard towards this goal.

The hope that Kimura once saw in Tsunade was shattered, but she saw Hinata Mirai later, and put her hope on this almost perfect boy; but what happened in the past two days once again shattered Kimura's hope.

After everyone arrived, Hiruzaru Sarutobi formally talked about the main matters of convening this meeting.

"A lot of things have happened in the past two days, because the matter is very important, so I didn't explain it to you in detail at the first time; but now it is basically found out that because of the involvement of human experiments, Orochimaru defected to Konoha after being discovered by Anbu, and then fled Konoha met Mirai Hinata on the way, and then the two fled Konoha together."

After the news was finished, there was quite an uproar on the spot.

The reason for Orochimaru's defection is a bit reasonable. It involves human experimentation, which is a matter of conscience, and it is understandable to escape after being discovered; What the three generations of Hokage said should be the truth of the matter.

However, Hinata Mirai's defection is somewhat inexplicable. If I remember correctly, he should be from the branch family, so how did the branch family defect to Konoha?

Many ninjas present are very familiar with the "tradition" of the Hyuga clan, and they do not understand why Hyuga Mirai, who has done a lot of meritorious deeds not long ago, chose to defect after encountering Orochimaru.

Hokage-sama didn't say this, and Kimura from the Hyuga clan and the medical department didn't look very good-looking, so they didn't dare to ask.

Otherwise, it would be unbearable for ordinary ninjas to touch the eyebrows of these two parties.

 This chapter was yesterday, so it's a long time late, sorry

(End of this chapter)

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