Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 172 The Technique of Spiritualizing Clone

Chapter 172 The Technique of Spiritualizing Clone
"It's finally done."

Hyuga said with a happy face, after several months of perfection, he finally improved the technique of spiritualization.

The art of spiritualizing clones, practicing this ninjutsu requires twelve seals and the transformation of the nature of the Yin escape chakra to an extremely proficient level before it can be successful.

When improving this ninjutsu, Hinata Mirai referenced the principle of the Shadow Clone Jutsu the most, but the soul that is split out by the Spiritualization Technique, and the Chakra that is split out by the Shadow Clone Jutsu, there is a big difference between the two. the difference.

This is also Hinata Mirai spending such a long time, but after several improvements and deductions, the difficulty of practicing this spiritual avatar technique has been greatly reduced. Although the danger level is still classified as a forbidden technique, in terms of Yin escape chakra If you are talented, you will soon be able to practice successfully.

"I'll try it first." Hinata Mirai made seals with both hands, and quickly completed twelve seals: "Spiritual clone technique."

Then, a light blue soul body suddenly separated from Hyuga Mirai's body.

"It feels very strange. It is completely different from the technique of shadow avatar. Being able to perceive all the thoughts of spiritual avatar is like using one mind at two times..."

Hinata Miku slowly recorded the data and ninjutsu experience, and then began to experiment with the use of the spiritual clone.

His soul body avatar can be retracted into the body, because of the same origin, so even the spiritual avatar can control the body.

For example, Hinata Mirai is now writing different characters with both hands. Although the left hand is a little rusty, after a few words, the handwriting is exactly the same as the words written by the right hand.

"One mind and two purposes, it seems that people who have practiced this gate control have the potential to perfect human strength."

If you are proficient, you can even use one mind for three or even four purposes; but the more you divide your soul and body, the less your own spiritual energy will be, and the more loopholes you will have when facing the enemy.

Hinata Miku wrote this down, otherwise four or five of them would be distributed at once, which would be handsome, but the main body was solved by an illusion and then destroyed, and the remaining spirit bodies would be homeless.

"I believe Orochimaru will definitely like this ninjutsu, but not necessarily Scorpion."

After thinking about it for a while, Hyuga Miku uploaded the spirit clone technique to the terminal, but it can be exchanged after completing the task; if there is no task now, you can also exchange it first, and wait for Hinata Miku's dispatch afterwards.

"With the spiritual clone, you should be able to try to absorb the refining pupil power."

In Mirai Hinata's calculations, the best way to absorb pupil power is Yindun Chakra, but it's a bit risky to use the technique of spiritualization first, and if something happens, he will be the one who gets hurt. '

The technique of spiritual avatar is completely different, it can reduce the risk by four to five times, even if it is lost due to unexpected changes
"Before that, let's check number 18 first."

Hyuga Mirai opened the watch terminal and took a look. No. 18 was in Loulan, and then called her over.

Chakra is the energy formed by the combination of spiritual energy and physical energy, and the star stone contains extremely strong chakra. Back then, Hyuga Miku only thought about energy issues, and did not think about the impact of the spiritual energy in Chakra on the No. 18 core program. Now it seems that the impact is really not small.

But think about it, mental energy and physical energy are the basis of Yin-Yang Dun respectively. The Sage of the Six Paths used Yin-Yang Dun to separate the ten-tailed chakras and create nine tailed beasts whose wisdom is no less than that of humans.

The creation of the world may be a little fake, but if you use Yin-Yang Dun to create things, it can really be realized.

Through the news of Ninja Cat, Uchiha soon knew the requirements of Jiekang Chamber of Commerce.

The Ninja Cats are more greedy for small things and cheap, not to mention the metal ore reserves and prices of the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce. If the Ninja Cats reach a cooperation with the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce, they can save a lot of money.

Moreover, the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce seems to have a seafood trade, and sea fish is one of the favorite foods for the ninja cats.

The current situation of the Uchiha clan is not good. Compared with the good reputation of the Hyuga clan, the Uchiha clan had the most powerful rebellion decades ago, and was suspected of manipulating the Kyuubi not long ago; while the Hyuga clan It's just that a branch family has defected, and there is still an irreconcilable conflict between that branch family and the main family in Konoha.

If you think about it carefully, you will know that although the Hyuga clan is independent, there is mutual dependence between the clan and the sub-family. It is said that they are clan members, but after the incident in the future of Hyuga, they cannot trust each other at all. In this case, the Hyuga clan is very Difficult to be ambitious.

Uchiha is different. The opening of Sharingan requires a strong psychological stimulation. The way of opening eyes after getting love and losing love makes the Uchiha clan more or less abnormal.

The Fourth Hokage was killed because of the Nine-Tails riot, and now the ninjas in the village don’t trust Uchiha very much, they can’t even complete the work of the guards, and the news that there are Sharingan in Nine-Tails’ eyes is slowly spreading Finally, even the eyes of civilians looking at the Uchiha guards are sometimes full of hatred.

In the past, how could these ordinary civilians dare to look at the Uchiha clan with this kind of look, but now the Uchiha clan often get this look when they are patrolling.

When the villagers no longer regard Uchiha as their companions, the Uchiha clan will inevitably become more irritable and more ruthless when enforcing the law.

It used to be that the guards were only admonishing the civilians for some small conflicts, but now, they basically arrest one by one, and then issue a huge amount of fines. If they don't pay, they will be kept in the detention room.

In this situation, even Uchiha Fugaku, the captain of the guard, is very difficult to manage; the tribe has legitimate reasons to punish the villagers who committed crimes, and it is a fact that they are suffering from hatred. If Uchiha Fugaku chooses to restrain the tribe, then he, the patriarch, will greatly reduced.

"It's been a hard day at work."

After Uchiha Fugaku returned home, he was greeted by Uchiha Mikoto; she also had a good talent, but after getting married, she gave up her ninja career and chose to be a housewife.

"It's not very hard." Uchiha Fugaku concealed the status quo of the guard from his family, and he didn't want his family to worry with him.

"By the way, Fu Yue, the Ninja Cat clan sent a scroll, and I will accept it for you before you come back."

After Uchiha Mikoto finished speaking, she took out a scroll and handed it to Uchiha Fugaku. There was a seal of communication between the two clans, which had not been opened.

"Cat mother-in-law, it should be something big happened in the ninja world."

Uchiha Fugaku said casually that the ninja cat clan will pass on the scrolls to them for major events that happen in the ninja world; so that the Uchiha clan will not become blind, otherwise they will have to apply for leaving the village, let alone inquire about intelligence.

"Jiekang Chamber of Commerce, why do they want to see me?"

After reading the scroll, Uchiha Fugaku felt a little puzzled. They had never dealt with the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce, but now they were entrusted by the Ninja Cats to meet him.

At the end of the scroll, Granny Cat also gave Fu Yue a detailed introduction about the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce; the Noble Chamber of Commerce of the Land of Fire, in the trade with Sand Ninja Village, almost took over all the output of the desert mines of the Land of Winds.

Sand ninja spies? It's unlikely. The Jiekang family has existed longer than the sand ninja village. This kind of nobleman will not do some spies for the barren sand ninja.

Let's meet.

Uchiha Fugaku decided in his heart to see what the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce was up to, and he also wanted to give Granny Cat a face; after all, Uchiha's ninja tools and information were provided by the Ninja Cat Clan.

But the first time they met, it was already very good for the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce before he, the patriarch, came forward in person and sent a cronies there.

Uchiha Fugaku's most distressing thing now is to find the person who controls the nine tails, so that their situation can be better; but the ordinary three-god jade can't control the tail beast at all, and Uchiha except for him to open the kaleidoscope Sharingan, the other clansmen are only Three hook jade.

Unless there is a tribe like him who opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan but made no noise.

Konoha Hospital
After Tsunade learned the Yin seal in Kushina, she is also preparing to leave Konoha; Shibone Forest has no way to solve the curse seal, she is going to visit other places in the ninja world, and Tsunade is still not used to the atmosphere in Konoha , I will feel uncomfortable if I stay for another day.

Kushina asked, "Master Tsunade, when are you leaving?"

"Let's go later." After Tsunade answered, he looked at Uzumaki Naruto who was still sleeping, and said, "If Naruto is not Jinchuriki, you can all leave Konoha with me to relax, tsk, Namikaze Minato"

The will of the fire is not a choice, but from the family's point of view, Namikaze Minato is really a failure.

"I told that guy Kimura, if you are busy, you can temporarily entrust Naruto to her."

After Tsunade gave a few more instructions, he called Shizune to leave Kushina's house and walked out of the village.

But at the gate, Tsunade bumped into Sarutobi Hiruzen, and seemed to want to persuade her to stay.

"Stop it old man, you know my character, if you don't plan to do it, you don't need to say those words."

Tsunade spoke decisively before Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke.

After listening to Sarutobi Hiraku, he still persuaded a little unwillingly: "Tsunade, the village needs you now."

"Forget it, if you really want the village to be better, you should quickly elect the fifth generation and hand over the power in your hands."

Tsunade sneered and continued: "I haven't been out much, and I can feel that something is wrong in the village. Old man, don't let Miyuki Hinata happen again. Uchiha is not as easy to deal with as that white-eyed kid."

During this period of time, the atmosphere in Konoha was extremely wrong. The guards severely punished the villagers who made mistakes, the secret department monitored Uchiha, the external war broke out, and the internal instability was the result of her being a teacher who looked forward and backward and did not act decisively.

Obviously his strength has not declined, but his mentality is extremely old. Tsunade is not optimistic about such a person leading Konoha.

Tsunade didn't respond to Sarutobi Hiruzen's request to stay, but left firmly with Shizune.

(End of this chapter)

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